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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> I am the God of War in Anti-Japanese War

Text Chapter 46 Arrangement

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    After discussing the matter with Guo Bingxun, Yang Zhen simply took a few mouthfuls of food and rushed to the labor shed where the workers were stationed.  [.Com text] Although the smell there was so bad that it could almost stun someone, Yang Zhen didn't seem to feel it and just stood aside and watched quietly.

    Looking at the scrawny workers who were devouring the food they were served, Yang Zhen and Peng Dingjie, who was checking the labor situation here, said: "How are you, are you ready to go with us? Do some ideological work and try to take away as much as possible.  Take them all away. These people will be our best reinforcements."

    Peng Dingjie, who had received the notice from Guo Bingxun and knew Yang Zhen's thoughts, nodded and said: "Except for a few older ones, all the workers have basically decided to go with us to fight the Japanese. It's just that they are a little worried. His  We are all in occupied areas, and we are afraid that the Japanese will find out and take revenge.¡±

    "Retaliation? They just died of exhaustion here. When the Japanese want to kill their family members, can they spare their family members because they are working hard in the Northeast and show mercy? The country is sorry that they are being tortured like this.  They are the ones whose country is unable to protect them.¡±

    "If you don't want their descendants to suffer the same fate as them, then follow us and pick up guns and fight the devils together. Only by driving the devils out of China and building a strong and prosperous new China will their children and grandchildren not have to suffer the same fate."  They will walk the same path again.¡±

    At this point, Yang Zhen paused and said: "Lao Peng, please tell them these words of mine intact and word for word. Tell them, for the sake of future generations who will no longer be oppressed by others, and also for their own sake."  If you can survive, pick up a gun and fight the devils with us.¡±

    Peng Dingjie nodded when he heard this and said: "I will tell them exactly what you said. We found a mass grave in the back mountain, which was filled with the bones of workers. Before leaving, they  And bring all the brothers there to see what will happen if we let them enslave us even if we don¡¯t resist.¡±

    Hearing Peng Dingjie's proposal, Yang Zhen nodded appreciatively and said: "Okay, Lao Peng, your proposal is good. I will leave this matter to you. Thinking of this, I think you are fully qualified to do political work. From now on.  He is the political commissar of our army."

    "Lao Peng, although we are now divided into two countries, one country and one country, but if we want to survive and even develop here, we must build an anti-Japanese force that is politically qualified, militarily strong, has a good work style, and is powerful in combat."

    "Brothers are all good soldiers. Although they became prisoners of the Japs, they were not frightened by the Japs' massacre. How can we build them into an anti-Japanese iron army? It can't be done by just relying on blood.  , we as leaders need to think about it.¡±

    "To develop a steel team that cannot be defeated or blown up, and that cannot be pulled away by money or beautiful women, we need to have strong political and ideological backing. Here, we have no way out. Some can only rely on  With the blood on my body and my loyalty to my motherland, I vow to fight the Japanese pirates to the end.¡±

    "You, the Anti-Japanese League, were able to persevere in such a difficult environment. Despite setbacks, you still persisted in fighting. However, our Red Army marched for 25,000 miles, climbed snow-capped mountains, crossed grasslands, and fought almost every day, but it was still not defeated.  Defeat, starve, and drag down, this is the result of political and ideological work.¡±

    "Most of my soldiers are illiterate, they don't understand the truth, and they even have a weak concept of the country. How to let the brothers, including these workers, know who we are fighting for, I leave it to you."

    Yang Zhen¡¯s words made Peng Dingjie fall silent.  After a while, he said: "Old Yang, although I have been in the Anti-Japanese War for many years, except for the first two years, I have always been in charge of the secret front and have never done any political work. You entrust such an important matter to  Me, I¡¯m really afraid of not doing well.¡±

    "Moreover, most of the political work of our Anti-Japanese League was done by ourselves, which is far less powerful than your political work under the personal leadership of the Party Central Committee. You came from the main Red Army. Although you are a military cadre, this political work is  You should also be familiar with how to do it. You can give me more guidance on this matter."

    Hearing what Peng Dingjie said, Yang Zhen knew that he had taken on the job of political commissar.  After looking at the time on his wrist, Yang Zhen, who had obtained satisfactory results, said to Peng Dingjie: "Old Peng, hurry up, there is not much time left for us. After you finish dealing with this place, we will set off."

    Hearing this, Peng Dingjie nodded and said: "Okay, they have almost eaten, I will make arrangements now. Try to get these workers to come with us. One more person means more strength."

    Having said this, Yang Zhen patted Peng Dingjie¡¯s shoulder encouragingly, smiled and said: ¡°Lao Peng,?Have confidence in yourself.  As long as we have confidence in ourselves, nothing in this world can be difficult for us.  "

    Just when Yang Zhen was about to step out of the labor shed, a laborer who had just put down his job stood up and said: "Sir, I heard what you just said. I haven't read a book, and I don't understand the truth."

    "But as long as you fight the Japanese, you will give me a gun. More than 40 people were arrested in our village, and I was the only one who died. Where can I still have the face to see the villagers when I go back? I don't have the dignity to do that.  Go, as long as you fight the Japanese, I will follow you."

