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Text Chapter 89 Poison Scheme (2)

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    "Change from active to passive? If you don't go into the mountains to clean up, what do you mean?" Ishihara Wanji, who dared to launch the September 18th Incident without authorization as a mere staff officer of the Kwantung Army, was not an idiot.  [.Com text] Sasaki Toichi's thoughts were only revealed a little, and he understood.

    Sasaki nodded at one o'clock and said: "Yes, what I mean is to use a tight blockade to force them out and force them to show up on their own initiative. Since these people are good at ambush operations, it is impossible for us to mobilize a large number of troops when we enter the mountain.  In a situation like Northern Manchuria where the population is sparsely populated and the mountains are high and the forests are dense, going into the mountains and clearing them out means dividing up the troops, which can actually create certain opportunities for them. "

    "If fewer people go, that will add to their record. If they go too much, they won't be able to mobilize so many troops. The most important thing is that we don't know anything about their internal situation, at least until now. So, my suggestion  Just use siege tactics to force them out.¡±

    "It is now October, and winter is about to begin in northern Manchuria. The winter in Manchuria, especially in northern Manchuria, is cruel. The severe cold of minus 30 to 40 degrees is enough to destroy everything. These Chinese people are living in the deep mountains and old forests.  How could they survive this severe winter without winter clothing and food? Without enough winter clothing, they would freeze to death in the vast mountains of northern Manchuria. This is not a warm South China.  "

    "Even if they obtained some food in Weihe County, they continued to fight after leaving Weihe County. In order to maintain the mobility of the troops, they could not carry much food. Now that the plan of returning to villages and merging households has been completed, the people in the mountains  All of them have moved out, and they have nowhere to provide supplies in the mountains.¡±

    "Even if some food is seized, and there is nowhere to replenish it, how long can this food last? It won't be long before they come out of the mountains on their own initiative. Isn't this better than going into the mountains to clear them out?  How much better are they?"

    "As for the scope of the blockade? Since before I took office, Mr. Ishihara had already conducted a dragnet-like roundup of Wuchang, Acheng, Zhuhe, and Weihe, then we will focus the blockade on the west of Mudanjiang and the Binsui Railway.  The mountains to the south and east of the Ant River.¡±

    "In view of the fact that the life of every imperial soldier is precious, I decided that this encirclement and suppression campaign will still focus on Manchurian troops, and only two squadrons of infantry and cavalry will be deployed as war supervisors. My opinion is that the combat effectiveness of the Manchurian troops will be better  The strong infantry and cavalry regiments of the Xing'an Army and Jing'an Army were respectively deployed in Ning'an County and Weihe County as mobile forces."

    "In addition, two mixed brigades from the Fourth Military District of Manchuria were mobilized, as well as four military police companies stationed in Harbin, the Ning'an Military Police Regiment, plus the Ning'an Forest Police and Binsui Road Guard Police stationed in Wuchang and Maoershan.  The two regiments blocked every pass leading to the outside world in this mountainous area, strictly prohibiting a grain of grain, a pound of salt, a pound of cotton, or a piece of cloth from entering the mountains.  Closely monitor the actions of the Manchurian rebels."

    "In addition, an order was issued to confiscate all the grain and salt in the returned settlements and household strongholds, except for the three-day ration, and concentrate them all in large market towns with heavy troops. The stronghold police will be armed every three days  After receiving it, we will distribute it. Even if these people break through our blockade and capture one or two strongholds, they will not be able to get enough supplies. "

    "Not only here, but in all areas in northern and southern Manchuria where anti-Manchurian and anti-Japanese elements are active, this must be done. Strictly control the amount of food stored in the hands of local people, and all materials such as cotton, cloth, and kerosene are provided on a per-capita basis, and nothing is superfluous.  They can¡¯t stay either.¡±

    "Even if all the Manchus in the entire northern Manchu mountainous area were frozen and starved to death, these anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements would never be able to get any supplies."

