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Volume One: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 266: They Saw It

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    The Go Taoyuan battleship was an Emperor-class speed battleship customized by the Japanese at that time. Compared with a battleship with reduced armor such as the Turtle Shell Style, it still has an advantage in speed compared to traditional battleships, but it is on par with the top speed of the Zhongshan-class battleship.  between.

    The current exchange of fire between the battleship Hou Taoyuan and the battleship Taishan is all about evading at high speed while finding opportunities to fire. This naval battle has been going on for about 20 minutes since the Yanshan opened fire, but neither side has yet opened the scoring.  .  This is also more in line with the current situation of naval battleship duels - that is, this kind of naval battle lasts for several hours, and then the winning side only inflicts heavy damage on the other side.

    Although the main guns with a caliber of 16 inches or larger nowadays are indeed very powerful, the protection of the battleships is also first-rate.  Even if you can make one side of the opponent's ship leak, all the opponent needs to do is close the watertight compartment and fill the other side with water.

    ¡°Besides, there¡¯s a water pump on the ship.  Therefore, as long as there are no explosions of ammunition depots, oil depots, boilers and other key parts, it is difficult to sink a battleship even in a battleship duel.  If this battleship was easily sunk, major countries would not spend such a large amount of money, manpower and material resources to build this battleship.

    Once this battleship is built, it will be a symbol of a country¡¯s combat effectiveness and spirit. Therefore, various countries have to name these battleships after celebrities who have left a heavy mark in the history of the country.  For example, Germany built many Prime Ministers and Marshals. Some of the ones built by the little devils were named after place names. However, the Emperor class ordered from Britain used the names of several generations of emperors. Britain itself built  There are many Queens, Kings and Princes, but France prefers names like Bishop.

    The Nanjing government, in addition to using the names of the founding fathers and mother of the country for the first two ships, only named the battleships after famous domestic mountains - after all, this was still a new regime, and there were not so many celebrities available, and it was not like the principal had not thought of getting a Zhongzheng.  The battleship came out, but thinking about what if, even if the battleship Zhongzheng was sunk, it would be a bad luck for the living people.  Besides, the custom in foreign countries is to use the names of deceased people.  I also asked for permission on the naming of the battleship USS Kuomintang.

    After Jin Batian's Yanshan joined the siege of the battleship Hou Taoyuan, the high-speed evasive tactics of the battleship Hou Taoyuan finally couldn't hold on anymore - Yanshan's artillery fire was too accurate and too fast, and several strings of shells came down after Taoyuan.  The two main battery turrets at the front of the battleship were all injured.  Fortunately, no shells in the main turret have exploded yet, but it's anyone's guess how long the damaged turret armor can hold up if the fire continues.

    Not long after all the battleship groups on both sides opened fire, the cruiser groups on both sides also found their opponents on the sea to fight.  As for the aircraft carriers of both sides, they were far away from the battlefield, and under the protection of some cruisers and destroyers, they sent carrier-based aircraft into the sky or took the aircraft back to the deck for supplies.

    Neither side of the fierce battle noticed that after the Japanese flagship Yamato battleship, which was the first to be withdrawn from the battlefield, turned into the inner circle, the two destroyers Fuxue and Shigure parked on the left and right of the Yamato battleship respectively, helping  The Yamato battleship put out the fire and rescued people - if the fire was left unchecked, a serious accident might occur.

    After most of the fireworks on the ship were extinguished, Yamamoto Isoroku also remembered the instructions of the Navy Ministry, the new cabinet and others before the expedition. The Yamato symbolizes the destiny of the country and must not cause any trouble.  Originally, Yamamoto Isoroku didn't think too much. He went there this time to lead the Yamato to fight a victorious battle. Unexpectedly, the Yamato was severely damaged ten minutes into the battle - this happened in a one-on-one battleship duel.  things.  You must know that this is a dream-class battleship with a full load of nearly 70,000 tons and equipped with nine 460mm main guns.

    Thinking of this, Yamamoto Isoroku could no longer hold back his fear - if the Yamato really sank, I am afraid that the captain and the commander of the combined fleet would also be buried with the Yamato.  Although he knew that retaining a Yamato battleship would not help, Yamamoto Isoroku still ordered the deputy commander of the combined fleet, Koga Mineichi, who was also the captain of the Musashi battleship, to command the naval battle on his behalf and the Yamato.

