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Text Chapter 609 After the bombing

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    The Japanese pilots watched in despair as the black fleet continued to wreak havoc in their airspace, but they were helpless. This feeling was very frustrating.

    But seeing Umekawa Nagano's crazy suicide attack, the remaining pilots fell into a state of hysteria. Many Japanese pilots gave up fighting with their opponents and flew their fighter planes toward the slower-flying bombers.  past.

    Seeing the actions of the Japanese pilots, Huang Zikang became a little anxious. Although the B-24 Liberator bomber was thick-skinned and thick-skinned, it could not collide with the Japanese planes like this. He quickly ordered the surrounding escort formations through the radio: "Little Japan is going to attack  Try your best, the escort formation quickly protects the bombers, we must not let them scatter the bombing formation!"


    The P-51 escort formation that was fighting Japanese planes on the periphery also gave up on its opponents and began to organize firepower nets outside the bombing formation, trying to block the Japanese planes from the bombing formation.

    Faced with the interception of the escort formation, the Japanese planes, which had gone crazy, did not show any fear. They still rushed towards the bombing formation regardless of casualties. One after another, the Zero fighters rushed towards the escort formation, and from time to time some slipped through the net.  The Zero fighter crashed into the bombing formation and exploded.


    Finally, a B-24 was hit by two Zero fighters one after another. One wing was broken off, and the fuselage was ablaze. The huge Liberator bomber finally headed towards the ground with thick black smoke.  Fell down.

    Seeing the smoke-belching Liberator next to him, Huang Zikang shouted into the transmitter: "0312, 3012, your plane is out of service, abandon the plane and parachute immediately, parachute immediately!"

    The microphone rustled with no reply, and after a while a weak voice rang out: "Chief Huang, I am Tang Youzhi, the captain of No. 0312. Now the only two people left alive on our plane are me and the co-pilot. Others.  My brothers were all killed in action. This is a place for little Japs. Even if we succeed in parachuting, we won¡¯t survive, so we don¡¯t need to put in the effort.¡±

    Since this is a public channel, Tang Youzhi¡¯s voice reached everyone¡¯s ears.  Huang Zikang fell silent. He knew that what Tang Youzhi said was true. Even if the parachute was successful, it would fall into the hands of the Japanese. By then, they would have no chance of surviving due to the brutality of the Japanese.

    As he spoke, the smoldering bomber's fuselage was on fire even more. It rushed toward an anti-aircraft gun emplacement on the ground that was firing shells into the sky while braving the raging crowd.

    Hearing the silence around him, Tang Youzhi chuckled on the radio and continued: "Sir Huang. Although we will soon meet our dead brothers, we never regret that we could die in the bombing of Little Japan.  Here we can go underground and comfort our ancestors. Brothers, we will be brothers together in the next life! Farewell!"


    ¡°A flash of fire was accompanied by black smoke rising into the sky, and the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery position that was firing shells into the sky was swallowed up by the violent explosion


    Huang Zikang punched the armrest next to him, with an angry look in his eyes. He grabbed the microphone and shouted loudly: "All units, listen to me, use full firepower, destroy all the Japanese planes."  Fight me!"

    "Da da da¡­¡­"

    ¡°Dong dong dong¡­¡±

    The battle has come to this.  All the fighter planes were furious.  Zhang Yang drove his P-51 Mustang fighter plane up and down around the formation, like a dexterous swallow flying around. The six large-caliber machine guns on the wings continued to spit out tongues of fire, killing each one trying to get closer.  The Zero fighter jets turned into balls of fire.

    finally.  The number of Zero fighters that originally surrounded the bombing formation like locusts slowly became less and less. There were only a few sparse Zero fighters in the sky, circling far away from the bombing formation. But at this time,  They no longer pose much of a threat to the bombing formation.

    Seeing that the threat from the air had been removed, Huang Zikang, determined, ordered the continued bombing of Tokyo.  High-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs continued to fall from the bombing formation, falling to the ground with violent explosions and hot flames.

