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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 138 A glorious beginning (6)

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    In view of the urgent enemy situation, after initially formulating the combat plan, Yang Zhen suspended the training. After the troops rested for half a day, he and Guo Bingxun immediately led the troops separately.  [.Com text] Before setting off, in order to ensure the stability of the troops during the war, Yang Zhen specifically told Guo Bingxun and Wang Guangyu that if necessary, those who were unfavorable to the battle could be killed first and then punished.

    In the early morning of the next day, when the Japanese troops departing from Jiamusi arrived at the Wangjiang line.  In addition to ordering the rapid-fire artillerymen who had not yet completed their training to return to the secret base in Qunce Mountain, Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun led their troops separately and rushed to the predetermined battlefields they selected.

    Before dividing the troops, just in case, Yang Zhen sent a report to the commander-in-chief and Li Yanping to prepare them for battle and respond to emergencies at any time.

    After arriving at the scheduled battlefield, Yang Zhen immediately arranged for manpower to build an ambush position.  In order to achieve the suddenness of the battle, Yang Zhen even checked the concealment situation of each company.  Especially the artillery positions were personally selected and camouflaged by Yang Zhen.

    And in order to maximize the firepower and avoid indiscriminate firing of the newly fired artillery.  Yang Zhen also personally led Ma Qichang to demarcate the firing range one cannon after another.  After receiving the signal to launch the attack, these artillerymen did not have to do anything.  Just shoot the cannonball according to the predetermined scale.

    In addition to fixed artillery, Ma Qichang also mobilized some regiment and battalion mortars, taking advantage of his relative proficiency in using mortars to form two mobile artillery groups.  Under his personal command, he specialized in blocking the retreat route of the Japanese army and suppressing the stubborn enemy.  At the same time, special field telephone lines were set up at the artillery positions and main positions.

    In order to prevent the new recruits from being too nervous and exposing their targets in advance, Yang Zhen repeatedly issued orders. Regardless of cadres or soldiers, those who act without orders will be subject to military law.  Although he didn't want to talk about military tactics at all times, Yang Zhen knew that he had to act as a deterrent to the recruits who were on the battlefield for the first time.  Otherwise, a small mistake will ruin this carefully designed ambush.

    Fortunately, the Japanese army on the South Road did not make Yang Zhen wait long. Less than half a day after Yang Zhen had just constructed the scheduled ambush position, the leading Japanese troops appeared in front of him.  Seeing the Japanese troops marching, Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

    This may be because they are too arrogant and overconfident in their own combat effectiveness, believing that they will not encounter attacks by anti-Japanese armed forces near the railway line.  Perhaps because of Sasaki's urgency, in order to speed up the march, the Japanese army did not increase the march distance.

    The Japanese army marched in very dense formations.  Along the pavement that was built to allow two carriages to run parallel when the Jiasui Railway was built to mine trees, they formed four marching columns and were marching towards the north at the speed of a rapid march.  Moreover, the distance between the leading soldiers is not very far.  This gave Yang Zhen an opportunity to take advantage of.

    When Yang Zhen led the main force to arrive between Yuntou Lizi and Tangwang River to choose an ambush position, he accidentally discovered a road that could pass two carriages side by side, and he chose the current ambush area at a glance.

    Although it is very close to the Jiasui Railway, the mountains on both sides of the road are not high, and the trees on the mountains have been cut down sparsely due to the construction of the railway. They are simply incomparable to the virgin forests that block the sky and sun in the Yuntou Lizi area.  But it can make the Japanese army more alert.

    ????????????????????? In addition, there is a short road here that is sufficient for the Japanese troops to pass quickly.  According to the terrain and geographical location here, the Japanese army should be vigilant.  And in order to speed up the march, the marching formation will not be spread out.  The denser the Japanese army's marching columns, the more conducive it is to setting the artillery scale, and the more fully its own firepower can be used.