    As for Yamamoto Isoroku, he quietly returned to the northeast with two destroyers on board the seriously injured Yamato - the injured Yamato battleship did not have anti-submarine capabilities, but the destroyers did.

    Here the Yamato secretly left the battlefield, and the battleship Go-Taoyuan, which was slightly armored, finally ushered in the most glorious moment in its life - the explosion of a shell from the Yanshan in the No. 2 turret finally caused the shell to explode.  Soon after the No. 2 turret flew into the sky, the battleship Taoyuan broke into two pieces and flooded a lot of water. From the time the turret exploded to the hull flooding, it sank in front of everyone in just a few minutes.

    If a battleship is sunk one-on-one, Jin Batian's natural idea is to go up and shoot the surviving Japanese officers and soldiers on the sea with machine guns, butThere are too many big fish to catch now, and those small fish scattered on the sea will naturally have sharks or fatigue waiting to send them to hell.

    So after watching the sinking of the battleship, the Yanshan's guns turned and aimed at a Japanese battleship - but even Jin Batian didn't know that this was the USS Washington, a Japanese battleship leased by the Japanese on a wet lease basis.

    Jin Batian just saw that the armor of this battleship was strong but not fast, so he thought it was another Japanese battleship following the turtle style route.

    Now, the battleship Washington is still able to prevail in naval battles in a one-on-two battle with its strong armor.  The naval officers and soldiers from the Pacific Fleet used their excellent quality to fully utilize the firepower of the USS Washington battleship.  The two Zhongshan-class battleships that were shooting against it had to repeatedly evade the shells and fire with their cameras.

    However, after the Yanshan joined the bombardment, the situation immediately turned around. When a string of shells fell, two of them concentrated on the deck of the USS Washington. After the shells exploded on the deck, the deck was suddenly a mess of casualties.  The fierce flames of the battleship Washington were suddenly weakened by three points.

    After waiting for a series of shells to fall one after another, the main structure on the deck of the USS Washington was destroyed bit by bit.  Finally, a shell hit the broken deck and exploded near the boiler room. This explosion caused greater oil burning and explosion.  The battleship Washington, which was in flames, lost all power at this time, and the surviving officers and soldiers on the ship jumped into the water to save themselves.

    The naval battle has only lasted for more than thirty minutes. The battleship Yanshan defeated the battleship Musashi, sank the battleship Taoyuan, and severely damaged the battleship Meiji Washington.

    The important thing is that more battleships can return to support our own battles. Gradually, the one-on-one battleship situation on the sea has been changed to two-on-one or three-on-two.  As for the battleship Musashi, which won the jackpot, it was still besieged by three Nakayama-class battleships.

    At this time, the battleship Yanshan also showed its style, accelerating inward towards the Japanese fleet, and the shells landed on the Japanese battleships one after another without hesitation.

    Faced with the Yanshan battleship that was so active on the sea, the officers of the Japanese Combined Fleet and the officers of the wet-leased Pacific Fleet had to admit that this most active Yanshan battleship could rival three to five Zhongshan-class ships.  Battleship.

    If it were a normal naval battle, the winner would have been decided at this time - one battleship was sunk, two were seriously injured and lost power, and these two couldn't escape.  Such a huge loss should be the time to retreat. Unfortunately, the Japanese Combined Fleet and the US Pacific Fleet were equivalent to being bought here by Britain, France and Italy to die - at least they had no right to leave the battlefield before severely damaging the Nanjing Central Fleet.

    However, the Nanjing Central Fleet has also received a few artillery shells, but not a single battleship has been severely damaged. Instead, they have opened fire on the Combined Fleet. Therefore, although the situation has reached a dead end, it will not be possible until the Combined Fleet and the Pacific Fleet are destroyed.  Possible retreat.

    The deputy commander of the Japanese joint fleet, Koga Hoiichi, also fought bloody battles and shouted: "Give me the order to raise the holy menstrual flag."

    In view of the fact that the British fleet would raise the St. George's flag when fighting to the death, the Japanese also prepared the Holy Month flag this time to replace this symbol of unrelenting fighting - it is a rectangular white flag with a round red heart in the middle - think about it.  You¡¯ll know what the Hu Shubao without wings looks like.

    At this time, Jin Batian's Yanshan had just sent the battleship Maryland, a remnant of the seven-ship era, to the bottom of the sea. He found that the Japanese had become excited again since raising the menstrual flag, as if they had been given a collective shot of chicken blood.  He immediately accelerated his sailing and turned his guns, aiming at the Musashi.

