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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 241: Fighting against the Five Scum

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    Although the old Huang family is living a normal life now, the ancestors of the old Huang family were still serious princes more than a hundred years ago. They were the descendants of Aisin Gioro Manchuria Zhenghuang Banner.  It's just that the ancestors were on the wrong team in the fight for the throne - there is nothing more important than this. The whole family was sent to eat grass outside the customs.

    All the residents in the village used to be servants of the royal palace. After the Republic of China, the old Huang family changed their surname because they were afraid that the Japanese army would wipe out the previous royal family. In that era, almost all the Manchus changed their surname overnight.  .  Lao Huang's family both loved and hated the Japanese army who overthrew Xuantong. The Japanese army avenged their family's vengeance for more than a hundred years of grazing outside the customs, but they overthrew the dynasty established by their ancestors.

    Although it has been more than a hundred years since we got anything from this dynasty, the whole village still cried for three days and three nights after learning the news of Xuantong's abdication.

    From then on, the old Huang family, who changed their surname to Huang, took the continuation of the bloodline more seriously than anything else - although Emperor Xuantong had a younger brother, he had no son, and as Xuantong ascended the throne for the third time, the problem of heirs became more and more serious.  Without a son, Xuantong's final result could only be to pass the throne to his younger brother who also had no sons, but Xuantong's younger brother now also has no sons.  The worst result is that after the emperor's bloodline is cut off, Manchukuo will be annexed by Japan like Korea.

    If the hatred of Lao Huang's family towards the Japanese army is 1, then the hatred towards the Northeastern Army, which was the commander-in-chief at that time, is 3, the hatred towards Lao Maozi is 5, and the hatred towards the little Japanese is 10.  Now only the little devils can annex the Longxing land of the Aixinjueluo family.  The Huang family was only a little happy about Xuantong's restoration, but more worried about the little devil's appetite.

    Jin Batian still doesn¡¯t know that Lao Huang¡¯s family is interested in arranging a dragon girl for him to play with. He just feels that the design of the inside and outside of this house is a bit like his big house in Peiping.  Are they all from old houses? It¡¯s understandable that they have some similarities.  Jin Batian comforted himself and went to the side room prepared by President Sui to rest.  Although Jin Batian only said to get some hot water, he even found a maid here to wash his feet.

    After a simple foot massage, Jin Batian felt sleepy and fell asleep with Valme in his arms.

    About sixty kilometers away from this village, Melia, Dinah, and Bai Meimei formed a triangle formation and surrounded the only three remaining Japanese in the encirclement.  The Japanese in the encirclement looked panic-stricken and began to pull the bolts of their 38-cap guns in preparation for shooting.

    There were originally thirteen people in this group of Japs, and they were a standard patrol team. Three minutes ago, this group of Japs thought they had knocked down their luck. There were actually three beauties walking on the trail here.  Regardless of the severe cold, more than a dozen Japanese soldiers began to unbutton their pants and rushed toward the three women, preparing to have sex or something like that. But as soon as they got in front of the beauties, the massacre began.

    The three women pulled out two-foot-long daggers from nowhere and started killing the unsuspecting Japanese. The scene was really full of brains and blood, and big and small heads fell to the ground.  In just a few dozen seconds, only the three Japs running at the back were left in front of them. Looking at the formation of the three beauties, they were really going to kill them all.

    One of the Japanese soldiers shouted: "Fire."

    The three little devils picked up the big guns and shot at the three women respectively. At this time, it was no longer time to consider the problem of the small head below, but to consider whether the big head above could exist, at such a close distance.  There is absolutely no reason for deflection. At worst, use it while it is still warm.

    Dinah, who was holding two-foot-long double knives, turned her head to avoid the bullet. Bai Meimei used the short knife nearly two feet long in her hand to deflect the bullet that flew to the chest.  The most stunning thing was Melia. The two-foot-long dagger in his hand held up a sword. When he looked again, the bullet that should have been flying at supersonic speed was already lying still on the blade of the dagger.

    Melia picked up the bullet on the blade, blew a breath, looked at the Japanese in front of him with contempt and said: "How sad, you are a scumbag with a combat power of five."

    When the kid across from Melia saw that the shot was ineffective, he shouted and wanted to rush forward to fight with the bayonet. At this time, Melia flicked the bullet in his hand away with his thumb. The bullet hit the Japs in the forehead between the eyes and was embedded in the skull between the eyebrows.  , the little devil only had time to take half a step forward and fell on his back unwillingly.