    However, when the Japanese and puppet troops began to enter the ambush circle one after another, Yang Zhen's heart almost rose to his throat.  Before the Japanese army completely enters the ambush circle, once the recruit becomes slightly nervous and makes a slight hook with his finger, all his tactical intentions will be exposed.  Not to mention that the fish that has been obtained may slip away, and the entire favorable situation will become passive if it is not handled well.

    Since too many new recruits in the army affected the battle, the battle plan issued by Yang Zhen to the army was very simple.  He divided each company into fixed firing areas.  Once the sound of gunfire stops, just use the weapon in your hand to shoot out the bullets and grenades assigned to you at the maximum shooting speed.

    The ones who launched the charge were several companies with more veterans specially selected by Yang Zhen.  When allocating new recruits, in order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the troops, Yang Zhen, under Guo Bingxun's suggestion, retained a fist company consisting of prisoners of war and veterans of the puppet Manchukuo army accounting for 50% of each battalion.

    Although in order to ensure victory in the battle, Yang Zhen formulated tactics that were as detailed as the squad.  But the most fundamental decision of this battle depends on whether the ambush troops will reveal their tactical intentions before all Japanese troops enter the ambush circle.  So before all the Japanese troops entered the encirclement, Yang Zhen was worriedIt's been carried all the time.

    When he received the report from Liu Changshun, who was responsible for blocking the Japanese army's retreat, that all Japanese troops had entered the ambush circle, Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the field phone, and gave the order to open fire to the artillery position.

    Since the firing range and design rulers had been defined long ago, the fired artillery shells did not even need to correct their trajectory before they accurately landed in the Japanese marching column.  Although these Japanese soldiers are veterans and their reaction speed is top-notch, the distance is too close.

    When they heard the sound of artillery shells streaking through the sky and wanted to find cover, the artillery shells falling from the sky had already hit them hard.  The entire artillery regiment had thirty-six mountain guns, plus a large number of battalion mortars. The intensive artillery fire blasted the unprepared Japanese marching brigade into pieces.

    In order to ensure that the Japanese army could be defeated or even annihilated in the shortest time, Yang Zhen was not afraid of going to trouble and brought the entire artillery regiment.  In places where the mountains and forests are dense and difficult to travel, the artillery is even disassembled and carried manually.  The limited traction horses were all converted to carry artillery shells.

    In order to ensure the continuity of firepower.  In addition to leaving some artillery shells in the Liangzi River area to facilitate subsequent combat supplies, Yang Zhen brought almost all the artillery shells he brought to Liangzi River.  Even the infantrymen carry more or less one or two rounds of 75mm mountain field artillery shells or 90mm mortar shells.

    In order to ensure that the artillery arrived at the combat area at the same time, Yang Zhen also specially allocated an infantry battalion to cooperate with the artillery regiment to transport artillery together with the baggage battalion.  Especially in areas with difficult mountain roads, Yang Zhen once personally carried the wheels of an artillery piece.

    With these preparations, the artillery fired without any concern for the storage of artillery shells.  There was only one idea in their minds at this time, which was to shoot out as many artillery shells as possible within the prescribed fifteen minutes of fire support time.

    In addition to the two mortar groups controlled by Ma Qichang, considering that the Japanese army's retreat route must be blocked in the future, they were slightly restrained.  The rest of the wild mountain artillery group, which was personally commanded by Qiu Jintang, was almost desperate.  He didn't care about anything, he just focused on firing the cannonballs one after another according to the predetermined scale.  After this battle, the artillery regiment directly under the artillery fired more than half of the artillery shells it carried.

    Although the rate of fire is generally not fast due to the lack of experience of some artillery units, the victory lies in large numbers.  When the fifteen minutes of fire support time passed, the puppet Manchukuo regiment that cooperated with the Japanese army was bombed by intensive artillery shells and less than one-fifth remained.  The Japanese troops who braved intensive artillery fire to launch a counterattack suffered heavy casualties.