    "It's not that we don't believe you and don't want to fight the Japs with you. You are all wearing Japs skins. Although you speak Chinese and give us plenty to eat, we still don't know what they are.  People? What kind of team are you? Everyone is worried that you are a fool and are deliberately trying to lure us into a trap to find a reason to attack us."

    Hearing this voice, Yang Zhen turned around and looked at this young man who was about 21 or 22 years old. Although he was very thin due to long-term malnutrition, he was full of energy and said with a smile: "If we don't fight the Japanese,  How can I save you?"

    "If we wear the military uniforms of the Japanese, are we the same as Japanese or Ergouzi? The Nationalist Government does not issue us military uniforms, and we cannot rob the common people. If we don't rob the Japanese, how can we be naked? In addition, the Japanese kill people,  Do you need a reason to arrest someone?¡±

    "Okay, I believe you. Sir, please give me a gun, and I will fight the Japanese with you." When the young man heard that Yang Zhen admitted that they were fighting Japanese, he immediately walked up to Yang Zhen and asked for the gun.

    Yang Zhen was not vague about his request. He directly called Xiao Huzi who was waiting for him outside the door. He took off the gun from Xiao Huzi. Yang Zhen handed the gun to the young man: "Since you want to fight the Japanese, then  OK, this gun is yours now."

    After saying that, Yang Zhen asked Xiao Huzi to teach him how to use the gun. After taking another look at the young man, he left with a smile.  He answered a question from the young man, but avoided answering the number of his unit.  Because he doesn't know what he should call himself now?  Is it the National Revolutionary Army or some other designation?

    Guo Bingxun moved very quickly. When Yang Zhen went to see the labor shed, he had already packed everything he could take away.  The five-trailer cart that Ding Xiaosan prepared for the Japanese and puppet troops was filled with grain, explosives, excess weapons and ammunition, and other supplies.  Even each brother carried thirty kilograms of grain on his back.

    It¡¯s just that there are too many supplies seized here. In addition to taking away all the food, there is also a lot that cannot be carried.  There was only a lot of explosives, gunpowder, etc. left, of which more than a thousand kilograms of explosives could not be carried.  Mines? That's all.

    Looking at the explosives and gasoline that could not be carried, Yang Zhen felt a little distressed if they were all burned or blown up. After taking another look at the terrain here, after thinking for a while, he came up with an idea.  Instead of destroying it in vain, it is better to reuse the waste.

    The Japanese army will arrive here tomorrow.  The place is surrounded by mountains. Apart from a small railway that was repaired not long ago, there is only a dirt road left to allow large groups of people to pass.

    That small railway is used to transport ore to the Binsui Railway. Its transport capacity is not large and cannot bear the transportation of large troops.  Although there were only two squadrons of Japanese troops and one battalion each of infantry and cavalry, the number should be at least a thousand.  Yang Zhen could conclude that the Japanese and puppet troops who wanted to enter the mountains must have taken the road.

    With this understanding, Yang Zhen called out to Guo Bingxun and pointed to the road into the mountain: "Old Guo, there are so many explosives and gasoline that can't be transported away. Don't you think it's a pity to just leave them here? Look at this  The terrain is surrounded by mountains, and there is only one road into the mountain that can accommodate large troops. If we bury all the explosives and gasoline that cannot be carried away on this road, how about asking the Japanese and puppet troops to fly in a ground plane?  "

    Regarding Yang Zhen's proposal, Guo Bingxun nodded without any consideration: "Why not? Your suggestion is great. However, Lao Yang, I have another idea. Not only on the highway, but also on the small railway.  Explosives can be planted. It¡¯s a pity that there are so many explosives buried on the road. I think six to seven hundred pounds of explosives and gasoline are enough. The roads here are not so much."

    "Although this small railway does not have much transportation capacity, I don't think the Japanese will not use it. Even if it cannot transport troops, it can still transport supplies such as ammunition. Let's also arrange explosives on the railway and give him a  "Wuduan."

    "Okay, let's do it like this. Next to the explosives, we are beating the captured iron nails into packages to increase the lethality of the explosives. Anyway, it will take some time for Lao Peng to educate the workers, so we will use this time difference to arrange the layout.  .AnywayThis is a mine, and the most important thing is tools.  The brothers are all farmers, and they take matters into their own hands when it comes to repairing the earth.  "

    Regarding Guo Bingxun¡¯s additional suggestions, Yang Zhenshen nodded in agreement.  This small railway is not suitable for transporting troops, but it has no problem carrying ammunition.  What's more, regardless of whether the Japanese and puppet troops will use it, it is better to blow it up than leaving it to the Japanese to plunder resources for their war effort.

    After making up their minds, Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun, who immediately took action, divided their troops into two groups.  Yang Zhen personally led the team to place explosives on the road.  The task of planting explosives on the railway line was handed over to Guo Bingxun.

