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Text Chapter 125: Marching East (4)

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    Although Rensuke Isotani, who returned to the Kwantung Army Headquarters in Shinkyo, spent a lot of words, with the help of Kanji Ishihara, he finally succeeded in persuading Ueda Kenkichi to agree to transfer the basis of a regiment from the 12th Division.  In addition, the first two infantry brigades, one mountain artillery squadron and one cavalry squadron from the 11th Division that had just been transferred from China and stationed in Ning'an, as well as two brigades and an independent mortar from the 8th Division  The brigade was under the command of Sasaki.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    This time Ueda Kenkichi can be said to have set a precedent and spent a lot of money.  You must know that the Japanese army's previous encirclement and suppression campaigns against the Allied Forces were mostly dominated by the Puppet Manchukuo military and police. Although the Japanese army also participated, the number of troops sent was far less than that of the Puppet Manchukuo military and police.  Rather than participating in combat, it is more of a role in supervising and monitoring operations.

    Even though Sasaki went to a pair of mountainous areas in the north of Dunhua and south of Ning'an to conduct a blockade and clearing operation, although the Eighth Regiment was the main force in the clearing, the main force involved in the blockade was the Puppet Manchukuo military police.  This time, except for a small number of Puppet Manchukuo military police leading the way, all of them were authentic regular Kwantung Army divisions. It was also an unprecedented first time since the Japanese army occupied Northeast China.  The puppet Manchu troops that originally participated in the blockade were transferred to the periphery and were responsible for heavy transportation and protection.

    But Ueda Kenkichi¡¯s generosity was not in vain. After replying to Sasaki, he also told Sasaki that I can give you what you want.  But if you are still unable to completely wipe out this anti-Manchu armed force before May, Sasaki will go to the emperor to plead guilty.

    For a lieutenant general, Ueda Kenkichi¡¯s words are very serious.  Although for this threatening excuse that is close to asking subordinates to commit seppuku to apologize for their incompetence, more than one senior Japanese general has said this to his subordinates on the battlefield.  But that's for the middle and lower-level officers below.  As a general and commander of the army, it is probably the first time for him to say this threat to a lieutenant general, at least for now.

    Sasaki naturally didn¡¯t take Ueda Kenkichi¡¯s threat seriously.  Commit seppuku is something only middle and low-level officers would do.  He, Sasaki, was a Lieutenant General of the Imperial Army. Even if the battle failed, it would not be up to him, Ueda Kenkichi, to decide how to deal with it.

    What's more, he was not the only imperial general who lost the battle. The current chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, Rensuke Isotani, lost half of his division at Taierzhuang in the Battle of Xuzhou last year, and no one did anything to him.  Commiting seppuku is a stupid thing that only junior officers would do.

    Although he didn¡¯t care about the commander¡¯s threat, Sasaki Toichi knew that although Ueda Kenkichi did not have the right to order himself to commit suicide, it could also destroy his future.  Moreover, Chief of Staff Isotani was right. Once the encirclement and suppression failed repeatedly and this information was leaked, Ueda Kenkichi would not be able to escape, but he would not get any benefits as the commander-in-chief of the suppression, and his future would also be lost.

    It was just that after the arrival of the newly transferred troops, Sasaki Toichi did not hesitate to launch a large-scale raid around Jingpo Lake, where the anti-Manchu armed forces finally appeared, and in the eastern mountains of Ning'an. He suddenly discovered that,  He suddenly lost all traces of this unit.  This unit mysteriously disappeared deep into Laoye Ridge again.

    Not only did this anti-Manchu armed force with strange actions disappear again, but more importantly, before disappearing, they also took advantage of it and destroyed the construction site of the Jingbo Lake Hydropower Station, an important project of the empire, which was related to one of the key energy sources for the future jihad.  .  Not only did they let go of all the workers, but they also blew up the power station site to a pulp.

    When I personally led the troops of the 11th Division, which was the first to arrive at the designated area, to the Jingbo Lake Hydropower Station project site that was attacked, I looked at the bombed hydropower project project in front of me, the mess on the ground, and the heavy casualties of the security forces.  , because of the opponent's night attack, not only did Sasaki lose almost all of his weapons and equipment, but also a large amount of supplies, his teeth were almost not broken.

    The angry Sasaki Toichi personally shot a regiment leader of the Puppet Manchukuo Army who was responsible for protecting the power station site, and ordered the local military police captain and the guard squadron captain to commit seppuku.  This bunch of losers had their phone lines cut off without even realizing it, and their infiltrators even got into the weapons arsenal.

    Before the war even started, almost all the weapons were thrown away. What else is it if it¡¯s not a loser?  An infantry regiment, a garrison squadron, and a military police company were all captured while sleeping, almost without firing a single shot.  When he was discovered, his bayonet was already pressed to his chest.

    It was nothing more than the puppet Manchukuo army. Those people may have thought that they were all Chinese, so they only executed officers above the company level and all the Japanese officers among them.  But the Japanese infantry squadron was not so lucky. Except for the more than 40 people who resisted and were killed on the spot, the remaining more than 100 people were all shot on the spot.  Some of the laborers who were extremely angry had their heads chopped off with the Japanese army's own swords.

