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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 274: Recruiting Immigrants

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    The next day, the school's student representatives, teacher representatives, crew representatives, and Jin Sanduo held a small meeting to unify their thoughts - if there was internal chaos, the Lushan would be doomed.

    As long as the Lushan is here, this nuclear-powered 50,000-ton ironclad ship will have no problem ruling the world's oceans for decades. Although the ship only has eighteen anti-piracy 20mm cannons as weapons on board, even if it is hit with  , none of the ships of this era can be the opponent of the Lushan - they are all wooden ships, and they will sink as much as they come.  Moreover, the Lushan's maximum speed of 32 knots will not allow any enemy to run away at sea.

    The Ming Dynasty government may have been able to ignore the Lushan and not go into the sea, but for Europe in the Age of Discovery, this ironclad ship was impossible to break through violence.

    Jin Sanduo sat in front and listened to the report of the geography teacher representative.

    "Because Jeju Island is a purely volcanic island, it has only three islands: wind, women and rocks. In our era, only its tourism resources were developed. There are no coal mines and iron mines that we need to develop industrialization.  The closest place with both coal and iron mines is North Korea, to be precise, the mountainous area of ??northern North Korea, which contains more than 90% of the resources of the Korean Peninsula. Even in our time, it was used as a national mining resource base.  in use.

    However, there are two problems that cannot be avoided when going to North Korea to mine. One is the problem of the North Korean court, and the other is that it is too close to the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. Building a base there cannot avoid the problem of starting a war with the Manchu and Qing Dynasties.  Although I know that everyone looks down on the Manchus, the Eight Banners in this era still have some combat effectiveness. The Eight Banners cavalry comes and goes like the wind. Mining and defense security in northern North Korea is the biggest problem.

    Similarly, there are coal mines and iron mines on Hainan Island, but if you go there to mine, you will face military pressure from the Ming government.  My opinion is that in Korea, the Ming Dynasty, and Japan recruited immigrants to open up wasteland and mine in Australia, Jeju Island only retained its role as a military base. It was also a transit point for trade between the Ming Dynasty, Korea, and Japan. In short, there is no way to open a factory here.  promising.  "

    "Is Australia a little more desolate? And I think the distribution span of Australia's resources is also a bit wide. The coal mines we need are distributed on the east coast of Australia, and the iron ore is on the west coast of Australia. We currently don't have the ability to take care of two mines at the same time. Then Lushan Mountain  Isn¡¯t it going to be a coal ship?¡±

    The geography teacher answered: "Although this is the case in most cases, there are exceptions. That is the Whyalla region in southern Australia, where coal mines and iron ore exist at the same time. Because there is a large amount of high-grade iron ore, the government last year  A new steel base is planned to be built here. There is Port Augusta nearby, and with some construction, the Lushan will be able to dock."

    "Okay, how long does it take to go back and forth from northern Asia to southern Australia?"

    "A month at most." Captain Roger replied, "This is calculated based on economic speed. However, if you want to immigrate to Australia, you can't bring too few people and cargo. With loading and unloading, it will take at least two months to go back and forth.  Just once.¡±

    Jin Sanduo said: "The security of Jeju Island will be a problem during these two months. In other words, there is no need to take Jeju Island so early. We can completely train a group of indigenous soldiers and let the indigenous soldiers  Help us capture Jeju Island. Our five hundred people have advanced weapons. We can conquer anywhere without any problem, but the guards and local administration are not enough. I think what we have to do is to declare the force of the Lushan to other countries.  Deterrence is sometimes more effective than war. For example, during this period, Japan and the Ming Dynasty all required maritime trade licenses from the court, but we could use the Lushan to force it. Everyone knows the rules of the Age of Discovery: naval guns open the way, and ships  trading."

    This negates the idea of ??taking Jeju Island as an outpost now. However, considering that Jeju Island is currently not even self-sufficient in food, it is indeed not a particularly suitable place - if the Lushan cannot arrive as scheduled, the remaining personnel on the island will  Just have to starve.

    Captain Luo Jie said: "Indeed, if we want to immigrate in large numbers, the Lushan cannot always hide. It is quite necessary to declare the force of our Lushan."

    "How many immigrants can the Lushan carry?"

    Captain Roger said: "According to the diaries of past captains, the year when the Lushan had the largest number of landings on the British mainland was the year when it landed on the British mainland. There were more than 1,400 crew members and more than 5,000 landing soldiers on board. If comfort is not considered,  , it¡¯s no problem to carry 10,000 people. You can build the Tamsui Lushan by yourself. If you want electricity, you don¡¯t have to worry about the reactor being able to last until the next century. You just need to load enough food. You can replenish some fish and meat on the way. I¡¯m talking about staple food and  vegetable and fruit."