    Countless free-falling bombs fell toward the ground. Many people on the streets found that the objects falling from the sky were getting bigger and bigger.  Finally, it passed over their heads at extremely fast speeds and fell on the streets or surrounding buildings. Many buildings and buildings were blown down in an instant. The impact blast was mixed with countless steel fragments and swept across the ground.  It overturned many people on the street. When the building collapsed, flying bricks and broken glass poured down overwhelmingly. Smoke and dust filled the entire street for a while. Before many people could react, several more bombs fell one after another.  In the surrounding area, the entire land seemed to be shaking with the explosion.At this time, the situation in Tokyo was completely out of control, and the citizens turned from panic to large-scale riots.  In the choking smoke, people on the street were running wildly, trying to run towards the unknown air-raid shelter. With the collision of pedestrians, the street lights on the roadside were even shaken by the collision, and the small trees on the sidewalk were shaken.  They also broke

    But soon the citizens discovered that the huge explosions and the shock waves that scattered shrapnel and broken bricks were not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing was that there were many burning bombs among the falling bombs. These bombs exploded  The noise is much smaller than that of high-explosive bombs, but the viciousness of this incendiary bomb is countless times more cruel than those of high-explosive bombs.

    After this kind of bomb explodes, it will eject countless viscous objects. They will burn immediately when they encounter air. Moreover, this kind of thing cannot be extinguished at all. Even if it is attached to steel, it will burn until it becomes sticky.  It will not stop until the substance is burned out. Many citizens who were stuck to their bodies by that sticky substance could only fall miserably to the ground and roll around.  Countless miserable screams resounded throughout Tokyo.

    Since there was no interference from Japanese planes, the hundreds of tons of bombs carried by the bombing formation were quickly dropped. Looking at the burning Tokyo below, Huang Zikang loudly ordered: "Attention all units, after the bombing is completed, return immediately. All units will immediately return."  Return!¡±

    "Understood, return immediately!"

    The pilots who received the order looked at the city below that was already surrounded by thick smoke and flames, and followed the lead plane flying towards the southwest with complicated expressions

    "Baga Yalu, you idiots actually allowed the Chinese to bombard the capital of the empire with such arrogance. You should all go have a disembowelment!"

    Although the pilots strictly followed the orders above and did not drop a bomb into the palace, how could Emperor Hirohito not know about such earth-shattering explosions and shouts even if he was hiding in the air-raid shelter?  Hiding in the air-raid shelter, he was furious at the ministers in front of him.

    "The century-old reputation of the empire has been destroyed in the hands of you idiots. I tell you, if you can't come up with an effective way to deal with this matter, you should resign collectively!"

    While Hirohito was furious, a waiter trotted in and quickly came to Hirohito's side.  Seeing the servant's rude appearance, Hirohito couldn't help but feel his heart sink, and shouted in a low voice: "What happened?"

    "Your Majesty, we have received information that Su Rui, commander of the Fourth China War Zone, issued a statement in Guangzhou ten minutes ago. He said that the bombing of the Empire was an act of retaliation and retaliation against the Empire's Sixth Division."

    "Nani, revenge?" Hirohito and the ministers below were all stunned. What is going on? Why is the Sixth Division suddenly involved?

    "That's it, Your Majesty." The attendant stuttered and repeated the broadcast he had just received.  After listening to this attendant's words, everyone felt a little incredible. They never expected that today's bombing operation only originated from a killing by the Sixth Division in China.

    "Baga Yalu, you are bullying people too much, you are bullying people too much" After listening to the attendant's narration, Hideki Tojo, the Prime Minister of the Land, also jumped up with anger. He immediately said to Hirohito: "Your Majesty, we must  To retaliate against the Chinese people, we must immediately order the China Front to carry out a large-scale massacre in China, and we must kill all the Chinese people in the occupied areas!"

    Seeing the furious Tojo Hideki, the attendant hesitated for a moment and then said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, the Chinese people also said that if the empire dares to continue to massacre innocent people on their land, then every one of them will be killed in the future.  Bombers will be sent out every week to bomb the empire's homeland, and this time their bombing locations will not be limited to Tokyo, they will continue bombing until they blow the empire back to the Stone Age!"

    As soon as the attendant finished speaking, the basement fell into silence

    Just when Tokyo was in flames, Su Rui, Li Zongren, Bai Chongxi and others also came to the airport hand in hand. Looking at the gray sky, everyone was silent.

    It has been more than three years since I came to this time and space. Due to the appearance of Suri, the history of this time and space has become a bit chaotic. Su Rui doesn't know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, but he knows that he can't stop.  When he first came to this time and space, Su Rui just wanted to live well. He didn't care about other things. But after a few years, he has been connected with the fate of countless people around him. Su Rui knew that if he  Once he fails, the fate of him and countless people around him will become extremely bleak.

    Su Rui still doesn¡¯t know how he will go in the future, but at this time he has a firm belief that he must let this country and nation regain its place in this world.Stand up again in the world, and for this goal, he will make desperate efforts

    The first part of this book is finished!  There is another chapter at the end, which is what A Ding wants to say to readers. Please read it when you have time!  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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