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Text Chapter 148 Summary of the battle

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    After Guo Bingxun finished speaking, Yang Zhen nodded slightly and said: "In this attack, we achieved fruitful results, but at the same time, we also exposed many problems. [.Com text] But everything must be done with both pros and cons.  For our very immature army, the sooner these problems are exposed, the easier it is for us to rectify them, which is better than having them buried in the body."

    "In addition to the lack of training and too many areas that are not in place, we also have quite a lot of debt in terms of firepower configuration and logistics supplies. First of all, the number of mortars under the battalion is too small, resulting in the unit being organized as a battalion.  The firepower is quite restricted in building combat operations.¡±

    "The Japanese Type 92 70mm mortar of the battalion and company we equipped is not only heavy in weight, but also has a relatively short range. This kind of mortar is obsolete even among the Japanese army. The reason why we put it  The main reason why it is used as a battalion and company artillery equipment is because its number is relatively large. Isn¡¯t there a saying that the hungry cannot choose what to eat?

    "This relatively bulky mortar cannot be compared with the 2,800-meter range and 23 kilogram weight of the Type 97 81mm mortar we currently have in stock. The caliber is also relatively small.  Small. Our battalion is only equipped with two guns, because the weight problem affects the mobility of the troops, and the range and power of the supporting firepower are still a bit weak. "And our configuration is still somewhat unreasonable after actual combat testing."  . With most of the mobility still relying on foot marches, the number of battalion support firepower is too small, and the equipment at the company level is too heavy. "

    "Although the Type 94 90mm mortar, which is the main force of the regiment's artillery, has a satisfactory range and power, it is still too heavy for the infantry due to the lack of transportation capacity. However, in the 81mm  Since the number of mortars is insufficient, they can only be used temporarily. "

    "So on the way back yesterday, the chief of staff and I studied the issue of weapon configuration. While keeping the firepower configuration above the regiment unchanged, we mainly adjusted the weapon configuration at the battalion and company levels. First, maintain the current nine-level weapon configuration for each company.  The organization of the light machine gun, nine grenade launchers, and two heavy machine guns remains unchanged, and the configuration of the company and mortars is cancelled.¡±

    "All battalion mortars were replaced with Type 97 81mm mortars, and the number was increased from two to six. The battalion's mortar platoon was upgraded to a mortar company. And one battalion mortar was added.  The baggage platoon is dedicated to transporting ammunition for its artillery company and heavy machine gun company. "

    "In addition to the problem of equipment, we have another problem that needs to be solved urgently. That is the problem of grenades deployed in the army. The grenades currently equipped by our army are all Japanese standard Type 97 grenades. The power of this grenade is pretty good. But because of its  It uses a relatively unique percussion fuse, which requires a long period of training to master, but what we lack most is training. "

    "Because of the unique way of using this grenade, most new soldiers cannot master the throwing time. In several small-scale blocking battles, because the throwing time was too early, the Japanese army picked it up and threw it back, causing  There were a lot of casualties. Grenade is the main suppressive weapon of the infantry, so we need to solve this problem as soon as possible.¡±

    Yang Zhen's adjustment of the weapon configuration of the troops was based on the establishment of volunteer army battalions and companies on the Korean battlefield in later generations, the establishment of the National Artillery Force during the Liberation War, and the U.S. Army divisions established in 1943 that only appeared a few years later.  The characteristics are formed by learning from each other's strong points.

    ¡°Compared with the Volunteer Army when it first entered the DPRK, the main purpose was to increase the organization of grenades and heavy machine guns at the company level, while canceling the organization of 60mm mortars.  Because he didn't even have a mortar on hand that was extremely light and far more powerful than the Japanese grenade.  The Japanese army, which was equipped with a large number of grenade launchers, did not have similar equipment.  The smallest caliber of the Japanese mortars is 70 mm, and has been eliminated.  The Type 92 infantry gun is the standard brigade gun of the Japanese army.

