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    He has been floating in the universe aimlessly for more than a year.  He was in pain, confused, and accompanied by numerous doubts that flashed from time to time.  He knew nothing of his own strength to persist in wandering.  When death did not come, his mind became extremely abnormal.  He felt that he was about to reach the end of his journey, but the approach of that scene made him feel unwilling to do so Maybe there was still something supporting him.

    He felt that he should first be a thinking creature, with entity, able to walk, and able to breathe.  But what appears now is definitely not the case.  He is in his deepest nightmare and is sleeping for eternity.  He has to keep chasing this process. When life cannot be revived, he seems to be floating in free space.  His vision and touch extend infinitely in all directions, and are composed of countless lines of different colors forming light spots, rays, and three-dimensional geometric figures They are all disturbing and dazzling when observed.

    Every moment, there is a simple scene surrounding him that makes him want to give up himself.  But there were equally simple roots sustaining his already fragile soul.  In the constant repetition, wandering, and harassment of nightmares, he figured out the questions that had been repeated thousands of times in his mind:

    Who are you?

    Hu Yi is my name.

    Where are you from?

    The Milky Way is my hometown.

    Where are you now?

    The deep universe is my residence.

    Where are you going?

    Death is my destination.

    During the hundreds of days he fought, these problems followed him like a shadow.  He was afraid of answering, and the answer to the question once drove him to a nervous breakdown, madness, and madness.  But in the end, the answer made him learn to calm down in loneliness and learn to explore the limits of thinking.  He stopped.  Let the hot flames of stars burn him, let the gravity of black holes tear him apart, let the power of quasar explosions wash over him, and finally the energy of the great collision of galaxies reshapes him.

    But he knew the answer would never be that simple.  Never, even in the events of his life, had such a simple answer appeared.  He wanted to think, but the surrounding squares, rays, and three-dimensional figures always acted as obstacles and squeezed hard into his mind.  Does all this really exist?  Or is it, like himself, an illusion constructed entirely of the extinguishing soul flame?

    He stayed quietly, his infinitely extended consciousness feeling the most fundamental existence.

    The concrete images or hallucinations that troubled him lasted only a short time.  Whether it is images that are pieced together, or intertwined graphics connected by dots and lines, they are all in a process of smoothing, with the edges and corners gradually being stretched and straightened, and then turned into dancing strings.  Countless strings intersected, criss-crossed, but soon disappeared from before him and merged into memory.  He then enters a realm of consciousness that no one has ever experienced before.

    The memory that has been bothering me has been partially cleared.  The source slowly surged.  He looked back on everything in the past, going back step by step along the corridor of time.  He saw countless familiar scenes printed on the walls, and that forgotten time resurfaced.  Whether it was pain or joy, he could clearly feel everything along the way.  The pace is fast.  The return of time is also accelerating.  Scenes that made him suffer and make him happythe repeated expressions, smiles or sorrows gradually turned into vague impressions.

    To everything that is presented.  He all responded with a smile - at that time, he found that the swinging clock had slowed down, and the pendulum - the string had approached the maximum limit of the arc - the slowest speed - and then swept back again.  The speed became faster again.  His innocent childhood has opened a new chapter with the reverberation of the pendulum's new amplitude, but his thoughts at this time will make him feel that everything is so simple and innocent.  He is no longer a beast, a demon, or a madman He is just the simplest wisdom living in a world where countless strings intersect and are made up of equations that are difficult to understand - but easy to do.

    When the moment of complete stillness ends, the swing in another macro direction accelerates.  He opened his eyes among the stars. He was still in the same place a second ago, but a second later he was in a multi-star system 10 million light-years away.  He stood atop the deadly flames of the swelling planet.  The outline of the gushing flames is looming in this deadly area. The condensed flames, fire claws, light pillars, lines, and shadows are constantly intersecting, and the visual existence and the virtual scene are constantly alternately presented.  Sometimes they coalesce into his angry face; sometimes they stretch into a tight string that matches the vibrating rhythm of the universe.

    But this phenomenon has been unable to attract his attention at all.  It may not be easy to understand, but to him it is just the inner and outer manifestation of the strength of a tight string.It confuses the senses, but what really works is the deepest thoughts.  He saw it and recalled it.  This is the origin, but not the end of his stay.  He once again leaped into space, staying at that still moment between rebirth and destruction, and asked himself again:

    Who are you?

    Hu Yi.

    Where are you from?

    The Milky Way.

    Where are you now?

    The universe.

