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Text Chapter 76 The bloody setting sun (4)

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    Although Yang Zhen asked Guo Bingxun and Wang Guangyu to find an opportunity to retreat as soon as possible, the call back from the two was extremely unsatisfactory for Yang Zhen.  [.Com text] Both of them said in the telegram that although they had suffered few casualties, they had been firmly stuck by the Japanese and puppet troops and it was difficult to withdraw.  At least there was no way to retreat before dark.

    Guo Bingxun told Yang Zhen in a telegram that the actions of the Japanese and puppet troops this time were strange.  It does not launch a strong attack against the obstacles it encounters.  Instead, we adopted a front-line push, step-by-step, and little-by-little squeeze tactics.  Most of the time, they only use their troops to tightly block the blocking troops, and rarely launch strong attacks.

    ¡° Moreover, this group of Japanese and puppet troops acted extremely cautiously and used artillery fire to carry out indiscriminate bombings whenever there was any disturbance.  Progress is slow but extremely effective.  The blocking force tried several times to ambush part of it, but never succeeded.  On the contrary, it brought some casualties to itself.  Although Yang Zhen delayed the Japanese and puppet troops' attack speed according to the tactics arranged in advance, they were also stuck by the Japanese and puppet troops and it was difficult to get rid of them.

    Looking at Guo Bingxun¡¯s telegram, Yang Zhen frowned more and more.  From Guo Bingxun's telegram, Yang Zhen came to a conclusion that was very unfavorable to him, that is, the Japanese and puppet troops had figured out their own combat rules and characteristics, especially their habit of using mobile ambushes and loving ambush warfare.

    What worries Yang Zhen even more is that Wang Guangyu, who also blocked the Japanese and puppet troops following him, also sent the same telegram.  Looking at the two telegrams with similar contents, Yang Zhen couldn't help but secretly marveled at how quickly the Japanese army responded.  Since the attack, the only real battles he had fought were Wei Anshan and Zhoujiayingzi. The Japanese had figured out the characteristics of their own battles so quickly.

    Yang Zhen is not afraid that the Japanese and puppet troops will adopt the tactics of encirclement with heavy troops, because no matter how many troops there are, it is impossible to move simultaneously, and there will always be gaps that can be exploited.  He is not even worried about the tactics adopted by the Japanese and puppet troops to divide their forces and encircle them, so that he can find fighter planes more conveniently.

    What worries him most is that the Japanese and puppet troops will adopt the current tactics of moving forward step by step and pushing forward along the same line.  Judging from the telegrams sent by Guo Bingxun and Wang Guangyu, the Japanese and puppet troops adopted exactly this tactic, although extremely time-consuming, but also the most reliable and the most practical tactic to deal with guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare.

    Yang Zhen put down the telegram in his hand, opened the map and quickly found it, marking his location and the locations of Guo Bingxun and Wang Guangyu.  After completing the homework on the map, Yang Zhen felt that he was most fortunate to have defeated the Japanese and puppet troops in front of him with all his strength.  Otherwise, once the encirclement of the Japanese and puppet troops is completed, no matter whether you like it or not, you will have no choice but to sneak into the trap set by the little devils.  Based on the current situation analysis, Yang Zhen was certain that the Japs had set up an encirclement in the south and were waiting for him.

    Looking at Yang Zhen with a solemn expression, Li Yanping on the side took the telegram and read it carefully and said: "Old Yang, it's best for us to rush out from the breach that has been opened as quickly as possible. We defeated what we saw.  The enemy has not been completely wiped out, and the news cannot be concealed for long. Once the enemy mobilizes heavy troops to fill this loophole, we will be in danger of being squeezed and surrounded by the enemy."

    "I understand what you are saying. Fighters are fleeting. But what about Lao Guo and Deputy Chief of Staff Wang? We stand out and what should they do if they are stuck by the Japanese and puppet troops? Give up?" Regarding Li Yanping's words  , Yang Zhen didn¡¯t understand the truth.  But it was simply impossible for him to abandon Guo and Wang, who were clinging to the Japanese and puppet troops.  This is not only an emotional matter, but also involves military morale, morale, and even the stability of the army.

    Wang Guangyu is a member of the Resistance Alliance. There are only a few of them in the army, so they will not cause unrest in the army.  But Guo Bingxun was different. He was the one who broke out of the devil's concentration camp with him.

    Putting aside personal feelings, the current backbone of the army are all former prisoners of war.  Guo Bingxun has a high prestige among them, especially among the former Japanese prisoners of war who make up the majority.  If Guo Bingxun is left to cover, if something unexpected happens, it will easily cause turmoil in the troops.  There is even a possibility that this newly established force will disintegrate.

