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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 122: Marching Eastward (1)

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    Looking at the extremely tired commander-in-chief, he knew that his heart was extremely heavy due to the continuous heavy blows he had received in the past few days. The commander-in-chief, who was almost physically and mentally exhausted by the deteriorating situation in Xiajiang, was already exhausted mentally and physically.  Yang Zhen waved his hand and signaled the beautiful secretary who had been following the commander-in-chief and his guards to help the commander-in-chief back to rest.  ¡¾.Com text¡¿

    These six months may be the most difficult days for the commander-in-chief.  From the beginning of the Second Route Army's Western Expedition to now, the commander-in-chief has not received a single piece of good news.  Especially the news that the Seventh Army, the last hope of the Second Route Army, suffered heavy losses was a serious blow to the commander-in-chief.  The ability to support it until now is probably the limit.

    Yang Zhen wanted the commander-in-chief to rest, especially since the beautiful secretary who was in love with the commander-in-chief was there, just to let him relax.  He thought that as soon as the two people came into contact with the commander-in-chief's body, they were pushed away by the commander-in-chief.

    Pushing away the two people who wanted to help him, the commander-in-chief walked to the map laid out in front of Yang Zhen, pointed at the map and said: "When you go out to the river, there is the equipment you need here. And it's not hundreds of guns, but  It is enough equipment to be organized according to the Northern Expedition and at least to equip an integrated army. "

    Looking at everyone who was confused after hearing his words, especially Yang Zhen who looked puzzled, the commander-in-chief finally said with a smile on his pale face: "You also know that before the September 18th Incident, the Northeast  Some senior figures in the military may have foreseen the changes in the situation. In addition to expanding some police forces, they also issued some guns and ammunition to various places to establish self-defense groups. "

    "In addition to the special geographical location of the Northeast, after the October Revolution, a large number of White Russians retreated to the Northeast, and a large number of weapons and equipment they carried also fell into the civilian population. Before the incident, various open and semi-open armed forces among the civilian population, and even  I estimate that the number of privately owned guns in the hands of ordinary people in the entire Northeast is at least several hundred thousand."

    "These weapons and ammunition became the main source of weapons for the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army in various parts of Northeast China after the incident. When the Anti-Japanese Alliance was first established, it was relying on weapons and ammunition collected from the private sector that initially formed its combat effectiveness."

    "In order to cut off the channels for replenishing weapons for the Anti-Japanese Alliance, the little devils have been collecting civilian weapons in recent years. Not counting Southern Manchuria and Western Manchuria, nearly 100,000 guns have been confiscated from Xiajiang alone. Among them, the former Feng Feng faction  The purchased Italian-made rifles, Shuilianzhu rifles and Hanyang-made rifles account for a large part, but the number of new Liao-13 rifles and Type-38 rifles copied by Fengtian Arsenal is not too large.¡±

    "As for the amount of ammunition, I don't know, but it shouldn't be too much. After the September 18th Incident, the Japs occupied all the arsenals in the Northeast, and almost all weapons lost their sources of ammunition. In addition, in recent years, the anti-Japanese armed forces from various places have  Collect and use, so the amount of ammunition will not be too much.¡±

    "The weapons collected by the Japanese in the Xiajiang area, mainly rifles, are stored here. But they are mainly rifles, and there are very few light and heavy machine guns. And I estimate that most of these weapons have been among the people for so many years, and their condition should not be ideal. However,  This batch of weapons is not ideal, but the advantage is that they are huge in number, and there are many Shui Lianzhu rifles. This kind of rifle is still the standard equipment of the Soviet Red Army, and the supply of ammunition should still be guaranteed to a certain extent.  "

    Speaking of this, the commander-in-chief said with a somewhat heavy tone: "This information is the last information that came to our Mudanjiang underground party organization before it was destroyed by the Japanese puppets. This is also the information that our underground party comrades paid for with their blood. It is a pity.  , we have never had the strength to seize these weapons for our use.¡±

    Yang Zhen looked at the point where the commander-in-chief fell on the map. He pondered for a moment but shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Commander-in-Chief, you want me to attack Mudanjiang? We currently have only a thousand soldiers. Do we have the ability to capture Mudanjiang?"

