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Text Chapter 507: Destroying religion and enriching the country

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    In December, people infected with acne appeared in Lulianzhou, Guangdong.

    The imperial court ordered the Guangdong Road Prefecture Epidemic Prevention Bureau to support Lianzhou and vaccinate all the people in Lianzhou to prevent the spread of acne in Lianzhou.

    After the cowpox invented by Chao Yong proved to be effective, Chao Gai ordered each state government to establish an epidemic prevention bureau to spread cowpox artificially, cultivate the vaccine, and vaccinate the people at the same time.  However, due to restrictions imposed by doctors and vaccines, not everyone is vaccinated.

    There are more buffaloes in Guangdong and Guangxi. Everyone originally thought that after Guangdong Road transferred doctors from nearby state capitals, all the people in Lianzhou could be vaccinated against acne quickly.  However, people in many villages refused to be vaccinated, resulting in more than 5,000 people contracting pox. Within a short time, more than 2,000 people died.

    Chao Gai ordered the local censor to investigate, and finally discovered that a monk was deceiving the people, saying that after being vaccinated with cowpox, they would be reborn as cows in their next life, leading many people to rather die than be vaccinated.

    Chao Yong came to the palace immediately after learning that it was the monk who committed the crime.

    Chao Gai had just received the news, and his face was livid. When he saw Chao Yong entering the palace, he couldn't help but said: "It's so ridiculous. If you get a cowpox and you are reincarnated into a cow, what will happen to those who eat beef in their next life?"  , cow dung?¡±

    Chao Yong nodded and said: "Those religious lies confuse the public, and they often use talismans to treat diseases, killing countless people. I ask my father to order an order to ban all religions to prevent today's disaster from happening again."

    Chao Gai thought for a while, nodded and said: "We discussed this matter before, but the time was not ripe at that time. Now that the world is unified and the imperial rule has been stabilized, it is time to implement this matter."

    He said to the eunuch waiting beside him: "Go and invite the other five ministers."


    Not long after the eunuch left, five ministers arrived one after another.

    After everyone discussed it, they made a decree banning all religions, destroying all religious buildings and classics, confiscating all religious properties, ordering religious people to leave the religion, killing those who spread the doctrine without mercy, and banishing religious people with a hundred rods if they hid or gave alms to others.  Three thousand miles.

    On the seventeenth day of the first month of the third year of Tianqi, the imperial court promulgated a regulation banning all religions.  Officers and soldiers from various state governments were dispatched at the same time, destroying religious buildings such as temples and Taoist temples within the territory, ordering religious figures to return them to civilians, and confiscating religious property.

    Many temples and Taoist temples in Tokyo did not escape. As soon as the imperial decree was issued, soldiers and horses in the city surrounded these religious buildings. Everyone was expelled and ordered to return to their hometowns. The imperial court gave everyone a constant amount of money.  Although the money is not much, they will not starve to death. Residential homes and Anjiyuan have been expanded from the state capital to all counties.

    Na Qian Gao Jue and Mirror made the court of the court abundant.  Coupled with the bumper harvest nationwide in the second year of Tianqi, the imperial court's expansion of nursing homes and Anjiyuan did not put much pressure on the finances.

    Some monks and Taoists who pretended to be living Bodhisattvas and living gods came to the palace and asked to see the emperor. They were all dispersed by the imperial guards and ordered to return to secular life. Those who refused to return to secular life were killed without mercy.

    Most of the monks and monks dispersed when they saw that Chao Gai was determined. Only some obsessed monks and monks were ready to sacrifice themselves for the gods and Buddhas. They were all captured by the imperial guards and taken to the entrance of the vegetable market to be executed.

    After killing a dozen monks and Taoists, no one dared to protest in front of the palace anymore.

