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Text Chapter 59: Accumulating strength (2)

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    After listening to Yang Zhen's thoughts, Guo Bingxun pondered for a long time before saying: "Old Yang, I understand what you are thinking. [.Com text] With our current strength, let alone fighting against the elites of the Japanese Kwantung Army, we are fighting with equal strength.  "

    "Not to mention those laborers who have received almost no training, our original brothers are honestly not that high in combat effectiveness. To resist Japan and save the country, it is not enough to rely solely on passion. In addition to the strength of the country, the most fundamental factor here is  It¡¯s still the combat effectiveness of the army.¡±

    "Compared with the Japanese army, the Japanese army has poor training foundation, poor tactical coordination ability, and extremely poor equipment and firepower. For us, we also have the disadvantage of being unfamiliar with the use of Japanese weapons. Although we have already fought with the Japanese army,  It took a whole year, but for the vast majority of Sichuan troops who are not good at using Japanese weapons, it still takes time to become comfortable with this weapon. "

    "The various weapons we originally used are incomparable with the Japs' equipment. The rifles are all very similar in structure. But many of our brothers are not used to the Japs' weird-looking light machine guns. We are used to using French-made light machine guns.  The performance of the brothers holding this kind of machine gun is less than 56% of the original, especially the ammunition supply system that requires constant oiling of bullets with an oil can. The brothers are really a little bit frustrated.  Not adaptable.¡±

    "After retreating into the deep mountains and old forests to rest and train for a period of time, this is what we urgently need now. Cultivate a force based on well-trained officers and non-commissioned officers. When we go out to fight against the Japanese, we will not only give us the skills before the battle.  It adds a lot of chances of winning and also lays a good foundation for future troop expansion.¡±

    "But Lao Yang, have you ever thought about it. There are many mountainous areas in the Northeast, especially the North Manchuria. There are the Greater and Lesser Khingan Mountains in the north, Changbai Mountain, Wanda Mountain, Zhangguangcai Mountain, Laoye Mountain and many other mountainous areas in the east. They are all high mountains and densely forested. It can be said that  It provides us with a natural place to hide and rest.¡±

    "But this kind of terrain also means four words: vast land and sparsely populated areas. Although we can avoid the enemy's suppression by retreating into the deep mountains and old forests, we are also faced with a series of problems such as no supplies, no replacement soldiers, etc. And in the end  The fatal thing is that we are hidden in the mountains and forests and cannot reach the people. Where do our supplies come from? "

    "We now have nearly a thousand people who need to eat. Even if each person consumes nearly one and a half kilograms of grain a day, this would still require more than a thousand kilograms of grain every day, not counting non-staple food. And we must speed up the progress and strive to achieve it as soon as possible.  To form combat effectiveness, it is necessary to increase the amount of training. In order to maintain the physical strength of the brothers, the demand for food will be increased by at least 30%, which means that we need nearly two thousand kilograms of food per day. "

    "Based on a three-month rest period, we would have to stockpile nearly 200,000 kilograms of grain alone before entering the mountains, or even more. Based on a carriage carrying one thousand kilograms of grain, in order to transport this grain into the mountains,  We need to mobilize 200 carriages. With such a big movement, the Japanese are not fools. They can't let us collect and transport the food smoothly under their noses, and three months is what we need to train our troops.  The shortest time possible.¡±

    Having said this, Guo Bingxun said to Yang Zhen with a wry smile: "Lao Yang, you don't know yet. The grain we seized from the Wudaoling Iron Mine has been consumed in just a few days. If it weren't for Lao Peng's experience,  We are rich, we can control it well without fighting, and we have found ways to collect some wild vegetables, mushrooms and other things to mix with. Maybe we will starve now.

    "This is just a matter of food. It is already August, and autumn has entered in the northern Manchuria area. This is only for the plains, and winter enters earlier in the mountainous areas than in the plains."

    "According to the climate in Northern Manchuria, it is normal for snow to fall in the mountains in October. This means that we have to raise a set of cotton-padded clothes, a pair of cotton-padded shoes for each brother within at least a month, and even prepare cotton hats and  Cotton gloves, and quilts are in short supply. If possible, it is best to prepare some cotton coats. Without these things, we cannot survive in the severe cold of Northern Manchuria, and the troops will collapse even if it freezes."

    "Coupled with the required weapons and ammunition. Our current weapons are only enough for the old brothers. Those brothers who are new to the army can't even find a training rifle. Our current weapons gap is at least about 60%.  How can you train without weapons? You should at least make the new soldiers know how to use a gun."

    After Guo Bingxun's words fell, Peng Dingjie, who had been silent for the whole time, also said: "Lao Yang, what Lao Guo said makes sense. If we want to go into remote mountains and forests for training and rest, these are all problems we must solve."

