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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 50 The gorgeous fireworks (2)

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    If the Japanese were shelling, Li Mingrui could still remain calm under Yang Zhen's suppression.  [.Com text] When he saw the Japs' leading soldiers crossing the mine headquarters and slowly heading towards the hill where he was, he seemed a little impatient.

    Li Mingrui put a new magazine on the speed machine in his hand, opened the nose of the machine, turned around and whispered: "Sir Yang, is it time to fight? If we don't fight, the Japanese will rush up the mountain in a while. By then we will  Once it¡¯s stuck, it can¡¯t be undone.¡±

    Yang Zhen shook his head, let go of Zhang Ting, who had stabilized, and said: "It's not time yet, be more stable. Tell the brothers that as long as the Japs have not gone up the mountain, they are not allowed to shoot. Also, you should immediately count the casualties and see if the Japs are doing this right now."  We suffered several casualties in the shelling. It is only your skill that can keep your actions from being exposed under the noses of the Japanese."

    Seeing that Yang Zhen still refused to give the order to fire, Li Mingrui became a little anxious: "Sir Yang, the Japs are less than fifty meters away from the foot of the mountain now. Whether we fire or not, with just our few people and this little firepower, the Japs can't do anything."  Once we get up the mountain, it will be difficult for us to push them down. The mountain has no slope and no height, and our firepower is weak. The Japanese can charge up with just one charge."

    I could hear the urgency in Li Mingrui's tone, but Yang Zhen still didn't nod.  Yang Zhen just said calmly: "Can you stop the Japs by firing now? The Japs are only the top soldiers, and the main force has not yet moved. In other words, the Japs have not yet determined whether we are still here. If you open the gun,  Gun, doesn¡¯t it clearly tell the devil that we are here now?¡±

    "Why are you so restless now? Tell the brothers that if you don't want to die quickly, no one is allowed to shoot without an order. In addition, tell the brothers to take out all the grenades left by Lao Guo. The Japanese will soon  Go up the mountain and greet them with a grenade. Go quickly and be careful not to let the devils find us. There is probably more than one telescope watching us. "

    Yang Zhen¡¯s stubbornness made Li Mingrui helplessly shake his head, turned around and crawled to one side cautiously.  Although he followed Guo Bingxun in the army for a while, commanding on the spot was not his strong point.  In addition, before leaving, Guo Bingxun repeatedly told him that he must protect Chief Yang.  It was normal for him to be a little anxious when he saw the Japs' top soldiers approaching.

    There were only a few people on the mountain, and Li Mingrui conveyed Yang Zhen's order to everyone without any trouble.  But the casualty figures that Li Mingrui brought back made Yang Zhen somewhat distressed.  In just ten minutes of shelling, four people were killed and six slightly injured.  In other words, under the current cover of artillery fire, Yang Zhen lost half of the little capital he had.

    Yang Zhen, who was observing the movements of the Japanese army with a telescope, heard the numbers reported by Li Mingrui, and his hands trembled involuntarily.  When he heard Li Mingrui tell him that the four brothers who died in the battle were all injured and died because they were ordered not to move, Yang Zhen's eyes couldn't help but become wet because he held on until the blood dried up.

    Not wanting to expose his weakness in front of others, Yang Zhen did not dare to put down the telescope in his hand. He just nodded to indicate that he understood Li Mingrui's report.  But in his heart, he was full of emotions: "What is a Chinese person? This is it."

    "Although they have poor training and even worse equipment. In many cases, it is difficult to even find food and clothing, but they have always had the courage to fight against powerful enemies. Chinese soldiers are the best soldiers in the world and the most capable  Hard-working soldiers. When necessary, they are also the most fearless soldiers. As long as they are well trained and given excellent commanders, they will be the most effective troops in the world. "

    After sighing for a long time, Yang Zhen put down the telescope in his hand.  Although he covered it up well, Zhang Ting, who was beside him and had woken up from the shock of the shelling, noticed the tears in the corners of his eyes.

