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Text Chapter 97 Ideas

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    Looking at the backs of the small teams setting off one after another, Guo Bingxun said to Yang Zhen: "Commander, are your requirements too high? Not to mention that it is difficult for them to accept these things for a while, even when I was studying in France, I had never seen English and French soldiers.  The army has these things. [.Com text] Where did you learn these things, like that sign language?¡±

    "If they can really master this technology, it will be of great benefit to their upcoming activities. At least when the visibility is good and the enemy situation is serious, they can exchange messages without making any sound."

    "I know you did this because you wanted them to come back alive from this mission, which is very likely to have no return, just like what you explained to Li Mingrui, Huang Dali and Dong Ping last night. But this  The time is so short, and our soldiers generally have a low level of education. Most of them don¡¯t even know a single Chinese character, let alone elementary school.¡±

    "How can it be possible for these illiterate or semi-literate soldiers to accept these extremely advanced military concepts in such a short period of time, even among Western armies with generally higher levels of education? How can it be possible so quickly? They have just learned to walk.  You can¡¯t force them to run right away.¡±

    "However, Commander, these things of yours are really practical. If they can really master it and use it skillfully, at least in this mountainous area, there will be no troops with similar strength.  I can take advantage of them."

    Hearing what Guo Bingxun said, Yang Zhen nodded and said: "I'm a little impatient. I just want them to survive as much as possible in the cruel environment they are about to face. They lure the enemy alone, no matter how dangerous the situation they are about to face is  Sex or cruelty are far beyond what we can imagine here. These are just the most basic things. If they can really master them, it can at least ensure that they will not suffer a disaster due to a sudden ambush. "

    "Is this just the most basic thing? No, Commander, you must know that these things you teach them are not something that ordinary armies can master even in the Western powers. Many skills can only be mastered by those who have undergone special training.  Only the troops can understand many skills that have not appeared even in the armies of Western powers.¡±

    Guo Bingxun, who had always known that Yang Zhen never exaggerated when speaking, couldn't help but be curious about Yang Zhen's special use of three nos to emphasize that the things he taught were only the most basic things.  If these are only the most basic skills in the armies of the Western powers, which can only be mastered by specially trained troops. There are even many skills that even the armies of the Western powers have never seen before, and they are just the most basic things, then what will the rest be like?

    Regarding Guo Bingxun's curiosity, Yang Zhen stretched out his hand and said: "They have only mastered the most basic reconnaissance methods. Let's put it this way, the skills they master now are as good as what I ask them to master, just like a newborn baby and a strong young man.  The gap is so big.¡±

    "Now they have only mastered the most basic tactical formations in jungle warfare, setting up defenses during rest, determining their general position, and some of the most basic assassination methods and combat capabilities. As well as some of the most basic capture methods. As for sign language, it is just  One of the simplest and most basic gestures."

    "For example, precise shooting while traveling, unarmed combat, making booby traps using grenades and available equipment on hand, different tactics should be adopted for various terrains, makeup reconnaissance, how to escape from the pursuit of military dogs, and use the azimuth angle of the compass to travel  , and in the absence of explosives, use all available materials, such as washing powder, kerosene, soap and other **.¡±

    "They only learned how to find the direction during the day. What about at night? They haven't learned how to find the direction when there is no starlight or a compass. However, in this regard, there are those hunters who have grown up in the mountains and forests since childhood.  As a warrior, I can deal with it for the time being."

    "And the traps I taught them to set can only be used to ensure that they are not attacked while they are resting. And use local materials to set traps to block the enemy's pursuit, and even use some small traps and mechanisms.  They are still far behind on things like capturing prisoners and how to disguise themselves from being discovered by the enemy. There is also tactical Japanese. If you can¡¯t even understand what the opponent is saying, how can you fight with your opponent? As for the other things, they need to learn it.  There¡¯s still a lot of stuff.¡±

    Yang Zhen raised his finger every time he finished speaking.  By the time he had finished speaking, his outstretched fingers had already touched her twice.  Finally he said: "These are the most basic things I want them to master. As for other advanced things, they are limited to some conditions and can only be determined in the future depending on the situation."

