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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 290: Difficulties in Preaching

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    "How can it be such a good thing to divide a house in Australia and then divide the land three years later? It's just a dream."

    Faced with this kind of doubt, the Australian smuggler who came to fetch people didn't take it seriously: "Then you can stay and chew the bark of the tree. There are many people who are willing to go. If your distant nephew hadn't asked me to call you, do you think I would?  Coming."

    ¡°You can give this and that, then the Australians are crazy.¡±

    The Australian smuggler is now dressed in a new style. At least his hair is similar to that of the Australian monks. Because there is less exercise in life on the ship, there is also a few ounces of meat on his face and body, and he is no longer as dishy as when he left.  Now the smuggler appeared to his former relatives and friends and said: "What's the matter? Zheng Zhilong from Fujian immigrated to Taiyuan Island to open up wasteland, and every three households were given a cow. Australia is further away than Taiyuan Island, and it's just a work.  Houses and land are divided after three years. Over there in Australia, it is different from here. There are many people here but little land, and the bumpy roads are all eager to plant crops. Over in Australia, there are large tracts of wasteland that no one is cultivating."

    "Fourth brother, you are now a little kid among the Australians."

    ??The Australian smuggler said: "How long have I been there? I am a worker in the Agricultural Association, and the land has not been allocated yet. I help Australians open up wasteland and farm, and I can earn a few taels of silver a month to support my family."

    "How many taels of silver can you earn for a month of pioneering?"

    "That is, as long as you work, men, women, old and young will have money. As the Australians say, pioneering is the most tiring, so you can't treat it badly. Three meals a day are served with white rice, pickled radish and cabbage, and every two days there will be more  There is meat to eat." The snake head looked around and said: "Actually, these are nothing, the food on the ship is good. There is white rice, meat, vegetables, fish and shrimp. This time I am back to help the Australians recruit people, here  If you say less outside, eat more for two months."

    "Fourth, your hair was not cut off by Australians, right?"

    "The weather in Australia is hot, and the water in rivers and wells does not contain ice in winter. Australians are afraid of the heat and cut their hair short, so we followed suit. Australians don't care if they want to keep it short, they just emphasize personal hygiene.  Let me tell you, the Australian boats are all made of steel, and hot water is available all day long so you can take a shower every day."

    "Old Siqing is talking nonsense. The iron ship will not sink if placed on the sea. At most, the outside must be made of iron, and the inside must be made of wood to float."

    The fourth child pointed at this person: "You don't understand, you don't understand. If you get an iron block and throw it into the water, it will definitely sink. But if you get an iron bucket and put it in the water, it will float. This big iron block will float."  This is the principle of boats. We didn¡¯t understand it before. Later, when people in Australia put iron buckets and iron bowls in the water for us to see, we understood. The Australians said that this is the same as porcelain. You make a piece of adobe and still water it.  The iron will sink, but the porcelain bottles and bowls will float on the water."

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? off out to Australia a few months ago, the fourth child is now fatter, and speaks more confidently.  That was the fourth child last year who retreated three miles against the wind and could fall down at any time.

    The temptation of white rice every day is still very tempting for farmers who can only eat sweet potato seedlings and sweet potato porridge to satisfy their hunger. In the late Ming Dynasty, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and other crops were already planted, but the seeds were probably not adapted to the soil and water.  The reason is that the yield is far less high than that of later generations, and it is not even as good as the Americas and Europe where it originated. The reason why people are willing to plant these crops is simply that these crops do not need to occupy good land, and can be planted on slopes and other fields near the fields.

    The Zhili Shandong area is the hardest hit area for immigrants from the north to Australia. Often when a few people go back and say that all the tenants in the village have disappeared - not to mention the tenants, it is the owner-cultivators and some small landowners who have heard about Australia.  The standard of living there makes me want to sell my land immediately and go to Australia.  It's just that these property owners, when they think of selling land and houses, which is a shameful thing for their ancestors, still resist the urge. Although the times have been bad these years, either drought or locust plague, they can't help but still want to keep this place.

    Those who really suffered losses were the big landowners. Many of these tenants who ran away still owed usury on their own loans. Who will plant the land next year after all the tenants ran away?  Although there is no shortage of refugees these days, these refugees who have just become tenants often disappear with their whole families when the big Australian iron boats park nearby.

