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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 254: Reunion

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    "Damn it, there are more than two hundred Japs at just one intersection. It really looks like we are here in Erlong Mountain." After the boss finished complaining, he retracted from behind the tree and said to the brothers: "I will shoot after a while.  , hit me hard."

    The boss now has more than 60 people, which is nearly half of the strength on the mountain. In addition to rifles, each person also brings machine gun grenades or bullets and shells for these people.

    Watching the machine gun grenade tubes enter their positions one by one, the boss picked up his rifle, pointed it at a Japs on guard and pulled the "eight hook" trigger.  Following this gunshot, the "click-click" sound of machine guns and the "swish" sound of artillery shells piercing the air continued, and flowers of blood and artillery shells exploded among the Japanese.

    This caught the Japanese by surprise. After the Japanese regained consciousness and began to organize manpower and firepower to counterattack, the leader shouted: "Withdraw, withdraw."

    The Erlong Mountain bandits came and went like the wind, leaving only a pile of bullet casings and dozens of Japanese soldiers injured and killed by the metal storm.

    Dozens of minutes later, the news that the Momose Squadron was attacked by the main force of the Erryushan guerrillas was placed on the desk of the Hatoyama Division Commander.

    "Go west. Inform all squadrons and continue to implement the plan to close the net." The commander of the Hatoyama Division was very satisfied that his troops were not completely wiped out - it was not easy for a squadron to withstand the fierce attack of the main guerrilla force these days.  , the most common situation is that a squadron is gone without knowing who did it.  Regarding his bold decision to disperse the troops into squadrons for use, Hatoyama felt that his Hatoyama Division already had the combat effectiveness of a first-class division.

    With the encounters with the guerrillas happening everywhere, the scope of the guerrillas' activities was marked bit by bit by the Japanese on the big map in the combat command room. Hatoyama watched with satisfaction as the big net tightened bit by bit.

    At this time, the team led by the boss attacked everywhere in the forest.  So far, there are only three grenade launchers and four intact machine guns with crooked handles.  The remaining grenades and faulty machine guns were buried by the boss himself. The boss also had his own considerations. Although the shells and accessories were insufficient and some needed to be discarded, the enemy would be able to gain combat effectiveness immediately, so they had to be hidden.  You never know when you will need it again.

    Looking at the more than 50 people under his command, the boss said: "How about it? It's your first time to fight the Japanese and you've encountered a tough enemy."

    The following people all said: "Isn't it just for this day that we went to Erlong Mountain with your boss? Speaking of which, we have imprisoned a few brothers, but how many have the Japanese imprisoned? Even if we are all imprisoned in Erlong Mountain now, we still make money.  Anyway, we have more than saved our capital, now if we kill one more Japanese, we will earn one more."

    "That's well said. You are worthy of being my brother in Yun Zhonglong"

    "Boom" Just as the master said this, a warning booby mine exploded in the distance. At this time, without the master saying anything, everyone entered the fighting position.  The boss took out the cannon box and saw the Japanese soldiers vaguely emerging among the trees from a distance. He fired first and then shouted: "Hit."

    After stepping on the thunder, the Japanese soldiers on the other side were excited to find that their team had actually found the main force of the guerrillas. Captain Sakurai excitedly pulled out his command knife and shouted: "Kill him."

    After a short and fierce exchange of fire between the two sides, several people fell down on each side.  For the Sakurai Squadron with more than 200 people, this loss is nothing, but for the leader with only more than 50 people, the loss of these few people now makes the leader feel heartbroken.  The leader knew that this would not work. After the enemy's firepower was fully deployed, it was generally much stronger than them, so he immediately shouted: "Withdraw, withdraw."

    After the boss shouted to retreat, he reached out to grab the pillar that was still lying on the ground and shooting.  But Zhu Zhu pushed away the headmaster's hand and said with tears in his eyes: "Headmaster, I hurt my leg and can't run out. When you go out, just take care of my mother."

    The boss looked again, and sure enough there was a pool of blood on Zhu Zhu¡¯s leg.  The head of the family didn't force anything, and said, "Brother Zhuzi, go ahead, that's my mother too."

    Zhu Zhu patted the full grenade bag on his body: "I have thought about it a long time ago."

    The boss stood up and wanted to leave, but stopped for a moment and left half a pack of cigarettes and half a pack of matches: "I didn't let you touch this when you were young, but now you have grown up and are a man."