    ? ?If a squadron was quietly touched by others, the so-called Imperial Army of Japan had lost face, and the reason why the squadron leader of the garrison squadron survived by chance made Sasaki feel angry.  This dignified captain of the Imperial Japanese Army actually managed to escape by hiding under the bed of a Chinese prostitute, even though he had lost all his subordinates.

    When the attackers arrived, the captain, who had just been transferred from Japan, had come out to try local brothels because he had heard too much about the beauty of Manchu women from his colleagues who had returned from Manchuria. After discovering that the streets were full of anti-Manchu armed forces,  The first thing he did was not to find his own troops, but to get under the bed of the prostitute he had just visited with the military police squadron leader and the Manchurian police regiment leader who visited the brothel with him.  He also threatened the prostitute with a pistol not to speak out.

    In Sasaki's opinion, these people who had escaped through the cover of prostitutes could simply be called a military disgrace.  Especially the captain of the guard squadron and the captain of the gendarmerie can be called a disgrace to the imperial army.  By ordering them to commit suicide, he had already forgiven them, and at least fulfilled the dignity of their imperial officials.

    ¡°I arrived only two days late, and this hateful group of Chinese people actually launched an attack on the Jingbo Lake Hydropower Station project, which is vital to the empire.  After massacring a squadron of the Imperial Japanese Army, he patted his butt and left without knowing anything.

    What happened at the Jingbo Lake Hydropower Station construction site made Sasaki's face become extremely livid, and the translator on the side read out the extremely harsh letter that his opponent left on top of the piles of Japanese corpses.  The angry Sasaki almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

    The furious Sasaki Toichi, who couldn't find any trace of his opponent, vented all his anger and lost all his weapons. All the officers above the company were killed. At this moment, the puppet Manchukuo army was standing in front of him obediently.  On the soldiers.

    Looking at the Puppet Manchukuo officers and soldiers who were looking at him with fear, Sasaki ordered the adjutant next to him: "The Manchurian army was unfavorable in the battle, causing all the friendly troops to die. Failure to protect his commander, all the officers above the company were killed.  Killed in action. To serve as a warning, all officers above the platoon commander will be executed, and squad leaders and ordinary soldiers will be executed one by one according to the number of casualties of the imperial army. "

    Hearing the order issued by gritted teeth, the adjutant who had been with him for many years was slightly stunned and looked at Sasaki in disbelief.  Known as the father of the Manchurian Army, Sasaki Toichi, who single-handedly reorganized the Manchurian Army, had always asked the Kwantung Army to at least give some superficial respect to the Manchurian Army and not to massacre Manchurian Army officers and soldiers without authorization.  Why did you actually do it yourself this time?

    Although the adjutant, who knew his character well, was a little puzzled, he did not dare to disobey his order.  He turned around and gave an order to the first captain of the 43rd Regiment of the 11th Division beside him.

    When the wolf-like Japanese soldiers pulled out all the platoon leaders, squad leaders, and some soldiers from the ranks of the puppet Manchukuo army, those soldiers of the puppet Manchukuo army felt that something was wrong.  But having been disarmed, they were unable to resist and could only watch the officers and squad leaders being dragged out of the queue.

    Just as the Japanese army aimed their machine guns at the puppet Manchukuo officers who were pulled out of the queue, Sasaki waved his hand and said: "If you don't want machine guns, use bayonets. The machine guns are not impressive. Only bayonets can let them get them."  A real lesson.¡±

    When Sasaki arrived, he gave the order to use the bayonet. Naturally, the massacre-oriented Japanese soldiers had no objection. They all raised their 38 rifles with bayonets and rushed towards the pulled out puppet Manchukuo soldiers like wolves and tigers.  .

    After the execution was completed, Sasaki looked at a group of puppet Manchukuo soldiers who were so frightened by the scene that they were trembling and did not dare to look up at the Japanese soldiers in front of them who were still stained with the blood of the dead. His expression softened slightly.  He said at once: "For the time being, all of you will serve as coolies, cooperate with the imperial army in fighting, and be responsible for the imperial army's heavy transportation tasks. If you are unfavorable in the battle next time, you will all be dealt with by military law."

    Hearing that the murderer king had temporarily let him go, the puppet Manchukuo soldiers and police secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they couldn't help but feel secretly frustrated: "My compatriots don't regard themselves as human beings, and they have no intention of killing themselves."  He is soft-hearted. This little Japanese does not regard himself as a human being, and he is not merciless in killing this rat.

    Although Sasaki's move shocked the puppet Manchukuo army, it also dealt a considerable blow to the puppet Manchukuo army.  After all, these puppet Manchu troops still have to contact the outside world and their colleagues.

    After frightening the puppet Manchukuo army with massacre, Sasaki was like a mad dog when he arrived, looking for Yang Zhen's troops everywhere in the Xiajiang area.  Fangzheng, Muling, Baoqing, Boli, Yilan, Mishan, Jiamusi, the entire Xiajiang area was almost turned over by him.  It's just that the opponent seems to have evaporated, letting him?With no success.