    Where are you going?


    He woke up suddenly.  It seems to be covered in cold sweat, but there is no body to express it - he can be a star, a galaxy, or pure energy - but there is no actual body.  He was going to get as far away from this place as possible - but in a way, he would never escape the place that had brought him back to life.  He is now just challenging the elastic deformation at the limit.

    In the distant deep space, he heard desperate cries again and again, bursting out desperate pleas but he was powerless.  He could only watch as countless light points devoured the familiar starry sky, and thousands of intelligent beings struggled in the flames that were ignited due to the extreme use of their inner strength.  He saw a life that once had the same nature as him, but now has been blocked by a high wall that cannot be crossed.

    He was once them.

    Burning anger, pleading pity, and weakening hope.  He was trying to understand this scene using what he was familiar with.  Points, lines, and planes reappear again and again, but in the end they converge, and the stars are depicted by strings that are constantly tightened.  Shape the universe.  In the life of that humble Hu Yi, he once stood in front of this solid and insurmountable wall and looked up.  But when humility is not an eternal existence, Hu Yi is now like a subatomic particle, tunneling with his entire soul - he has completed this feat.

    He passed through impossible walls.  He is an unprecedented lucky person, having won the top prize in the universe game - but the reward is there, but death always lies in front of him.  He couldn't get rid of it, unable to break away. He felt every moment experienced by millions of people who were the same as him with a depressed mood.

    Although it is not clear, the future is already determined.  The direction is clear.  It will take him a while to go down this path.  He wants to stand behind the universe and examine it all as the master.  The Black Tablet, as the best way to know, was irrelevant to him now.  The Tablet once seemed to hold eternally undiscoverable secrets, but now it burns with a fire that is physical rather than infernal.  He sees everything through the burning scene, and all the answers will be understood by him in this brief moment.

    The endless years keep looking back with the pendulum above your head.  He focused his thoughts on the simplest - the most beautiful, but also the most difficult to understand - formulas of the universe.  And as his thoughts continued to come into contact with the truth, the rotten part of his soul began to be ignited and disappeared into the dark night.

    After the gravitational singularity broke out, he - they - the will he inherited existed for a long time.  But it turned into decay bit by bit in the constant consumption of time.  They were unwilling to do so, and the machine age that was responsible for crossing over saved them.  The machines they finally abandoned allowed them to enter an era of pure energy.  However, the long period of decay can still tighten the throat of life and naturally kill them bit by bit - this is a set of laws established after the existence of nature.  On the last few surviving ones.  An experiment that has been ongoing since the beginning of life began.

    From single-celled organisms to life that can conquer the stars, they will face many choices. Which path can achieve the final result?  They don't know that the limit also makes them lose the possibility of self-repetition.  But countless sown lives can do it for them.  However, the chosen creatures cannot have the same omnipotence as them on this road.  Countless development trajectories overlap, and it is always a process of abandoning and running towards machines, and ultimately turning into energy to exist.  All roads are aligned with them.

    They don¡¯t need to repeat useless results¡ªthey laboriously end failed experiments and start over.  At the beginning, they had plenty of time and full of confidence, but as time went by, failures continued to pile up, and success turned into a torch that was about to be extinguished. Taking action personally made it even worse for them who were already struggling.  Agents¡ªcorrectors who perform on their behalf¡ªcome into being.

    They formulate rules, let the slate serve as the procedures for execution, and a set of grand unified theories serve as the standards for implementation.  Countless correctors completed their assigned tasks perfectly, but during the long wait, they never saw a novel existence that made them concentrate.  The latest batch of Loos cannot be completed, and the Correcter will get rid of them and?Maintain original resources to the greatest extent possible.

    She - after the years of decay, as the last one left - she aimed at another highly possible target, a group of extremely special beings that avoided mechanical paths and evolved completely according to their own genes.  She wanted the experiment to continue on them.

    Countless similar experiments have declared failure in their execution, but this time, she retained most of her own existence and set aside a small part to join this game.  The target life forms are lucky, they have acquired her great characteristics, and she wants to allow the target race to evolve quickly after the corrector eliminates the wrong experiments - obviously starting from scratch no longer meets the usual requirements, she personally  Taking action, he used his boundless ability to compile millions of years of false memories of the experimental target, giving everything a very high foundation to start with.