    In the late Ming Dynasty, land rent was extremely high. Tenants often had to hand over half of their harvests and were also responsible for the country's imperial grain and national taxes.  Once a disaster strikes, landlords have to borrow usurious loans to get through the disaster years. The usury loans at least as high as three-thirds of interest cannot be repaid with the income from renting farmland. Often, in one year, they have to pay the national tax on rent and food and pay back last year's tax.  After going into debt, the whole family will have no food to eat until winter, and all the hard work done over the year will be made easier for others.  It would be even better if there were continuous disasters. I am afraid that the whole family will become slaves of the landlord - if the landlord refuses to take it, then they will have to sell their sons and daughters.

    But this trend is only on a small scale. In the Ming Dynasty, because taxes were collected on a per capita basis, this population has never been large.??Find it out.  In most places, the officially registered population began to gradually decline after the peaceful times such as the Hongwu Year, and those who were less likely to have fled.  However, the population can only be small or large. Every additional household on the official fish scale register will have to pay one more tax. The government officials below know this best.

    How many people there were in the late Ming Dynasty can only be estimated. The estimate on the Lushan number is relatively conservative. It is believed that there were at least 100 million people in the late Ming Dynasty. Therefore, there is no psychological burden at all for immigrating several thousand households each time - this point  Where is the quantity based on the base of 100 million?

    The government of the Ming Dynasty also gave the people a lot of education in various aspects. From the history books, the late Ming Dynasty during the Chongzhen period should be a decadent and lifeless empire - of course, this may be because of being deceived by the Manchu Qing Dynasty's literary inquisition  .  The current impression given by the Ming Dynasty government to the public is that although the empire has various diseases, its approach to learning new cultures and absorbing new knowledge is not lagging behind at all.

    Since Hong Chengchou's New Army's victory, Guangdong established a new army equipped with Australian firearms. By the time the Australians went north this time, the Ming government's envoys in Tianjin had been waiting for a long time, just to purchase the new Australian firearms.  Firearms and build more new armies.

    Everyone then remembered that although they were all imperial dynasties, the Ming Dynasty was still a feudal society after all and it was the late Ming Dynasty that was known as the sprout of capitalism. The Qing Dynasty was a slave society. Yes, even if you joined the Eight Banners of the Han Dynasty, you were also a master.  Coated slaves - it¡¯s really chilling to think about a slave society with a population of hundreds of millions.  What¡¯s even more frightening is that in order to strengthen the rule of the slave society, they prohibited new civilizations from impacting the dynasty. In fact, this was the right move for the ruling class. When later generations modeled their new armies in the West, the first thing they did was to  First, the Qing court was overthrown.

    It seems that the Qing court is not a fool, but it is no wonder that Dai Zi invented the continuous musket and was sent to the army. It was because the Manchus and Qing Dynasties were all over the world in cavalry and archery.  I am afraid that the Qing Dynasty has long been overthrown.

    This time, the Australians simply lowered the price of the 1628-type muskets and sold 8,000 Australian fast guns to the Ming Dynasty government at a cheaper price of forty taels a piece - this was also the result of the discussion back at Youth City.  If the Ming Dynasty can survive, the Australians will not intervene in the war on the mainland for the time being.  Australian products only need to maintain sufficient profits.

    Now no one, including the Lushan, knows how the Ming Dynasty will develop as a result, but at least Yuan Chonghuan's vicious plan to kill Mao Wenlong cannot succeed for the time being. This time, the Australians not only brought thousands of tons of Vietnamese rice to Phi Island  , and also caught two and a half million kilograms of fish for Pidao in the nearby waters.

    It¡¯s not that there was no fishing technology in the Ming Dynasty, but the boats¡¯ small nets were broken and they couldn¡¯t track the fish. It took one or two days to repair the fishing nets after catching fish for one or two days. This is how three days of fishing and two days of drying the nets came about.

    "This is your reward, please keep it." Jin Sanduo reluctantly pushed over the four thousand taels of silver.  This time, we made a big deal of 400,000 taels of silver with the Ming Dynasty.  The sales commissions these two received were naturally as much as four thousand taels.

    ?? Everyone is still happy to hear that the Ming Dynasty can introduce new weapons.  It's just that the imperial court with such unspoken rules will eventually be disintegrated from within by these moths.  No one knows how long this court can last if this group of people continues to play like this, but now no one has the intention to come ashore to help the Ming Dynasty. Sometimes it is much easier to build a new society than to transform an old society with deep ills -  Otherwise, it would be better for everyone to just go to Beijing with 500 people from the Central Government and directly replace the Ming Dynasty. Considering that after sitting on the throne, there is no way to really carry out a thorough reform from top to bottom. We just then  Didn't do that.

