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Text Chapter 44 Enemy Situation

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    Although the operation went surprisingly smoothly, Yang Zhen did not dare to relax.  [.Com text] The surrounding enemy situation is unclear, and the Japanese army's movements are still unknown. This is what Yang Zhen is most worried about now.  Before Ding Xiaosan's confession came out, he didn't dare to take anything lightly.

    Yang Zhen seemed to have ignored the screams coming from outside.  For him, the current Japanese military trends are more important than anything else.  If violence can get you what you need the fastest, then why not use it?  Yang Zhen, who considers himself not a gentleman, does not have so many taboos.

    After receiving the notification from Yamashita that it was done, Guo Bingxun and Peng Dingjie, who immediately led everyone over without any delay, came behind Yang Zhen not long after Yang Zhen walked into the Japanese-style building.

    Yang Zhen, who was staring at a map hanging on the wall carefully, saw them coming in. He pointed at the map hanging on the wall and said with emotion: "Look, the little devil is really ambitious. On this map  Almost all the mineral resources in the three northeastern provinces have been marked.¡±

    "And the earliest exploration time marked on it was even in the late Qing Dynasty. Most of the others were before the September 18th Incident. Even the estimated reserves and prospective reserves are marked on it."

    Guo Bingxun and Peng Dingjie walked to the map. After following Yang Zhen's fingers and looking at the map carefully, Guo Bingxun spoke first: "Old Yang, you don't have to be too emotional. This little devil has been thinking about the Northeast for more than a day or two.  . Although the little devil is arrogant, there is one thing we Chinese can learn from, that is, he is meticulous and meticulous in everything he does."

    "Lao Yang, don't underestimate this map. Maybe this is the hard work of the little devils for more than ten years or even decades. It's a pity that such good resources in the Northeast have become an accomplice of the devils in attacking us. The great rivers and mountains have been reduced to  It¡¯s really heartbreaking to be in the hands of foreigners.¡±

    Just when Yang Zhen was about to answer, a woman's shout suddenly came from outside the door.  Accompanied by the shouts, bursts of tearing sounds came into the ears of the three people: "Let me go, you guys let me go, I was snatched away by them. You bandits and hooligans."

    Hearing the shouting of a woman, Yang Zhen frowned and walked outside the door, but the scene that appeared in front of him made him somewhat surprised.

    When Yang Zhen walked out of the door, he saw two brothers pulling hard on a woman who was still wearing a bride's clothes and kicking her.

    Seeing this scene, Guo Bingxun, who was beside Yang Zhen, said angrily: "What's going on? Let her go first. Why do you think of tying up a woman? What does this mean? We are not bandits."

    "Returning to Chief Guo, when we were searching here just now, we found this woman in a house. The rope on her body was not tied by us. When we entered, we saw that she was tied up. Originally, we wanted to  Let go, but you also saw it. This woman kicked and bit her when she saw us. Look at the teeth marks on my wrist. If I hadn't been quick and quick, I would have grabbed her chin.  We almost lost a piece of meat. We dared to let go of her."

    After saying that, the brother who spoke raised his hand and asked Guo Bingxun to look at the deep tooth marks on his wrist to prove that his words were true.

    ¡°When I saw the tooth marks on this brother¡¯s wrist, and then looked at the woman who was still struggling for her life, I couldn¡¯t help but feel a chill in my heart.  This woman is really beautiful, but her temper is really fierce.  We haven't figured out the reason yet, but he kicked and bit him when he came up.  Good guy, this bite mark is just like what this brother said. If you exert more force, you will bite off a piece of meat.

    As for how to deal with this woman, Guo Bingxun hesitated for a moment, but still motioned to the two brothers to let the woman go first.  She is a big girl. Although she did not tie her up, she is still tied up and it is best to let go.