    In addition to the consideration of stabilizing the morale of the military, Yang Zhen himself did not want to abandon any of his comrades or brothers.  When Yang Zhen was performing missions in his previous life, no matter how dangerous or difficult it was, he never abandoned a comrade.  In this era, he will not abandon anyone easily.

    Yang Zhen stared at the map in silence for a long time, then looked at his watch and said: "Political Commissar, no matter where we are from, we can't just leave like this. Leave Lao Guo and Lao Wang here to fight alone. You know what if  What will happen if we leave them here alone? They are our comrades-in-arms and our brothers who share weal and woe. We are far from the edge of despair and we cannot abandon them."

    "In this way, I will lead three companies and all the heavy weapons to support Deputy Chief of Staff Wang. Although the number of Japanese and puppet troops on the two routes is large, they have taken more measures.It is a squeezing tactic, and the offensive is not tight.  Lao Guo can still persist, support Lao Wang first, and strive to defeat the enemy in front of Lao Wang first.  "

    "We defeated the Japanese and puppet troops in the front. Even if the Japanese's communication capabilities are much higher than ours, it will still take at least some time for the Japanese to mobilize reinforcements, which will bring us a time difference. As long as we make good use of this time difference, we can defeat both sides.  Along the way, our whole game comes alive.¡±

    "Political Commissar, if we cannot completely defeat the siege of the Japanese and puppet troops, even if we can bring the main force out of the Japanese encirclement under the cover of Lao Guo and Lao Wang, we will always be passive. Political Commissar, you lead  The remaining personnel and all the wounded retreated northeast from the opened breach and entered the Zhuhe territory to hide."

    "We still have a lot of food seized from Weihe County, which is enough to support you hiding in the mountains for a while. After you enter the Zhuhe territory, do not have contact with anyone, especially the local people. After I rescue them, we will  Meet you. Take the radio away and we¡¯ll communicate with each other.¡±

    Li Yanping pondered for a while and said: "Lao Yang, the situation is very serious. No matter from Lao Guo's side or Lao Wang's side, even if you add the three companies you brought, they are still at an absolute disadvantage in terms of strength. From their  Judging from the situation reported by telegram, you are also at an absolute disadvantage in terms of firepower. You are a military commander, and you should understand this, and you should understand even more.  Unfortunately, Wang died, and we still have people who can replace them. If you die, at least there is no one in this army who can replace you. "

    "Lao Yang, I know and understand your relationship with Lao Guo. Lao Wang and I have known each other for a long time. We have fought and lived together for so many years since he was transferred to the Fourth Army. How can we have less affection than you and Lao Guo?  But this is the cruel reality. Although our strength has improved, it is still far from being comparable to the Japanese and puppet troops."

    "In situations where there is a huge disparity in strength, it is necessary to sacrifice one unit in exchange for the survival of the main force. You are the commander of the unit and the military chief of this unit. You cannot act on impulse. You are responsible.  Not only for you personally, but also for this army and the party¡¯s cause.¡±

    Having said this, Li Yanping paused and said: "Besides, Lao Yang, Lao Guo and the others may not necessarily have something happen to them. It is getting dark, their troops are small, their targets are small, and this is a mountainous and forested area.  As long as they seize the opportunity and hold on until dark, they can easily escape.¡±

    "And Lao Yang, even if you insist on going, you can't go to Deputy Chief of Staff Wang. Lao Wang has fought guerrillas in the Northeast for many years. Although he has not received formal military training, he has rich experience in combat. He is especially good at guerrilla warfare and is very good at this area.  He is also familiar with the terrain, climate, and people's conditions. He has experience in dealing with this situation. Even if his troops are dispersed, he can still get out as long as he does not sacrifice himself. "

    "As for Lao Guo, although I haven't had much contact with him, I have a general understanding of his situation. Although he is very good in theory, he is also a top student at the Saint-Cyr Military Academy in France. But after returning to China, he has been  He served as a staff officer in the Kuomintang army and had never served as a military commander, so his combat experience was far less than that of Lao Wang.¡±

    "If we just talk about military theory, or positional warfare and conventional warfare, we may be far inferior to him. But we know almost nothing about guerrilla warfare. So even if you want to go, you must go to Lao Guo."

    Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "Political Commissar, I want to save them not just for feelings. First of all, in terms of the stability of the army, most of the current backbone of the army and commanders at all levels are former Japanese prisoners of war, and Lao Guo is among them.  China has a high prestige. If we abandon Lao Guo, it will easily cause some people to think that we will not save him, which will very likely cause the army to waver."