    Under the circumstances that his newly opened arsenal was not yet capable of producing, and had neither the ability nor the place to purchase, Yang Zhen could only produce this product on the other side of the ocean, which had an excellent consumption ratio and could be said to be the best support firepower at the company level.  Weapons and equipment are drooling.  Only two bulky Type 92 heavy machine guns could be added to each company as replacements.

    Similar to the sixty mm mortar, there are a large number of submachine guns equipped by the three armies as reference.  Although they clearly knew the role of submachine guns, the few submachine guns on hand had too little ammunition. Except for a small number of them equipped to the guards of senior commanders, the rest had been temporarily withdrawn from the equipment sequence until the ammunition problem was solved.

    ??And when these submachine guns were seized, they were second-hand goods that had been used for many years.  After years of intensive use and poor storage, it has almost reached the point of being scrapped.  Even if there is still some ammunition on hand, most of it is almost gone.??To use value.

    But compared to the 60mm mortar, which has no hope at all now, the submachine gun is a relatively simple and easy-to-manufacture weapon. For Yang Zhen, who now has an arsenal on hand, it is not out of reach. How much?  There is still a little bit of hope.

    For the battalion level, the number of heavy machine guns is the same as that of the volunteers when they first entered the DPRK, but less than that of the US military and Japanese artillery divisions.  However, the number of battalion mortars was more than that of the Volunteer Army's best-equipped corps when they first entered the DPRK, as well as the Japanese artillery divisions, which were not equipped with battalion artillery at all.  As for the regiment-level organization, although it is far inferior to that of the US Army, it is far better than that of the Volunteer Army and the Japanese Artillery Division.

    Of course, this weapon configuration is based on sufficient transportation capacity.  The actual situation is that due to the lack of transportation capacity, the battalion's artillery is entirely carried by manpower, so the establishment is extremely large.  Although there were only two mortars, the number of personnel reached sixty.  Nearly double the size of an infantry platoon.  The extra manpower was dedicated to transporting ammunition.  Even so, many times, only one mortar can keep firing.

    After the number of battalion mortars increased to six, although the original company artillery was organized into the battalion mortar company, the supply pressure also increased sharply.  After all, manpower is still incomparable to packhorses and cars.

    Similar to the mortar company, the heavy machine gun company is also very large in order to ensure the supply of ammunition.  Each machine gun platoon's support squad has a strength of twenty people.  Specially designed to carry ammunition for the platoon's two heavy machine guns.  Once more than half of the ammunition carried is consumed, only half of the heavy machine guns can be guaranteed to be put into battle.  Not counting strategic supplies, tactical supplies alone have become the biggest problem restricting the combat effectiveness of the troops.

    As for the problems with grenades and other weapons, Yang Zhen can only hope that his newly established arsenal will imitate the later-generation 77-type grenades that he copied as soon as possible.  The production of hand grenades is relatively easy compared to bullets. I now have nearly a thousand arsenals, most of which are made for Germany. Is it better than the arsenals of the 18th Group Army launched by Turkey?

    After talking about the adjustment of the army's weapon configuration, Yang Zhen changed the topic and returned to the current urgent problem: "For us now, the most lacking thing is horses. We fought in the mountainous area, and the hundred captured  Although the remaining cars have drivers, they have no place to use them.¡±

    "And there is a severe shortage of horses suitable for us. In addition to the more than 200 horses captured by the Chief of Staff at the Fasi River line, and the more than 200 horses captured by Liu Changshun during the raid on the Jiasui Railway, we only have only pack horses on hand.  More than 700 horses. In addition to ensuring the use of the division's artillery, the remaining horses can only barely ensure the use of the regiment's artillery. "

    "Almost the mortars and heavy machine guns below the battalion level can only be transported by manpower. Even among the more than 700 horses currently available, not all of them can be put into use immediately. All the horses captured by Liu Changshun are civilian horses. If  To be used as a pack horse, it also requires training.¡±

    "During this sortie, in order to ensure sufficient firepower, we even mobilized a large number of infantry to assist in transporting artillery shells. But even so, after destroying Sasaki Chuichi's command post in the Taiping River, the artillery shells we carried were almost consumed.  It was empty. If not for the capture of more than a hundred Japanese artillery shells during the Battle of Taipingchuan, it is difficult to say whether the Battle of Fasi River would have gone so smoothly."