    Who knows that his kindness is not appreciated at all.  Instead of being grateful at all, the woman who was let go looked angrily at Yang Zhen and Guo Bingxun in front of her and said, "Who are you? Why are you wearing Japanese clothes?"

    Regarding her words, Yang Zhen, who knew the whole story, ignored her at all. Instead, he turned around and entered the room he came out of, took off the map on the wall, folded it carefully and put it away.

    Watching his movements, I kept observing this rare map with Chinese characters on it, and never went out.  Although it is not a military map, Peng Dingjie, who is better than nothing, smiled and said: "Old Yang, if you don't have the original Japanese military map in your hand, what do you need this civilian map for?"

    "Lao Peng, although this map is for civilian use, its accuracy is more accurate than some of the military maps we use. Look at the scale and contours on it. If it weren't for the mineral resources of the entire Heilongjiang area, I would still  ?I thought this was a military map.  "

    "Although this map is not useful now, it may still be useful in the near future when necessary. By then, although it will only be a civilian map, it will be much better than nothing.  "

    Even Yang Zhen had to admire the little devil's meticulousness in doing things.  This map is as accurate as the military map of Heilongjiang Province drawn by the Chinese that Yang Zhen saw in later generations.  You know, this is just a civilian map drawn by ordinary Japanese.

    While Yang Zhen lamented that the Japanese can definitely become teachers for most people in China in terms of being careful in doing things, he was also worried that the Daqing Oil Field in future generations would be discovered by the Japanese at this time?  Although it has not been marked at least on this map, it does not mean that the Japanese have not discovered it.

    Yang Zhen couldn¡¯t imagine what kind of ending this era would have if the Japanese really discovered oil in Northeast China, which is known as the most important food resource in modern warfare.  What kind of deviation will there be in the history that I originally knew.  Yang Zhen, who has read many time-travel novels in later generations, is not sure whether his arrival will change this history.

    After thinking hard for a while, Yang Zhen, who couldn't get a clue, simply gave up.  He turned to Peng Dingjie and said, "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Tell the brothers to prepare a meal immediately and evacuate immediately after eating. The Japanese army is rushing here."

    "Don't worry, just when you were in a daze, Huzi came in to report that all the brothers had already eaten. The Japanese here are very polite. They prepared dinner for us in advance. It was very rich, including chicken, duck, fish and meat.  Brothers, you don¡¯t have to do anything yourself. Lao Yang, let¡¯s go eat. You¡¯ve been working harder than anyone else this whole night and day. If you don¡¯t eat, you¡¯ll be exhausted.¡±

    Hearing about the meal, Peng Dingjie smiled slightly. Huang Dali was right. The pseudo-policemen and the devils here were setting up a flowing banquet.  As soon as the gunfire rang out, even the chef and the guests ran away in a short time.  The food and wine that had just been put on the table and had not yet been touched were a great advantage for people like myself.

    Hearing that he didn't even have to do anything by himself, Yang Zhen smiled slightly and said: "Okay, let's go have a meal. But one thing, tell the brothers that no one is allowed to drink. It seems that Huang Dali's performance is not bad this time. Find something for us.  Got a free banquet.¡±

    Yang Zhen, who was about to go to dinner, had just walked to the door when he heard someone calling him: "Hey, I asked you to let me go." The man named Guo said, "You are their leader. Only you nod."  Only then can they let me go.¡±

    Listening to this woman¡¯s movements, Yang Zhen knew who was talking to him without having to guess.  Apart from the little fierce horse, there is probably no other woman here now.

    Yang Zhen turned his head and looked at this beautiful but shrewd woman. He was silent for a moment and then said: "It's okay to let you go, but you have to wait until we leave before we can let you go. As for now, it's not possible yet."

    "Xiao Zhang, why is it you? Aren't you studying in Harbin? Why are you here? Or are you dressed like this?" Yang Zhen just finished speaking. Peng Dingjie, who was walking behind him, looked at the woman and said,  He said with a somewhat surprised tone.