    "Again, I just said it. If we can buy a certain breakout time at the expense of Lao Guo and the others, but for us it will only win a temporary breathing space and fail to fundamentally get rid of the passive situation.  ¡±

    "The Japs have planes in the sky, cavalry and armored vehicles on the ground, and are assisted by a large number of traitors and spies. They are not as familiar with the terrain in this area as we are. Even in the mountains, if we don't beat the Japs to pain, we will  It is difficult to escape the pursuit of the Japanese and puppet troops. I think that since we have already beaten them, we should hit them once."

    "Our westward march this time is not to capture cities and territory, let alone to show our military power. It is to conceal our true tactical intentions and to attract the Japanese and puppet troops who are attacking Xiangjiang area.  It will also buy us some time to rest and recuperate.¡±

    "And in the battle just now, we did not pay a high price when we defeated the frontal enemy. It is not that we do not have the ability to fight. We defeated the frontal Japanese enemy.The puppet army and the Japanese are still unable to figure out what our subsequent tactical intentions are?  Is it to use one unit as a cover to break through with the main force, or for some other purpose.  "

    "Political Commissar, we now have three radio stations in our hands, and it is extremely convenient to communicate with each other. You take the two recruit companies that were expanded during the attack on the Japanese group tribes, the wounded, and the captured weapons and ammunition to hide in the Zhuhe River. I am here with the main force.  Let¡¯s fight another battle before the Japanese react to get rid of our current passive situation as soon as possible.¡±

    After listening to Yang Zhen's words, Li Yanping hesitated and nodded: "Okay, Lao Yang, you have convinced me. I agree with you, but I still think you should go to Lao Guo. Sent from Lao Guo and Lao Wang  Judging from the situation and the battle we just had, the situation at Lao Guo¡¯s side should be the main force dispatched by the Japs this time than at Lao Wang¡¯s side.¡±

    Regarding Li Yanping¡¯s view, Yang Zhen nodded in agreement.  Li Yanping was right. In terms of military theoretical knowledge, probably no one in the army could compare with Guo Bingxun.  Even Yang Zhen, who came from a later generation, believed that even he himself was not necessarily better than Guo Bingxun in military theory, especially in the staff profession.

    But in terms of actual combat experience, especially front-line command experience, Guo Bingxun, who has been a staff officer at the upper level for a long time, is far inferior to Wang Guangyu.  Although Wang Guangyu has not been trained in formal military academies, he has rich practical experience.  Especially mountain combat in terrain like Northern Manchuria is far beyond what Guo Bingxun can compare with.

    And Wang Guangyu was originally famous in the Second Anti-Alliance Army for his bravery and skill in fighting, as well as his military and political skills.  Otherwise, the commander-in-chief of the Second Route Army would not have cooperated with Li Yanping to rectify the Fourth Anti-Alliance Army in a one-on-one duel among the Second Route Army, which could be regarded as a gathering of combat stars.

    Out of judgment of the situation, Yang Zhen originally wanted to support Guo Bingxun instead of supporting Wang Guangyu.  In Yang Zhen's view, Guo Bingxun should be facing the main force of the Japanese and puppet troops compared to Wang Guangyu on the eastern front where the puppet Manchukuo military and police accounted for the majority.

    Since we have made up our minds to fight, we must fight hard and hit his main force.  As long as we can find fighter planes to eat up part of the Japanese and puppet troops on the west route, although the passive situation will not be completely reversed, it will at least be eased.

    But in front of Li Yanping, in order to show equal treatment to all the people participating in the team, Yang Zhen hesitated and offered to support Wang Guangyu first.

    Li Yanping's statement made Yang Zhen breathe a sigh of relief. He couldn't help but feel a little ashamed that he had judged a gentleman with a villain's heart and underestimated the ambition of these old party members.

    Yang Zhen and Li Yanping are no longer rookies on the battlefield. They still understand that time is life and time is victory.  Now that he had made up his mind, Yang Zhen immediately started making arrangements.

    Just when Li Yanping, with two companies of recruits, the wounded and some captured supplies, began to retreat north under the cover of one company, and Yang Zhen was about to lead three companies of the main force to prepare to march eastward to support Guo Bingxun's battle, a letter came from  The telegram sent from Guo Bingxun made him stop preparing for reinforcements.

    Looking at the telegram in his hand, Yang Zhen quickly glanced at the map and then said to the correspondent: "Call back to Chief of Staff Guo and ask him not to fight head-on with the Japs, but to use layers of blocking tactics to lure the Japs there to  Come here."

    After saying that, Yang Zhen said to the three company commanders who were standing next to him waiting for his departure order: "We are not going to reinforce the chief of staff. We are going to fight here. You must assemble your troops immediately and prepare to fight."

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