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Text Chapter 70 Surprise attack on Weihe (1)

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    Yang Zhen ambushed Weihe County to reinforce the Japanese army in Zhoujiayingzi. The battle went smoothly.  [.Com text] Since the Liudaohezi pioneering regiment was attacked and all the advance personnel were wiped out, the Japanese army has attached great importance to the safety of each pioneering regiment.  Especially in those areas where they said there were anti-Manchu and anti-Japanese armed activities, they were much more cautious.

    In addition to following the original practice of equipping each pioneering regiment with weapons and arranging Puppet Manchukuo military police around them, a mobile force equipped with trucks was also deployed in each county where the pioneering regiment was stationed to provide reinforcement at any time.

    Although most of the Japanese and puppet troops in Weihe County were transferred to Daguokuizi Mountain in the Yabuli area to encircle and suppress the anti-alliance forces trapped there, the Japanese and puppet troops left in the city still moved very quickly.

    Only half an hour after the detailed attack on the Japanese pioneering group in Zhoujiayingzi was launched, Yang Zhen received a report that the Japanese forwards had crossed the Ant River and were approaching the front line in Zhoujiayingzi.  It's just that the number of enemy reinforcements is slightly different from the number in the intelligence.

    According to Yang Zhen¡¯s knowledge, in addition to some Puppet Manchukuo policemen in Weihe County, the Japanese army also had two squadrons of Japanese troops.  The observation post deployed at Ant River reported back that in addition to more than 20 puppet Manchukuo military police, the Japanese army only dispatched one squadron this time.

    Although I was a little worried about the movements of the Japanese squadron that had not been dispatched, the arrow was already on the string and there was no reason why it should not be fired.  When all the Japanese troops who came to rescue entered the ambush circle, following Yang Zhen's order, intensive machine gun firepower swept the Japanese troops along with falling mortar shells.

    Although the mortar platoon formed from the two mortars captured in Wei'an Mountain was just a beginner, Hao also practiced on the prop gun made of wood by Yang Zhen for a while.  Although the accuracy was not even satisfactory, fortunately Yang Zhen did not place too many demands on them.  Yang Zhen only asked them to shoot out the cannonballs, as long as they fell among the enemies and not among their own people.

    For these artillerymen who were not even half-assed, and this was their first contact with real artillery, Yang Zhen naturally did not expect them to achieve much success.  For them, Yang Zhen's only requirement for them now is to truly master the use of mortars through this battle.

    It is also an ambush battle. Compared with the two ambush battles in Liudaohezi and Wei'an Mountain, this face-to-face ambush battle with the Japanese army is the real test for Yang Zhen's troops.  Compared with the previous Puppet Manchukuo military and police, these Japanese troops not only have much higher fighting qualities, but their fighting spirit is much more tenacious.

    After discovering that they were ambushed, the Japanese squadron that was reinforcing the Zhoujiayingzi front line did not retreat but instead advanced as soon as it was hit by fire.  Under the intense firepower of Yang Zhen's troops, which was like a storm, the Japanese troops who quickly reacted immediately ignored the casualties and used the grenade launchers, several external machine guns and a 92  A counterattack was launched under the cover of heavy machine guns.  Moreover, the location of Yang Zhen's ambush was extremely accurate.

    Looking at the Japanese troops who were constantly launching counterattacks, Yang Zhen, who was observing the progress of the war with a telescope, thought to himself: "It is indeed the Kwantung Army, which is known as the elite of the Japanese army. This arrogant and arrogant demeanor is not comparable to that of ordinary armies. Even if there are more than ten people in his own army,  Under the intensive firepower of light and heavy machine guns with almost no cost, the response speed is definitely not comparable to that of the Puppet Manchukuo military police. They are really tough. "

    Although the Japanese army immediately determined the location of the ambush of their ambush, under the concentrated firepower of more than a dozen machine guns, especially the accuracy was not great, but under the frightening mortar shells, although they could still launch  counterattack, but the strength of its fire cover is greatly reduced.