    "Equipment is the prerequisite for army expansion. Without equipment, how can I arm new recruits? Moreover, these weapons have been used for many years and are mainly used by civilians. If they are not maintained, they should not be very good."

    "Especially those Italian rifles. Even if I get them, I don't even have anywhere to get the ammunition. What's the difference with scrap metal? I won't risk attacking a Japanese heavily fortified weapon for these weapons that lack spare parts or even ammunition.  city. At least not now.¡±

    The commander-in-chief was not unhappy at all when Yang Zhen rejected his suggestion.  Not only would the performance of these weapons not necessarily satisfy the rookie's appetite, but they would also require going deep into Mudanjiang, where the Japs had accumulated a large number of troops, to seize them. With his temperament, he would not necessarily take the risk.

    So the commander-in-chief was not angry at Yang Zhen's rejection.  After being rejected, the commander-in-chief just raised his head and looked at Yang Zhen with a smile and said: "What should you do? I don't think you can spread your beans to make an army."??Turn the mountains and plains of forests into weapons and ammunition, right?  "

    Seeing the commander looking at him with a smile, it seems that he really has the ability to turn waste into treasure, but Yang Zhen responded with the same faint smile and said: "I have that ability. Regarding equipment, we can only take one step first. See  We will wait until the Xiajiang area expands, but there is still a way to get to the mountain."

    Regarding Yang Zhen's ambiguous answer, the commander-in-chief nodded and said: "Little slippery man. Since you don't want to talk about it, I won't ask further. I will see what kind of ability you have and how you can conjure up equipment."  Come."

    After seeing off the commander-in-chief who had gone back to rest first, Yang Zhen turned to Li Yanping and said: "When the situation calms down a bit, we will find an opportunity to arrange the marriage between the commander-in-chief and Secretary Wang."  You should need a woman to take care of you. Guards are still men after all. They are a little careless. Women are more suitable for taking care of people. "

    Regarding Yang Zhen's idea of ????arranging a marriage for the commander-in-chief, Li Yanping smiled and said: "You are the only one who dares to interfere in this kind of thing. But what you said still makes sense, but we should wait until the situation is more stable. Bring it up now.  With the commander-in-chief¡¯s character, we must scold you. The most important thing for us now is to help you fulfill your promise.¡±

    After listening to Li Yanping¡¯s last words, which made him somewhat worried about whether he could fulfill his promise, Yang Zhen, who was staring at the map, did not make any answer, but just smiled in confusion.

    Once you have decided how to carry out the next step, the follow-up things will go much smoother.  Just as Yang Zhen estimated, the sight of the Japanese and puppet troops was dazzled by his false moves.  Focusing all their attention on the north, east, and even the west, the least troops were deployed in the south, making Yang Zhen's move south go smoothly.

    Yang Zhen led his troops southward to the front line of Dashanzuizi, sweeping away all levels of Japanese and puppet organizations, police stations and group tribes in northern Dunhua, and once occupied the important official land in northern Dunhua.  Destroyed a large number of local organizations of the puppet Manchukuo.

    Just when Yang Zhen occupied the official territory, the Japanese and puppet soldiers in the entire Dunhua area were panicked.  Almost everyone was speculating whether these powerful bandits would take advantage of the opportunity to occupy Dunhua County, which was empty of troops due to the destruction of the entire Second Battalion of the Eighth Regiment. Yang Zhen suddenly fired a feint and fired at  East seized the Harbaling Station, an important site on the Beijing-Turkish Railway.

    After an hour of fierce fighting, a brigade of Puppet Manchukuo road protection police was completely wiped out, and more than 30 kilometers of track on the Beijing-Turkish Railway were blown up overnight, causing the entire Beijing-Turkish Railway to be disrupted.