    Zhu Zhu and another wounded man voluntarily stayed behind to provide cover, while the remaining people used the cover of the woods to withdraw from the firefight.  Squadron Leader Sakurai heard only scattered gunshots from the opposite side, and stopped his subordinates from continuing to fire: "Don't shoot, catch the ones alive."

    Senior officials such as the Special High School of the Japanese Base Camp were very angry about which guerrilla group caused the imperial army to lose its footing in Liaoning and still suffer heavy losses after withdrawing to Jilin. In addition to offering high rewards for annihilating these guerrilla groups, the imperial army captured alive  These guerrillas even offered sky-high rewards for deciphering their method of attacking the imperial army.

    The commander of the Haoshan Division had a vague feeling that the guerrillas in Erlong Mountain were hidden.There were shadows of the guerrillas who attacked the imperial army in Jilin, Liaoning. In order to understand all this, I also gave orders to the following squadrons to capture them alive as much as possible.

    After the Emperor went to Changchun to supervise the war, he held a pre-war mobilization meeting for the senior generals of each division.  During the meeting, Emperor Hirohito said this: "The most important combat task of our four million Imperial Army is to capture the guerrillas alive. I don't want you to capture thousands or hundreds of guerrillas. However, one day  There are hundreds of attacks against the imperial army, and dozens of guerrilla prisoners must be captured by me. However, the biggest problem now is that the millions of imperial soldiers have not captured even a single guerrilla prisoner"

    Zhuzi finished shooting his own bullets, turned over, and rolled to the dead Erlongshan brother on the other side. He took out the ammunition from his body, put it into the magazine, and continued to shoot at the Japanese advancing with bayonets.  The Japanese who were killed and injured or the Japanese who were advancing remained silent. The silent forest made Zhuzi feel a surge of pressure.

    In order to relieve the pressure, Zhuzhu shouted loudly while firing: "Grandpa is here, little devils, come and take Grandpa's bullets."

    The boss heard the last sound of the pillar in the distance, and without looking back, he continued to flee with the remaining brothers.  Not long after walking, two cluster grenades exploded in the distance.

    Squadron Leader Sakurai looked at the messy scene of minced meat: "No wonder not a single prisoner can be captured, they are all real dead soldiers."

    During this day, various teams in Erlongshan fought with the Japanese hundreds of times - in the tactics of guerrilla warfare, if everyone shoots and runs away, it is considered a fight, so it is easy for a battle to occur.

    The result was that everyone confirmed that hundreds of Japs were killed and injured, but the troops at Erlong Mountain were squeezed together by the Japs later in the day.  The troops met unexpectedly. When asked, they found that there were Japanese soldiers in front of them.  Fortunately, the sun had already set at this time, and the Japanese were not good at night fighting. As a prudent plan, they lit piles of bonfires outside the encirclement to prevent the Erlongshan troops from breaking out at night.

    In the past, the Japanese soldiers were not good at night fighting because they had not practiced. Today, the Japanese soldiers are not good at night fighting because of malnutrition. Many Japanese soldiers suffer from night blindness even before joining the army. They are very powerless in the face of night fighting.

    The big boss was overjoyed when he saw several bosses. When he saw that the team was less than half, there were only about 80 people left in Erlongshan including some bosses.  This made the headmaster very distressed.

    No matter how distressed he was, there was nothing he could do. The leader knew that the team had been surrounded, so he simply said to the brothers: "Brothers, we are surrounded. I want to ask first, are we still alive in Erlongshan?"  Anyone who has been a Japanese soldier should sign up with Yun Zhonglong and I will kill a Japanese soldier for him tomorrow. No one has ever lost money in fighting Japanese soldiers in Erlong Mountain."

    The leaders below said: "Don't worry, big boss, up to now, every one of us has made a profit. Tomorrow, on the Huangquan Road, each of us will drag one or two Japanese into the water, and the underworld will continue to bully him."

    Yun Zhonglong, the head of the family, said: "Since everyone said so, eat enough dry food today and have a good rest. Tomorrow morning, we will fight with the Japanese in a vigorous manner. We cannot lose the prestige of Erlong Mountain."