    When the Japanese troops risked their lives to launch a counterattack, these puppet Manchukuo troops lay on the ground and did not dare to make the slightest move.  When the artillery fire subsided slightly, he turned around and fled towards the mountain pass without caring about what his master next to him was thinking.  These puppet Manchukuo troops were not stupid. The shells that just landed on their heads were at least fired by an artillery regiment.

    They have had a lot of dealings with the Anti-League. When did the Anti-League have such powerful firepower?  What's the point of being locked up in a mountain forest and being driven around?  Judging from the intensity of the artillery fire that fell on his head these days, could it be that the gunmen from the north were coming?  I heard that during the battle of Zhanggufeng last year, the artillery fire from the Japanese was also so intensive.  If you don't run now, are you waiting to die here?

    Thinking it was the puppet Manchukuo army coming over from the Soviet army, when the artillery fire stopped, they turned around and ran towards the mountain pass, trying to escape from this hell on earth.  It's a pity that how can they get what they want?  Before they could reach the mountain pass, a dense rain of mortar shells and sudden intensive machine gun fire from both sides of the valley drove them back like ducks.

    "Compared with the panicked Manchukuo army, which turned around and wanted to run away, although the Japanese army also paid more than half of the casualties in the shelling during this period, it was much stronger than the puppet Manchukuo army.  His subsequent brave performance and extremely high tactical level even made Yang Zhen marvel in admiration: "After all, this is a veteran division of the Japanese army, and its combat effectiveness is really strong."

    Although the guns of a mortar squadron he carried had not had time to be mounted, they were sent to the west together with the artillery.  Most of the light and heavy machine guns were also destroyed during the shelling.  However, the remaining Japanese troops did not wait for the bombardment to end. They braved the intensive artillery fire and launched an attack on a hilltop on the left side of the road in an attempt to seize a commanding height so that they could hold on and wait for reinforcements.

    In fact, Colonel Takao Murata, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese and puppet troops on the South Route, who escaped the shelling, also had a certain illusion when the first artillery shell fell on his head.  But unlike the puppet Manchukuo army, after he immediately heard that the shells falling on his head were the standard equipment of the Kwantung Army, he thought it was accidental damage from friendly forces.

    Because he never thought that a force that could only hide in the mountains and forests all day long to avoid the imperial army's suppression could have so many artillery.  He has never received any similar information, saying that the resistance alliance has thisSo many artillery pieces and seemingly endless shells.

    He knew very well that he had a large number of mortars and a small number of mountain artillery for the targets he wanted to clear.  But the artillery bombarding him in front of him, regardless of mortars, the number of mountain field guns alone was definitely not just the two mentioned in the intelligence.  There is no way this is the poorly equipped anti-Manchu anti-Japanese armed forces.  Looking at the Jiamusi area, the only one with so many imperial-standard artillery is the Fourth Division.

    Although the opponent's rate of fire is not fast, Colonel Murata Takao can still judge that the artillery firing at him is at least the size of an artillery regiment.  As for the running group that can fire such dense artillery shells, even an army of the Chinese government army has never been equipped with it.

    Although he knew very well about the equipment of the Japanese troops on the third route, he thought that the people who were shelling him on the opposite side were not the targets he wanted to attack but the Fourth Division.  Because he knew that although the Fourth Division did not participate in this campaign, the Fourth Division was stationed in the Jiamusi area.

    So when he was bombarded, Murata Takao immediately thought that the Fourth Division had been temporarily transferred to the 1st Lieutenant General Sasaki to cooperate in the suppression.  It wasn't until the shells falling on his head became more and more dense, and nearly ten minutes had passed, that he realized that he had been ambushed.

    " Moreover, while he was still aware of the ambush in his body, he immediately realized that the anti-Japanese armed forces ambushing him would definitely not be a small number.  Because a small army will not have so much artillery fire.