    After a while of discussion, we decided to postpone the Jeju Island strategy, but a trip to Busan to recruit immigrants was unavoidable.  Because recruiting immigrants from the same location may cause clumping problems, we are planning to recruit 3,000 North Korean workers for the first time.??, three thousand Japanese workers and three thousand Ming Dynasty workers.  Then select those who obey discipline and dare to fight as the military reserve personnel of the Lushan.

    As for food, the food reserves on board the Lushan are naturally not enough for everyone to sail from northern Asia to southern Australia, but there is food on board the Lushan.  Guns and ammunition cannot be sold for the time being, but mirrors are a luxury item. It is a good choice to sell them for a few yuan to make some money when they cannot be produced. Naturally, those rooms prepared for immigrants cannot store the luxurious and fragile items of this era.

    Of course, some people say that the Lushan can be snatched directly by force, but most people do not agree with this mainstream view in the Age of Discovery - even the Sino-German United Empire slowly penetrated non-hostile countries through trade and colonization.  , there are always various rebellions in areas forcibly annexed through war. Mustache originally wanted to build some factories in the British Isles, but the factories that were bombed by local guerrillas suffered too much damage - these guerrillas were unable to kill them.  , Germany had to deal with the British Isles as an imperial farm.

    The Jeju pastor of Jeju Island still doesn¡¯t know that he has escaped temporarily.

    The meeting of 500 people on the ship decided to use security chief Zhang Tiejun and all reservists to conduct armed training for the people on the ship. The formations were practiced every day in the morning. What they need to learn now is to shoot. Only by being able to use weapons skillfully can you defend yourself.  Jin Sanduo opened the door of his private goods container and took out enough weapons and a large amount of ammunition for each person.

    Now that these things have been returned to the public, all the rights and interests of the Lushan were equally distributed to everyone at the meeting of 500 people, with each person having one vote at the meeting and one share of the shares.  However, because Jin Sanduo made the most contributions with these weapons, as well as his status as ship owner and school director, he was selected as the first head of state of the Lushan.  Below the head of state Jin Sanduo are the elected representatives from all parties. For example, the captain Luo Jie was elected as the crew representative, the security chief Zhang Tiejun was elected as the military representative, the teacher representative was history teacher Qian Lele, and there were two student representatives, respectively.  It¡¯s Li Jun, the boys¡¯ representative, and Su Xue, the girls¡¯ representative.

    Jin Sanduo, the head of state, does not have many special privileges. This is also because of his rich spoken foreign languages. As a head of state, it is easy to communicate with foreigners. The representative will make the decision on small matters, and the 500-person conference will make the decision on major matters. This position of the head of state is only a nominal one.  Just leadership.  The only privilege is to call a meeting of 500 people to discuss a matter.

    As the shooting training progressed, Huang Chengcheng's bullet casings continued to fall on the deck. Each group of people had to collect the bullet casings after completing the shooting training. Although there was a machine to make bullets, they didn't know when they would be able to make bullets.  , so I kept the bullet casings to prepare for reloading bullets - it's pitiful that the Central Army has never used such things as reloading bullets.

    Zhang Tiejun is selecting outstanding seedlings to strengthen his team. The current security team of more than a dozen people cannot guarantee the safety of the future base and future sub-bases.  This former retired captain of the Central Army is not a master who knows how to be an official - otherwise he would not have retired as a security guard under the age of thirty. But he is a master who knows how to train soldiers. He will train the security guards aboard the Lushan to death if nothing happens.  ¡ª¡ª He didn¡¯t even have the energy to watch the girls doing morning exercises on weekdays. Jin Sanduo was also glad that he was not his subordinate.

    As for Haenyeo Lee Eun-hwa, because they were not planning to conquer Jeju Island for the time being, Captain Kim Sando and Roger used a lifeboat to put her back. In order to make up for the financial losses of the day, they gave Lee Eun-hwa a ten kilogram bag of rice as a reward.  ¡ª¡ªIt can be seen that food is relatively scarce here.

    When getting off the boat, Li Yinhua asked: "Are you still here?"

    Jin Sanduo said: "We are going to Busan to recruit some people to work for us. This place is not suitable for our development for the time being. Of course, if anyone wants to follow us, we welcome it."

    Li Yinhua asked: "What job are you going to do?"