    It's just that the Japanese didn't want everyone in Erlong Mountain to have a good rest. Knowing that tomorrow would be a fierce battle, they launched a propaganda war that night. A translator took an iron paper and shouted loudly into the forest: "You heroes in Erlong Mountain,  Listen, all the heroes of Erlong Mountain. I, Lieutenant General Hatoyama, the commander of the division, admire your fighting will very much. I hope that the heroes of Erlong Mountain can put down their weapons and put aside their past grudges and walk out of the woods to accept the imperial army's reorganization. By then, you will not be able to enjoy all the glory and wealth.  The bank roll is huge"

    Not to mention that the bank notes are not bad, the second boss was also very angry when he mentioned the bank notes of the Puppet Manchukuo. He immediately stood up and cursed: "Use these stupid bank notes to wipe your butt, it's a damn good thing"

    Speaking of the bank notes of the Puppet Manchukuo, the second head of the family was very angry, which also had something to do with the second head of the family going to Erlong Mountain.  Before the second master went up the mountain, he was selling corn, sorghum and other miscellaneous grains in nearby counties. He started selling these grains in the city and made a lot of money. However, the little devil had suffered a defeat in the Puppet Manchukuo and the Bank of Manchukuo was in turmoil.  The small businessman would go bankrupt.  After the bankruptcy, the wife of the second boss ran away with her children, destroying the whole family alive, so the second boss went to Erlong Mountain.  Speaking of which, the culprit is this fake Manchukuo bank note.

    Other brothers may not have such a deep hatred for the Manchukuo Bank Notes, but they are all deeply affected by it. Even the toilet paper used in the toilets in Erlongshan for a period of time was the small-denomination Manchukuo Bank Notes collected by everyone.  As soon as they heard that the Japs were going to issue bank notes to the Puppet Manchukuo after compromising them, they all gave up the idea of ??becoming puppet soldiers. That kind of thing was just a little better than toilet paper. A small-denomination Puppet Manchukuo bank note issued in 1933 is now  to the marketYou can't buy a blank piece of paper online.

    After the second boss finished venting, he went to talk to the first boss: "First boss, what are you thinking about?"

    The boss said: "I miss Coach Jin, if only I had listened to Coach Jin earlier. We left Erlong Mountain one day early. Where can the Japanese find us now?"

    The second boss said: "We can't see through Coach Jin. He said he was going north, but I don't know where he is. I just think of the two girls next to him. Every time I go to Tuyaozi to look for Sister Yao, I imagine Sister Yao.  Those two girls next to Coach Cheng"

    The first master gave the second master a blank look: "You can't be more successful."

    "We just don't fall behind others when we fight against the Japanese. I have no future. If the Japanese hadn't come to get these bank notes and wiped out my business, I would still have my wife and children watching over me."

    The big boss agreed with this point of view: "Without the little devils, how could we have such a big business in Erlong Mountain? They were more or less forced up the mountain by the Japanese. Let's take Taiping Village. They were raided once by the Japanese, and they went up the mountain seven or eight times.  individually."

    At this time, Jin Batian was lying alone in the tent playing a light curtain free game.  Both Dinah and Bai Meimei went to kill the Japs to make money. The Japs were stationed in large numbers near the mountains and forests. Jin Batian would not compete with these two women for such a good opportunity.

    " Two slender figures shuttled back and forth in the middle of the night. The throat of a night guard was quickly cut as soon as he yawned.  In order to deal with the pervasive night attacks of the guerrillas, the Japanese added many secret whistles at night. However, these so-called secret whistles were undoubtedly exposed one by one in the infrared night vision device. In Jin Batian's words, they were just for nothing.

    After the light and dark sentries were taken down one by one, the two queens of the night started a killing game against the devils in this camp.  After ten long minutes, the feast of killing and blood, the two graceful shadows left here to find the next camp of the Japs.

    As the time entered the second half of the night, the leader Yun Zhonglong also finished the day's battle and fell asleep.

    "Big brother, big brother." The fourth leader called in a low voice.

    "Huh?" After the boss stood up, he subconsciously touched that the gun was still there.  Asked: "What's going on? The Japanese are coming? Or what?"

    The fourth master said: "My group of people were on duty at night. I heard no movement from the Japs in the southwest. From a distance, the firelight in the camp was much weaker. So I sent Gou Sheng to take a look. As a result,  Gou Sheng stepped on a Japs on the road and almost screamed. Later Gou Sheng touched it and realized that the Japs were dead. He plucked up the courage and walked around the Japs' camp. Guess what, the Japs over there were  Everyone who didn¡¯t survive died.¡±

    The boss just woke up, his mind was not very clear, and he asked hazily: "How did you die?"

    "Who knows." The fourth master whispered: "But those few Gou Sheng saw outside had their necks wiped with knives. It seems that the Japanese don't know yet, why not"

    The head of the family was almost awake at this time: "Wake up all the brothers, don't make too much noise."

