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Text Chapter 87 Yang Zhen¡¯s new opponent

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    Yang Zhen heard the explosion coming from outside and rushed to the door in three steps at a time.  [.Com text] After taking the telescope handed over by Li Mingrui and observing, he discovered that the explosion was caused by several Japanese light bombers that arrived at an unknown time and were randomly dropping bombs on the surrounding mountains and forests.

    After hearing the explosion, Li Yanping, who came with him, saw Japanese aircraft dropping bombs in the sky and became a little anxious.  Li Yanping anxiously said to Li Mingrui, who was standing next to Yang Zhen: "Hurry up and notify the troops. They will all evacuate the barracks immediately and spread out and hide. They are all crowded together. If only one bomb hits, the loss will be huge."

    Hearing what Li Yanping said, Yang Zhen, who had been observing carefully with a telescope, shook his head and said: "The landing point of the Japanese bomb is still far away from us. Don't worry, let's take a look before talking."

    Yang Zhen put down his telescope, pointed at the blown-up trees on the hilltop not far away, and said, "Commissar, look, the bombs dropped by the Japanese planes are extremely scattered and have no specific targets. The little Japanese bombs are just wandering around.  , They probably want to use the tactic of driving snakes out of their holes, and they want to drive us out of our hiding place so that they can determine our specific location. Their reconnaissance planes are still circling in the sky, so they have not already identified the target.¡±

    Li Yanping strongly disagreed with Yang Zhen's idea: "That won't work either. Even if the Japanese are bombing aimlessly, who can guarantee that the bombs will never fall on us? The target of their bombing will not change.  here?"

    "The troops are now organized into companies and are huddled in the woods. As long as a bomb hits a wooden fence, we will lose at least one company. Let the troops withdraw and disperse and hide in the woods. Even if the Japanese bombs fall.  On top of the head, the loss is much smaller.¡±

    Regarding Li Yanping's insistence, Yang Zhen couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Political Commissar, look at these new bombers from the Japanese. They are all light aircraft and cannot carry many bombs. The real threat to us are those flying against the treetops.  reconnaissance aircraft."

    "Once we withdraw, according to the current tactical capabilities of the troops, it is simply impossible to hide before the Japanese reconnaissance plane is discovered. The Japanese reconnaissance plane flies so low, almost brushing the treetops. Every move we make is difficult  Escape from their thieves. Even if one person is discovered, it means that the secret camp is exposed, and we will not be able to stay in this forest. "

    "Without the cover of the secret camp, how can we train our troops? It's now October, and the weather has gradually started to get colder. Without the supplies stored in the secret camp, how can we survive this winter?"

    "The impact point of the bomb is still on the other side of the mountain. The Japanese are coming with light bombers and cannot carry many bombs. Moreover, it is getting dark now, so you can rest assured that they will not be able to bomb us. Besides, the Japanese are not able to bomb us.  They are always stingy and will not waste too many bombs. I guess they should withdraw after these planes drop their bombs. "

    After roughly explaining his views, Yang Zhen said to Li Mingrui beside him: "Go and inform the troops to calm down. Tell them that the Japanese bombs are still far away from us. As long as the bombs do not fall on the top of their heads, no one can  You are not allowed to leave the hidden areas. You are agile, and with the Japanese reconnaissance plane flying so low, you are the only one who can quickly reach the hidden areas without being discovered. "

    In response to Yang Zhen's order, Li Mingrui nodded immediately without any hesitation and said: "Okay, I'll go right away. Commander, will you also withdraw with the political commissar and chief of staff and hide in the woods behind?"  No matter what, it¡¯s still too dangerous here.¡±

    "I'm not going there, I'm just standing here. I ordered the troops not to leave the hiding place, but I myself withdrew first. What do you mean by that? Stop being so fussy. Just do whatever I ask you to do? Go quickly."  Yang Zhen rejected Li Mingrui's evacuation suggestion without even considering it.

    After Li Mingrui left, Yang Zhen raised his telescope and observed the Japanese planes circling in the sky for a while. His heart was full of doubts: "Are the Japanese really trying to knock down the mountain and drive us out of our hiding place? Or have they already discovered it?"  What?"

    "Before the target is determined, it is normal to send out reconnaissance planes to look for traces of the opponent. However, in addition to the reconnaissance planes, the little Japanese actually sent bombers to bomb everywhere. This is not like the Japanese usual style."

    After a long silence, Yang Zhen turned to Wang Guangyu and said to everyone around him: "Old Wang, don't delay. You will leave after dinner. Be careful on the way and try to avoid encounters with the Japanese.  . I guess since the Japanese have sent out planes for reconnaissance and have spent so much money, it means that the Japanese¡¯s big sweep is not far away.¡±

    ¡°Judging from the current actions of the Japanese, the Japanese should haveThey were so suspicious that we hid in this area.  The devil will not attack without aim.  I think we should be ready for counter-sweeping now.  "

    Looking at the Japanese aircraft circling overhead, he had always been doubtful about the true intention of the Japanese army. However, Yang Zhen knew that at almost the same time that he and Li Yanping were holding a combat summary meeting, the Fifth Independent Guards Corps of the Kwantung Army stationed in Harbin  In a secret room at the headquarters, Lieutenant General Sasaki Yuichi, who had just arrived in Harbin from the North China Front Command in Peiping, was also having a secret conversation with Major General Kanji Ishihara, deputy chief of staff of the Kwantung Army, who was commanding the campaign in Harbin.