    His death did not attract more attention from his companions. The other two little devils also rushed towards Dinah and Bai Meimei respectively.  Dinah and Bai Meimei also launched charges against the two remaining Japs respectively. As a result, the Japs who rushed towards Dinah were instantly cut into pieces with a flash of two knives, while the Japs who charged towards Bai Meimei were beheaded by body inertia.  He took another step before falling down.

    The battle ended three minutes after it started. Melia said: "Let's go, they are just a bunch of scum with a combat power of five."

    Bai Meimei put away the dagger: "A good appetizer."

    This is just the fate of a small patrol. More explosions and sniper shootings against Japanese fortresses are taking place in various places deeper in the Bohai Bay.  BecauseSome of the places that were attacked did not have time to send out distress messages and phone calls. On this day, the Japanese at the base camp of the Kwantung Army did not know the news that thousands of scattered troops had been annihilated.

    At this time, a group of writers were gathered in the Little Japs Base Camp to write some mythical stories about the Japanese soldiers¡¯ battles with the Nanjing Central Army and their victory. The more they failed in the battle, the more they had to work hard to publicize the victory.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Under the depictions of the Japs' pens, the Imperial Army soldiers are invincible and never give up on their comrades.  There is a story about a squad of Japs who rescued a fallen Japs recruit when surrounded by a regiment of the Central Army. A dozen Japs in a squad killed one in and one out among thousands of people without even injuring anyone.  arrived, but a regiment of Central Army troops suffered heavy losses.

    Another story tells about a kid who knew ninjutsu and jumped off a high slope alone. Using shuriken and ninjutsu, he easily killed a platoon of Nanjing Central Army soldiers.  There are many ninjutsu novels like this, such as the Ninja Raiders series in which a Central Army soldier was cut in half with his bare hands and a punch penetrated the body of a Central Army soldier.

    There are also more tragic stories like this. After a group of Japanese soldiers enjoyed the service of the domestic army, they fought unyieldingly on the battlefield against the Nanjing Central Army, which was hundreds of times their own force. In the end, they were all killed in the battle. The story of benevolence and benevolence.  .

    However, Kenji Doihara, who is in charge of this matter, said that the most popular thing in recent days is that a female ninja from the special high school used bows and arrows to fight against dozens of Central Army soldiers with formal guns, and completely wiped out this group of Central Army soldiers.  Afterwards, the female ninja from the Special High School was surrounded by more soldiers from the Central Army and encountered ghosts and beasts. The final result turned out to be that the female ninja from the Special High School was raped dozens of times and her energy level was full.  , to meet the conditions for launching the bow and arrow shooting skill.  The kunoichi put on her hakama automatically as fast as lightning, and used her continuous fire skills to kill all the central troops.

    As these stories were published and serialized in newspapers, newspapers that could not sell much at first became as expensive as Luoyang paper. You must know that in the past, the Japanese newspapers only contained four large pieces of empty news about annihilating enemies.  The first section repeatedly demonstrates that the emperor will live forever, the second section repeatedly demonstrates that the empire's military destiny will be long-lasting, the third section repeatedly demonstrates that the holy war will be victorious, and the fourth section is a summary of the first three arguments.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????? Newspapers were literally transformed into political textbooks.  It¡¯s hard to stand reading this kind of thing every day, and everyone is numb. There is no difference between the content of a newspaper from a week ago and the newspaper from a week later. Even the content of the article is heavily plagiarized. If you don¡¯t pay attention, you really don¡¯t know what day it was from.  Although some of the novels serialized in newspapers about fighting against the Central Army are extremely disgusting and far from reality, people still like to read such articles compared to the day-to-day political education.

    Even the Japanese film directors are considering making some films like this for the public to watch - film is still very expensive at this time, and it is impossible to use it to shoot soap operas.

    When Jin Batian woke up, the sky was already filled with red clouds.  Remembering that I forgot to have a chat with Valme before going to bed, I was really at a huge loss.  Before his mind was clear, he began to harass Valme in his arms.  Valme woke up when Jin Batian took action, and the two of them naturally had sex in someone else's room.

    After the tossing, Jin Batian asked: "Valme, do you think the president of this maintenance association will inform the little devil?"

    Valme said: "It depends on how far away the little devil is from here. If the journey is more than a day, it is still quite safe. But it doesn't seem to matter whether he comes or not."