    Except for a few common people in Bianjing City, they complained for the monks and Taoists.  Most people felt that the imperial court was doing well.  Since the imperial court established the national policy of exterminating all religions, the newspapers have been publishing religious deceptions.  Many people have been deceived by religious swindlers. After the court exposed those deceptive tricks, many people no longer believe in those gods and Buddhas.

    If Daliang really has a god.  It can only be the prince who is invincible and invented cowpox so that the world no longer has to worry about acne.  It can also make people fly.

    Although those gods and Buddhas are said to be omnipotent, when acne comes, their followers cannot escape the disease.  No matter how pious you are, you will never see gods or Buddhas appearing.

    The situation in various places is similar. After the court newspaper exposed the deception of religion for a long time, the number of religious believers decreased. The remaining few believers were frightened by the force of the court, and no one dared to have any objections.

    Some stubborn monks and Taoists saw that there was no place for religion in Daliang, so they went to other countries to start their own business.

    A month later, the imperial court summarized the results of the extermination of religions in various states. Nearly one million households were registered in various places, more than 10 million hectares of farmland were confiscated, and countless gold and silver utensils were confiscated. The confiscated money of various religions in the royal bank account alone amounted to more than 20 million yuan.  , there are still an unknown number of deposit certificates and banknotes hidden by religious people.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: and without the constraints of religion, there are bald people who are suspected to have just returned to secular life, swaying through the city and spending money like water in brothels.

    Chao Gai ordered the confiscated bronze Buddhas, bronze bells, gold and silver utensils to be used to cast coins, and iron statues to be cast into farm implements. At the same time, the confiscated land was auctioned.

    After the battle to exterminate the religion, the national treasury was abundant, and the imperial court announced a reduction in the price of salt.The price of ten cents was reduced to ten cents per catty, and the prices of alum, charcoal, and lamp oil sold exclusively by the imperial court were also reduced.

    In the past, the lamp oil used by the people was vegetable oil or animal fat. After Chao Yong had people distill the petroleum to make kerosene and gasoline, the lamp oil used by the people became kerosene, and the gasoline replaced the original fire oil, which added a financial source to the court.  Added a sharp weapon to Daliang soldiers and horses.

    It can be said that the whole country benefited from the extermination of religion, and the military and civilians rejoiced. However, there were also a few stubborn religious figures and ordinary people who hid religious figures secretly. Tens of thousands of people were sent to the frontiers to open up wasteland.

    Although the Daxiangguo Temple in Bianjing City was built magnificently, Chao Yong still ordered the Daxiangguo Temple to be completely razed in order not to destroy the religion.  There are dozens of large and small temples and Taoist temples that were razed in Bianjing City.

    As soon as the temple was razed, many people started eyeing these lands. Although Daliang had just been established two years ago, the country was unified, free of corvee, and light on taxes. There was already great rule of the world, and every inch of land in Bianjing city was precious.

    Especially after Chao Yong announced the establishment of a noble college, large families from all over the country who paid money to confer knighthoods flocked to Bianjing to buy houses and properties in Bianjing to facilitate the education of their children and grandchildren, which directly caused the housing prices in Bianjing to rise.

    Some old people in Liangshan who were assigned to houses were dazzled by the prices shouted by big houses from all over the country, so they sold their houses.  The next day I heard another price and could only stamp my feet and complain.

    Therefore, after the temples in Bianjing were razed, several old people from Liangshan approached Chao Gai, hoping to buy the land from the imperial court and build houses.

    With Chao Gai¡¯s character, it was impossible to ask them for a high price, so he could only tell the Ministry of Revenue to act cheaply.

    Jiang Jing, the divine fortune teller, thought about it for a while and then came to the prince's womb.

    During this period of time, Chao Yong was formulating the curriculum for the aristocratic academy. More than fifty princes and more than sixty princesses have been born in the crown prince's womb. It will not take a few years.  Enlightenment education is about to begin.

    Chao Yong hopes that when his children grow up, there will be a mature academy instead of a rough aristocratic academy, so he wants to establish an aristocratic academy as soon as possible.