    Under the fire attack, the Japanese machine gunners had just added machine guns, but they were knocked out by more than a dozen veterans with good marksmanship and specializing in machine gunners and grenade launchers arranged by Yang Zhen in advance.  The grenade launchers only had time to fire one or two grenades before they were turned into a hornet's nest by two light machine guns specially arranged by Yang Zhen to suppress fire.

    Countless veterans, especially machine gunners, who have experienced the war of resistance against the grenade can be mentioned with gnashing of teeth. Both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, who have fought with the Japanese for eight years, have the conditions to imitate them. If they do not have the conditions to create conditions, they have to imitate them at close range even if they are suddenly launched.  Yang Zhen had long been wary of this weapon in combat.

    As early as when setting up the ambush circle, Yang Zhen specially arranged two light machine guns to specifically attack the Japanese grenade launchers.  Unfortunately, despite adequate preparations, the Japanese in front of them were all well-trained veterans.  Even if you aim in a hurry, your accuracy and reaction speed are absolutely top-notch.

    Even the grenades fired in a hurry by a few Japanese grenadiers, which amounted to only a few rounds, caused considerable casualties to Yang Zhen's troops.  One light machine gun and one heavy machine gun were destroyed by these few rounds of grenades.

    Fortunately, the Japanese are strong, but they are not ironclad.  After several counterattacks failed to make any progress, but resulted in more than half of the casualties, no moreUnable to withstand firepower.  After several counterattacks, they were hit by machine gun fire and pieces of grenades that exploded in mid-air. They gradually retreated towards the riverbank where Yang Zhen expected them to be their final burial place.

    When the remnants of the Japanese army finally retreated to the river beach according to Yang Zhen's plan and were looking for cover, Guo Bingxun, who had been silent since the battle began, also started fighting.

    Seeing that the Japanese army that had just been stubbornly resisting was completely destroyed by the intensive firepower that suddenly appeared from behind, Yang Zhen did not hesitate to order the troops to launch all attacks except for a company led by Peng Dingjie that cut off the Japanese retreat.  charge.  At this time, Liu Changshun, who was attacking the Japanese pioneering group in Zhoujiayingzi, also turned around, and the command post headquarters pressed forward from the front.

    There was not much training in hand-to-hand combat, and the hand-to-hand combat ability of the Japanese army was very different. Yang Zhen himself tried his best to avoid bayonet fights with the Japanese. The tactical combination specially trained for the Japanese hand-to-hand combat in Laoheidingzi Mountain was used for the first time at this time.  Really show the power.  Moreover, a lot of submachine guns captured in the two battles between Liudaohezi and Wei Anshan were used to replace the pistols, which were more powerful.

    When the remaining thirty or so Japanese soldiers who were trapped on the river beach saw the opponents charging from all sides and were removing the bullets from their rifles according to their daily training, the submachine guns of Yang Zhen's submachine gunners had already fired.  There was no chance for them to bayonet.

    Although there were a lot of submachine guns seized, the number of bullets seized was really not that many for this kind of weapon.  Therefore, in the previous battles, Yang Zhen had not used these submachine guns, and Yang Zhen had to save the few bullets for hand-to-hand combat.

    Even during the pre-battle training, which was considered to be a rush, Yang Zhen only let the selected submachine gunners fire a few rounds to master the gun feel.  It was not as generous as when I was training to use rifles and machine guns, and almost half of the ammunition reserves on hand were destroyed.

    Yang Zhen has always been worried that the Japanese army is not equipped with submachine guns, and the number of submachine guns equipped by the puppet Manchukuo military and police, all of which are provided by the Japanese army, will not be too many.  Once the limited submachine gun bullets are used up, it will be difficult to replenish them.  Yang Zhen still held this idea until a lot of submachine guns and ammunition were seized in the battle at Wei'an Mountain.

    Fortunately, this kind of weapon, which is known for its intensive firepower, does not require much training, let alone the precise shooting level of a rifle.  Just aim roughly at the opponent and shoot out the bullet inserted in the magazine on the side of the gun body.  The maintenance is also simple and tight. If it is not too wasteful of bullets and the range cannot be compared with the rifle machine gun, this kind of weapon is still very suitable for use by recruits like Yang Zhen, who account for the majority of the troops.