    When Sasaki arrived and mobilized all the reinforcements of more than a thousand Japanese and puppet troops south of Dunhua and rushed to the Halbaling Station, they were ambushed by Yang Zhen's planned ambush force to the west of the station.

    After two hours of fierce fighting, and using intensive firepower to cleanly annihilate the reinforcements, which were mainly puppet Manchukuo troops, Yang Zhen took the prisoners and captured equipment and mysteriously disappeared again in Laohei, a branch of Harba Ridge.  There is no trace in the ridge.

    After learning that Yang Zhen's troops were missing again, Sasaki, who had rushed to Dunhua County to personally supervise the battle, flew into a rage. He punched and kicked him and disappeared for several days until Sasaki arrived at the first place in Dunhua County.  The next day, Major Kitano Takatsu's whole face was swollen from running back from the mountainous area near Guailaifeogou.

    If it weren¡¯t for the persuasion of Colonel Xingxian, the captain of the 8th Regiment, who was familiar with the background of this major, I am afraid that the furious Sasaki would have directly and cleanly hacked alive this major who he called the disgrace of the imperial army.

    A complete infantry brigade, plus some coordinated puppet Manchukuo troops, were defeated by a group of bandits. This was almost a first for the Kwantung Army after the September 18th Incident.  After people opened the passage out of the mountain, they made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace.  Why not make Sasaki furious?

    Not to mention anything else, the damage on the 30-kilometer Beijing-Turkish line, where even the roadbed was blown away, was enough for Sasaki to have a drink in front of the Kwantung Army Headquarters or even the Tokyo Base Camp.

    The days when construction can be carried out in the northern Manchuria area are limited.  Unlike the Anti-Japanese Alliance who only stole rails, this time even the roadbeds and bridges on large and small rivers were blown up for more than 30 kilometers in one go. The losses were huge.  In other words, at least until construction can begin in spring, the Beijing-Tujia Railway will be completely paralyzed.

    What makes Sasaki even more angry is that these series of things actually happened the day after he arrived in Dunhua.  In other words, under the eyes of himself, the commander of the purge, not only was a railway police brigade wiped out, but the Beijing-Turkish Railway, which was crucial to the Kwantung Army, was cut off, and even more than thirty people were blamed.  kilometer.  If it were a little further west, the bomb would reach Dunhua County.

    After receiving an extremely severe reprimand telegram from the Kwantung Army Headquarters, Zuo Zuo felt cold all over.Mu Zhiyi slumped in his chair, unable to even come up with an excuse to defend himself.  Such a big thing happened and such a big loss was suffered. As the commander of the suppression campaign, and as the person who insisted on deploying the Fourth Division to participate in the suppression campaign, I cannot absolve myself from the blame.

    Looking at Lieutenant General Sasaki, who was slumped in the office chair without saying a word, with a pale face, Senior Colonel Xingxian next to him couldn't help but feel a headache.  After all, the mistake was made by his own troops. After all, the blame will still fall on him.  Especially at this critical time when he is about to climb to the position of major general.

    What Xing Xianyi didn't expect was that after receiving the reprimand telegram from the Kwantung Army headquarters, Sasaki Toichi, who had been in a rage, suddenly calmed down uncharacteristically.

    Sasaki stood up and walked to the large map hanging on the wall. He was silent for a long time before turning to the adjutant and Xing Xian and said: "The failure of this encirclement and suppression has caused the imperial army to suffer the biggest loss since the establishment of Manchukuo."  As the commander of the Qing Dynasty, I cannot absolve myself of the blame for this loss. I will go to the Kwantung Army headquarters to apologize. But the most important thing for us now is how to destroy this group of bandits as quickly as possible.  It cannot go anywhere else.¡±

    At this point, his originally gloomy look perked up again, and he issued several combat orders to the adjutant beside him: "Order the Manchurian troops who have already been stationed in Ning'an County to participate in the blockade of the east line of Zhang Guangcai Ridge to go south immediately.  From north to south, a large-scale clearing operation will be carried out in the Harbal Ridge area."

