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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 209: Reform Pilot

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    Can this arrest warrant issued by the Executive President himself be compared with ordinary arrest warrants? Of course not.  So even one was posted on the courtyard wall outside Jin Batian's home.  Fifty thousand yuan, most people don't dare to think about it, that's a criminal thief who kills without blinking an eye.  But when they thought that there was a bonus of 5,000 yuan for tipping off the information, many people became eager again.

    I hope that I can take a few more glances and remember the appearance of this gangster Wang Qinian, so that if he is discovered, he will have nothing to worry about in his life.

    The concierge Zhang looked at the photo and the wanted poster and said, "This man looks very familiar."

    When Jin Batian came home before he got off work, he saw the wanted notice on the wall and said, "This name sounds so familiar."

    Well, it has nothing to do with you being familiar with it.  Jin Batian went straight back to the backyard, where the gramophone in the house was singing: Night Shanghai, Night Shanghai, you are a city that never sleeps

    "The sound of Mi Mi!" Jin Batian, a soldier of the Communist Party of China, scolded him, and then realized that this shouldn't be a song from 1935, let alone 1935, it was the 35th year of the Republic of China.  It shouldn't appear either.

    Hearing a sound outside, Xi'er came out and explained the origin of the epoch-making song: "Husband, come quickly, the record my sisters gave me is so good."

    Regarding this matter, Jin Batian could only say: "Just listen to it at home." He didn't know how big of a mess it would be if he took it out. Fortunately, he was going to Jining's front line again in a few days, so there would be fewer such things.

    At this time, Wang Qinian, who was on the wanted list, had left Kaifeng, Henan, and came to Daming Mansion in Zhili - this is also the Baoda area (Baoding Daming) where the essence of Zhili is located. Although Wang Qinian was from Baoding, he did not dare to go home at this time.  Go - you don't need to think about it to know that your hometown must have been under surveillance. However, at this time, only some relatives who have not been in contact with each other for many years are still there in Wang Qinian's hometown. His family members have long been separated in the war.

    Wang Qinian made all preparations on the way to Daming. Makeup can only be temporary, and it cannot fool the eyes of discerning people.  So Wang Qinian¡¯s method was to overeat and fatten with local methods.

    Now that Wang Qinian has no shortage of money, it is very easy to eat and drink well.  Wang Qinian has studied his wanted order. The photo above was taken when he weighed about 130 kilograms. Now he is 170 kilograms and is still 70% similar to the photo. If he can increase his weight to 230 kilograms,  If he weighs ten pounds and has a big beard, he probably only looks like two or three points.  This method seems a bit clumsy, but it is more effective than any other makeup method.

    As for An Hua'er and Wu Di, they left Shanghai on the day that Mr. Kong was killed - they were looking for death after making such a big mistake.  The action plan basically failed, but this was not the fault of the two people, but because the special high school did not have more manpower - how could this happen if the Japanese Concession was still there.

    There is no ship in the country that dares to blatantly sail to the enemy's country, even if it is a foreign ship - no one wants to have a warship sneaking behind after going to sea, and occasionally firing a cannon at the rocks or the sea claiming to be practicing gunfire.  If you're threatening, just say it clearly.

    The two took a friendly ship to Hawaii first, and then changed ships from Hawaii to the Port of Busan, which the Japanese still controlled - Port Arthur, the end point of the Manchuria Railway, was greatly reduced because it was in the robbery area of ??the Central Navy. It was built by the Tsarist Russians.  There are only a few small fishing boats in Lushun Port every day.

    After getting off the ship, we took a carriage from Busan Port all the way to Fengtian - this time we went out and made some achievements, and what the two of them needed now was to disappear for a while to avoid being caught.  The successful assassination of the eldest son of the Executive President was not visible to the public - although the Japs had been carrying out assassination activities.

    When war breaks out, the Special High School will receive the following assassination plans against Principal Chiang almost every day - even the little devils understand that as long as Principal Chiang dies, the entire country will fall into division and war (although it is only formally unified now)  , but the formal unity is considered unified), various warlords will seize territory and even directly join Mr. Wang Wang Wang controlled by the little devil.  The plans sent from below range from car bombs to suicide bombs, poisoning, sniping, bribery, kamikaze bombings and other means, and some want to use honey traps.

    However, the principal was also living in seclusion during this period, and Nanjing was the area where the Central Military Command conducted the most thorough raids - almost every citizen entering and exiting Nanjing was required to shout slogans such as "Emperor Hirohito deserves to die" to ensure that everyone passed the test, which made everyone pass the test.  The little Japanese spies who were infinitely loyal to the emperor could hardly operate in Nanjing. After a large number of outstanding spies were arrested and shot, the little Japanese now had to rely on third countries to convey information about the Nanjing market.

    Changes like this turned thousands of assassination plans into dragon-slaying techniques.

    Hohhot (Guisui)

    "Ula" and "onboard" on the prairieThe shouts rose and fell with each other, and the sound shook the sky.  After the Tsarist Russian army division personnel assembled and underwent simple training, they took a train from the branch line of the Siberian Railway to Hohhot.

    After the Russian and Japanese armies joined forces, hundreds of thousands of soldiers from both countries, who were optimistic about the prospect of war, cheered as if they could carve up the country soon.