    ¡°Farming, building houses, building roads, fishing, mining and working in factories.¡±

    Li Yinhua looked at the rice in her hand: "Are they all eating rice?"

    "Of course, rice has more calories."

    Li Yinhua asked again: "Women, do you also want children?"

    "Yes, women can give birth to children. Children are our future. North Korean women can also work in the fields."

    Li Yinhua said: "Of course, if there is such treatment, I think people in our village and nearby villages may also want to go. Where can I find you? We are all sinners and we will not be able to go to Busan."

    Jin Sanduo asked Captain Luo Jie and promised Li Yinhua: "In ten days, our big ship will come to the nearby waters again. If you want to get on the ship, just be prepared."

    After two days of military training, the Lushan finally decided to go to Nagasaki Port first because I heard that there was a lot of business competition there.?In more developed countries, materials such as mirrors can be sold at good prices.  These days, except for the mirrors that are still kept in the dormitories where everyone lives, the mirrors and fragile items in other dormitories where immigrants are to be housed have been removed - the only things that can be destroyed inside are electric lights. If you don't have these things, you can prepare them during the voyage.  Get through it in darkness.

    The resettlement location of the immigrants has also been dealt with. The living area below the deck has three floors, and the canteen on the first and first floors is used by the 500 people of the Lushan.  The lower two floors are used to house immigrants. The engine room on the lower floor is usually locked, and armed security guards guard the space between the first and second floors. Now this can only be done.

    May 14, 1628, was a big day for Nagasaki Port. On this day, a large iron ship the size of a hill sailed into the bay near Nagasaki.  The nearby merchants and people were all horrified.

    The lord of the city, Mouri Kogoro, also received the news immediately: "There is a large iron ship coming from the sea, and it is as big as a city."

    Anyway, the other party hadn't fired yet, so Mouri Kogoro decided to see if the iron ship was also covered with a layer of iron armor. It was considered a big iron ship. As for it being as big as a city, the same was true for these people when they saw the big ships of the Westerners.  reported.

    After Maori City Lord saw the appearance of this big iron ship, he felt a little weak under his feet.  Because this is much more impressive than the big ships of the Westerners, it is indeed like a city. This time, my subordinates did not use exaggerated grammar.  Lord Maori didn't dare to go up there himself, so he asked his adviser Saigo Hanbei to serve as a sampan to ask them what they wanted. As long as Nagasaki had it, he had to give it to others.

    The Japanese are very open-minded about this. When Zheng He brought his large fleet and tens of thousands of soldiers to Japan during his first voyage to the West, General Ashikaga Yoshimitsu immediately surrendered.

    "I am a representative sent by the lord of Nagasaki Castle. If possible, please let me board the ship for discussion." The castle lord's staff, Saigo Hanbei, came to the bottom of the big iron ship in a small sampan with a determined mood, and said in Japanese respectively  Explaining the purpose of his visit in Chinese and unskilled Portuguese - this staff member who speaks two foreign languages ??is also a talent for Nagasaki Castle.

    The two crew members threw down the rope ladder and dragged the staff member up. After checking that there were no weapons on him, he was brought to Jin Sanduo.

    In order to prevent outsiders from seeing more of the Lushan's internal structure, Jin Sanduo stood on the deck to receive the representative of the Lord of Nagasaki.

    Saigo Hanbei half-lyed on the ground and said: "I don't know what you mean when you come here. If you are sent, I, Nagasaki Castle, will be satisfied."

    Jin Sanduo said: "Since your city lord is so honest, I won't talk nonsense. Originally, we should go to Tokyo first to obtain the Zhusin Certificate to trade here, but it is so troublesome to go back and forth, I want to directly  It¡¯s okay to do some business. If Zhuinzhuang is absolutely required here, we wouldn¡¯t mind going to Tokyo to get it.¡±

    Saigo Hanbei said: "The villain is panicking. These rules are naturally made by the strong for the weak to obey. You are strong if you have this big iron ship. Naturally, we in Nagasaki Castle and even the Tokugawa Shogunate must obey your rules.  Come. As long as you have something to do, I will be satisfied in Nagasaki."

    Jin Sanduo asked someone to find a mirror wrapped in white cotton cloth, about two feet long and one foot wide. This was installed uniformly in the bathroom, and its specifications were one size smaller than those in the dormitory.  Jin Sanduo handed it to Saigo Hanbei: "We are here this time to sell this precious mirror. There are two pieces in total. This time you take one to the shore and show it to the merchants in various shops. Then  There will be an auction on our ship, and the highest bidder will win.¡±

    Xixiang naturally knows about mirrors. Traditional mirrors are copper mirrors made and ground by craftsmen. In recent years, Westerners from Nagasaki have trafficked some hand mirrors made of glass that can reflect people's faces clearly.  Palm-sized hand mirrors cost hundreds or even thousands of taels of silver, so some wealthy businessmen and famous people rushed to buy them as if they were family heirlooms.