    Regarding Sasaki Toichi¡¯s plan to strictly control food, Ishihara Wanji agreed without even thinking about it.  But for other plans, after hesitating for a while, Ishihara Wan'er said again: "Sir, I don't know how much food these Chinese bandits have, but on the military columns in Weihe County, except for the Kwantung Army's deployment  In addition to some of the weapons and ammunition for the North Korean army, there are also 3,000 complete sets of winter clothing to be shipped to the border guards.¡±

    "It's just that this military column was blown up by the bandits when they were about to withdraw. How much of the materials on the military column were transported away is because these bandits strictly blocked it when they retreated. It's impossible to count now."

    "You should know the warmth of these winter clothes specially developed by the Imperial Army for the Kwantung Army. Once these Chinese people transport all these winter clothes away, I think it will not be a problem for them to survive this winter."

    "These Chinese people once hired a large number of animal-powered carriages in Weihe County. But after arriving at the Wei'an Mountain line, these Chinese people paid five times more than the price of these carriages to buy those carriages."?, and sent all the coachmen back.  "

    "The coachmen hired by them were driven back too early, so they didn't know where these people were hiding or what was being carried on the vehicles. The only thing they knew was that these people were very generous.  , Although their attitude is very kind, they are very strict in their management, and these people can be said to be the most disciplined army they have ever seen. "

    "Because when loading the truck, these Chinese people did not have any artificial hands, they loaded it by themselves. The truck was covered with tarpaulin, and it was covered tightly. Even if they took a rest in the middle, they would never open it."

    "So we have no way of knowing how much material these Chinese people transported, but one thing is certain, the quantity will definitely not be low. On that military column, there were more than 100 light and heavy machine guns allocated to the North Korean army as supplementary equipment.  Hundreds of artillery shells. This is not enough to equip two mortar squadrons and a large number of small arms ammunition. All of these weapons are produced by the Fengtian Arsenal."

    When Ishihara Wanji, who was like a crow, reported another bad news, Sasaki, who was already numb, did not get angry. He just said lightly, but his tone was extremely firm: "No matter what these Chinese thugs are doing,  How much supplies have been seized in Weihe County can sustain them through this winter. If General Ueda Kenkichi still decides to let me take command, this is my opinion. "

    "With the railway as the pillar, the completed Manchurian National Defense Highway as the chain, and the bunkers as locks, these Chinese people were trapped, starved, and frozen to death in the deep mountains and old forests. No matter how much supplies they seized, they could not hold on for too long.  long time.¡±

    "Those Manchurian rebels are stationed there, and changing to another place is nothing more than moving to another place. However, the blockade is a blockade, but the specific location of their so-called secret camp still needs to be continued to conduct reconnaissance. And their military strength  I need first-hand information on the total number and the equipment.¡±

    Seeing Sasaki's insistence, Ishihara Kanji did not stick to his opinion, but bowed deeply to Sasaki and said: "Since Lieutenant General insists, then I will convey your opinion to General Ueda Kenkichi.  of."

    "Please rest assured that I will convince the General to accept your plan. Also, I will go all out to provide the support you request. I will mobilize the troops you designate as quickly as possible.  I¡¯ll leave the matter here to your Excellency, the Kwantung Army really can¡¯t afford to lose this person.¡±

    Sasaki put down the baton in his hand, waved his hand and said: "Ishihara-kun, you're welcome. You and I are all working for the Imperial Holy War. It doesn't matter whether you please or not. Please go back and tell Commander Ueda Kenkichi, Ishihara-kun, to deal with these cunning people."  The gangsters need time and must not be rushed."