    No wonder the kid is so excited. This time, in addition to the ten divisions and hundreds of thousands of troops dispatched by the Russian Army, there are also six aviation groups with more than 200 fighter jets - this is a single-wing aluminum alloy aircraft that the kid is not capable of producing now.  Body fighter.  The role of these aircraft alone can reverse the one-sided situation of the little devils in recent air battles.

    As the main figure in this meeting of the two armies, Ishihara Kanji also received the right to lead troops for the first time.  When the September 18th Incident was planned three years ago, Ishihara Wanji was just a small lieutenant colonel. He was promoted to colonel after successfully taking over such a large territory in the three northeastern provinces and then to the chief of the operations section of the staff headquarters.

    After the success of the alliance with Russia, Ishihara Kanji finally crossed a threshold and became a major general.  According to Ishihara Kanji's own wishes, he is still willing to lead the troops. Although it is not bad to work as a staff officer in the back, Ishihara Kanji himself wants to get the title of military god.

    Originally, both the base camp and the emperor decided to let Ishihara Kanji act as the division commander as a major general and lead a second-class division.  But Ishihara Wanji said: "No, one mixed brigade is enough."

    The mixed brigades are also divided into three, six or nine levels, and when they are finished, they will be no worse than the second-level divisions.  Seeing that Ishihara Wan'er was arrogant, the base camp wanted to give him the best mixed brigade in Kanto to lead.

    But Ishihara Wanji said: "No, I don't want any of the ready-made mixed brigades. I will choose the soldiers myself, just from the military station in Suiyuan."

    There are really tens of thousands of Japs in the Suiyuan Military Station now. Some of them were killed and ran away from the organization, and some of them returned after being injured and lost their troops.  In short, these people have very low morale, and no army wants them.

    Ishihara Kanji is very aware of the combat effectiveness of these defeated soldiers who have been on the battlefield and even been injured.  All they need is a good commander and good weapons who can lead them to victory.

    Ishihara Kanji himself analyzed the current war situation and found that the defeats in several large and small battles were caused by the fact that the Japanese invaders did not put as much ammunition on the battlefield as the opponent in the same period of time - this shortcoming is fatal in modern warfare.

    But if you raise this question blatantly to the base camp, it will be considered as a weapon-only victory theory. This makes the empire's spiritual victory theory that has been promoted for many years and the human wave tactics that the emperor's people are best at embarrassed.

    Ishihara Kanji finally thought of a way - to speak with facts and shut up those old diehards.  Therefore, he did not want any of the already organized troops. He would rather have the remaining defeated soldiers form a mixed brigade to verify his point of view.

    As for advanced weapons, as the largest trading partner of the little devils at this time, the Militian Empire is willing to provide some of them for free - the Milidian Empire hopes that they will be addicted to it and buy a large amount of arms. For this purpose and to crack down on the international arms market  The Nanjing government¡¯s competitor is worth paying a small price.

    Ishihara Wanji, who drove to the Guisui Military Station with a few guards, looked at the dejected defeated soldiers in the garden, and unloaded a light machine gun from the car that the Japanese had never seen before.  Aiming at the edge of the tiles on the roof, there was a burst of fire, and the tiles flew horizontally, making the Japanese who were enjoying the cool below disgraced.

    The Japs at the military station gathered in the yard, and Ishihara Wanji said loudly: "The superiors said, give me a division, but I said no. It is enough for my major general to be a mixed brigade commander. The superiors also said to pick me a division from the Kwantung Army.  The best mixed brigade, I said no, Guisui Military Station has the best imperial soldiers. This is a Browning light machine gun, 7.62 mm bullets, with a rate of fire of 600 rounds per minute. It was beaten badly by the Czech style, this  The gun is no worse than the Czech one.¡±

    After saying that, Ishihara Wanji changed to a Garand rifle, "Pah, pah, pah, pah" After a burst of intensive shooting, he fired eight shots in a row and said: "Isn't it a semi-automatic weapon? The Chinese official only has a five-round magazine. The Garand  Eight rounds for the rifle, three more bullets for him. You can shoot him three more times."

    After saying that, Ishihara Kanji changed to another submachine gun and continued to wreak fire on the roof: "The Chicago typewriter, known as the trench broom, is a close combat weapon. There are also Browning heavy machine guns, 60 mortars, and 75mm howitzers.  , 81 mm mortars, and 105 mm howitzers were too heavy and I didn¡¯t bring them. But I believe that the best weapons and the best soldiers combined can be invincible.¡±

    The eyes of the remaining defeated generals in the military station gradually glowed with hope. Once upon a time, they all believed that the Imperial Army was invincible.  Until he was defeated and defeated by the superior firepower of the Central Army again and again, and watched his comrades around him fall helplessly under the attack of machine guns, artillery, tanks and aircraft during the human wave charge, the feeling of powerlessness made himThey became a shameful rout.

    There is nothing more tragic than heartbreak. Their repeated retreats have made them a ball, being kicked around. Each division would rather have recruits who are only passionate about serving the country than these veteran veterans who have spent their remaining years in battles.  But deep down in their hearts, they also want to win the battle. The more they lose, the more they want to win.

    Under Ishihara Wanji¡¯s instigation, an unknown soldier shouted: ¡°Onboard.¡±

    Then more voices shouted: "Onboard, onboard." Finally, the sound formed a torrent, connected with the shouts of the Japanese and Russian armies joining forces outside the city.

    Ishihara Wanji nodded and handed the weapon to his subordinates: "Go to the next place." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to (this site) and give rewards. Your support is my greatest  motivation.)
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