    When the woman heard that someone behind the guy wearing Japanese clothes but speaking Chinese actually recognized her, she quickly stepped forward and pushed Yang Zhen aside without ceremony. Seeing Peng Dingjie, she couldn't help but said in surprise:  "Lao Peng, how could it be you? How come you got together with these bearded men? Who are they? Why are they wearing Japanese clothes and speaking Chinese?"

    After saying this, she suddenly remembered something and said: "Lao Peng, didn't your troops surrender to the enemy? You mixed with them, did you become a traitor? These people are puppet soldiers? Why did your division surrender to the enemy?"  Soon, the Japanese launched a large-scale manhunt in Harbin, and many of our comrades were arrested. It turned out that it was you who betrayed the comrades of the underground party. You traitor, it¡¯s a shame that Commander Zhao still trusted you so much.¡±

    When Peng Dingjie heard what this woman said, he was shocked at the destruction of Harbin¡¯s underground organizations. At the same time, he couldn¡¯t help but think that some people might blame himself for the destruction of Harbin¡¯s underground organizations.

    Who made the two events happen at the same time, and he is the only person in his army who has contact with the underground organization in Harbin.  In the first three days before he was betrayed, he went to Harbin to raise a batch of medicines for the Anti-League.

    ¡° It has only been a little over a month since I was betrayed, but the Harbin underground organization has been destroyed. There will definitely be people who think that I betrayed the underground organization because of my betrayal.  After all, those in his own army who refused to surrender were all killed, and he was the only one left alive.  It turned out that he was missing, but now he is alive.

    Thinking of this, Peng Dingjie could not help but smile bitterly and said to Yang Zhen: "It's over, Lao Yang, I'mMy whole body was so wet that I couldn¡¯t even explain clearly.  The organization must have thought that I had rebelled and betrayed my comrades.  "

    Hearing the frustration in Peng Dingjie's tone, Yang Zhen patted him on the shoulder and said: "Lao Peng, don't worry, this matter is not unclear. The destruction of the underground organization in Harbin can only mean that there is a traitor there. As long as there is a traitor here  , then there are traces to check.¡±

    "Besides, we brothers are here to testify for you. What are you afraid of? Who among us doesn't know your behavior in that devil's cave? Well, don't worry anymore and go to eat first. As for other things, I think it will  There is time to resolve it.¡±

    After saying that, Yang Zhen raised his head and said to the woman who was looking at Peng Dingjie angrily: "Whether he is a traitor or not doesn't count for you, nor does it count for me. This needs time and truth to test." After that,  Yang Zhen stopped paying attention to her, took Peng Dingjie's hand and walked out.

    "Hey, stop, stop. You, you are a traitor, how arrogant are you." Seeing that Yang Zhen ignored him, he even took Peng Dingjie away.  The little Zhang in Peng Dingjie's mouth jumped up and down anxiously.  Xiao Huzi, who had been following Yang Zhen, almost stopped laughing when he saw her like this.

    After a short distance away from this woman, Yang Zhencai asked Peng Dingjie: "What does this crazy girl do? Are all your underground parties like this? If they are all so frivolous, no wonder they will be destroyed by the Japanese. She doesn't want to  Do you think we would have tolerated her if we were spies and puppet soldiers? We would have arrested her as early as you recognized her."

    "Her name is Zhang Ting, and she is a student at Harbin Medical University. But this is not the way I know her. In the past few encounters, she behaved quite calmly, and she was also quite smart and capable. Has she become so impatient now?"

    "She was specially arranged by the organization to be admitted to Harbin Medical University. She is a military doctor prepared to train for the Anti-Japanese War, and she is also a member of the Party branch of Harbin Medical University. I had a single line of contact with her before, and many of our anti-Japanese armies' medicines are  She made it."

