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Text Chapter 136 A glorious beginning (4)

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    Having said this, Yang Zhen turned to Guo Bingxun and said: "Old Guo, you will report the final adjustment plan for the establishment and firepower allocation to the commander-in-chief and the political commissar. [.Com Text] If you don't have any comments, today  It will be implemented before midnight.¡±

    Hearing this, Guo Bingxun nodded and stood up and said: "Commander-in-Chief and Political Commissar, our current total strength is 23,000 people. As for the configuration of this weapon, it must be higher than the current number of personnel. In order to better exert the combat effectiveness of the army  , after research with the commander, we are ready to make the following adjustments to the troop strength and firepower configuration.¡±

    "The organization of the original three infantry regiments will remain unchanged, but the strength of each infantry regiment will be strengthened to 3,000 men. The current shortage will be supplemented by the better trained recruits. The remaining ones will not be able to participate in the war for the time being.  About 3,500 new recruits form a supplementary regiment to replenish battle-damaged troops at any time while continuing training."

    "In addition, among the troops directly under the division, the original engineering company was expanded into an engineer battalion with a full strength of 800 people. The original baggage company was expanded into a baggage battalion with a full strength of 800 people, specifically responsible for the baggage transportation tasks of each unit."

    "Of course, our current baggage camp is seriously short of horses and can only be replaced by manpower for the time being. In order to ensure the supply of the troops, once enough horses are raised in this baggage camp, it will be immediately expanded into a baggage regiment."

    "The original reconnaissance team was expanded into a reconnaissance battalion, specifically responsible for the reconnaissance mission of the entire battlefield. The communications company was expanded into a communications battalion, adding one fifty-watt radio station and three fifteen-watt radio stations to the original basis. Another cable company was added. It is specifically responsible for  Set up field wired communication lines.¡±

    "The organization of the original directly affiliated security company remains unchanged, but on the basis of the three platoons of the original security company, one security platoon, one heavy machine gun platoon, and one fire support platoon will be expanded to form a strengthened company. In addition to the four security guards, the reorganized security company has  In addition to the platoon, there are two heavy machine guns, three light machine guns and nine grenade launchers.¡±

    "The original division's artillery group was upgraded from the current artillery group consisting of two mountain cannons and mortars to an artillery regiment. It has one field artillery battalion and two mountain artillery battalions, totaling three artillery battalions. All the equipment was captured in Japan  "Mountain cannon."

    "Each infantry regiment is organized into three infantry battalions, one each for infantry artillery, one mortar company, one flat-fire artillery company, and one company each for engineers, communications, and baggage. Each infantry battalion has three infantry companies and one firepower company.  A support company, a heavy machine gun company, and a communications platoon. Each infantry company has three infantry platoons, a fire support platoon, and a total of nine combat squads and two heavy machine gun squads.  Each of our infantry squads will have a light machine gun, a grenade launcher, and an infantry company will have two heavy machine guns and a Type 92 70mm mortar."

    "Each infantry battalion will have six heavy machine guns and two Type 92 70mm mortars. Each infantry regiment will have four Type 92 infantry guns, six Type 94 mortars, four  Type 94 rapid-fire artillery. The artillery directly under the division will be equipped with twelve Type 95 field guns and twenty-four Type 94 mountain guns."

    "According to this organization, after the reorganization is completed, the main force of our army will have 36 wild mountain guns, 96 70mm mortars, and 18 90mm mortars. Infantry guns and rapid-fire guns  Twelve doors each."

    "One hundred and fourteen heavy machine guns, two hundred and sixty-eight light machine guns. Three hundred and six grenade launchers. In addition, the supplementary regiment also has a Type 94 mortar company, a rapid-fire artillery company and a  The infantry artillery battery is equipped with six artillery pieces of each type. The supplementary regiment is a unit dedicated to supplementing the main force and is responsible for training. Therefore, the equipment of each artillery company, except for mortars, is two more than that of the main regiment.  Door."

    "The entire army, including the supplementary regiment, has 12,000 Type 38 rifles, 3,600 Czech rifles, and more than 3,200 speed machines. In order to effectively protect the artillery, baggage troops, engineers, etc.,  We distributed weapons to all technical arms according to their numbers, only replacing the bulky Type 38 rifles with lighter Czech rifles.¡±

    "In addition to rifles, there are also various pistols, one hundred and twenty-three. Submachine guns, sixty-four. However, in addition to Japanese-style southern pistols, including submachine gun ammunition, various pistols, especially  It¡¯s because the quantities of 7.65 and 9mm pistol bullets used by Browning are insufficient.¡±

    "Japanese-style southern pistols are generally not popular. Therefore, except for a few senior cadres who wear German or Belgian-made pistols, most cadres are equipped with speed machines. We hope to put this situation into production in our own arsenal  After that, it can be solved as soon as possible. However, our ordinary cadres are very fond of these new Belgian-made speed machines. "

    Speaking of which, Guo Bingxun made some separate reports on weapons and equipment issues: "??Due to our lack of traction capabilities and artillery training time, the captured Japanese artillery in this warehouse can only be partially used.  "