    "Order all the Manchurian troops stationed in Weihe County to immediately load their vehicles and head east, get off at Laosongling Station at the junction of Ning'an and Wangqing, and participate in the clearing of Haerba Ridge from east to west. They have already entered Laobai Mountain,  The remaining troops of the 8th Regiment in the upper reaches of the Hailang River immediately moved eastward to the Xiaoshanzuizi and Yaodianzi lines, and at the same time ordered the Wangqing garrison and forest police units to cooperate in the suppression."

    "Order all ministries participating in the campaign to cooperate closely and strengthen contact with each other. All ministries arriving in advance will temporarily conduct a tight blockade of the Harbal Ridge line. After all ministries participating in the campaign are launched, the campaign will be unified. Each ministry will advance on the front line,  The distance between each other should not exceed ten kilometers. I will adopt a step-by-step squeezing strategy to see how he can find the fighter plane."

    "At the same time, we telegraphed the Kwantung Army Headquarters, hoping to send aircraft stationed at Mudanjiang Airport to conduct strict reconnaissance on the Halbaling line. We also sent aircraft with night flying capabilities to conduct 24-hour strict surveillance of the Halbaling area. This  This time I want to know the exact location of this gangster."

    After deploying the latest suppression plan, Sasaki Toichi turned to Senior Colonel Anxian and said: "Commander Xingxian, your 8th Regiment will take the lead in this campaign. Remember, this is what I gave you.  Last chance, if your troops still perform so poorly, you don¡¯t need to come back to see me again, just apologize to the emperor. "

    Hearing Sasaki's tone as cold as Sanjiutian, Xingxian Dazuo even didn't even bother to wipe the cold sweat off his body. He nodded quickly and said: "Please rest assured, Lieutenant General, this time we will attack Halbaling."  , I personally supervise the battle, and I will never let you down again, let alone the scene in the northern mountains of Dunhua."

    Senior Lieutenant Xingxian¡¯s chest was beating loudly, but it was hard to say whether things would progress as he promised.  Judging from the sluggish speed of the Eighth Wing's follow-up operations, which can't be much faster than a turtle crawling, I'm afraid he is guaranteed not to be worth even a penny.

    No matter how much the First Lieutenant General Xingxian who rushed to the front line of Laobai Mountain to supervise the development urged, no matter how angry Lieutenant General Sasaki was, the soldiers of the Eighth Regiment still marched at a leisurely pace.  Not even ten kilometers a day.  Although the mountains were blocked by heavy snow and the snow was very thick in the mountains, the marching speed was definitely slow enough.

    These Osaka soldiers did not care about the saber wielded all day long by Senior Colonel Xingxian who was anxious and fearful that he was ordered to commit seppuku before he did not carry the rank of major general.  As for the fact that Toichi Sasaki, who personally flew in to supervise his progress, would be airdropped every few hours, that letter was even more indifferent than the harshly worded reprimand letter.  No matter how hard these two people urged them in the sky or on the ground, the marching speed just couldn't pick up.

    In fact, Sasaki too overestimated the fighting determination of these Osaka soldiers.  When several skirmishers from the second group of Japanese troops fled into the forest after being scattered and wandered blindly to the west road, all the members of the Eighth Regiment  The Japanese soldiers understood one thing: "These bandits are definitely not soft persimmons. To touch stones is definitely not the style of the Fourth Division."

    Especially after learning that fighting in this icy and snowy environment, a small injury may be fatal, these soldiers made up their minds. This kind of three-no-participation in the battle, which is in line with the private regulations of the Fourth Division, is not one of them.It is better not to participate in the battle of management.

    The dilly-dallying of these Japanese soldiers prevented Sasaki from completely closing the new blockade built along Halba Ridge.  Yang Zhen was able to easily escape the encirclement of the Japanese and puppet troops, cross the Laohei Ridge, a branch of the Harba Ridge, and enter the Jingbo Lake area in the southeast of Ning'an.

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