    After all, it is a regular field division of the Japanese army. Murata Takao is quite tough, and his tactical level and reaction speed are also pretty good.  After scolding: "Baga, these anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements have come with so many artillery pieces?" After that, he did not retreat but advanced. He commanded the troops to brave the dense artillery shells from all around to launch an attack and chose the one closest to him.  A mountaintop launched a counterattack.

    Because Colonel Murata Takao knew very well that if he didn't quickly seize a commanding heights, according to his current situation, he really didn't know that his troops would be able to survive such a dense attack on the bare road without any hiding places.  How much troops to put down.

    The radio station was blown up, and it was impossible to call for reinforcements or air support.  The only thing I can do now is to seize a commanding height as soon as possible and wait for reinforcements before those anti-Manchu armed forces react.

    When he saw from the telescope that the Japanese army was not afraid of death and did not wait for the artillery fire to stop, but braved the intensive artillery fire to launch a counterattack, Yang Zhen, who was secretly shocked, immediately ordered the infantry to concentrate fire on the two wings in the direction of the Japanese army's counterattack.  Hit hard.  Trying to use firepower to block the Japanese army's attempt to break through a certain point of the ambush circle or seize the commanding heights.

    Worried that the troops deployed on the hilltop that the Japanese army wanted to seize could not withstand the Japanese army's desperate attack, after temporarily handing over the command to Du Kaishan beside him, Yang Zhen ordered Ma Qichang to immediately command the mobile artillery.  After the group suppressed the Japanese troops who launched a counterattack, they personally led a company and quickly rushed to the mountain top for reinforcements.

    Fortunately, when Yang Zhen adjusted the organization, he incorporated two heavy machine guns into each company, and equipped each infantry squad with squad light machine guns.  The defenders on the hill where the Japanese attacked were also the veteran company that Yang Zhen originally used to prepare for the charge.  The company commander of this company is also quite capable.

    Seeing that the Japanese army ignored the intensive artillery fire and launched an attack on the hilltop where they were, the company commander was also surprised. After a brief period of consternation, he immediately commanded the troops to join the battle.  Concentrate all machine gun firepower and intercept with all your strength.

    Although the Japanese army is not afraid of death, they are still made of flesh and blood.  After losing their main fire support, the Japanese army still had the courage and perseverance to fight after their teeth and claws were pulled out.  But flesh and blood cannot compete with steel after all.

    Although the precise rifle shooting of Japanese soldiers also caused a lot of casualties to the defending troops, under the intensive machine gun fire and the rapidly transferred mortar bombs, they lost their main fire support, but they were still unable to  succeed.  Thousands of them were knocked down in front of the garrison position.

    When Yang Zhen rushed to the defensive position, he was slightly relieved when he saw that the company commander did not panic because the Japanese army chose his side as the main attack direction, and that his command was quite effective.  I know that as long as the Japanese army does not break through here, I will win this battle.

    Seeing that although the Japanese army took turns to attack here at all costs, there was not much danger here, Yang Zhen transferred two platoons from the company that brought him to supplement the blocking force, and sent the company's two heavy rifles  After leaving the machine gun behind, he returned to his command position with the rest of the troops.  Yang Zhen knew very well that the closer the battle came to an end, the less he could leave his command position.

    Just when Yang Zhen returned to the command postAt this time, except for the mobile artillery group that was still cooperating with the intensive artillery fire to block the Japanese counterattack, the rest of the artillery sounds had gradually subsided.  The Japanese troops who launched a counterattack gradually suffered casualties under the intensive firepower around them.  After raising his telescope and carefully observing the battlefield situation, Yang Zhen, knowing that it was time to launch an attack, issued the general attack order.

    Accompanied by bursts of charging horns, each company responsible for the charge jumped out of the trenches, and under the cover of light and heavy machine guns and mortars, they faced the two Japanese troops who had gathered into a group and tried to make a final resistance after the counterattack failed.  The remaining strength of this brigade, which was less than one squadron, launched a full-scale attack.

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