    "The biggest difficulty we have now is that the pack horses and traction horses we have on hand are not only enough to use the radio and carry some ammunition, but they are not even enough for the artillery regiment. The lighter Type 94 mountain gun can only be disassembled  Relying on others will not only slow down the response, but also cause the officers and soldiers to get tired easily.¡±

    "As for the twelve 150mm heavy artillery, no one is good at using it. And because of the need to train troops, Ma Qichang cannot study the use of this heavy artillery separately. In addition, our army really does not have traction tools, so we can only temporarily  Put it aside first.¡±

    "The Japanese 150mm mortars in the warehouse are also facing this problem, so they have been put on hold for the time being. As for the 81mm mortars in the warehouse, they are to reduce the caliber of the weapons, facilitate supply, and improve the performance of the weapons themselves.  Due to other factors, except for the Type 94 90mm mortar, the rest can only be temporarily sealed. "

    "Due to the importance attached to the Kwantung Army by the Japanese army, many of the Japanese weapons stored here are the latest. Thanks to Commander Yang who captured this Japanese equipment warehouse without bloodshed, we have completely captured these new Japanese weapons.  On the battlefield inside the pass, most of the Japanese field artillery units I saw were equipped with relatively backward Type 38 field guns, or their improved Type 95 field guns. "

    "This is also the case with infantry weapons. If I hadn't read the information here, I really wouldn't have thought that the Japanese army finally realized the problem of crookedness and developed the Type 96 light machine gun. This machine gun has never been used on the battlefield in Guannei.  I¡¯ve seen it. The Japanese troops there are still equipped with Taisho 11-type light machine guns.¡±

    "In addition to equipment, in accordance with the commander's decision to ensure smooth battlefield communications during wartime, this reorganization will equip each regiment with a fifteen-watt radio. As for the five-watt radio, it will be equipped to the battalion. Below the battalion,  For the time being, we will use tones, semaphores, field telephones, and manpower to ensure communication.¡±

    "Fortunately, there are enough Japanese-style radio stations in this warehouse, as well as a large number of field telephones. Otherwise, according to the commander's requirements, we would not have room to build so many radio stations."

    The commander-in-chief nodded while listening to the report.  After Guo Bingxun finished his report, the commander-in-chief smiled and said: "Who would have thought that in less than half a year, the army would grow from a few thousand people to more than 20,000 people now. It is really a strong force."

    "According to the standards of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the number of people in this division is equivalent to the nine corps of the Second and Third Route Army of the Anti-Union Army combined in its heyday. Even if the first and second corps of the First Army in South Manchuria are added, the number is still less.  Get less.¡±

    "This equipment is unparalleled. Not counting the mortars and infantry artillery attached to the regiment and battalion, a division has one regiment and thirty-six wild mountain guns in the direct artillery force alone. This does not include the inventory reserves. Not to mention this firepower  The Anti-Alliance Army, the eleven armies of the Third Route Army combined, I¡¯m afraid the firepower is not as good as that of your regiment.¡±

    "This does not include more than 100 heavy machine guns and more than 300 light machine guns. With this amount of equipment, I think even the Central Army of the Nationalist Government on the Guanxi Civil War battlefield described by the Chief of Staff does not have this standard. I am in the Northern Expeditionary Army  When I was the deputy division commander, the equipment of a corps or even a front army was no more than this. "

    "Having such sophisticated equipment will be of great benefit to our future war of resistance. But there is a problem that you have thought about. The troop equipment has been upgraded, but the mobility has also become slower because of these equipment. How to solve the problem of the troop  The contradiction between mobility and equipment development requires your careful study and research. "

    "And one thing I don't know if you have noticed is that the number of our troops has increased, and there are more types of arms. The artillery, engineers, and baggage troops are fully equipped. But one thing is that we do not have cavalry as a mobile strike force.  The limited horses are allocated to artillery and baggage troops. If we go deep into the plains to fight in the future, without cavalry, we will be very passive with infantry alone. "

    "For field troops, cavalry and infantry are equivalent to a person's left and right hands. Without cavalry, there would be no mobile combat capability. The Anti-Japanese War was so difficult, and each army maintained a certain amount of cavalry. The Japanese army was much more mechanized than ours.  , Aren¡¯t there also cavalry regiments established in every division?¡±

    "The Northeast region has been an important horse producing area in our country since ancient times. Didn't the Manchu Qing Dynasty rely on the horses from the Northeast to establish a cavalry that swept the world? What I say today is not to ask you to form a cavalry unit immediately. I  I just want to remind you that when you have the opportunity to fight out, you must form a cavalry. This is very important for the battles in the plains that we are likely to face in the future."

    Having said that, the Commander-in-Chief looked atLooking at Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun, they said: "You are the military commanders of this army. You, the commander and the chief of staff, can cooperate so closely. As your superior, I am very gratified and happy. And Yanping, can you  It was something I didn¡¯t expect to integrate with you so quickly and so well.¡±

    "But as the military chief, I have one request that you must remember. The army is now stronger, but the foundation must be laid. As Deputy Commander Yang once said, what we want is to be able to delay the delay.  An invincible iron army is not an army made of sand."