    Yang Zhen couldn't help himself for a long time, and after conveying the order, Li Mingrui, who quietly returned to him at this moment, saw the Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain stopped nearly fifty meters away from the foot of the mountain, and started to be on guard on the spot.  Also relieved.

    Seeing that the top soldiers he sent had reached the foot of the mountain, only fifty meters away, there was still no reaction from the mountain.  Nobu Changde, who had been carefully observing the actions of the vanguard, finally put down his telescope in frustration.

    Looking at the commander with a somewhat depressed expression on his face, Iwayama Masao did not dare to disturb him and arranged for the troops to rest and have meals on his own.  As for the location where the commander wanted to stay, he naturally moved into the small building according to the arrangement of No. 1 Deputy Changde.

    Naturally, the small building that could not accommodate many people could not accommodate these Japanese and puppet troops.  For the highly hierarchical Japanese army, the only small building here was naturally a place for senior officers to rest.  The resting place for other officers and soldiers can only be in front of the small building.On a piece of open space.

    It turns out that the corpses of the two dozen fake police officers and the three Japanese directors who were left here by Yang Zhen and turned a blind eye by the wild deputy Changde cannot be left here.  As for the matter of moving corpses, the noble Imperial Army of Japan will not do it personally.  The commander of the Puppet Manchukuo Army who led the team still had this vision.

    Just when a company of Puppet Manchukuo soldiers who were temporarily assigned as porters were carrying these corpses and shelving the bodies of the Puppet Manchukuo policemen and the Japanese corpses separately for separate disposal, the stiff corpses suddenly violently  explode.

    "I didn't expect that these corpses would explode. The puppet Manchukuo soldiers who were unable to prepare themselves were killed and injured all over the place.  It also affected several Japanese soldiers who were passing by and were also injured.

    "Baga, what's going on? How could these corpses explode?" Masao Iwayama, who was following the deputy deputy Changde and walking towards the small building, heard the explosion and turned around to see the dead and injured on the scene.  The puppet Manchu army couldn't help but said angrily.

    Before he could finish his words, the wellhead surrounded by Japanese troops collecting water exploded at almost the same time.  With this violent explosion, what just happened to the puppet Manchukuo army was replicated again on the Japanese soldiers.

    Looking at the dead and injured Japanese and puppet soldiers everywhere, the deputy deputy Changde who had already entered the small building appeared extremely calm on the surface, but a strong sense of ominousness arose in his heart.

    After listening to Iwayama Masao's report, Vice Uchino Shotoku, who was sitting in the luxuriously decorated office of the former Japanese director of Wudaoling Iron Mine, waved his hands feebly and just said: "Tell the troops to be on alert. Don't let something like this happen again.  "No more."

    Looking at the silent Nofu Shotoku, Iwayama Masao, who suffered a big loss and lost almost an entire team, was really unwilling to say: "Your Excellency, do we have to swallow this loss? Should we send troops to raid the surrounding areas?  one time."

    "No need, this is just a little trap set up by the Chinese people to play clever tricks. You send out a small unit to clean up, be careful of falling into their trap. Tell the soldiers to take the time to rest. After eating, go around  Just capture some common people and make them human shields.¡±

    For Masao Iwayama, who did not know the details, his request to terminate the rest and start a sweep immediately was rejected by Masatori Nobuke, who needed to think carefully about what to do next.  Masao Iwayama didn't know what these Chinese people had done to make the Kwantung Army headquarters so angry, but Masato Nozomi, who had read the most detailed report of the Harbin Military Police, knew it very well.

    Although he didn¡¯t know how these Chinese people escaped from the heavily guarded Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department, they also easily eliminated almost everyone in the entire Epidemic Prevention and Water Supply Department.  Those Chinese people not only fought their way out of the siege with bare hands, but also eliminated an elite squadron of imperial soldiers. This was impossible without some special ability.  These Chinese people must not be underestimated.