    Ishihara Kanji and Sasaki, who hurried back to the Kwantung Army headquarters to report, left as soon as they finished talking.  Looking at Ishihara Wanji's back, Sasaki gently patted the thick stack of information on all escaped prisoners of the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department brought from the Kwantung Army Headquarters on the table by Ishihara Wanji: "  Chinese people? I didn¡¯t expect that those Chinese people would still have such courage after laying down their weapons.¡±

    After roughly flipping through the documents, Sasaki rang the bell on the table and called in his adjutant who had been with him for many years. He pointed at the documents on the table and said, "Tell the technical department to take photos of all the photos in the documents."  , zoom in, and organize the information.¡±

    Watching the adjutant take away the information, Sasaki moved a chair and sat in front of the map. He pondered for a long time and used the red and blue pencils in his hands to draw a large circle on the map from the mountainous area in the southeast of Ning'an to the north of Dunhua.  There is also a big question mark in the circle.

    As for the situation when Sasaki, who is known as the father of the puppet Manchurian revolution and who once brought huge losses to the Anti-Japanese Alliance, arrived in Harbin to take over as the commander of the Fifth Independent Guard Force and the commander-in-chief of the North Manchurian Bandit Suppression Force, he was still in the deep mountains and old forests at this time.  Yang Zhen, who has basically lost all contact with the outside world, naturally doesn't know.  He knew nothing about Sasaki's plan to trap himself in the forest.

    In the evening, after the Japanese aircraft that had been hovering overhead for a long time finally flew away, Yang Zhen immediately ordered the troops to prepare three days of dry food.  At the same time, various barracks and warehouses in the secret camp were re-camouflaged to ensure that they would not be discovered by Japanese aircraft.

    Yang Zhen, who simply did not believe that the Japanese reconnaissance operation would end in such a hasty manner, checked very carefully and did not dare to make any oversights.  This secret camp is now our foundation, and it stores all the supplies that are enough to enable the troops to survive the severe cold in winter.  Once exposed, it means losing the support that can be used to cultivate and live in the long and cold winter, and the threat to the troops will be fatal.

    Yang Zhen, who once conducted winter survival training in the Xing'an Mountains in the north, is familiar with the severe cold in the Beiman Mountains.?The memory is still fresh.  In the greenhouse climate environment that I will live in in later generations, it is still common to have more than 30 degrees below zero here, not to mention now that there is basically no pollution?

    Because the safety of the secret camp involves the survival of the troops in winter, Yang Zhen attaches great importance to the concealment of the secret camp.  Although the Japanese and puppet spies may not have the courage to go so far into the forest.  But for the Japanese army with modern equipment, reconnaissance methods do not rely solely on spies.  Aerial reconnaissance, a reconnaissance method with low consumption and high effectiveness, will definitely not be used by the Japanese army.  Isn't today a good example?

    Although the taste of dry food is not good.  The texture of fried rice is not bad, but Yang Zhen made fried rice with sorghum rice according to the method known to later generations as used by the Volunteer Army. The taste of fried rice can be described as inedible.  But when it is impossible to make a fire, it can basically fill the stomach of the warrior.

    Although a large amount of grain was seized in Weihe County, only one-third of it was rice, and the rest was mainly sorghum, soybeans and corn, the traditional staple foods of Northeastern people.  When purchasing supplies, they mainly focus on necessary supplies for the army such as salt and medicine.

    The amount of sugar that can be used to adjust the taste of fried rice is not very large. In addition, the amount of sugar sent to the commander-in-chief of the Second Route Army means that the amount of sugar on hand in the army is very small.  There is no sugar, only salt is added, and the taste of fried rice made from sorghum, rice ginseng, soybeans and corn can be imagined.

    Yang Zhen ordered a small amount of fried rice made of rice and sugar to be left to the sick and wounded. Except for Peng Dingjie, whose stomach was seriously injured due to torture, the rest of the commanders were like ordinary soldiers.  On the same day, I also eat fried rice made from sorghum rice.