    "Brothers, you can't do it without food in your stomach. Autumn is about to begin.Yes, the autumn necks in northern Manchuria are short, and winter begins as soon as autumn arrives.  This is not Guan Nei. In the mountainous areas of northern Manchuria, temperatures of 30 to 40 degrees below zero are normal.  If they enter the mountains without complete preparations, the troops will simply not be able to persist in the mountains.  "

    "I once told you that many of our anti-Japanese troops were defeated not by the Japanese, but by hunger and cold. Last winter, I saw with my own eyes two soldiers who died in front of a wolf because of hunger and cold.  At that time, they didn¡¯t even have the strength to pull out the safety and pull the trigger. And when they were eaten alive by the wolves, each of them still carried more than a hundred rounds of bullets. "

    "As long as there is something in their stomachs that can give them the strength to pull the trigger, even if each of them has more than a hundred rounds of bullets and several grenades, they will not be swallowed alive by the wolves. And this Guangcai Ridge  Although it is not as vast as the Xing'an Mountains and Changbai Mountains, there are tigers and leopards in the mountains that are more ferocious than wolves."

    After listening to their words, Yang Zhen nodded but then shook his head and said: "Lao Guo, Lao Peng, you are telling the truth. This is undeniable. But we now need a stable environment to rectify and train the troops. No.  After a period of training, we are now in disarray and have no combat effectiveness at all.¡±

    "We were lucky the first few times, but what about in the future? God will not always take care of us like this. In that base of the Japanese, we can be said to have an absolute advantage in terms of military strength, but the result of a bayonet fight will not be the same for you.  We've all seen it. How many casualties have we suffered, and how many have been suffered by the enemy? If we keep fighting like this, we will be exhausted in a few battles, and how much threat can we bring to the enemy?"

    "Don't be afraid if there are difficulties, we will find ways to solve them. Isn't there a saying that the three stooges are at odds with Zhuge Liang? As long as we use our brains more, we will definitely come up with a solution. But it will definitely not work without training. Just like the old saying  Guo, you said we need at least three months of rest."

    "The lack of weapons is easy to explain. We can temporarily adjust the weapons for use. Let the new soldiers at least learn to operate them first, so that they will not be unable to use the weapons if they are seized in the future. We cannot reserve food for three months at once, but we can  I think we can get these 40,000 to 50,000 kilograms of food for a month temporarily."

    "You can't buy it. Let's not talk about whether the people will risk being beheaded by the devils to sell it to us, or whether we have the money to buy it. As far as the devils' control over food is concerned, buying food is too much for us.  Dangerous. Rather than risking your life to buy it, it¡¯s better to grab it.¡±

    "Robbing? Who are you going to rob? We don't have the strength to rob the little devils now. Doing so is like pulling teeth out of the tiger's mouth. Lao Yang, you are not going to rob the common people, are you? Then what is the difference between us and the Japanese and traitors?"

    Hearing that Yang Zhen actually proposed to grab food, Guo Bingxun and Peng Dingjie looked at each other, unable to guess what his idea was.

    Looking at the two people who looked at him with puzzled expressions, Yang Zhen smiled and said: "Robbing the common people, doesn't that push the common people towards the devils? I just said that the common people are water, we are fish, and fish can live outside of water."  Not long. How could I do such a stupid thing?"

    "But it is not correct to say that the people who robbed are not ordinary people at all. Although the people I want to rob are not soldiers, they can be regarded as civilians, but they are not Chinese ordinary people."

    "Are you talking about the idea of ??attacking the Japs' pioneering group? This is one way. However, the Japs' pioneering groups are equipped with weapons and have received certain formal military training. There are even many so-called soldiers in the countryside.  They are retired soldiers of the Kwantung Army. These pioneering regiments still have a certain fighting capacity. When it comes to fighting, we are not necessarily the opponents of these pioneering regiments. Although we have suffered many casualties, we have not achieved much success.  big."

    ¡°It was a local snake after all,¡± Yang Zhen revealed a little bit, and Peng Dingjie immediately thought of what he had planned.

    Hearing Peng Dingjie guess what he was thinking, Yang Zhen nodded and said: "Yes, it is the pioneering group of the Japanese. These pioneering groups really came to reclaim wasteland, but where did their reclaimed land come from? Did they rely on it?  Use force to seize the good farmland that our Chinese people have already cultivated. Besides those traitors who regard thieves as their fathers, who else from China invited them to open up the land?"

    "Since these little devils are using whatever means they can to occupy the Northeast, don't blame us for retaliating in kind. Since they are robbing the Chinese people's farmland, then we will use their food to supplement our own."

    "Also, it's not just them, there are also those traitorous landlords who are determined to serve as the Japs' lackeys. Since they are determined to work for the Japs, we don't have to be merciful. We must not only supplement ourselves with their food, but also  Kill one to serve as a warning to others.¡±

    "Besides, these openingsAlthough the Tuotuan appeared as immigrants, they were half-military and half-civilian, and even directly participated in the siege and suppression of the Anti-Alliance.  Allowing these pioneering groups to develop will greatly restrict our future activities.  So killing them is not just to raise food.  "

    After that, Yang Zhen took out a map that escaped from the office of the Japanese director of Wudaoling Iron Mine and said: "This is a so-called economic map seized from the Japanese. Look at their so-called Binjiang Province."  The locations of the pioneering groups are clearly marked. There are Japanese pioneering groups in Acheng, Wuchang, Zhuhe, Weihe, Binxian, and Yanshou. We have them in Zhuhe, Weihe, and Wuchang.¡±

    Guo Bingxun looked at the locations pointed out by Yang Zhen on the map, pondered for a while and then said: "Old Yang, look at the locations of these pioneering groups, except for the one in Weihe, the rest are near the railway line.  Some even have to cross the north-south railway lines.¡±

    "Lao Peng just said that many of these pioneering groups are Japanese soldiers who have retired on the spot, and most of the others have received military training. And they are basically located in convenient transportation, with a large number of Japanese and puppet military and police stationed around them. From then on  According to the map, as long as these pioneering groups can survive our attack for an hour, the surrounding Puppet Manchukuo military police will be able to arrive. This is very detrimental to our current situation."