    Moreover, in order to prevent errors caused by her subjective judgment - the first generation on the way was destroyed by humans due to an accident - but for the next generation, she chose a derivative derived from the experimental target life, a man named  The humans of "Hu Yi" will help complete this part of the experiment, so that she will not completely follow the old path she is accustomed to.  In order to maintain the perfection of the experiment to the extreme, she let a small part of herself that was completely blank join in, waiting for the start of the experiment and the final answer after walking along the corrected trajectory

    The burning consciousness stayed briefly, but time did not stop.  The next time, part of his condensed energy turned into a visible body and disappeared.  Reappear.  When he came again, he was already on a gray planet, and he stepped on this once extinct land.  The surrounding radiation is transformed into substantial energy, which is absorbed, replenished, and consumed by him, and then the remaining part is dissipated in other forms.

    His body was burning with the flames of stars, and the light illuminated everything twisted around him.  The environment is full of potholes, and the rain accumulates in the deep pits to form black and green pools.  Familiar shadows swayed in front of him, and his soul was roaring.  Echoes continued to appear in the sky in the form of thunder.  His eyes were also burning, almost turning the earth he stared at into a burning glass crystal once again.

    He knows where this place is.  Philos.  He even knew where his feet were.  All plans unfold here.  Everything that was most false appeared here. He flashed into an dug cave underneath. A layer of radiation smoke covering the stairs was driven away by the flames, restoring its original appearance.  He stretched out his hand, and the light of the fire illuminated the very familiar cave of the past, but the only thing he felt was coldness.

    Distorted light and discordant shadows flashed repeatedly, the wind blew, and he was trembling and panting.  The cold place made it impossible for the flames on his body to provide any warmth.  "Philos." He murmured, "Rebirth No, no, no. Absolutely not"

    He felt a warm hand touching him behind his back, "Maxine!" His voice was hoarse and he didn't dare to look back.  He was in pain but unconscious.  He sat down.  Curl up with your arms crossed.  He knows it all, knows the beginning of things, and understands the ultimate goal.

    "Please. Don't leave me" That never-ending voice echoed in his ears.

    "Yes, you said it." He lowered his head, his expression painful and numb, "I promised. But what I need is not lies or deception. You know that is never what I want."

    "You said you would never leave me." The voice became weird.

    "I promised you." He became more and more uncomfortable.

    "But you still left me and abandoned me!" The voice suddenly took on a sharp emotion.

    "No, no!" He shook his head desperately, as if there were countless monsters and monsters behind him that wanted to pounce on him and tear him apart, "Maxine I said, I am willing to do anything for you - just to go  Prove how much I love you!" He said, his voice hoarse. In order to prevent tears from flowing out, he raised his head. Standing quietly in front of him was the familiar and haunting image.  Moreover, she was smiling, "But it's not you, it's not you" He stretched out his hand, but when he got closer, he retracted it like an electric shock. He shouted desperately: "They were a hundred years ago."  She took you away from me years ago! You are not her, absolutely not! I was watching at that time, watching with my own eyes"

    "But I am." Her voice seemed to come from the front, and also seemed to come from the distant deep space, "I am what you have always wanted to pursue."

    "You're not!" His emotions suddenly broke out, and his consciousness was strongly objecting, "I have already lost her, completely lost her more than a hundred years ago! I deserve to die, I shouldn't stay!"

    He stood up and disappeared instantly.

    next moment.

    Here you can?There are vaguely similar scenes, but it is no longer the Philos planet in my memory. This is Maldor, the ruins of the former Zerg palace.  Now a ruins buried in ashes He stood quietly, with the most beautiful scenes of the past in front of him.  During these freest days, his soul was pardoned.  He is still able to abandon the so-called eternal existence without hesitation, just in exchange for that moment.

    But the twisted existence is not what he hopes for.  You have lost her, forever - from the moment you saw her collapse on the relay planet, from the moment he walked out of the galaxy.  That imprint of the past, the one he called Maxine¡ªthe partner with a blank memory.  She can only exist in memories of the past.

    But now, what I have been trying to get rid of, replace, and confuse him is just that cold queen - the existence that almost controls the growth of all things in the universe, has no emotions, and casually decides the continuation and destruction of life with her words.  .  She has never had emotions, and everything is just a tool for her to use.

    She will still make everything disappear - including him.

    Who are you?

    Where are you from?

    Where are you now?

    Where are you going?

    He disappeared in despair again.  this time.  He appears at the last stop - which may also be the final stop in the mortal world.  The Zerg planet Wenig is a planet full of vitality, where countless lives are thriving.  A lively and always high-spirited existence.  One of the most desperate moments in his memory.