    Watching Yang Zhen, Li Yanping, and Guo Bingxun, who were described as "Gaba" and "Gaba", chewing the jerky and unpalatable fried sorghum rice with cold water, then looked at the fried rice with added sugar and the enamel in the lunch box in their hands.  The milk powder was poured out of the vat from the only thermos in the secret camp. There was a box of opened cans that Peng Dingjie really couldn't eat.

    Peng Dingjie, who really couldn't eat, grabbed the Japanese pig kidney lunch boxes that Yang Zhen and others had in his hands, and poured his fried rice and canned rice into their lunch boxes.

    Seeing Peng Dingjie's actions, Yang Zhen quickly grabbed his lunch box and said, "Lao Peng, you must have a stomach injury. You cannot eat whole grains. You must ensure nutrition. We are not sick or injured, as long as we can fill our stomachs."  "It doesn't matter what you eat. Just eat it quickly, the milk powder will get cold after a while."

    Yang Zhen doesn¡¯t want it, and Li Yanping and Guo Bingxun don¡¯t want it either.  After the two of them grabbed their lunch boxes back, they both advised Peng Dingjie to eat his meal quickly.

    Seeing that several people did not want their fried rice, Peng Dingjie sighed and said to Yang Zhen: "Commander, haven't you always emphasized the equality of officers and soldiers? I am the director of the Political Department and a political cadre of the army. I should bring this to the army.  Head. You and the soldiers all eat this fried rice from sorghum. How can I eat the fried rice made from this rice and this milk powder alone?"

    Having said this, Peng Dingjie raised his head and looked at Yang Zhen and said: "In the past few days since we retreated to the secret camp, you have been avoiding me when eating, but I know that you are avoiding me because you are not making delicious food yourself. It is the difference between what you eat and  The soldiers are all the same, they are all eating sorghum rice and cornmeal, but you only get rice and canned food for me? "

    "Lao Yang, you have always emphasized that officers and soldiers share weal and woe, why are you only specializing for me? Don't forget, I am a party member, and to the soldiers, I am their leader. The more in times of crisis, those of us who do  Party members and leaders should play a leading and exemplary role.¡±

    Hearing Peng Dingjie's words, Yang Zhen smiled slightly and said: "Old Peng, you are not special. Our wounded and sick patients have the same food as you. Don't forget that although you are not a wounded soldier, you are also  patient."

    "Oh, except for these milk powders. There is no other way. This is the only thermos we have. We don't have enough to guarantee all the sick and wounded, so now we can only guarantee you first. However, the difference is only one or two days. When the Japanese plane evacuates,  We can make a fire, and the rest of the sick and wounded will be like you."

    Guo Bingxun also advised from the side: "Lao Peng, you have to treat the situation differently according to the specific situation, and you can't be emotional. The commander is right. You are a patient, and you are different from us. Your diet must be based on your body.  We still have a long way to go, and we can only continue to fight the Japanese if we are healthy. As for the commander's statement that officers and soldiers are equal, when the Japanese are killed, we will have enough rice. The rice in the Northeast is much better than in Guan Nei.  . Haha, we don¡¯t eat rice at this time.¡±

    After saying that, Guo Bingxun carried his lunch box and walked to the entrance of the headquarters, looked at the Japanese reconnaissance planes still circling in the sky, and turned to face Yang Zhen.??: "Commander, this little devil's plane has been struggling since yesterday afternoon until today. It seems that the little devil is unwilling to let us find him."

    "Last night, if you hadn't foreseen it early and made enough dry food while the Japs' planes were retreating, and ordered the troops not to light fires at night, we would have been discovered by the Japs' night planes. Who would have done it?  I didn¡¯t expect that the little devil would spend so much money this time, even sending planes out for reconnaissance at night.¡±

    Yang Zhen rubbed his cheeks that were a little sore from chewing fried sorghum rice and said: "This area has high mountains and dense forests, and there is no human habitation within dozens of miles. The little devil will not find out our specific location easily."  Dare to come into the mountain. If people don¡¯t come in, it¡¯s the same as sending a plane.¡±

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