    Those barons who were vying to enter the aristocratic college became Chao Yong's guinea pigs, but the grassroots aristocratic college would not miss the students. The professors Chao Yong planned to hire were all great Confucians.  Even if these children from wealthy families are not dandy children, 99% of them will not have the chance to worship these great Confucian disciples.  Of course, Chao Yong did not know for the time being whether these great scholars would be so angry with these barons that they would walk away.

    Chao Yong asked the palace servants to serve Jiang tea and said with a smile: "The Ministry of Revenue must be very busy these days. Why do you have time to come to my place?"

    Jiang Jing smiled and said: "There is no need to go to the Three Treasures Hall. After the temples and Taoist temples were destroyed in the capital, there was a lot of land. Someone came to the emperor to buy this land. I came to see if the prince wanted to use it. If not,  I asked them to choose a few places, and put the rest up for public auction, so that no one would come to the Ministry of Finance to make it difficult for me. "

    Chao Yong smiled and said: "Who has found the emperor?"

    Jiang Jing shook his head and said: "Bai Sheng, Du Qian, and Song Wan."

    Chao Yong listened.  I couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

    When he wanted to dominate the world, these three people were unwilling to make progress. Later, they never participated in the war and just hid in the rear.  After the world was unified, these three people enjoyed their success. When the court rewarded the founding ministers, these three people also became the founding viscounts.  Chao Yong was quite upset, but Chao Gai insisted, and Chao Yong couldn't say much.

    The rest of the founding generals.  Lu Junyi and Lin Chong were awarded the title of Founding Duke; Yan Qing, Guan Sheng, Hu Yanzhuo, Shi Wengong, Lu Zhishen, Wu Song, Qin Ming, Hua Rong, Dong Ping, Zhang Qing, Li Ying, Luan Tingyu, Yang Zhi, Xu Ning, Suo Chao, Liu Tang  , Li Kui, Sun Li, Shi Xiu, Mu Hong, and Hu Cheng were awarded the title of Founding Marquis;  Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, Ruan Xiaoqi, Zhang Heng, Zhang Shun, Intelligence Department Dai Zong, Shi Qian, Zhu Gui, Gunpowder Bureau Ling Zhen, Guns Bureau Tang Long was awarded Kai Guobo; Chao Yong's personal soldiers leader Shi Yong,  Xue Yong, Jie Zhen, Jie Bao, Lu Fang, Guo Sheng, Yang Xiong, Sun Xin, Zou Yuan, Zou Run, Navy Tong Wei, Tong Meng, Bai Sheng, Du Qian, Song Wan, Intelligence Department Sun Erniang, Zhang Qing, Zhu  Fu, Li Li, Duan Jingzhu, Jiao Ting, Xiang Chong, Li Gun, Zheng Tianshou and others were awarded the founding viscount.

    Civil servants Wu Yong and Zhao Mingcheng were awarded the title of Founding Duke, while Gongsun Sheng, Chai Jin and Jiang Jing were awarded the title of Founding Marquis.

    Zhang Shuye, Wang Huan, Li Congji, Zhang Kai, Han Cunbao, Liu Menglong, Han Shizhong, Liu Qi, Yao Pingzhong and others were also awarded titles, but they were not the founding lords.  All the founding lords were people who were in the court when Liang was founded in Qingzhou. Except for Zhao Mingcheng, it can be said that they are all old men of Liangshan.

    Because Shi Yong and others have been guarding Chao Yong, they have not made many achievements and can only be ranked as Viscount. The credit of everyone in the Intelligence Department is not small, but if Bai Sheng, Du Qian, and Song Wan are given the same title as them, Chao?But he was a little unwilling.  Just because there were too many barons, the lowest among the founding generals was also a viscount. Chao Gai didn't want to let the three of them fail, so Chao Yong could only reward the leader of the soldiers privately.