    He appeared in front of a towering statue in the square - the two most familiar existences are now just part of the ripples in his memory.  They once existed, but are now gone forever.  He stood quietly and soon attracted countless believers.  Believers discover the God they obey most.

    He allowed his thoughts to condense into his body, but in fact, his body was floating with the current in a galaxy composed of countless suns, floating at the center of the universe and at the edge of the teleportation. He looked at that one  A lone star.  He opened his hands.  He stood there for three days and three nights, but his soul was already at the end of the horizon.  In a twisted dark zone without light, without stars, without matter.

    He once lost his way, he once burned himself in anger, and he once killed himself in the most despair.  But now, he must abandon all this, and he must return all emotions to their original state.  He needed to accomplish something unprecedented.  For this matter, he is planning and preparing bit by bit.  He was radiating a dazzling light, and the people around him quietly formed circles.  He knelt down without any words.  They gathered around God.  They can already feel that "God" is facing the end.

    He is about to leave this world.

    He finally remembered that he would be alone, and he pushed back bit by bit all the panic and fear he could feel.  He had great insight.  At the same time, he also knew.  He still has one last thing to accomplish - he needs to break the rules and let all living beings gain the truest freedom.  He hopes that everyone will face the real sky, instead of living in a world of deception like he once did.  These beings would frighten him.  despair.  Now, the night is about to recede, the stars in the sky are sparse, and the morning light has cleared away the old memories bit by bit, only staying in the place where he needs to return.

    His physical body is still here.

    Finallyhe thought of the final answer.


    The experiment suffered its worst failure in billions of years.

    In the starry sky, driven by a will, countless light spots spread.  They condensed into bright halos in each star field. The plans and preparation plans against the aliens had failed. When the backup means could not be used, the real master of the universe recovered.  She faced this mess, realized that she needed to clean up again, and faced the fact that a "loophole" existed, and there was no need to let the program do it for her.

    She is tired of the current situation. Perhaps as the only remaining consciousness, she can no longer control the reproduction of life among the stars according to the established trajectory as she did in the past.  They could once make themselves exist as microscopic beings, but they did not have the same ability to be nearly eternal like electrons.  Although the decay period is long, it will still kill them - as the last remaining one, she must find a way to resist death.

    She will not allow any changes to occur.  She wants to take matters into her own hands and use her near-total freedom to edit a cosmic equation that destroys all life, restores all existence to its original state, and changes the original rules.  Although, she understood very well that along the wayIt consumes energy and will cause greater damage to her already weak will, but repeated experiments cannot be delayed, and the loopholes must eventually be completely eliminated to meet her requirements for simplicity.

    Points of light constitute the tool for the spread of her destruction program. Countless bright points of light appear in every corner of the starry sky overnight.  Countless aliens were curious and frightened.  Some people stay away from it, while others launch the strongest attacksbut the final result is constant.

    Destruction began, the light points turned into beams, flashing in any corner of the universe, and all life and objects were reduced to their most primitive state.  And everything that had been destroyed and destroyed was restored to its original vitality bit by bit.  But behind this force, there will be no survivors.

    In just an instant, destruction came to the galaxy - he understood.  In the few seconds before this, the alien races that were once familiar no longer existed, and even the marks of technology were washed away to their most primitive state.  Including the original Zerg - there is no longer the concept of a carrier.  The only remaining believer is struggling to support himself by relying on the other alien characteristics left in his body.  But without intervention, they will eventually die.

    The universe will become extremely tidy.

    At the last moment, before darkness completely blocked the world, Hu Yi knew that his chance had come.  She will fall into a weak state due to the use of huge power - she wants to use the most extreme methods to restore everything to the state it wants.  But he didn't expect that the original entanglement of subatomic particles with Hu Yi could not be resolved immediately - the loophole - which meant that as long as he was at the last moment of destruction, he could take the opportunity to occupy the other party.  Use his greater power to erase the traces of the other party, so that he can exist in his place forever in the future.

    He completely opened his hands, and his body turned into a point of light little by little amid the cries and condolences of the believers, disappearing among the stars.  The last minute has come.  Hu Yi will die here, but he will also receive eternal life in another place soon.  At the most fundamental place, every memory image of the past was shattered like a mirror. The falsehood, deception, and destruction of existence He had felt it before.  He has gained and lost Now, he no longer has the slightest attachment to all of this, and he would rather banish himself forever.

    This world does not need a god who wantonly interferes with order.

    He may be able to answer for himself¡ª¡ª

    Hu Yi is my name;

    The Milky Way is my hometown.