    "Our current basic tactical supply capabilities, let alone according to the standards of the Japanese army, are far behind us. Even compared with the ** in the pass, we are even inferior to the miscellaneous troops. The lack of transportation capacity, especially horses, has been severely restricted.  The development and combat effectiveness of the army.¡±

    "When the Taipingchuan front line almost ran out of portable artillery shells, I once sent electricity to the troops staying in the Liangzihe area and asked them to transport the remaining artillery shells to the Miaolingzi Mountain front line. But due to lack of transportation capacity, we could only rely on  Manpower transportation could not be delivered until the subsequent battle on the Fasi River was over. "

    "According to our current firepower configuration, at least each battalion must be equipped with more than a hundred pack horses. In other words, not counting the division and regiment headquarters, but at the battalion level, we still have a gap of at least 900 horses. Of course, if we fight on the plains  , If more than one hundred cars can be put into use, our horse shortage can be reduced to half of this number. "

    "In addition to the somewhat unreasonable weapon organization and extremely poor tactical supply capabilities, our operation also exposed our poor long-distance marching capabilities, the weak battlefield adaptability of grass-roots commanders, the slow speed of the communication corps in erecting wires, and the selection of route layouts.  There are many problems such as lack of proficiency in infantry and artillery coordination, poor battlefield rescue capabilities, etc.¡±

    "But this is not the thing that worries me the most, because these can all be solved through training and learning in combat. The thing that worries me the most is that after this battle, our grassroots officers and soldiers saw the impact of artillery fireThe military will rely too much on firepower in future operations.  At least for now, we can't even get a single mortar shell, the simplest parts of various artillery pieces.  "

    "The stock of artillery shells is one round, one less. After this battle, together with the previous training, we consumed almost one-fifth of the stock of artillery shells. Just the mountain artillery shells fired more than two thousand rounds. Although the artillery has been trained  , allowing artillery to master actual combat capabilities as quickly as possible, but it also has a negative impact, that is, the troops can easily become overly dependent on artillery support.¡±

    "Once the troops rely too much on firepower, it will be extremely detrimental to our future operations. Since we cannot produce artillery shells and can only rely on captured inventory for operations, in the future, in addition to mortars, our mountain and field artillery will be used in the most important tasks.  The political commissar and chief of staff must do a good job as soldiers."

    Having said this, Yang Zhen looked at the contemplative commander-in-chief and Li Yanping after listening to his words, and said with a smile: "Although this battle has exposed many problems, many of them are even urgent and must be dealt with immediately.  Solved. But we also achieved an unprecedented victory in this battle.¡±

    After saying that, Yang Zhen turned to Guo Bingxun and said: "Chief of Staff, please report the results of our attack to the commander-in-chief and political commissar."

    Hearing this, Guo Bingxun opened the notebook in front of him and smiled and said: "Commander-in-Chief and Political Commissar, we have achieved a great victory this time. It is a complete victory without any adulteration. In this battle, we Yunshi  The first battle in the Lazi area was successful. The two infantry brigades of the 43rd Regiment of the 11th Japanese Division were wiped out and the commander of the 43rd Regiment of the Puppet Manchuria Military Police assigned to them was killed.  Captain Takao Murata.¡±

    "After completing the encirclement and annihilation of the enemy on the front line of Yunshilizi, Commander Yang not only left an infantry battalion to cooperate with the engineer battalion directly under him to launch a large-scale attack on the Jiasui Railway, but he personally led the main force to attack the headquarters of the Japanese invasion.  Located in Taipingchuan Village, the Japanese commander Lieutenant General Sasaki was killed in the battle and his headquarters was taken away in one fell swoop."