    Chao Yong said displeased: "What do they want the land for?"

    Jiang Jingdao: "They have sold all the houses given by the emperor to wealthy businessmen from the south of the Yangtze River. The bigger houses in the capital are now ridiculously expensive. They want to buy land and build houses again."

    "For short-sighted people, then sell them land according to the size of the house that the imperial court previously rewarded them. The price can be lower, but it cannot exceed the original area. The remaining land will not be auctioned in a hurry. It will be said to the outside world that the Ministry of War has bought it all.  "I want to build houses for Liangshan veterans so that they will not be able to afford houses in the capital after they retire."

    Jiang Jingdao: "The total land is only about a thousand acres, so I'm afraid we won't be able to build many houses."

    Chao Yong smiled and said: "If one floor doesn't work, we can build a few more floors."

    Jiang Jing shook his head and said: "I'm afraid there are also etiquette issues involved, and people from the Ministry of Industry should know about it."

    Chao Yong nodded and said: "Well, I will go back and ask the people from the Ministry of Industry to make plans to at least relocate the Liangshan veterans who want to settle in the capital."

    Jiang Jing cupped his hands and said: "The prince is benevolent and righteous. It is a great blessing for the Liangshan brothers to follow the prince."

    Chao Yong shook his head and said: "Without the old brothers from Liangshan, how would the world of Liang be today? It is my father and son's fortune to have all the brothers from Liangshan to follow, and the luck of the world. It's a pity that some brothers can't see the world of Liang."

    Having said this, Chao Yong felt that it was even more difficult to start a business, so he immediately sent someone to ask the person in charge of housing construction from the Ministry of Works.

    Jiang Jinglue sat down for a while, then said goodbye and left. The household department was busy with affairs.  But he was not allowed to sit around.

    When the doctor from the Ministry of Industry in charge of housing construction arrived, Chao Yong had already thought of a plan.

    The doctor from the Ministry of Works thought that the prince wanted to repair the palace or other palaces. Hearing that he was going to build houses for Liangshan veterans, he couldn't help but said: "There is no shortage of craftsmen from the Ministry of Works, but we need the Ministry of Household Affairs to allocate money first before we can start the work."  ¡±

    Chao Yong thought for a while and said: "This money will be paid by the Taiwong. You make a budget. I will allocate the money to you directly from the Taiwong. The drawings are here."

    If you want to pay from the Ministry of War.  Then the house would not be exclusive to the Liangshan veterans, but if it benefited the entire army, the imperial court had the financial resources and the capital did not have so much land, so Chao Yong decided to fund it privately.  After it is built, selling it to Liangshan Veteran at a low price will not make him lose all his money.

    The royal bank account has expanded to all the prefectures in Daliang, and a few prosperous counties have also established branch offices. Moreover, banknotes have been circulated throughout the country, and the bank bank no longer needs to escort large sums of cash to and from various places.

    In the second year of Tianqi's reign, the royal ticket account made a profit of more than 20 million yuan.  Although the imperial court auctioned fields in the north.  But after the imperial court exterminated the religion in the third year of the Apocalypse, more fields were auctioned. There is no doubt that the third year of the Apocalypse was over.  Royal ticket number will be more profitable.

    The profits of the royal bank in the past two years alone can be compared with the treasury surplus when Cai Jing deceived Zhao Ji into enjoying himself.

    Of course, the Daliang treasury has more wealth, so no one is interested in the crown prince's uterus.

    Chao Yong did not design a tube building, but the second floor of a separate courtyard.  The first floor is the living room and kitchen, and the second floor is the bedroom.  The yard is not big, but the families with big yards in Bianjing City are either rich or noble.

    Many people build this kind of small second floor.  The doctor from the Ministry of Industry understood it after looking at it and said: "This kind of house is not difficult to build, but I don't know what materials to use? Adobe bricks are the cheapest, wood is in the middle, and green bricks are the most expensive."