    "of course."

    Thinking about it, you know, how many devils can come to catch two people, one team will be the best.  Don't say that a class is just a small team of Japs. In the eyes of Valme and Jin Batian, they are just a plate of food.  As the saying goes, one would not dare to go to Liangshan without twos and threes, and Jin Batian would not dare to come behind enemy lines without adequate preparations.

    At this time, there was a knock on the door, and a young female voice said: "The two bosses are ready to eat."

    As soon as he said this, Jin Batian felt a little hungry, but Jin Batian had never thought about eating in enemy-occupied areas.

    Jin Batian replied: "Just bring a small table for the Kang. We will bring our own food and water."

    After a while, the foot-washing maid in the afternoon - actually Rong'er, the youngest daughter of Lao Huang's family - came in with a blushing face and brought a small table.  After setting the table on the kang, Rong'er said, "I'm going to get some water." Then she left.

    While Jin Batian was placing the cans and drinks in his bag on the table one by one, he said to Valme, "I dare to say that this little girl heard something just now."

    "It's not because you made it so comfortable, otherwise why would I scream so loudly." Valme remembered that her voice seemed to be very loud just now. It was probably heard by most of the yard. If she had known better, she would have agreed to go to the field to listen to the rabbit.?.

    "Because I like to hear you scream. Hehehehe" Jin Batian laughed and opened each can of meat with a can opener.

    At this time, Ronger came in with hot water for washing hands and face, and the two of them washed up without getting off the kang.  Jin Batian watched Ronger staring at the cans on the table and asked, "Let's eat together?"

    "This" Ronger wanted to refuse subconsciously, but the alluring aroma of the cans on the table made it difficult for Ronger to refuse.  Although the Huang family is the largest family in the village, the food conditions are still difficult to allow them to eat meat every day. In the past, eating meat was often reserved for holidays.  Valme saw Ronger's hesitation and took Ronger's hand to pull her onto the fire bed.

    After this little devil came, because stories of little devils robbing food broke out in various places, everyone in the village ate all the domestic chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep.  Keep the little devil.  Ever since Ronger's family ate a lot of meat in September 18, they stopped eating meat in the next few years.  Apart from the fact that her eldest brother occasionally hunted a rabbit and roe deer in the nearby mountains during his off-farm time to give a tooth to the family as a sacrifice, Rong'er hadn't smelled such fragrant food for a long time.  Even the main course of the meal prepared for the two bosses at home just now was just a piece of smoked deer meat.

    The rural areas in the three eastern provinces are better. If you are willing to venture into the mountains, you can always catch some game. The black soil is known as beating roe deer with sticks and scooping fish with gourds, and pheasants fly into the rice pot. Although this is a slight exaggeration, it also shows that here  Wild game is common.  But going into the mountains is also dangerous. Siberian tigers, bears, wolves, mosquitoes, etc. can all threaten human life, but the most dangerous thing is the wild boar.

    The wild boar itself weighs hundreds of kilograms, and the force of the collision is far beyond what the fragile body of the human body can withstand. The charging speed puts Owens Bolt to shame, not to mention the two tusks of the wild boar are as sharp as bayonets.  Opening a hole in the body will result in massive bleeding. This thing is extremely territorial and will not stop fighting if it sees anyone.

    And wild boar skin is extremely tough. When a gunpowder gun filled with iron sand hits the wild boar skin, it will become a white spot. Without a military rifle, it is impossible to wound the wild boar.  Faced with the strong wild boars, Siberian tigers, bears, and wolves, they all have to take a detour. No wonder Nurhaci¡¯s parents named their child after the wild boar skin.

    At this time, cities in the three eastern provinces were in a state of depression. After the Japanese came, some shop owners who did not want to be slaves to the subjugation of their country closed their doors and ran back to the customs to open shops.  Later, after the Japanese army issued a ban and designated the rice and white flour as special foods for the imperial army, various grain and oil stores and restaurants also closed their doors one after another. What else could they do if they didn't close their doors and make three-in-one pancakes for everyone?  As the Japanese army expanded and found that resources were insufficient, cotton cloth was classified as military use by the Japanese, and taverns and cloth shops closed one after another.