    "According to Huang Dali's report, the Japs are now very strict along the railway blockade. With our current strength, there is basically no possibility of crossing the railway. If it is according to your wishes, we can only attack the pioneering groups in Zhuhe and Weihe.  We don¡¯t have the strength to attack two places at the same time.¡±

    "But it's hard to say whether the Japanese pioneer groups in Zhuhe and Weihe can meet our most basic needs. Also, Lao Yang, you said that in our current situation, is it appropriate to rush to attack the pioneer groups? I'm worried.  It doesn¡¯t take much. A long march may scatter those recruits who have not received any training.¡±

    "There is another point that I am most worried about. Since we have decided to hide and rest, will our goals and whereabouts be exposed if we go to attack the pioneering groups in these two counties? You know, Weihe and Zhuhe are both in our planned area.  The rest area, especially Weihe, is in the embrace of Zhang Guangcai Ridge. Once the target is exposed, the Japanese and puppet troops will definitely mobilize a large number of military police to clear this area, making it difficult for us to obtain a stable rest.  "

    Hearing Guo Bingxun¡¯s worries, Yang Zhen also fell silent, looking at the map and thinking carefully.  The troops now have no combat effectiveness and are in urgent need of rest and training. This is for sure.  But the problem of food and supplies is urgent.  How to do it, not only to avoid exposing the target, but also to obtain the materials he needs, is now a big problem in front of him.

    If you hit, you may expose yourself.  Without fighting, there would be nowhere to raise these supplies, especially the urgently needed food.  Faced with survival and exposure, Yang Zhen could only choose survival.  Without food, we cannot gather troops, and without the food that sustains people's most basic survival, everything else is out of the question.  As for the rest, we¡¯ll talk about it after the fight is over.  The most important thing at the moment is how to keep this force alive.

    Having made up his mind, Yang Zhen raised his head and looked at Guo Bingxun and Peng Dingjie standing in front of him and said: "My method is still one word. Food and winter clothes are all urgent matters before us. We cannot hide our whereabouts.  , we are willing to starve to death and freeze to death in the mountains and forests. Faced with survival and exposing ourselves, we have no choice but to survive. "

    Seeing that Yang Zhen had made up his mind, Guo Bingxun didn't say anything. Instead, he picked up the map, looked at the places where Yang Zhen had marked Chinese characters, and carefully thought about the battle plan.  After a long time, Guo Bingxun looked at Yang Zhen and said: "Old Yang, look at this so-called economic map of Binjiang Province. It shows that in Zhuhe and Weihe counties, a total of more than 30 Japanese pioneering missions have been built since last year."

    "The closest ones to us now are the several pioneering groups in Sanyang and Laojieji, which are located on the Sanyang, Daqingchuan and Liudaohe lines. They are not far from each other, and the farthest Liudaohe from the railway line is only two meters away.  Ten kilometers. Our fight is very likely to involve the whole body, so for us, we can only fight quickly. "

    Yang Zhen glanced at the locations of several pioneering groups drawn by Guo Bingxun on the map, pondered for a moment and said: "Small pioneering groups can't solve the supplies we need, so if we want to fight, we can fight big ones. Since Daqingchuan and Liudaohe are  Since the two places are close, attack them both.¡±

    After saying that, Yang Zhen raised his head and said to Guo Bingxun and Peng Dingjie: "Lao Guo and Lao Peng, let's divide our troops into two groups. Lao Guo and I will lead the team to implement this plan. And Lao Peng, you will lead the new army members."  Those workers and all the remaining food will set off first and continue westward. When we get here, the old black top line of Ning'an will be waiting for us. I will leave you with a hundred brothers to escort us.Protect you.  "

    "There should be anti-alliance activities there, so I let you go. After you get there, you must seize the time to set up a secret camp according to the anti-alliance model. You must be more careful along the way and try not to conflict with the Japanese and puppet troops. Lao Guo and I  We¡¯ll be there in three days at the latest.¡±

    Speaking of this, Yang Zhen said hesitantly: "Lao Peng, I know that you have deep feelings for the Anti-Lianhe Alliance, but for now it is better to avoid contact with them as much as possible. Once you encounter them, don't be emotional, be sure to  Proceed with caution.¡±

    Peng Dingjie, who was learning to read maps with Guo Bingxun, heard Yang Zhen's words and looked up at him in surprise.  He was just surprised, but Peng Dingjie didn't ask Yang Zhen why he did this.

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