    Naturally, the first master could not believe everything reported by the fourth master. After asking Gou Sheng, he sent a close aide to follow him around, but the two of them even brought back a crooked machine gun.  The boss believed it 90% of the time.  Immediately he led all the brothers to follow the two men into the Japanese camp, and replenished some ammunition first. After a day of shooting, the ammunition consumption was really high, and some brothers only had the bullets in the magazine left.

    The boss knows that he has not escaped from the enemy's encirclement here, but after replenishing guns and ammunition, he has more confidence to fight hard.  But within the encirclement here, there is still a glimmer of hope for the boss, that is, the encirclement outside has also been broken through.  Immediately two people were sent to continue to check the movements of the Japanese in this direction.

    What I got back was the good news. The Japanese in the three blockades outside in this direction were all silenced at night.  The remaining troops in Erlongshan jumped out of the Japanese siege one after another.

    After jumping out of the Japanese siege, all the brothers in Erlongshan felt that it was a pity that because the time was too tight and the personnel were too few, the weapons, equipment and ammunition all over the ground were not brought out.  Although the brothers in Erlongshan are now full of bullets, and their hands have been replaced with newer 38 caps, two or three or four people can carry a crooked machine gun or grenade, but the ones they brought out  Still a minority.  And in that kind of environment, it was very difficult to destroy it on the spot - it would be broken if it made a sound to attract the Japanese soldiers, so I had to make a few booby traps in a hurry and leave them to the Japanese soldiers, and I don't know how many of them would explode.

    When it was daylight, all the people in Erlong Mountain had already disappeared.

    At this time, the excited Lieutenant General Hatoyama, the division commander, was still enthusiastically arranging a plan to wipe out the Erlongshan guerrillas.  However, the radio stations of two squadrons on the front line could not be called, so the commander of the Hatoyama Division could only send communications troops to check.  Just thisThe signal soldier who went to report the news accidentally stepped on a booby trap after seeing the corpses of a camp full of Japanese soldiers, causing the ammunition of bullets, grenades and artillery shells to explode.

    The noise was so loud that not only the Japanese but also the people from Erlongshan who jumped out of the encirclement heard it, so they naturally hurried on their way.

    On the way, the people in Erlongshan gradually began to talk when they found out that they had escaped from the Japanese encirclement. What they talked about the most was who killed those Japanese in their sleep - yes, they were killed in their sleep. Most of the Japanese were in the camp.  If someone is killed while sleeping, isn¡¯t that considered killing by sleeping?

    ??Some people talk about mountain monsters, some talk about gods, some talk about Wong Tai Sin, and some talk about Fox Tai Sin.

    It¡¯s just that the boss didn¡¯t really believe that, and said to his brothers: ¡°Remember the posture of Coach Jin and his two men after fighting the Japanese twice. What kind of posture was that? They dismissed it. They didn¡¯t even look at the equipment all over the floor.  Bring it to see. Apart from gods and monsters, I believe it was Coach Jin and the others who did it."

    Everybody thinks so.

    Faced with the explosion and the blocked radio, the commander-in-chief of this operation, Hatoyama, had no choice but to send people over to investigate, only to find out that not only this camp, but also several camps that could not be contacted had been wiped out at night.  The commander of the Haoshan Division was only angry for a few minutes, and then became happy again. Wiping the neck at night was a major feature of the Liaoning and Jilin guerrillas during this period.  It can only be said that the Hatoyama Division has really found the true master of the guerrillas this time.

    After giving the order to attack the Erlongshan guerrillas with all their strength, the commander of the Hatoshan Division realized that the Erlongshan guerrillas had already escaped under the cover of night.  Moreover, he jumped out of the encirclement following several destroyed Japanese camps, because there was no movement of the guerrillas in the encirclement.  The anxious leader of the Hatoshan Division ordered everything that could be burned in Erlongshan Village to be burned, and led the team back to Liuhe County in despair.

    Not to mention the materials paid for the siege of Erlong Mountain this time, even the casualties made the old Japanese Hatoyama division commander very uncomfortable. He didn't catch a single guerrilla, but he lost five squadrons and several people who were killed or injured in the siege.  The Japs suffered a total of more than 1,500 casualties.  In total, more than half of the casualties in this encirclement and suppression campaign were caused by the main force of the Erlongshan guerrillas running away.  This kind of thing is recorded in the files as a shame that the Imperial people cannot wash away. Fortunately, the military department is now very open to the failure of the encirclement and suppression of the guerrillas. Otherwise, such casualties would be enough to make the military officer in charge of the encirclement and suppression commit seppuku.

    Everyone in Erlong Mountain walked to the gurgling stream and met Coach Jin who was fishing by the water.  (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)
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