    The only opium dens that are still open and even showing signs of growth are opium dens. The opium cigarettes are flowing out from the hands of the devils. The devils naturally hope that the common people in the three eastern provinces can smoke opium cigarettes, so as to better paralyze the ruling areas.  people.  It's just that these opium dens are backed by the Japanese, and they are determined not to accept the Manchukuo bank certificates, which are like waste paper. However, the Japanese collect or rob food and let the factories and mines opened in the three northeastern provinces produce a large amount of money.  There are only a few people who can buy Manchukuo's banknotes and spend money in this opium den.

    After Jin Batian waited for Ronger to be served, he opened the cans one by one on the plastic plate. Ronger's index finger moved as he looked at each dish.

    Now the canned food that Jin Batian buys has abandoned the pure meat type, but the latest canned food that combines meat and vegetables.  For example, canned fish-flavored shredded pork, canned pork with pickled vegetables, canned beef stew with potatoes, etc.  The salt content is slightly lighter than that of ordinary stir-fried dishes in restaurants. People who are not heavy-tongued can eat it as a dish or as a meal.

    Valme poured the syrup soda purchased with gold coins into the cups in front of the three of them, and said to Ronger: "Have a taste."

    Ronger took a sip of the syrup soda and said, "Well, it's so sweet and comfortable." After saying that, Ronger took a bite of the food and said, "Well, it's delicious."

    Valme: ¡°If it¡¯s delicious, eat more.¡±

    The three of them drank five 500-gram cans and two 500-ml bottles of syrupy soda in one meal, and nearly half of them ended up in Ronger's stomach.

    During the meal, Ronger and Valme talked more, and Jin Batian took the opportunity to learn about the situation in the village.

    In Rong'er's words, most of the people in this nameless village are relatives - this is similar to other villages. The worse the traffic is, the closer the girls are to marry. In the end, a village full of relatives is not the same.  Strange.  This village has been established for almost two hundred years, so it has a long history - even earlier than the founding of the United States at this time.

    The rest is the family situation of the Huang family. Rong'er's father has three wives, or one wife and two concubines - it can be said that our country has had a system of monogamy and multiple concubines since ancient times.  Among them, Rong'er was born to the second mother, so she was not considered popular at home.??¡ª¡ªOtherwise, she wouldn't be allowed to serve guests and wash their feet. This is obviously a maid's job, but now there is no maid in the Huang family. There used to be one in the eldest brother's house, but he later took over the house and became his aunt.

    Rong'er's mother, Er Niang, used to be a dowry maid for a big nanny. As for Sanniang, she was an actress who was redeemed when her father was doing business outside. She had been taking care of her father's life outside. It was not until the Japanese invaded that her father stopped his business that he took San Niang into his care.  Mother comes home.  But until now Sanniang has not given birth to a boy or a girl to her father.

    Ronger is the youngest among the siblings in the family. One of the four brothers in the family is working at home, one is missing as a soldier, one died young, and the other is working outside and rarely comes home.  The six sisters, except for one who died of illness, are all married. Among them, the sixth sister's son-in-law is still at home, and the other sisters are married in the village and nearby villages.

    Hearing this, Jin Batian asked: "I heard that your family has dozens of people? Doesn't that sound like it's not enough?"

    Ronger nodded: "There are dozens of people. My father's three younger brothers and their families also live in this big courtyard. Each family has 10 people. If you do the math, there are only dozens of people."  "

    Jin Batian really didn¡¯t know how to manage such a big family, so he asked: ¡°There are so many people in the family? Shouldn¡¯t we separate the families?¡±

    Ronger asked curiously: "How can we separate the family? It's not like there is no place to live at home?"

    In Rong'er's view, dividing the family is treason. Since our ancestors, the whole family has eaten together and worked together - there is no need to worry about the size of the table. The rule at this time is that only women and children can eat at the table after the men have finished eating.  Separating a family can only be done when there are too many people in the family. A large population is one of the signs of a prosperous family at this time. As long as you are willing to work hard to open up wasteland in this black land, there is plenty of land that can be cultivated.

    And because the black soil itself has high fertility, the grain yield is much higher than that of the land in the pass under the same planting method and the same seeds. As long as there is no war, there will be no shortage of food.

    "Then the land, money and food are all shared by the whole family?"

    Ronger nodded and said, "Although each family has its own private money, the land and food are all shared. We pay taxes and food together, and eat and work in the fields together."

    Hearing Rong'er say this, Jin Batian thought: "Could this People's Commune be a copycat family commune?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Piaotian Literature Register to recommend this work, your  Support is my biggest motivation.)
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