    When he heard Yang Zhen talk about his request, especially when Yang Zhen said that so many subjects were actually the most basic things, Guo Bingxun was dumbfounded and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Commander, is this still the most basic thing?  I don¡¯t think I had any problems when I was in law school.Passed so many things.  "

    In response to Guo Bingxun's emotion, Yang Zhen sighed for a long time and said: "Lao Guo, the situation we are facing is cruel and severe. We are now fighting without a rear. We can only rely on ourselves to capture all supplies, and cannot obtain even a single piece of information from the outside world.  A supply of bullets is enough. Moreover, in this vast and sparsely populated area, where the Japanese and puppet forces have an absolute advantage, even replenishing troops is very difficult.¡±

    "Under such circumstances, every one of our soldiers, especially those veterans who have participated in several battles, is extremely precious to us now and in the future. We do not talk about fighting for equipment and weapons, but fighting for consumption and fighting.  We can¡¯t afford the manpower now, and we can¡¯t even afford to spend time.¡±

    "Although the battlefield in Guan Nei is also cruel, we are far from comparable to that in Guan Nei. Most of the battlefields in Guan Nei are backed by the rear area, so it is very convenient to replenish soldiers. Moreover, the situation, especially the foundation of the people, is much better than here. Here  In such a severe situation where even the minimum number of soldiers cannot be guaranteed, what we can do is to reduce sacrifices as much as possible in every battle and retain as many combat backbones as possible."

    "Lao Guo, you have a very good vision. Although these warriors you selected this time are limited by their innate conditions and low education level, they are physically strong and have participated in at least one battle. Although they still have some experience.  However, this attack is also very dangerous. But for them, if they can withstand this test and train them well, they will be sharp knives in our hands."

    "Lao Guo, I just said that the situation we are facing is difficult and even crueler. In a situation where nothing can be compared with the Japanese and puppet troops, how to find ways to reduce casualties in the battle is what we have to do  An important test for commanders.¡±

    "The several victories we have achieved before, I still say the same thing, it is not that the Japanese and puppet troops are too weak, but that we are too lucky. The Japanese and puppet troops were unable to figure out our combat characteristics for a while, so they gave us these opportunities.  But this situation will not last forever, or even last for a long time. When we fight more times, the little devil's reaction ability will sooner or later figure out the rules of our combat, and that day will be the real truth for us.  test."

    "The difference between us and the Japanese and puppet troops is not only training and equipment, but almost everything between us and the Japanese and puppet troops, at least for now, is too different. So we have to study all possible tactics and find ways to win."

    "Lao Guo, have you ever thought about it, when we are in a head-to-head confrontation with the Japanese, if we have a special force operating behind enemy lines, knocking out the Japanese artillery positions, destroying the Japanese supply points, and intercepting the Japanese during the battle?  What would happen if we destroyed the Japanese supply lines or even destroyed the Japanese headquarters?¡±

    "Lao Guo, the battlefield is not a place where gentlemanly demeanor is important. As long as we can win the battle, we must adopt various means. We are not Song Xianggong, and the Japanese are not good people. As long as we can win the battle, even the so-called  Those hooligan methods of sapling and anesthesia should be used when necessary. "

    "I have been thinking that the Japanese only adopted siege tactics this time, instead of the usual dragnet and suppression tactics used by the Anti-Japanese Alliance. The reason is definitely not just because they have not yet figured out our specific location and lack of troops.  . They must have studied our previous combat experiences and discovered some characteristics of our military¡¯s operations before adopting this tactic of changing from passive to active.¡±

    After listening to Yang Zhen's words, Guo Bingxun pondered for a long time before replying: "Commander, did you already have this concept when we broke out in Harbin? You always take Li Mingrui with you and always find ways to train him.  opportunity. You don¡¯t want him to be the commander of the army in your mind, right?¡±

    It is really easy to talk to smart people. Yang Zhen just said the general thoughts in his heart, and Guo Bingxun guessed his general thoughts.

    Regarding Guo Bingxun's question, Yang Zhen did not deny it and nodded directly: "Yes, I had this idea as early as when the Japanese concentration camp broke out. In that night battle, in the face of the Japanese who were at a numerical disadvantage, we were defeated.  He suffered such a huge loss and almost lost a third of his brothers.¡±

    "That night battle gave me a lot of thinking. When I was trapped in the Wudaoling Iron Mine, I thought a lot. Not only about the gap in combat effectiveness between us and the Japs, but also about the gap between us and the Japs in the future.  Various tactical considerations during combat.¡±

    "Part of the gap in combat effectiveness and equipment can be made up with appropriate tactics. We are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of weapons and equipment, and even in numbers. It is simply impossible to make up for the gap in equipment with numbers like we did on the battlefield in Guan. In one  In a battle, the opponent's strength can be concentrated several times or even ten times."