    At this time, the angle between the Yanshan and the Musashi battleship has almost reached 60 degrees. However, the Musashi, which is besieged by three Nakayama-class battleships, cannot fire even one main gun to deal with the Yanshan. On the contrary, the Yanshan is in  This angle can maximize the flanking firepower advantage.

    After the computer locked onto the Musashi, the shells fired from the Yanshan lined up in the air and joined the ranks of hitting the Musashi in clusters.

    Faced with such an unreasonable and extremely accurate shell attack, the Musashi had no choice but to dodge left and right on the sea to minimize the shell hits it suffered.

    It¡¯s just that if you walk too much at night, you will eventually encounter a ghost. After a near-missile bomb fired from the Yanshan exploded under the water of the Musashi, another big explosion occurred in the Musashi underwater for no reason.  This second explosion not only caused a large amount of water to enter the front of the Musashi, but the impact of the explosion almost lifted the bow of the Musashi.

    Jin Batian also waited for the second explosion of the Musashi to flood before he remembered what was going on. It may be that the near-missile explosion triggered the explosion of the Musashi's torpedo.

    This Yamato-class battleship appeared much earlier than the one in history. Except for the Zhongshan-class battleship designed by Jin Batian, the battleships of this era were all equipped with torpedo launch tubes.?There will naturally be torpedoes inside.  The battleship Musashi has a triple 610mm torpedo tube on each side.

    And when the navy is waiting for battleships to use torpedoes to decide the outcome in actual combat, it is only one in a million.  After the 1940s, this kind of thing was left to destroyers or torpedo boats or even carrier-based torpedo planes.  On the contrary, experienced captains will order the battleship's torpedoes to be thrown away before the war begins - this thing is so powerful that being hit in an artillery battle is no joke.

    Although Koga Hoiichi is not young, he still has more practical combat experience. He actually did not order these torpedoes to be thrown away after the artillery battle began - torpedoes in the 1930s had to be launched hundreds of meters away to ensure a certain hit.  The speed is so high that the opponent can easily dodge when launched from a few kilometers away by looking at the waterline. As for the target torpedo that is dozens of kilometers away, it is powerless.

    This time, three 610mm torpedoes exploded on the Musashi. Not only were these torpedoes more powerful than ordinary naval guns, but more importantly, the place where the torpedoes exploded was also inside the hull. This time, the Musashi was  The battleships inflicted huge losses.

    The Musashi is busy draining damaged pipes, but no one will miss such a good opportunity.  The four Nakayama-class battleships that semi-surrounded the Musashi poured firepower on the Musashi while accelerating their approach.

    Hundreds of shells were poured back and forth on the seriously injured Musashi, and the battleship Musashi could only plunge into the seabed of Daitogou.

    Seeing the dream-class battleship in their minds being despicably surrounded and sunk by four Zhongshan-class battleships, the Japanese navy's faith collapsed. A large number of Japanese navy officers and soldiers did not want to be surrounded and sunk by such a ship, and they collectively went crazy.  Move closer to the nearest warship and prepare for an approaching artillery battle.

    Among them, the Yanshan, which had the largest number of battleships sunk and damaged, was naturally the top priority among the Japanese targets. Many Japanese even regarded the Yanshan battleship as the Zhongshan, the flagship of the Nanjing Central Navy.  There were a total of three battleships, nine light and heavy cruisers, and more than twenty destroyers. Tens of thousands of red-eyed Japanese navy officers and soldiers shouted "sink the Zhongshan" and moved towards Jin Batian's Yanshan battleship.

    Jin Batian took a look and saw that it was just right, so he went to look for them one by one.  It immediately locked onto the nearest battleship and opened fire with all its strength.  The shells that exploded quickly cleared all the targets on the deck of the battleship that didn't know how to evade, and sent thick smoke everywhere as the battleship rushed over with its blood boiling.

    Nanjing¡¯s Central Navy still had an advantage in terms of quantity and tonnage. Even if the Japanese tried their best, they had to be able to keep up with the speed. Soon some Central Navy ships that had not found the target helped the Yanshan solve some targets.

    After the desperate actions of the Japanese, the Battle of Dadonggou in the Yellow Sea gradually came to an end. Facing those warships that had lost power and still managed to survive, destroyers approached and launched torpedoes to send them to the bottom of the sea.