    When the gunshots fell silent, the entire battlefield was more than 200 meters long from east to west and tens of meters wide from north to south. Except for a few people who responded quickly, they lay on the ground as soon as the gunshots rang out and couldn't get up.  Apart from the Manchukuo policemen who escaped and became the latest batch of prisoners in Yang Zhen's hands, there was no Japanese and puppet army still standing at this moment.

    And among the corpses scattered on the ground, the soldiers cleaning the battlefield would add a bayonet to them according to Yang Zhen's request to prevent anyone from escaping.  Naturally, they would not want the wounded who were not dead yet. Yang Zhen had no time, manpower, or medicine to treat these two-legged beasts at the moment.

    When the gunshots fell completely on the battlefield, Yang Zhen, who knew what it means to be a soldier with great speed, swept the battlefield hastily, buried the bodies of dozens of soldiers who died in battle, and marked the burial places for future search, and immediately the entire army  Depart for Weihe County.

    There is no way, the Zhoujiayingzi line is really not far from Weihe County.  The intensive sound of gunfire these days may even wake up ghosts, let alone Weihe County, which is so close at hand?

    Even though Weihe County is now empty of troops, it is not the ancient times when news can only be conveyed by manpower.  Telegraphs and telephones are very convenient for sending all the news to where they want to go.  Once the Japanese and puppet troops left behind in Weihe County felt that something was wrong, they could easily call in reinforcements.  In order to buy as much time as possible, Yang Zhen could only lead his army to set off after hastily cleaning the battlefield.  As for the interrogation of prisoners, it can only be done during the march.

    Fortunately, these pseudo-policemen themselves don¡¯t have much backbone, and they only had to take a few butts of rifles before they had to explain anything.  Although the information they knew was not too much, it was enough for Yang Zhen.  After all, even the little devil is not completely at ease with his own dog.  What's more, these puppet Manchukuo policemen are just a few small fishes.

    Why the Japanese only dispatched one squadron to reinforce the Zhoujiayingzi front line this time is not because of Tuoda, but because there is only one regular Japanese squadron left in the entire Weihe County.  The other one was escorting Yasui Toji, who was originally stationed in Weihe County to supervise the anti-alliance forces to clear up, to Mudanjiang yesterday.

    From within the Pearl RiverAfter the Liudaohezi Pioneer Group was attacked and all of them were killed, they received a lot of reprimands from the base camp. They were still in the process of making meritorious service due to the incident at the Ministry of Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply. Because of this incident, Ueda Kenkichi, who almost did not pack up and be dismissed from his post and returned to Japan, expressed his displeasure to the Pioneer Group.  This so-called security issue related to the national policy of the empire is still taken very seriously.

    According to the request of the commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army and an active army general, when the following Japanese and puppet troops receive reports of attacks on the Pioneer Regiment, they will never have a brigade on hand and only send out a squadron.  .  Therefore, although only one squadron of Japanese and puppet troops came to reinforce Weihe County in Zhoujiayingzi this time, they could definitely be considered a full force.

    The main force of the Japanese and puppet troops originally stationed in Weihe County was completely wiped out by Yang Zhen during the Battle of Wei'an Mountain.  The complete destruction of the Japanese troops on the front line of reinforcements at Zhoujiayingzi means that the Japanese and puppet troops in Weihe County have been basically eliminated.

    At this moment, there are only a few Puppet Manchukuo policemen and a dozen Japanese military police left in Weihe County, which is almost undefended.  Yang Zhen easily captured this small county town without any difficulty.

    The only two places where Yang Zhen encountered what could only be described as slight resistance in Weihe County were at the train station and the gendarmerie.  The resistance of more than a dozen military policemen located in these two places, equipped only with rifles and pistols, did not cost Yang Zhen much effort, and they were quickly eliminated.

    After clearing the last resistance in the city, Yang Zhen issued two orders in succession.  The first was to confiscate all Japanese shops and banks in Weihe County in the name of confiscating enemy property.  Especially after the September 18th Incident, after the fall of the entire Northeast, Japan strictly controlled the batteries and equipment that could be used by radio stations, as well as the medicines and other materials urgently needed by the troops.

