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Text Chapter 51 [Poker Face]

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    Master Zhan's mind screamed, and huge strength burst out from his whole body. The muscles that seemed to have been petrified just now returned again in the face of his strong willpower. Although every move was heartbreaking pain, but for Uncle Dong,  Zhan Shaocheng still ran wildly, arriving first and the second shot coming first. At the moment when the cannonball was about to hit, Zhan Shaofei rushed over and hugged the exhausted Uncle Dong.

    The huge explosion shock wave threw the two of their bodies hard. The two of them hit the wall next to the door of the game hall and bounced back to the ground. Master Zhan coughed, and a lot of blood flowed from his throat.  The blood surged out, choking him so much that he almost lost his breath. The severe pain in various parts of his body prevented him from noticing that at this moment, one of his legs had been blown to pieces in the explosion, like a chicken leg that had been eaten indiscriminately.  All the tendons and bones were exposed, twisted at one side of the body at a weird bending angle.  Not to mention that his internal organs may have been shattered at this moment and his back was covered with shrapnel.

    Mr. Zhan ignored the pain all over his body and struggled to support his body with one arm. Only then did he have time to look at Uncle Dong beside him.  This sight shocked Mr. Zhan.

    Under his protection, Uncle Dong did not suffer too serious skin injuries. However, is the old man in front of him, who looks haggard and looks like he is seventy years old, still his Uncle Dong?

    Just now he noticed that Uncle Dong's hair was white, and thought it was because he had transformed into a big snake. But looking at it now, Master Zhan suddenly understood that those white hairs were because Uncle Dong had aged rapidly during this battle. Not only  It was gray hair that looked like withered grass, and deep wrinkles on his face that looked like knife carvings. He reached out and grabbed Uncle Dong's arm, where there seemed to be only a thin layer of skin barely covering the bones.

    "Uncle Dong, Uncle Dong," he shook Uncle Dong's body gently. Master Zhan's voice was trembling and choked. Tears rolled down unconsciously, as if the tear glands were not his own. He couldn't control the tears inside.  Bursting water.

    Uncle Dong¡¯s lips trembled twice, and there was a gurgling sound in his throat as if he wanted to say something. Master Zhan leaned over and put his ear to his mouth.

    ¡°Group, gurgle, gurgle¡± is the only sound coming from the throat as the gas passes through.

    Mr. Zhan was speechless at this time, only the cries he kept holding and the endless tears. He just lay on Uncle Dong's lips, hoping to hear that voice, even if he just shouted "Shaocheng", but  It seemed like a century had passed before even the last gurgling sound finally disappeared from my ears.

    "No, no!" Mr. Zhan cried weakly. The two words "no" seemed to have taken away all his strength. In an instant, he felt that all his hopes and efforts were in vain. Not long ago, he had fantasized about  What kind of life could Uncle Dong live with his own abilities, but now everything is in vain, "No" Master Zhan finally shouted out the pain that filled his heart, but the next second, it was already overloaded  His body finally turned black and fainted.

    The smoke and dust from the rocket launch just now still lingered. Xiao Hu was still squatting in front of the building. On his shoulder, another warhead was already loaded, waiting for the situation in the field to become clear. If another shot was needed.  .

    The other special forces members were holding their guns and were always on guard in the direction of Uncle Dong just now, but because the smoke had not dispersed, no one dared to rush forward rashly. Who knows whether this kind of monster that shoots lightning is really so easy to die.

    "No" Master Zhan shouted, everyone was startled, Xiao Hu immediately cut off the rocket launcher in his hand, and could only deliver a fatal blow as soon as the opponent attacked.

    Abe, who had been lying at the door, kept looking at the two figures in front of him. He only heard Zhan Shao yelling, and his body slumped down heavily. Knowing that the matter here was over, he hurriedly took advantage of the smoke before it cleared.  Yao rushed out and grabbed Mr. Zhan's right hand. Damn, it was all blurred. His instrument and his palm seemed to be welded together. It looked like it couldn't be used, but he couldn't keep something like this that was beyond the civilization of the earth.  He came down, pulled hard twice, and tore off the skin on Mr. Zhan's hand. He turned around and wanted to leave, but his figure suddenly suffocated. He turned back to look at Mr. Zhan's broken body, feeling deep in his heart.  Take a breath.