    "You know the Japanese have always had very strict control over medicines, especially medicines for treating gunshot wounds. Without a smart and capable insider, we would never have been able to get it out. What is she doing now? And isn't she studying in Harbin?  Why? Why did it appear in this small mine in Acheng?" Peng Dingjie also felt strange about Zhang Ting's behavior today, which he said was a little strange, even childish.

    After listening to Peng Dingjie's evaluation of this woman, Yang Zhen turned his head and looked at Zhang Ting who was standing not far away from him, staring at him righteously. He smiled and said: "You can only do this by yourself.  Asked her."

    Peng Dingjie heard the words and smiled bitterly: "She has now labeled me as a traitor. I don't think she can listen to anything I say. Forget it, let's wait until the truth comes out. As for her, don't make it difficult for her.  , when we leave, just let her go."

    Hearing that Peng Dingjie didn¡¯t want to talk in depth, Yang Zhen shook his head and offered no more persuasion.  He knew that the explanation for this kind of thing would be unclear until the truth came out.

    Yang Zhen, who was originally going to have a meal, didn't finish the meal smoothly.  Just before Yang Zhen, who was holding Peng Dingjie, reached the place where the meal was served, Li Mingrui, the police chief here and today's groom, Ding Xiaosan, came over in one hand.

    Looking at Ding Xiaosan, whose face was beaten with blood and his face was bruised and swollen, Yang Zhen, who was eager to get the latest information on the enemy, did not even bother to eat.  Let Peng Dingjie take Xiao Huzi to eat first, and after calling Guo Bingxun by the way, Yang Zhen motioned to Li Mingrui to bring Ding Xiaosan into the room he had just left.

    After driving away the stubborn little tiger, Yang Zhen sat on a chair in the room, looked at Ding Xiaosan who was piled in front of him and said, "Do you understand? Just tell me if you understand. If you don't understand,  Just have a good talk with our brother alone."

    "I figured it out. I've figured it out a long time ago. Grandpa, what are you asking? I promise to answer it. If I tell a lie, you will chop me up alive." Hearing Yang Zhen's question,  Ding Xiaosan, who must have suffered a lot at the hands of Li Mingrui, quickly answered with a cry.

    Looking at Ding Xiaosan who was crying, Yang Zhen changed the smile on his face and said seriously: "You said that the Japanese army will arrive tomorrow. Let me ask you, how many Japanese soldiers will be here tomorrow? When will they arrive?  Where is that army going, what mission is it going to perform, and how much food do you want to prepare? "

    "Replying to grandpa, I received a call from the Acheng Military Police this morning, saying that tomorrow morning, two squadrons of Taijuns, ah, no, they are Japanese soldiers, are going to come here from Harbin to clear out some people who have made a surprise attack on Harbin.  "Anti-Union."

    "The specific time was not mentioned, and as for where we were going, we didn't tell him. I just told him to prepare a thousand kilograms of grain for five days."? Carriage, cooperate with them in the suppression.  He said it was a specific task and we would wait until they arrive tomorrow.  He also told Xiao Xiao that the imperial army, no, the Japanese army was the main force in this campaign.  On the military side, only one infantry and cavalry battalion cooperated with the Japanese to blockade the mountainous areas in this area.  "

    "The Acheng Gendarmerie also asked the young ones to lead the way for the Japanese. They said they would be rewarded 500 national coins for catching the thugs and 1,000 for each one killed. If the local police captured those thugs, they would not be interrogated and would be handed over directly to the Japanese."

    "When I just put down the phone, I was still wondering. In the past, when fighting against the Anti-Japanese Alliance, those who were captured alive were usually rewarded more than those who were beaten to death. Why is it reversed this time? Those who were beaten to death were rewarded more than those who were captured.  Live more."

    Ding Xiaosan, who must have suffered a lot at the hands of Li Mingrui, did not hide anything and was extremely honest.  Yang Zhen answered whatever he asked, not even the slightest bit of trickery.

    Hearing Ding Xiaosan¡¯s confession

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