    The former top military adviser of the Puppet Manchukuo, who was transferred back to the position of Commander of the Military Police of the Chinese Garrison Army before his butt was even warmed up, was transferred back to the Commander of the Fifth Independent Guards of the Kwantung Army.  The separation policy brought great losses to the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and Lieutenant General Sasaki Toichi was obviously very dissatisfied with this transfer order when he committed serious massacres in last year's attack on Nanjing.

    In the view of Lieutenant General Sasaki Toichi, he has made enough contributions to this so-called Manchu Empire.  As a real soldier, he should now fight face to face with the regular army of the China government on the battlefield of China, and establish the merits that a warrior should have.  Instead of going back to this damned Manchukuo and spending the whole day crawling into the ravines endlessly with those bandits who were unwilling to surrender.

    Sasaki, who kept his face and said nothing, obviously didn't buy it when faced with the extremely enthusiastic Major General Kanji Ishihara.  He kept using a repulsive expression, telling Major General Ishihara Kanji, the instigator of his transfer back, that he was not happy with his kindness.

    Looking at the ugly face of Lieutenant General Sasaki Toichi, Major General Kanji Ishihara, who knew why he was dissatisfied with him, did not show the slightest concern about his ugly expression.  Even the smile on his face didn't diminish by half.

    The two were silent for a long time, and it was Major General Kanji Ishihara who took the lead to break the deadlock. After all, he could not remain silent like this forever: "Your Excellency Sasaki showed heroic spirit and superhuman strength when he swept through Northern China in the China Incident last year and captured Nanjing, the capital of China.  I am extremely impressed by your courage and re-established illustrious martial arts.¡±

    "Your Excellency Sasaki's courage is astonishing. He not only dispatched troops in China, but also made many achievements in the Kwantung Army. It was only under the vigorous rectification of Your Excellency Sasaki that the Manchurian Army became a regular, combat-effective and independent force.  By taking on the role of suppressing bandits, His Excellency Sasaki saved the lives of a large number of Imperial soldiers for the empire. He truly deserves to be a role model for us juniors.¡±

    Listening to Ishihara Kanji¡¯s flattering words that made people feel sick, Sasaki¡¯s gloomy face finally cleared up a bit since he got off the plane.  As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. Since people are talking about this person, if I show my face to others again, it will be really unjustifiable.

    "After all, everyone will still have to work together under the same roof with the Kwantung Army for a period of time in the future. From now on, we will not see each other with our heads down, and it is not good to be too stiff."  Especially the guy in front of him who single-handedly planned the September 18th Incident is still looked upon with disdain by some of the upper echelons of the military.  It's not good for me to offend him too much.

    Seeing that Sasaki's expression softened somewhat, Ishihara smiled slightly and said: "There are really some compelling reasons for transferring Mr. Sasaki back from such an important position as Commander of the Military Police of the North China Front this time. Please forgive me.  His Excellency Toichi Sasaki has been the top military advisor of Manchukuo for many years, so he is no stranger to the Kwantung Army¡¯s Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department, right?¡±

    When Major General Kanji Ishihara mentioned the Kwantung Army Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department, Sasaki snorted slightly and said with some disdain: "Isn't it the place where the playboy military doctor named Shiro Ishii conducted some germ warfare experiments?  Why did they finish building the hugely expensive base in the bungalow?¡±

    When Sasaki asked this question when he arrived, I couldn¡¯t blame him.  Because the matter was so important, the Kwantung Army and the Tokyo Military Headquarters kept strict confidentiality regarding what happened in the Kwantung Army's Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department.  Except for a few people, not to mention Lieutenant General Sasaki who had been transferred from the Kwantung Army, and except for a few people involved in the upper echelons of the Kwantung Army, the general generals of the Kwantung Army did not know about it.

    Regarding Sasaki's extremely dismissive tone when he mentioned Shiro Ishii, Ishihara smiled and shook his head slightly, but did not refute: "Shiro Ishii is dead. All the germ warfare experts in the entire Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department, together with the Kanto  All the experts from the military chemical warfare department who were sent to the bungalow to conduct experiments on new chemical weapons were killed. Now the epidemic prevention and water supply department has been basically paralyzed because all the scientists who implemented this plan have been left to their own devices.¡±

    Since being transferred to the head of the 30th Brigade of the 16th Division last year, Sasaki, who has rarely contacted his old friends in the Kwantung Army, was stunned when he heard the news: "Such a thing? What?The Ministry of Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply has extremely tight defenses, and there is mutual support from the Second Division stationed in Harbin and the Independent Fifth Guard Corps. How could all the experts be killed so easily?  Can the Anti-Japanese Alliance have such great capabilities?  "