    Should he take him with him or not? If he leaves him here, his fate can be imagined. But after this night of fighting, Abe knows that Master Zhan is not as cruel as he originally thought. He has love.  He has courage.

    For some reason, Abe's eyes suddenly flashed back to the man who was subdued by a high-voltage stun gun when he first saw Mr. Zhan. The strong desire for survival in his eyes. Perhaps it was that look that made Abe  He was not killed in the end.

    "Hey, Poker Face, aren't you going back?" While Abe was hesitating and struggling, a magnetic man's voice suddenly came from the broken rolling shutter door of the game hall.

    Abe knew who it was without looking, just by the sound of his voice. Inside the rolling shutter door, an elegant man dressed like a medieval European aristocrat was sticking his butt out and watching.Abe outside the door.

    "Come here and help." Abe became cruel, turned around and grabbed Mr. Zhan's body.

    "Oh." The man inside the door looked disgusted when he saw Mr. Zhan's burned arms and mutilated body. If he had known that he was going to do such an unseemly thing at the door, he really would have ignored Janis in the first place.  begged.

    Holding back the discomfort, he got out of the door. The man went over to help Abe lift Shao Zhan's body. Because he was afraid of being rubbed by the blood, he only held on to Shao Zhan's good leg. Zhan Shaocheng had already  The shattered left leg just kept hanging on the ground, dragging a trail of blood.

    "Dragon team." Xiao Hu has been on alert watching the smoke in the field, but after that shout, there was no movement. After being on alert for half a minute, Xiao Hu couldn't stand still and asked for instructions.

    "What's going on?" Team Dragon asked a little strangely, looking at the dense fog that seemed to be in front of them.

    "The suspect's condition is unknown." Xiao Hu didn't understand Team Dragon's question and replied in a low voice.

    "Why is there such a big smoke?" It's not like I haven't used the rocket launcher myself, and I have never seen such a long period of time with such a high concentration of smoke.

    "Maybe it's because of electricity," Feng Yan, who was walking behind the dragon team, replied upon seeing this. "The large amount of electric shock just now caused static electricity in the air. The static electricity adsorbed the flying dust, so the smoke was not easy to disperse."

    Brigade Long nodded with deep understanding, "Tell the brothers, be careful and don't let the suspect escape in the smoke, but don't act rashly to prevent unnecessary sacrifices." Just kidding, if another person dies, my captain will really  Don't do it.


    The Dragon Brigade did not want any more casualties among their personnel, so they chose to wait and see what would happen. This bought Abe and the European nobleman time. The two of them were really not made for manual labor, and the European nobleman was afraid  I soiled my clothes, dragging and dragging all the way, and finally got to the door just now.

    "Poker face, you have to give me back a set of silk shirts when you go back. This is my first time doing such a disgusting job. It really insults my identity." After saying that, he looked at the ground with a look of disgust. Mr. Zhan really can't be called a body.  Body.

    "BLUE, why are you here?" Thanks to his coming, Abe's communication device was destroyed by Mr. Zhan. If no one answered, he would have to repair the communication device first. At that time, he didn't know if it had been destroyed.  Special forces took it away.

    "I don't want to come. Janis was yelling in the transfer room and disturbing my rest." Blue said with his nose crossed and threw away Mr. Zhan's leg in his hand.  He took out the communicator in his hand, pressed it on the empty ground a few times, and the portal appeared with a whoosh.

    Opening the door, Janis was still standing on the opposite side of the door as before due to difficulty in moving. Next to her was the game console that had been brought in in a hurry.

    "What did you move?"

    Abe didn¡¯t reply, and Master Zhan¡¯s body was thrown at Janice¡¯s feet.

    ¡°†N~,¡± After seeing the burnt body on the ground clearly, Janis felt really disgusted.  "Is he still alive?" He asked weakly, suppressing the discomfort in his chest.

    Abe had already closed the portal at this time, and turned back to look at Mr. Zhan¡¯s body: ¡°He has a head, a heart, YEP, he is still alive.¡±
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