    The deep universe is my residence;

    The stars my destination.


    it's over.  How to write this chapter.  This has been bothering me for a long time. I originally planned to spend the whole day on the weekend, but around two o'clock in the evening, something suddenly occurred to me.  I got up and wrote it in one breath with an unprecedented smoothness. The content of this chapter contains many ethereal and far-fetched fantasies.  Afterwards (including now), I don¡¯t know how I came up with it in the first place, but these contents are probably the best in my opinion.

    I thought about it again, I should fill in all the holes that need to be filled.  But there may be some book friends who don¡¯t quite understand the plot, so I compiled a few sentences based on the ending to help understand the plot. I hope you don¡¯t mind - starting with the queen, she spent countless years repeating an experiment.  One generation failed (the first generation queen in maxine's mouth; ps: I hope everyone can adapt, maxine ¡Ù queen, Hu Yi ¡Ù master), then she found Hu Yi and let her blank self join the game (so,  The millions of years of history of the Zerg are all fake, and the mysteries about the races on the way, the people in charge, etc., and the enlightenment of Leviathan and other units are just caused by false memories).

    ?Then the story begins. There are a lot of foreshadowings in the article. The "pursuit of a higher form of life" of the original "Sok" and the subsequent Loss also kept appearing in their mouths.  The fight between the organic aliens and the inorganic Seiberts was just the corrector's role - the Los race's mechanized life declared the failure of the experiment.  In the Milky Way, Seibert naturally discovered that the Zerg appeared earlier (they should have appeared after the demise of the Los family), and the Overlord still had a "loophole", so they would definitely snatch Maxine (given in the article  of her catalytic role).

    Then the long war began, and the protagonist became the biggest variable in this destined-to-end game.  Finally, I also used the concept of "tunneling" (quantum tunneling: the phenomenon whereby microscopic particles such as electrons are able to pass through "walls" that they would otherwise be unable to pass through).  Therefore, it is feasible for the protagonist to replace the queen and become the new interstellar master - although it sounds as incredible as quantum tunneling.

    These are probably the more puzzling parts.  This is a game played by some supreme being, and Hu Yi (I'm afraid he shouldn't be called the master) is just playing the game.The characters in the play are angry, crazy, and even die, just to chase that almost impossible result. The final fact completely makes him collapse, and after rebirth, he is disheartened after tunneling, and finally  Abandoning the distracting thoughts of the world ends this long game.  He has almost god-like abilities, but eternal life and immense power there is always a bitterness behind it.

    To be honest, although few people read this book, it was a hobby after all, and I insisted on writing the entire story completely.  I have read too many stories similar to space operas, and I am not immune to being affected during the writing process - the most typical one is the plot, and the title of each volume is the name of a book, except for the second volume "  Except for "The Zerg Queen and the Overlord" which is a book written by the main character, the others are all good science fiction novels.

    Judging from the entire book, the influence of Boss comes from the "Space Odyssey" series - machines - pure energy life forms, and the ending, some people may know, is a bit like the beginning of "Stars, My Destination",  But I also incorporated a lot of science fiction scenes that came to mind in the story.

    ???????????????????????????????? That¡¯s probably it, there is no such thing as a banquet that lasts forever.  Okay, let¡¯s make a final advertisement - this comparison is justified, and it pursues some rigor (of course, errors and omissions are inevitable, we are not scientists after all), it is not random science fiction.  Another one?

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Regarding the new book, I already have a structure in mind, but I have been unable to make up my mind - partly because I don¡¯t have much time.  Another revelation!  !  The protagonist of the new book has appeared in "Rise of the Swarm" (anyone guess?), but the story is closer to our time.  And what I want to write is a relatively relaxed story that is more in line with the style of online novels.

    Having said so much, I haven¡¯t written a single word Sigh, everything is uncertain.  When writing a novel, the most important thing is popularity Since there is a lot of background information that needs to be prepared, it is expected to be published in early September - I will open a chapter reminder in this book, probably around September 10th  Well, I hope you can take the time to take a look, thank you again!  !  Well, but if there are no other reminders after September 15th, it means there will be no more.

    Finally, as this book has been developed, I would like to thank everyone for their strong support, including the "Takara Shuzo" ??children's shoes that bear the image of ruining childhood in my impression, and the "Guaagua" children's shoes that are always on time, and  To those who provided me with the alien characters, thank you!  !  (To be continued. Mobile phone users please go to read.)
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