    Having said this, Sasaki Toichi, who has served as the top military adviser to the Manchuria Army for many years and has repeatedly commanded the so-called Manchuria Army to carry out large-scale campaigns against the Anti-Alliance, and who has a deep understanding of the strength of the Anti-Alliance, quickly shook his head: "That's not right.  , Whether it is Zhao Shangzhi in northern Manchuria, Zhou Baozhong in Jidong, or Yang Jingyu in southern Manchuria, they are not able to defeat a complete reinforced infantry squadron and capture this heavily guarded base under the eyes of the imperial army, right? "

    Regarding Sasaki's doubts, Ishihara Kanji, who had been puzzled many times about the reason for the attack on the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department, couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It was not the anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese elements of the Anti-Japanese League. The reason why the Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department was attacked this time  The entire army was destroyed not because it encountered a strong enemy from outside, but from within. Those Chinese prisoners of war who were going to be used for experiments, that is, the Chinese prisoners of war transported from the pass, held a massacre and killed all the experts and annihilated them.  Guard squadron."

    After Ishihara Wanji finished speaking, Sasaki Toichi's brows couldn't help but frown tightly.  Those prisoners of war should have been unarmed when they arrived in Harbin. How could they kill a reinforced squadron of security forces and all the experts under tight security?

    Having participated in the Battle of Nanjing and ordering the disposal of a large number of prisoners of war captured in Nanjing after the occupation of Nanjing, he thought he knew the prisoners of war of the China Army very well.  He did not think that once captured, these prisoners of war, who would become as docile as a group of sheep and allowed to be slaughtered, would have the courage to resist.

    In Sasaki¡¯s view, although these Chinese prisoners of war were brave and tenacious during the battle, once their commanders died or disappeared in battle and separated from the army, they became herds of sheep. How could they have the courage to resist?

    What's more, the weapons of these prisoners of war have been confiscated long ago and they are being held separately. The Kwantung Army's Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department is also heavily guarded. How could they have a chance to escape from their cells, or even take a bite from them?  This seems incredible to Lieutenant General Sasaki Toichi.

    Seeing Lieutenant General Sasaki's incredulous expression, Ishihara smiled and said: "At that time, I was also puzzled as to what these Chinese prisoners of war did, and I couldn't believe it. But after on-site investigation, I came to the conclusion  That's true. Mr. Sasaki, you should know that the Imperial Army is not deceiving the superiors and subordinates, and all conclusions are extremely rigorous, but the results of the on-site investigation show that the attack came from within."

    "These Chinese people used methods that we still don't know about to quietly kill all the guards and seize their weapons. They even used poison gas seized in special prisons to deal with accidents.  A special prison security force.¡±

    "Afterwards, they used the large quantities of weapons and ammunition they seized to eliminate the infantry squadron on guard duty that rushed to suppress them upon hearing the news. They also used Shiro Ishii's mentality that he might be careless or wanted to deliberately conceal the matter, and the early warning was ineffective.  In time, he did not escape after getting rid of all the guards. Instead, he boldly attacked the residential area of ??the Ministry of Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply and killed all the experts living there. Shiro Ishii was also killed in this attack, and those who were in charge of the attack.  People were very cruel to him.¡±

    Thinking of seeing the body of Shiro Ishii who died in such a horrific state, Ishihara Wanji said with some lingering fear: "Shiro Ishii's death was in an extremely miserable state. Even though I consider myself a member of the Emperor who is used to seeing life and death, I can be considered a human being."  A hard-hearted person, but I can¡¯t help but feel a little scared when I think of the appearance of Shiro Ishii¡¯s body.¡±

    Seeing the frightened expression on the face of Ishihara Wanji, who was always known to be bold, Sasaki Toichi's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.  Although he was shocked, he did not express any opinion for the time being, and just motioned to Ishihara Wanji to continue.

    Because he knew that the incident at the Ministry of Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply alone was not enough to make General Ueda Kenkichi, the commander of the Kwantung Army, urgently transfer himself back from the North China Front Army.  Although he has made many meritorious deeds in the Kwantung Army, he is not an irreplaceable figure.  There must be something else hidden in this.

    Sure enough, what Ishihara Wanji said made him feel not only shocked but angry.  A majestic Imperial Army major general didn't even fire a few shots, and he didn't even know the exact location of the enemy. Thousands of Imperial soldiers and Manchurian elites were blown up into the sky.

    Not only did such a large Kwantung Army escape from under their noses, but after disappearing quietly for a period of time, they backhandedly devoured an infantry squadron and lost Weihe County.  Even the deputy director of the Binjiang Province Police Department was beaten to death.  What's more serious is that an arms train parked at Weihe Station and a large amount of equipment on board were also seized.

      In the subsequent encirclement and suppression, the Kwantung Army suffered heavy losses.  Not only was the encirclement circle beaten to a pulp, but even the son-in-law of his teacher from Lu University, Chenglong Kuai, was also killed in their hands.  In the end, the family disappeared without a trace again, and even the location where the family might be hiding could not be found.

    After listening to this, Sasaki completely understood why the Kwantung Army transferred itself from the North China Front Army at the expense of the near and far away.  After being beaten up by a group of rabble and losing a major general, the Kwantung Army was in great disgrace this time.

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