    "Back then, the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army had much more people than we do now, and it was very powerful, but it disintegrated very quickly. We must not repeat the mistakes of the Volunteer Army back then. You must establish a united leadership that dares to face all difficulties.  core."

    "You have already read the contents of this telegram, and as military commanders, you have just talked about your plans. But I want to remind you that as a senior commander, you must have a long-term perspective when looking at problems.  , consider the overall situation, and don¡¯t care about the gains and losses of one city or one place when necessary. If you insist on fighting this battle, you must fight it well and beat the little devil thoroughly. "

    After saying that, the commander-in-chief smiled, turned to Li Yanping and said: "As for the issue of staffing, as the military and political officers of the army, you guys must have your own opinions. If you think it is okay, I have no opinion. Just  However, it will be up to you to feed these muzzles and muzzles in the future."

    "But there is one thing, I will go all out to do whatever is needed of me. From now on, the military struggle of the Second Route Army will depend on you. I can rest assured that you are here. As for me, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Yang is responsible for the construction of the base area.  I took a look at the ideas and found that many of them are very good. I have also thought about them in the past few days, and I want to gradually shift the focus of my work to the local government to do the logistics work for you. "

    Regarding the commander-in-chief¡¯s requirements, Yang Zhen knew that these were the commander-in-chief¡¯s innermost thoughts and a kind reminder.  However, Yang Zhen firmly disagreed with the Commander-in-Chief's idea of ??shifting the focus of work to local areas and said: "Commander-in-Chief, please rest assured that we will definitely do it according to your request. Look at the overall situation and don't care about one thing."  The gain and loss of a city."

    "But Commander-in-Chief, although local work is important, we are still young and lack experience, and we still need you to coordinate the overall situation. Party, government, and military, as the commander-in-chief of the Second Route Army, you are also the top person in charge of the Jidong Provincial Party Committee  , You can¡¯t be a boss who only cares about the party and government, not the military.¡±

    "You are a top student at the Yunnan Military Academy, and you have fought guerrillas in the Northeast for so many years. In terms of military theoretical foundation and practical experience, none of us can compare with you. In terms of party experience, you joined the party during the Great Revolution.  You are almost as old as I am, and you have rich experience in political work. The army needs you, and we cannot do without you."

    Yang Zhen said this from the bottom of his heart.  The commander-in-chief is a generous man with a strong sense of responsibility and a strong party spirit.  The most important thing is that he never engages in line struggles and has great respect and trust for his subordinates.  It is very comfortable to work under the commander-in-chief.  With the commander-in-chief as his superior in name or in reality, he will help him solve many things.

    Especially political matters.  The struggle within the party is too hard, and I am not the type to be.  With this big brother supporting me, I will be much better off.

    ¡°And the composition of our own troops is very complex.  A considerable number of them are prisoners of war from within the pass. These people are large in number and have received military training. Most of them are currently serving as military officers at all levels of the army.  Many of the company and platoon-level cadres in the army were prisoners of war.  The representatives of this type of people are myself and Guo Bingxun.

    In addition, there are also some people from the Anti-Japanese Alliance.  Among them were the remnants of the Fourth Army, some troops from the Third Division of the Fifth Army, and even some troops from the headquarters of the Second Route Army.  Although this group of people is not large in number, most of them are now political cadres.  But after all, it has a certain influence in the army.  The representative figures are Li Yanping and Wang Guangyu.

    As for the laborers, the puppet Manchukuo army anyway, and a few local fighters, most of these people are still ordinary fighters.  Although the impact is not huge, the number of people is the largest.  The commander-in-chief has a great influence among these people, especially the cadres and soldiers from northern Manchuria.

    Thinking of the current composition of the army, Yang Zhen sometimes felt a headache.  Especially among the prisoners of war, most of them are Japanese prisoners of war.  These people are very repulsive and even disgusted with political work. Although they accept it now, it does not mean that they will not have any ideas in the future.  If this gap continues to grow, it will inevitably affect the future development of the army.  The commander-in-chief is an expert in solving this kind of problem.

    And once the commander-in-chief leaves the army and shifts the focus of work to the local area, Yang Zhen is a little worried about those who are not prisoners of war.Will the cadres and soldiers who are from China, especially those who are from the Anti-Japanese War, think that people from their core areas are deliberately squeezing them out?

    What¡¯s more, communication with the Third Route Army still relies on the commander-in-chief to do the work. Thinking of the so-called line struggles that have occurred continuously since the establishment of the Third Route Army, Yang Zhen has a headache.  Once we work together in the future, no one will feel comfortable if this big hat is taken off.  When the time comes, don't ruin the relationship between the two armies.  That's why as soon as he heard that the commander-in-chief wanted to shift the focus of work to another place, he quickly stopped him.

    Hearing that Yang Zhen was firmly opposed to shifting the focus of his work to the local area, the commander-in-chief looked at Yang Zhen with some understanding.  Although he said nothing more, he nodded slightly.

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