    Then Eunuch Li took the silver and fisted it: "It's better for Mr. Jin. I'll put a table at Tianjin Wei to invite Mr. Jin."

    "It's not me saying that what we have on the ship may not be available on the shore. What is available on the shore is mostly available on the ship. It has just thawed and the vegetables in the ground have not grown. Why don't I treat you two to a meal on the ship?  ¡±

    After hearing what Jin Sanduo said, Li Lide and Eunuch Li, the heads of the Ministry of War, both said, "Okay, then I won't bother you."

    "Let the kitchen prepare three A meals." Naturally, Jin Sanduo couldn't order whatever he wanted like he did at home. After all, this was the general situation on the ship, and he ate whatever he wanted on board.  Meal A, that¡¯s the meal that can only be enjoyed by travelers aboard the Lushan.  Immigrants working on the ship and the iron artillery team only have B meal, and immigrants only have C meal. Without class, there is no motivation to move forward. Everyone agrees on this. Even in the Central Army, which claims that officers and soldiers are equal, there is no real day.  The equality of officers and soldiers has been implemented - unless it is in front of bullets and cannonballs, this is true equality without long-sightedness.

    We sat down in the restaurant and served three dishes of water.?Platter - In the south, there is always fruit to eat all year round, but in places like Beijing, it is a dream to eat fresh fruits in winter and spring. In addition to honey dip, the only nuts on the market are walnuts, jujubes, peanuts and melon seeds.  .  As for the dishes, apart from the stored Chinese cabbage, there are only various pickles and meats left. This is the only thing that can be eaten in winter, even the palace is no exception.

    It¡¯s not that there is no fresh vegetables. There are also wealthy families in the north who use their cellars to build some earthen greenhouses in winter, but the output is very small and not enough for their own family. Besides, even if they can get the imperial kitchen, they dare not send it to the emperor.  , It is best for the emperor to eat cabbage in winter. Otherwise, you brought a small cucumber to me in winter. The emperor was happy after eating it and gave instructions to do the same for the next meal. All the people in the imperial dining room can hang themselves.

    Large modern ships have their own plantations. The flowers and plants grown by girls in the past were naturally transplanted to Australia to decorate the back gardens. Now they are growing fruits and vegetables with short growth cycles.  Automatically watering, automatically adjusting temperature and light, this plantation¡¯s current functions cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

    Jin Sanduo explained: "This is an appetizer, grown on the boat."

    Eunuch Li stuck a toothpick into a piece of tomato and said, "Can these fruits and vegetables be grown on a boat?"

    "Since an iron ship can float on the water and travel without sails, what else is impossible?"

    Eunuch Li nodded: "That's right. It seems that Australia's skills are not just about making some fast guns and steel cannons."

    After finishing the fruit plate, the food was served. There wasn¡¯t much meat, but the mix of meat and vegetables was very reasonable.  This is even more rare to see in Beijing, where mutton is eaten all day long in winter.  Even in big restaurants this winter, the main dishes are meat and tofu.

    After eating, Li Lide, the head of the Ministry of War, said with satisfaction in the tone of an angel from the kingdom: "In my opinion, you Australians are floating around on the sea all day long, so why not follow the example of the Zheng family and join the imperial court. A half-official position is enough.  You guys can¡¯t get enough of it.¡±

    "Exactly." Jin Sanduo thought: He is not interested in our ships and technology.  If you want to poach someone, you have to kowtow to the emperor of the feudal court. Nine out of ten modern people can't stand this kind of thing. Of course, even if you have a natural slave, you can't protect it.

    Jin Sanduo said: "I have said it a long time ago, we in Australia do not kneel to the living. You see, we usually don't go ashore very often. We are just too lazy to encounter such nonsense. We really killed a few officials and nobles.  , I¡¯m afraid it won¡¯t look good on both sides.¡±

    The head of the Ministry of War was obviously well prepared and said: "This is no big deal. The court can reward you with a big title. I'm afraid others will kneel down to you."

    "Forget it, we are not dead people. Besides, even if you don't kneel when you meet an official, how about you don't kneel when you meet the emperor?" Jin Sanduo put an end to the evil thoughts with one sentence.

    Li Lide, the head of the Ministry of War, said: "I met the emperor, this"

    Eunuch Li answered for him: "Of course you have to kneel down. The whole world is not the king's land, and the shore of the land is not the king's ministers."