    "After destroying the Japanese command structure, Commander Yang led his troops to march north again. They wiped out the 1st Infantry Battalion of the 17th Regiment of the Eighth Division of the Japanese Army on the Miaolingzi Mountain front line. Later, they wiped out the 10th Infantry Battalion of the 17th Regiment of the Eighth Division of the Japanese Army on the Fasi River line.  The second infantry battalion of the regiment commanded by Colonel Kawada Takeshi, the commander of the seventh regiment, the forest police brigade of Luobei County of the Puppet Manchukuo, and the First Division of the Puppet Manchukuo Army."

    "In response to the Japanese army's main attack on the 24th Regiment of the 12th Division in the middle, we adopted the tactics of using landmines combined with cold guns and cold artillery, killing and wounding nearly two infantry squadrons of the Japanese army and a group of puppet Manchukuo military police.  In addition to the two Japanese infantry squadrons that the commander annihilated on the Taiping River line, our army's counter-encirclement and suppression operations totaled five Japanese infantry brigades and defeated at least two Japanese infantry squadrons and killed one Japanese lieutenant general commander.  , two captains, five captains, and a large number of squadron commanders."

    "In addition, one infantry regiment and two other battalions of the Puppet Manchukuo Army and two Puppet Manchukuo Forest Police Brigades were completely wiped out. One infantry regiment and one forest police brigade of the Puppet Manchukuo Army were defeated. More than 1,600 Puppet Manchukuo soldiers and policemen were captured.  . And a large amount of weapons and ammunition were seized. According to preliminary statistics, the rifles alone are enough for us to equip a simplified infantry regiment."

    Guo Bingxun¡¯s report is the same as his personal style, simple and concise.  Although it is not too detailed, it is enough for the commander-in-chief and Li Yanping to hear clearly.

    After listening to Guo Bingxun¡¯s report, the commander-in-chief and Li Yanping looked at each other, and both saw the excitement in the other¡¯s eyes.  According to this number of enemies wiped out, nearly two Japanese regiments were wiped out in just one battle.  Coupled with the puppet Manchukuo military and police who cooperated with it, it can be said to be an unprecedented victory.

    Reminiscent of the embarrassing situation last year, when the Japanese army almost ran out of ammunition and food and all died fighting in the mountains and forests.  During the Western Expedition in order to find a breakthrough and break the Japanese encirclement and suppression, the Second Route Army almost lost its two most powerful armies.

    Thinking about it now, in continuous fighting, the Japanese army alone has wiped out five infantry brigades.  Including the attached puppet Manchukuo military police, there were nearly ten thousand people.  Being able to achieve great results in such a short period of time would not excite the two of them, who were almost driven to a dead end by the Japanese and puppet troops last year.

    The commander-in-chief and Li Yanping are very clear about the concept of five infantry brigades.  The infantry brigades of these five elite Japanese divisions are enough to defeat a Japanese division or even an army on the battlefield inside the pass.  In the Northeast, it is enough to cause catastrophe against any one of the Third United Route Army.

    However, both of them are stable people. After experiencing the brief excitement, the commander-in-chief quickly calmed down.  After observing such a great victory, Yang Zhen, who was not proud at all and still looked calm, the commander-in-chief said in a serious tone: "Heroes come from young. As soon as you two take action, you will be"?? Such a big surprise for me.  To be honest, I almost couldn't believe my ears.  "

    "We all know what the concept of five infantry brigades is. The Japanese army's campaign against us this time was extremely vigorous, but even this comprehensive campaign was broken by us. The main force of the five infantry brigades plus the attached  A large number of puppet Manchukuo soldiers and police were also eaten by us."

    "Now we have not only defeated the Japanese army's attack, but also killed a Japanese lieutenant general. Such a result can be said to be a brilliant start for a force that has just completed its reorganization."

    "I know this Sasaki Toichi, the so-called "Manchuria Public Security Purge Plan"

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