    After clearing nearby targets with a precise and high rate of fire, the Yanshan penetrated directly into the Japanese Combined Fleet aircraft carrier group.  Without the threat of battleships, what Jin Batian likes to do most is to use battleships to attack aircraft carriers. In this era when carrier-based aircraft have not yet developed, every more aircraft carrier will be used to build aircraft carriers in the world.  Enthusiasm, speaking of which, an aircraft carrier is just a large movable landing platform for aircraft on the sea.

    After seeing the Yanshan's movements, all the battleships formed a formation and followed into the Japanese aircraft carrier group.  The aircraft carrier itself is not good at speed and firepower, and most of the carrier-based aircraft were lost in naval and air battles. There is nothing that can be done in the face of this group of battleships. Although there are some escorting destroyers and light cruisers around, but that  The firepower is no match for a battleship.  Before they even entered the range of their artillery or torpedoes, they were all destroyed by the gunfire from the battleships.

    It may take some effort for a battleship to sink a battleship. A single shot against these small sampans of several thousand tons is enough to shatter them into pieces - and there are very few battleships that are within direct sight range that cannot be hit.

    The six aircraft carriers of the Japanese Combined Fleet and the Pacific Fleet put up a formal resistance and were killed by the Central Navy's artillery shells.  After the ships of the Central Navy found no target enemy ships on the sea, they set up machine guns on the ships one after another and massacred the officers and soldiers of the Japanese Combined Fleet and the US Pacific Fleet who fell into the water.

    This is also a way to vent after a fierce battle. Since the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, everyone has not had the habit of leaving prisoners of war behind.  This habit has even affected the current Spanish Civil War. Both sides of the Spanish Civil War now do not keep prisoners of war. The first thing after each battle is to shoot the prisoners collectively.

    If anyone dares to speak on the issue of prisoners of war, he will immediately be labeled as cowardly or even a traitor.  For this matter, Principal Jiang also said in public: "We have food, but not a single grain for the invaders."

    This sentence defines the nature of the devils, that is, regardless of whether they have weapons or combat capabilities, as long as they are invaders, they will be killed.  becauseBecause not a grain of food in the country is left for the invaders.

    After using machine guns to kill the remaining Japs on the sea, the Central Navy's fleet did not return to Qingdao or Lianyungang base, but went to the Liugong Island Naval Sub-base in Weihaiwei, Shandong, which was relatively closer.

    When we got here, Genius Jinba understood what was going on.  Originally, the Navy of the Republic of China was born out of the Beiyang Navy, and there are inexplicable and inextricable connections.

    On Liugong Island, all the navy officers and soldiers headed by Chen Shaokuan and Jin Batian held incense candles and offered incense and prayer to the Martyrs' Shrine for the Beiyang Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1899.

    Chen Shaokuan walked in the first place, holding an incense candle and bowing three times in front of the Beiyang Navy's Sino-Japanese War of Martyrs' Shrine and said: "Our navy was able to defeat the Japanese invaders at sea today, and the heroes of our seniors can rest in peace."

    Jin Batian also followed suit. He took the incense candle and bowed three times and said, "Senior heroes, rest in peace."

    As soon as Jin Batian finished speaking, he saw a whirlwind rising from the ground on Liugong Island, blowing everyone inside and outside the Heroes' Shrine so hard that they could not open their eyes.

    After the whirlwind passed, everyone opened their eyes and looked again. The hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers who had lit the incense candles for sacrifice had disappeared.  But he was swept away by the sudden whirlwind.

    Someone saw this and shouted, "They saw it. They saw it."

    "They saw it." More people shouted after that, either beating the ground or bowing their heads and crying.

    After the sacrifice was completed, Chen Shaokuan and others notified Nanjing of the victory of the Central Navy.  This time, the whole country celebrated even more. Hundreds of thousands of people came to Liugong Island to worship the heroes of the North.

    The Japanese are an island country, and their fleet is far more important to them than to mainland countries.  It can be said that this time the Japanese joint fleet and navy were almost completely wiped out and their elite troops were wiped out. In the future, the Japanese threat to the mainland will be much smaller.

    But the navy¡¯s affairs are not over yet. It could take anywhere from two months to one month. The allied forces of Britain, France and Italy will arrive in the waters of Southeast Asia.  This time, most of the main forces of the maritime coalition of Britain, France and Italy have arrived, including eighteen main battleships (with a displacement of more than 30,000 tons), as well as a large number of auxiliary ships, including three aircraft carriers and a large number of armored cruisers, frigates, destroyers, etc.  In terms of tonnage, it is not inferior to the Nanjing Central Navy.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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