    The size of the mirror in front of him was more than twice the size of the largest mirrors imported by Westerners. Saigo Hanbei immediately understood why people were willing to trade instead of rob. It turned out that he had goods in hand, and he was not afraid of selling them now.  Not at a good price.  It's just hard to say whether the people in the shops dare to come and board the ship. If they come here and catch them all, it will be easy to let the shops redeem them.  But the safety of Nagasaki is the first priority. As for those businessmen, they are all hired shopkeepers anyway. The real boss spends his days enjoying the aristocratic life, so how can he settle accounts and do business.

    This Saigo Hanbei was very capable of doing things. Within an hour of returning to Nagasaki Port with the mirror in hand, he had invited both willing and unwilling local businessmen to the big iron ship, including a Portuguese who came voluntarily.  The shopkeeper.

    A large table was also set up on the deck of the Lushan, with chairs, drinks and other items to entertain these shop representatives.

    "This Australian treasure mirror is not easy to make, although we may still sell it in the future, but not in the short term.  There are two mirrors for sale this time. The base price is five hundred taels of silver. The one with the highest price will get it.  "After people gradually arrived, Jin Sanduo announced that the auction had begun.

    Because he knew that there was a second treasure mirror, the bidding scene for the first mirror was not intense, and many people even had no intention of bidding at all. This made Saigo Hanbei very anxious and glared at these people.  A few glances - Saigo Hanbei had people come to the big iron ship with knives at their necks. It was natural that they would not cooperate.  Saigo Hanbei was worried that although there were no cannons on the ship, the small cannons and the muskets on the soldiers did not look like ordinary objects. What if the other party was not satisfied and took it out on Nagasaki Castle?

    However, the Portuguese businessman was very interested in the mirror. You must know that such a large mirror is only a luxury item for Japanese businessmen and daimyo, but the Portuguese knew that Venice could not make such a large mirror - even bigger than this  Mirrors that are obviously much smaller are sold at sky-high prices, and this mirror can fetch even higher prices when sold in Europe - because people there know the maximum size and price of Venetian mirrors.

    After the first mirror was bought by a Portuguese businessman for eight thousand taels, the local businessmen in Nagasaki realized that it was a good thing.  Westerners can't afford to do it early if there is no profit. If there is no profit, the Western businessman who sells the mirror will not buy the mirror at such a high price.  The price of this second mirror skyrocketed until it reached ten thousand taels of silver.  No one has ever sold such a large mirror, and the Portuguese no longer tell the price. What if there is more and you lose money?

    People from the two shops took pictures of the mirrors and immediately sent people to transport the silver. It was a surprise to be able to sell so many. Anyway, when the glass factory is built in the future, glass mirrors will be produced like running water.  Jin Sanduo picked up a glass of wine and said, "Speaking of which, we still need to buy some goods. The largest quantity is rice. I don't know which shop is doing this business."

    Saigo Hanbei immediately bowed and said: "If your ship needs rice, we, the Lord of Nagasaki Castle, are willing to donate three thousand koku of rice."

    "No, no, no, we are still willing to complete the rice business in a commercial way." Jin Sanduo said to the city lord's staff: "But, we have more important things to leave to the Nagasaki city lord. We have a lot of land in Australia.  There are few people, many wastelands are uncultivated, and factories are short of workers. So, I want to recruit some people here to open up wasteland and work in Australia. Don't say there are none here."

    Saigo Hanbei sweatdropped: "I don't know how many people you need. We at Nagasaki Castle will do our best to get them together."

    "The goal this time is to recruit 3,000 immigrants. It's best if the whole family comes together. We also welcome singles. We will stay here for a few more days. During this period, you can recruit as many as you can. We never force it. Here  It¡¯s not enough, it¡¯s enough for us to go somewhere else.¡±

    "Please rest assured, Your Highness, for the sake of friendly trade with Australia, our Nagasaki Castle will do our best to recruit immigrants for you." Saigo Hanbei was relieved to hear that he had only recruited 3,000 immigrants. There are no ronin with fixed professions in Kyushu.  With more than this number, plus the farmers who are willing to go there to open up wasteland, as long as there is enough time, it is not a problem to recruit 10,000 or 20,000 people - there has never been less than 10,000 people in history.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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