    Jin Sanduo said: "We Australians believe that this world is not ruled by one family. What matters is that an emperor will take turns to be the head of Australia next year. Come to my house, you two, don't look at me sitting here as the head of Australia today. If I can't keep it, I will resign next year."  ."

    Li Lide, the head of the Ministry of War, was shocked: "How is this possible?"

    "What's wrong with this?" Jin Sanduo said: "What's the saying about dragons in the Three Kingdoms? Dragons can be big or small, they can rise or disappear. If they are big, they can stir up clouds and spit out mist, while if they are small, they can hide and hide their form.  , when it rises, it soars in the universe, and when it is hidden, it lurks within the waves. The emperor is a true dragon and the emperor. If he cannot do this, he is still considered a dragon."

    This is true, but neither of them dared to take the next step. If they said something wrong, they would lose their future and even their lives.  The dragon, the emperor, can talk nonsense. Of course, the Australians are not under the control of the Ming Dynasty. You can say whatever you want, but the two of them have the nature of supervising each other. Although everyone agrees on the money sharing,  But no one can be trusted when it comes to informing.

    Li Lide, the director of the Ministry of War, thought to himself that it was really troublesome to recruit and surrender these Australians. The hard work given by the superiors was really not done by humans.  Go back and ask if you can let the Australians live without the Holy Spirit for the rest of their lives. This would eliminate the need to kneel down and worship the emperor.  Having said that, the big guys above always treat the Australians as fools. They have it inside. How can they really hand over the technology of making guns and cannons, as well as the craftsmen of large iron ships and mirrors?  The person in front of me was right. Only a few craftsmen in Australia knew how to make cannons and mirrors. Just like the officials of the Ming Dynasty didn't know how to forge iron, neither did the people on this ship.

    As long as it is good for the country, in fact, the people in the Ming Dynasty did not refuse foreigners to serve as officials in the Ming Dynasty. Just look at Matteo Ricci and you will know that although the old missionary always wanted to bring the emperor and the greatThe ministers were all baptized as lambs of the Lord, but the court could not pass the test of offering sacrifices to ancestors and heaven every year - Christianity was against ancestor worship.

    However, this did not prevent a group of scholar-officials from talking to Matteo Ricci all day long about astronomy, geography, mathematics, geometry and calendars. In addition, in terms of casting red barbarian cannons, before the appearance of the Australian red barbarian steel cannons, many people still liked to talk about it.  Naturally, most of them are high-minded and short-handed, and they dare to talk too much without seeing the reality. This is the custom of the late Ming Dynasty.

    Although Matteo Ricci and the Ming Dynasty had an indissoluble bond, the Western scene of the Ming Dynasty has now changed from the deceased Matteo Ricci to Tang Ruowang - Tang Ruowang, who was also a missionary and equally knowledgeable, took Matteo Ricci's place.

    But this position is not so easy to do. Over the years, generations of Jesuit priests have achieved little in promoting the faith of Jesus. However, the effect on the optical astronomy, calendar, geography and other aspects of the Ming Dynasty was still considerable. The technology of gunpowder and artillery was also spread from here.  To the Ming Dynasty, especially the granular gunpowder technology, this benefited the Ming Dynasty a lot.

    Just as a missionary, although there are several churches built, there are really not many believers. However, people often come in to burn incense and worship Buddha. After all, you have to worship when you see a temple. Chinese people believe that God and all  The Buddha on the road is just like people. It is not surprising that many people pay attention to personal etiquette.

    Of course, this kind of behavior will make the missionaries very angry - the teaching of Christianity is that, except for Jehovah, Jesus, Mary and his family, all other sects are cults, other gods are evil gods, and believers of other gods  They have all fallen into evil ways.  If it weren't for the laws of the Ming Dynasty, these missionaries would have burned at the stake their ancestral beliefs and other Buddhist, Taoist or Islamic believers - they had been burned for many years in Europe.

    It's just that now Tang Ruowang can't help but get caught up in the missionary difficulties of his predecessors, and even the status of the imperial court has dropped a lot. Recently, the authenticity firearms experts in Beijing have begun to study the Australians' fast guns and steel cannons, and these are even the European ones.  There are no advanced technologies.

    Tang Ruowang has also seen this Australian fast steel cannon, but if you want to imitate it, the Hongyi steel cannon is absolutely impossible to imitate. With such a thin pig iron cannon wall, there is no other way but to explode the barrel.  If in Europe, the missionaries could have said these weapons were "devil's weapons" and they would have been shelved by the Vatican. Unfortunately, the Ming Dynasty's theocratic power here was so small that even the Ming Law was enforced in the church.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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