    Yang Zhen did not bury all the explosives on the road, but buried most of the explosives in an open space of about a few hundred square meters in front of the mine headquarters.  The Japanese army must have rested when they arrived here.  As for this mine, which was not much larger than those small private mines of later generations, except for this piece of open space, there was never enough space to accommodate these Japanese and puppet troops to rest and recuperate.

    As long as the Japanese and puppet troops rested here, Yang Zhen buried nearly 500 kilograms of explosives mixed with a large number of iron nails, as well as more than ten barrels of gasoline and kerosene, which was enough for these Japanese and puppet troops to drink a pot.

    Yang Zhen has carefully calculated the detonation points of these explosives.  Once it detonates, there will be no blind spots left within a few hundred meters around here.  If the Japanese and puppet troops were concentrated here, these explosives, enough to level a hilltop, should be able to kill them all at once.

    And in the classic Japanese-style building that could be used for senior officers of the Japanese and puppet troops to rest, Yang Zhen was not polite and installed fifty kilograms of explosives that were enough to blow the building into the sky.

    The remaining explosives were buried by Yang Zhen on the road adjacent to this open area.  Yang Zhen secretly estimated the establishment and number of the two Japanese squadrons, roughly measured the distance, and then carefully planted the explosives.

    Of course, Yang Zhen would not let go of such an obvious target as the only well in the middle of the open space.  He also set up booby traps with grenades and the remaining two mines.  Once the Japanese and puppet troops drew water, it was impossible not to defuse the mines they set.

    And all the detonation points were set on an inconspicuous hill behind the headquarters building, about a hundred meters away from the open area.  All the wires were buried underground and cleverly concealed.  Fortunately, there were thousands of meters of wire seized, which was enough for him to use.

    ? It¡¯s a stroke of luck. The ** used here are all instantaneous **, so there is no problem at all if the wires are buried underground.  If a fuse is used, it will take a lot of effort to conceal it.

    After carefully camouflaging the explosives burial site, Yang Zhen cleverly set up a booby trap with the bodies of the three dead Japanese mine directors and the bodies of more than two dozen pseudo-policemen.  As soon as these corpses are moved, the grenades hidden under the corpses will explode.  And this explosion is the signal to detonate.

    After arranging everything, looking at the explosive burial point that he had arranged with almost no trace of human beings on the outside, Yang Zhen looked slightly satisfied and said to Guo Bingxun, who had already placed the explosives on the railway and rushed back: "This  I have carefully calculated the yield and explosion point of the explosives. As long as the little devils set foot here, even if a thousand people come, they will never come back. "

    Looking at Yang Zhen's layout, Guo Bingxun secretly praised it and couldn't help but said with some confusion: "Old Yang, where did you learn this skill? If you don't know the details of the layout of the burial point, you can't tell where it is.  I¡¯ve used hands and feet.¡±

    In response to Guo Bingxun's question, Yang Zhen smiled and said, "It's a pity that all the ammonium nitrate explosives here are ordinary ammonium nitrate explosives. If we use more powerful Shimose explosives or RDX made by the Japanese, we can at least save some money."  30% of explosives.¡±

    After saying that, Yang Zhen raised his head and looked at Peng Dingjie, who had brought all the workers out of the work shed and assembled them. He handed the map seized from the mine and a Japanese map to Guo Bingxun and said: "Old Guo, you  Take the brothers and supplies and evacuate first, I will set off a firework for the Japanese to see, and we will meet at the Daqingdingzi Mountain area."

    "Lao Guo, when you lead the retreat to Daqingdingzi Mountain, take Huang Dali with you, and be sure to put more advanced soldiers in front. What I'm worried about is that the Japanese are adopting an east-west tactic this time. Mobilize the troops in the Harbin area  The Japanese and puppet troops in the Mudanjiang area attacked us from the east and west. "

    "You take the carriage to the north first. When you are about ten kilometers away from the Binsui Railway, drop the carriage. Unload the horses and transport them instead. If you can't take them with you, you can even throw away part of them. But the carriage must not be together.  Go into the mountains.¡±

    "The target of the carriage is too big, and it is easy to expose our whereabouts. Even those five horses must be given up when necessary. These horses are not war horses, have not been trained, and are easily attacked.Intimidation will expose us.  "

    "Although this area has high mountains and dense forests, it is located between the Binsui Railway, the Changtu Railway, and the Mutu Railway. The room for maneuver is too small, and it is also convenient for the Japanese and puppet troops to mobilize their troops. The Japanese cannot only mobilize this way.  We must be wiped out, so you must be more careful.¡±

    "In addition, there may be Anti-Union activities in that area. After you get there, be sure not to cause friction with them. If you encounter the Anti-Union, let Lao Peng come forward. He came from the Anti-Union and knows more about the Anti-Union than we do.  . As for the rest, I¡¯ll talk about it when I get there.¡±

    "Okay, I will be more careful. Lao Yang, you have to catch up as soon as possible. I will wait for you at Daqingdingzi Mountain, and we will see you there." Although the cooperation with Yang Zhen on the battlefield only lasted a day and a night,  But Guo Bingxun has gradually become accustomed to the fact that Yang Zhen will not change his mind once he makes up his mind.

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