      "So, I thought that if we could form a specially trained force, which does not need too many people and uses short and powerful combat methods as its main combat method, it can move behind enemy lines and destroy the Japanese artillery and artillery when we fight against the Japanese.  Command structures and supplies will be a great support to the main force and may even change the situation between the enemy and us on the battlefield."

    "If in that night battle, we had a small, strictly trained force that could suppress the Japanese and cover the main force's breakout, we could avoid many unnecessary casualties. And the situation that night will not be missed by us in future battles.  met."

    Having said this, Yang Zhen sighed and said: "Unfortunately, due to constraints of conditions and time, my idea has been delayed. Our conditions are too simple. We lack not only weapons and equipment, but also all equipment."  lack."

    "I want to teach them how to use the compass azimuth marching tactics, but we only have the few compasses captured by Huang Dali. In addition to leaving two for the headquarters to use, they are evenly distributed to each team.  not enough."

    "There is also a lack of weapons. In mountain operations, especially in small-unit operations in mountainous areas with dense vegetation, the distance between the two sides will not be too far. In terms of firepower requirements, it requires more intensity of firepower than firepower.  "No matter how accurate your shooting is, but the rate of fire is not enough, when there are trees everywhere and your line of sight is seriously blocked, if the first shot misses, you may never have a chance again.  .  Therefore, for small team operations in this kind of terrain, the most suitable weapon is not a rifle, but a large number of submachine guns.  "

    "But the submachine guns we seized before were not only severely insufficient in quantity, but even the most basic ammunition was consumed with the battle, and even with almost no seizures, they were also used up. Except for a small number of speed machines, we can only  A carbine that was not suitable was chosen as standard equipment.¡±

    "Also, each of them should be equipped with a combat pistol, but the pistols we have on hand except the unreliable and poor-penetrating Japanese Southern-style pistols, there are almost no other reliable combat pistols available. And those who need it  It would be better not to give them a carefully maintained Southern-style pistol.¡±

    "We don't have one of the daggers that each of them needs to be issued. We can only issue each detachment with a short knife that is broken off with a rifle bayonet and modified into a short knife that is not very suitable to alleviate the urgent need."

    "The serious shortage of light automatic weapons not only affects their combat when encountering the enemy, but also has a small impact on the entire army. Our ability to fight with the Japanese in hand-to-hand combat is too different, and we are far inferior to those who have received strict training with bayonets.  The Japs. Therefore, until the hand-to-hand combat capability of our troops reaches the same level as the Japs, we can only find another way."

    "The individual combat effectiveness of the Japanese soldiers is certainly fierce, but their combat effectiveness is not only reflected in the individual combat capabilities, but also in the tactical combination. Not only in battle, but even more so in hand-to-hand combat. As long as the three of them form a back-to-back  Combination, our soldiers are basically helpless.¡±

    "After several hand-to-hand combat experiences, I have a feeling that when hand-to-hand combat is unavoidable, the Japs cannot be allowed to form a fighting group under any circumstances. They must be dispersed or separated as much as possible. The only way is to separate them.  Come, we can find a way to reduce necessary casualties in hand-to-hand combat."

    "In this kind of close combat, the penetration power of rifle bullets is too great. Although it is inevitable for us to shoot when fighting with bayonets, it can easily cause accidental injuries. As I said before, we can't afford it in terms of supplies.  We can't afford it in terms of manpower, so equipping ourselves with close-combat-intensive weapons like submachine guns is the best way we can effectively avoid casualties in hand-to-hand combat. Of course, if we have a sufficient number of combat pistols."

    "But we don't. We get all the supplies from the enemy, and we don't have any arsenal to provide weapons. At least for now, we can't get enough submachine guns."

    At this point, Yang Zhen was silent for a moment and said: "As for Li Mingrui, you are right, I have made up my mind. Li Mingrui was in the world in his early years. He has rich experience and good skills. In addition to his commanding ability, he also  Apart from the huge differences, he is a good candidate in other respects and can be put to great use in the future with proper training.¡±

    "I keep him with me all the time so that I can give him guidance at any time. And although he is very skilled, he has too many pretense. The battlefield is about killing with one blow, not participating in martial arts competitions. At least half of his pretense is useless.  ¡±

    Just when Yang Zhen was about to continue speaking, his words were interrupted by Peng Dingjie who hurried over.  Peng Dingjie handed Yang Zhen a telegram reporting: "Commander, telegram from Deputy Chief of Staff Wang."

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