    The several explosions outside made Nobu Changde's head, which was a little feverish, calm down at this time.  Recalling the contents of that report, Nofu Shotoku had a vague feeling that he had encountered a strong opponent this time.

    It¡¯s just that Nofu Shotoku didn¡¯t expect that the powerful opponent in his heart was on the hill behind him. He carefully tried to avoid alerting the Japanese security position only fifty meters away from him, and checked for problems with the wires.

    Yang Zhen's original plan was to use the explosion sound in the open space as a signal to detonate, but what made him feel a little crow's mouth was that after the explosion sound in the open space, he pressed the detonator on hand, only to find that this was supposed to  The detonator that created an explosion didn't react at all.

    At the silence of the detonator, Yang Zhen knew that he had guessed correctly. Some part of the wire must have been broken by the Japanese shelling just now.  The Japanese artillery fire was concentrated on the mountain, and no shells fell at the foot of the mountain.  It seemed that the wire from the foot of the mountain to where I was was blown apart.

    Yang Zhen raised his head carefully, looked at the Japanese security position at the foot of the mountain, and then glanced at the location where he had buried the wires on the hillside.  Sure enough, less than thirty meters away from his right front, a small crater lay directly across the spot where he buried the wire.  The two ends of the blown wire were exposed to broad daylight.

    Looking at the location where the wire was blown, Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.  Fortunately, the length that was broken was not too long, only about half a meter.  As long as you insert the half of the wire into the detonator yourself, there should be no problem.

    But there was one thing that made Yang Zhen a little worried. The location that was blown up was a small open space. If he went there, he would not be able to avoid the eyes of the Japanese soldiers at the foot of the mountain.  But he was really unwilling to let Yang Zhen give up the opportunity in front of him.Gritting his teeth, Yang Zhen called to Li Mingrui and said: "You immediately take the brothers to be careful and try not to disturb the Japs and retreat. I will reconnect the wires. We can't take advantage of those little Japs in vain."

    Regarding Yang Zhen's words, Li Mingrui shook his head with a look of disapproval: "No, it's too dangerous. There is a small open space there, and it is exposed to the sight of the Japs. It is also within the fire control range of the Japs' heavy machine gun below.  . If something happens to you, what will happen to the remaining brothers here? If you insist on detonating it, Commander Yang, then I will go and you will take command here."

    Yang Zhen looked at Li Mingrui and said: "Are you going? Do you know how to play with this thing? You can't, why are you going? I'm going, this is an order. You lead your brothers back first, and remember to try not to alert the Japanese  ¡±

    After saying that, Yang Zhen waved his hand gently, indicating that he could retreat, then took the detonator and gently moved towards the broken place.

    Looking at the back of Yang Zhen who was crawling towards the small open space, Li Mingrui couldn't help but hammered his head with some annoyance.  I really don¡¯t know how to handle the detonator. If Chief Yang had learned it by himself when he was fiddling with it, he wouldn¡¯t be as helpless as he is now.

    While Li Mingrui was feeling annoyed, he couldn't help complaining that Chief Yang was really stubborn. Since there was no chance anymore, he would just give up. Why bother taking the risk himself?

    Does Li Mingrui know that the reason why Yang Zhen decided to detonate the buried explosives and kill the Japanese and puppet troops in one fell swoop was for the sake of the large army in the final analysis?

    Yang Zhen knew that the Japanese and puppet troops had aircraft to assist them and a large number of cavalry to cooperate.  If he didn't want to find a way to deal with the Japanese and puppet troops in front of him, the main force, which carried so many burdens and could not move any faster than expected, would simply not be able to escape the pursuit of the Japanese troops.  It won't take long for the Japanese to catch up.