    Sasaki didn¡¯t know that when he was searching Xiajiang, Yang Zhen had already been evacuated to the Xiaoxinganling area.  A large amount of food, weapons, and ammunition were seized at the Jingbo Lake construction site, which greatly eased the supply of troops.  At the very least, the captured food alone would be enough to feed the troops for a month.

    This battle was a great victory, but the consequences were also serious.  Among the more than 10,000 workers liberated at the Jingpo Lake construction site, more than 3,000 of them asked to join the army.  In particular, among the more than 1,400 workers who were disarmed by the former Japanese garrison troops in North China, the pseudo-Jidong Security Force, a group of more than 1,400 people, and more than 800 people who remained after suffering inhumane abuse by the Japanese army, asked to join the army.  Because they knew that if they stayed on the construction site, sooner or later they would be tortured to death like the brothers before them.

    Other workers who asked to join the army had the same idea.  Last year, the Japanese army arrested and deceived more than 10,000 workers from Shandong and Hebei.  By the beginning of this year, in just one year, there were more than 8,000 people left.  Most of the remaining people were tortured to death by poor diet and cruel torture.

    Most of these workers who asked to join the army came to the Northeast alone, unlike those who brought their families with them.  They have no worries. For them, finding a way to survive is the best hope.  If you stay on the construction site, you won't earn a penny, and you will be tortured to death sooner or later.  Although you will die on the battlefield if you join the army to fight against the Japanese, there is still hope of survival after all.  Sooner or later, you will die, why not give it a try?

    Because all the captured Japanese squadrons were executed, Yang Zhen, who was still being reprimanded by the commander-in-chief, had no choice but to take all the requests to join the army.  Looking at the growing team, Yang Zhen could only shake his head and smile bitterly.  Anyway, I already brought it with me in Halba Ridge, so there is nothing to hesitate here.

    Although Yang Zhen knows that Sasaki Chuichi is looking for him everywhere like a mad dog, it is difficult for him to get rid of Sasaki Chuichi's pursuit with these laborers who can't even use guns and whose bodies are generally weak due to long-term high physical labor.  In order to gain a short rest and recuperation time, Yang Zhen could only lead his troops to retreat northward to the desolate and inhabited virgin forest of Xiaoxing'an Mountains to hide and recuperate.

    Yang Zhen once said to Guo Bingxun in a self-deprecating way that he was just a recruit captain.  Before, I was afraid that the army would not expand, but now that it has expanded, I will have more headaches.

    Looking at Yang Zhen, Guo Bingxun also looked helpless.  Before, everyone disagreed, but Yang Zhen insisted.  Now Yang Zhen doesn't want to lead him, but the commander-in-chief quits.  Yang Zhen had a low eye in the Japanese 11th Division, which had just been transferred to Ning'an to garrison, and took the risk to visit the Jingbo Lake Hydropower Station construction site in order to obtain supplies.  But he didn't expect that more than two thousand new recruits would be added.

    Now that the troops are getting larger and larger, Guo Bingxun also has a headache.  The troops have grown, but their combat effectiveness is declining rapidly.  Half of the current troops do not have guns, and they still have sticks and shovels from their days as laborers as makeshift weapons.

    Not only did these people have no weapons, but what troubled Guo Bingxun even more was that they had not experienced any military training.  Physical strength is also very weak, and there are many stragglers on long marches.  Wang Guangyu, who led a battalion to take care of people after the break, once told him that about a thousand people were taken in every day.

    These people not only consumed supplies extremely quickly, but more importantly, seriously delayed the marching speed of the troops.  This is extremely detrimental to the troops when there are Japanese troops everywhere.

    And the method of training while walking that Yang Zhen mentioned before cannot be implemented at all.  As soon as the march was over every day, these people whose bodies had not fully recovered would lie on the ground so tired that they could not even scream.  Not to mention training.  Besides, the situation is serious, so if you can avoid shooting, try not to shoot.  Therefore, the original plan to train while marching had to be cancelled.

    After hesitating for a long time, Guo Bingxun decided to discuss with Yang Zhen to find a place for the troops to rest and recuperate for at least a week.  But with Japanese and puppet troops everywhere, this foothold means that it must be a desolate and inhabited mountain and old forest.  Fortunately, we don¡¯t have to worry about supplies now.

    Although there is no need to worry about supplies for the time being, half of the people in the army, especially the new workers who have joined the army, do not have equipment yet. This is a problem that continues to be solved.  Besides, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and the clothes needed by the troops are still missing.  Now that the army has reached more than 10,000 people, the demand for military uniforms alone is huge.

    Just when Yang Zhen, who was hidden in the primeval forest of Xiaoxing'an Mountains in the west of Tangyuan, was worried about his equipment, Dong Ping, who was sent out by the commander-in-chief to search for the Seventh Army, brought back a piece of news that gave Yang Zhen hope to solve all the problems.  .

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