    Second, under the leadership and identification of the arrested so-called anti-Manchurian and anti-Japanese personnel who had just been released from the gendarmerie and the Puppet Manchukuo prison, a large-scale arrest of traitors in the entire Weihe County was carried out.

    After convening a short public trial, all the captured Puppet Manchukuo military police officers including police lieutenants and above, gendarmerie squad leaders and above, and the Puppet Manchukuo county government section chiefs were publicly shot.  In particular, none of the several traitors captured by the Anti-Union were left behind.

    In addition to those who were killed on the front line of Wei'an Mountain, the remaining traitors, especially the several high-ranking cadres who were traitors and were prepared to be used in the Anti-Alliance's follow-up encirclement and suppression campaign and stayed in Weihe County, were captured.  After a short interrogation, he was quickly executed.

    Li Yanping, who hated these traitors with gnashing of teeth, personally used a machine gun to beat him into a hornet's nest, an anti-alliance cadre who he had liked very much before but who turned out to be a traitor at the most critical moment.

    Looking at Li Yanping, who was inspecting the corpses of the traitors one by one and firing a shot from time to time, Yang Zhen shook his head and stopped Peng Dingjie, who wanted to dissuade him, and said, "Let him vent? This time, almost all the resistance forces were wiped out, especially that  The betrayal of a few of his favorite generals hit him hard. "

    Peng Dingjie sighed when he heard this: "Lao Yang, I don't know if this kind of thing happened when the Red Army was in Guannai, but now the Anti-Japanese Alliance is really scared of traitors. The dignified provincial party committee secretary and several long-term  After testing, the main division commanders who fought all the way through the hail of bullets betrayed their own beliefs, betrayed the cause they had promised to fight for their whole lives, and betrayed the country and the nation when they were needed most.  "

    Pointing to one of the traitor's corpses, Peng Dingjie said with some sadness: "That person is the commander of the First Division of the Fifth Army. He is also one of the division commanders of the Fifth Army who is most respected by General Zhou of the Second Route Army."

    "He was betrayed by a traitor back then and was tortured in the Jaap Prison without rebelling. I never expected that he would become a traitor now when the Anti-Japanese Alliance needs him most, and he would also take away the most powerful division of the Fifth Army. This is  If Commander Zhou knew about it, I don¡¯t know how heartbroken he would be.¡±

    "The route is chosen by themselves and cannot be influenced by others. There is also a division commander who rebelled and took away a division. This shows that there is a problem in the army itself. When the Western Route Army failed, the Red Army's troops in the Western Expedition faced  The situation is much more severe than now.

    "But of the nearly 20,000 Red Army soldiers and cadres at all levels, many were captured, and even more died under the enemy's butcher's knife after being captured. But among so many cadres, there was only one traitor. And this traitor was  When he left, he didn't even take a guard with him. If he hadn't tricked the guard into taking away his gun, his guard would have shot him dead first."

    "There are also many Red Army traitors in the pass, but to be honest, few of these traitors can pull away the troops. Whether it is the main force of the Red Army in the Long March or the guerrillas who stayed in the south after the Long March, even in the most difficult environment  It is very rare in Zhongdu for the leader of a unit to rebel and take away a unit to rebel collectively. "

    "Of course this has something to do with the difference in environment.The cruelty of the environment in the north is not comparable to the warmth of the south.  But it may not have a certain relationship with the Anti-League itself.  In a word, you still need to be strong to strike iron.  As long as we continue to win victories and build strong confidence in victory among our cadres and soldiers, there will be fewer and fewer rebellions.  Lao Peng, this is not just something that I need to work hard on, it requires the efforts of all of us.  "

    "Commander, you see, we actually captured a Japanese train transporting ammunition and supplies to Suifenhe at Weihe Station." When Yang Zhen and Peng Dingjie were talking happily, Guo Bingxun, who was going to count the loot, came and interrupted their conversation.  , excitedly handed the pile of information in his hand to Yang Zhen.

    After Yang Zhen took the information and read it carefully, he raised his head and said to Guo Bingxun: "Old man.

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