    Based on the estimated combat effectiveness of those brothers now, once caught up by the Japanese, it will be difficult to get rid of them.  And judging from the number of Japanese and puppet troops in front of him, Yang Zhen knew that the brothers who were now exhausted, coupled with the gap in their own combat effectiveness, there was no hope of victory at all.

    Fighting but unable to fight, unable to escape the pursuers by walking, Yang Zhen could imagine with his eyes closed what would be waiting for his brothers once they were caught up by the Japanese.  In order to prevent these Japs from catching up, Yang Zhen knew that he could only take the wrong approach and adopt some special methods.  This is why Yang Zhen insisted on detonating the explosives.

    The persuasion was unsuccessful. In desperation, Li Mingrui, who could not leave Yang Zhen alone, could only softly tell his brothers to prepare for battle.  Once the Japanese at the foot of the mountain discovered Yang Zhen, they provided cover for Yang Zhen with firepower.

    With many years of military experience, Yang Zhen is not a reckless person.  His decision to connect the blown wires himself was not a rash move.  When it comes to camouflaging its own technology to achieve surprise on the battlefield, the People's Liberation Army, which has never had a firepower advantage in battles with powerful enemies, is ranked second, but no one dares to be ranked first.

    ???????????????? And Yang Zhen is one of the best, so the method of disguise is naturally not bad.  Now Yang Zhen is in a mountainous area with good vegetation, and these disguises are everywhere.  At this moment, Yang Zhen disguised himself as a bush and moved towards the place where the bomb was broken without showing any trace.

    Although Yang Zhen acted extremely carefully, he was now too close to the Japanese.  At a distance of fifty meters, it could be said that he was moving under the nose of the Japanese.  Less than five meters away from where the bomb was blown, Yang Zhen's good luck ended and his actions were noticed by the Japanese.

    It¡¯s just that Yang Zhen¡¯s disguise was too good. Although he noticed someone moving, the Japanese checked several times but could never see anything unusual.

    Although nothing was seen, the highly vigilant Japanese fired heavy machine guns at the mountain from time to time.  The bursts of bullets that came from time to time caused Yang Zhen great trouble.  Fortunately, although the Japanese soldiers on the warning position felt something abnormal, they did not really see Yang Zhen, and most of them shot blindly.

    But the development of the matter was far from smooth. Just when Yang Zhen had grabbed the severed end of the wire and was stuffing it into the detonator, the Japanese soldiers who were less than fifty meters away from him finally found the source of the uneasiness.

    ¡°It was discovered that a haystack suddenly appeared in a small open space that was originally empty. The Japanese soldiers on the guard position immediately felt something unusual.  Almost all light and heavy weapons swept towards Yang Zhen.  Several more soldiers came straight to Yang Zhen's position with Type 38 rifles with bayonets attached.

    Seeing that the Japs had discovered Yang Zhen¡¯s movements, especially the blood flowing out after Yang Zhen¡¯s left leg was hit.  Li Mingrui on the mountain didn't care whether he would be exposed.He himself, regardless of Yang Zhen's order, took the 38 rifle left by Yang Zhen and fired directly at the Japanese who wanted to rush up the mountain.

    As soon as he opened fire, the other brothers on the mountain, as long as they could pick up a gun, followed suit and fired desperately down the mountain.  The only crooked gun fired desperately, trying to suppress the Japanese Type 92 heavy machine gun that was shooting at Yang Zhen.

    It¡¯s just that their firepower was too weak. While suppressing the firepower at the bottom of the mountain, they couldn¡¯t completely stop the actions of a few Japanese who rushed up the mountain.  Although the Japanese soldiers who were heading straight towards Yang Zhen were slowed down, they could not completely suppress them.

    Hearing the gunshots fired back on the mountain, he endured the severe pain in his left leg where he was shot. Although Yang Zhen did not stop the movements of his hands, he could not help but secretly complain in his heart and cursed Li Mingrui for disobeying his orders.  Instead of retreating, he becomes the master

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