    Chao Yong naturally wouldn¡¯t think of cutting corners and asked: ¡°If I bake the green bricks myself, can¡¯t I reduce the cost?¡±

    The doctor from the Ministry of Industry shook his head and said: "Even if you build a kiln and bake bricks, the cost of green bricks is very high, and the labor cost and charcoal consumption are very large. Large households in the countryside rarely use green bricks."

    Chao Yong thought of red bricks, which were very common in later generations, and couldn't help but ask: "Can red bricks be made by burning them?"

    The doctor from the Ministry of Industry nodded and said: "Red bricks are easier to bake than blue bricks, and the cost can be reduced a lot, but according to the etiquette system, ordinary people cannot use red bricks to build houses."

    Chao Yong didn't think about this problem. He was stunned and said: "I will solve this problem. You arrange for craftsmen to build kilns and bake red bricks. All houses will be built with red bricks. There is no need to make a budget. Just make good account books.  I¡¯ll have it checked later.¡±

    Even if it¡¯s not for the Liangshan veterans, it¡¯s worth spending more money just to lift the ban on red bricks for the people all over the world.

    Naturally, the doctor from the Ministry of Industry would not doubt that the prince could not solve the problem of the Ministry of Rites, and said respectfully: "Yes, I will arrange for craftsmen to build the house now."

    When the first batch of red bricks appeared in Bianjing City, the people in the city learned that the imperial courtThe people had been allowed to use red bricks, so they asked around about the price of red bricks.

    Seeing that red bricks were profitable, businessmen in the city also built kilns outside the city to burn bricks.

    For a time, red bricks could be seen everywhere in Bianjing City, and people from better-off families began to rebuild red brick houses.  Blue bricks are expensive. Except for a few dignitaries who use blue bricks to build their houses, most people use civil structures.  Wealthier wooden houses are just as beautiful, but once a fire breaks out, they can easily expand quickly and burn to ashes.  Ordinary people can't afford an all-wooden structure, so they can only use a combination of earth and wood to build their houses. The richer people still use adobe bricks, and the poorer ones can't even use adobe bricks.

    Of course, the lifting of the ban on red bricks does not mean that everyone can use it, but there are still many people who benefit from it, and it also increases the court's business tax.

    Within two months, rows of beautiful red brick buildings were built.

    The newly built red brick buildings are much more beautiful than the blue brick houses of wealthy households, which has attracted many wealthy households to demolish their blue brick houses and rebuild them into red brick buildings.

    The colors in the border city are also much brighter. In the past, except for the red walls and green tiles of the palace and the red-painted gates of a few dignitaries, there were gray buildings. The whole city looked very depressing. Of course, this is what modern people saw, but what ancient people saw  Most of them are mud houses. Occasionally, when you see a blue brick house, your eyes will light up.

    Of course, the red brick building cannot be compared with the red paint walls of the palace. The walls of the palace are made of fine red paint, which is bright red, while the red bricks are a bit dark red.

    When the houses were completed and Chao Yong sold them to Liangshan veterans at a price of one hundred guan per yard, the people in the city knew for whom these houses were built.

    In the second year of Tianqi, a small mud house in Bianjing could be sold for one hundred guan, but now the price is even higher.  After the people in the city learned about the price that the prince had set for the Liangshan veterans, they immediately found the Liangshan veterans and were willing to buy them from them at a higher price.  Therefore, all the courtyards built by the Ministry of Industry were bought by Liangshan veterans. However, except for a few people who felt that the houses built on the temples were unlucky to change hands, most people settled in Bianjing.

    The lowest rank among Liangshan veterans is Dutou. Those above Dutou don¡¯t have to worry about being forced to retire. Their monthly salary is ten guan, which is enough to settle down in Bianjing.  Moreover, they have participated in the most battles, received hundreds of various rewards, and are all well-off families in the capital.  (To be continued)
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