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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 203: Everyone Wants to Be an Oriole

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    The Japanese published the news of Tsarist Russia's declaration of war on the central government in Nanjing in the newspaper earlier than the official Tsarist Russia. Even when the newspaper was printed, Kanji Ishihara, the emperor's special envoy, was still on the plane returning from Moscow.

    The Japanese really need good news now.  This shocked the whole world. It might not be a big deal to have a fight between two Asian countries, but although the polar bear of Czarist Russia has always been hailed as a barbarian by Europeans, it was also an important military power on the European continent.  This time I really fulfilled those words, a polar bear stood on the scale of war.

    In the 1930s, there was only one Russian polar bear consulate in Nanjing (the embassy was not a bad thing at that time). After getting the news, President Jiang immediately summoned the consul of Lao Maozi¡¯s consulate to ask whether the matter was true or false.  How could the consul know what Moscow was doing and saying thousands of miles away? He didn't have a clear eye and ears, so he didn't even say hello to him from beginning to end.

    So Mr. Consul¡¯s answer to the principal¡¯s inquiry was: ¡°Hesitation¡­I am¡­¡± If he gave the wrong answer, it would be a big deal.

    The principal understood the attitude of the Tsarist Russian consul as soon as he saw it. Thinking of Lao Maozi using the Middle East route to transport troops to the little devils and dispatching an aviation volunteer group, it would not be an exaggeration to say that this behavior was a declaration of war.  It was just that due to the situation at that time, Nanjing did not want to face the challenge of two bad guys at once, so it did not declare war on Tsarist Russia, but now it seems that it cannot escape after all.

    Originally, after the war in Shaanxi came to an end, the principal wanted to withdraw part of the Central Army from Shaanxi. Now it seems that not only cannot it be withdrawn, but more troops must be added to the northwest to guard against Tsarist Russia.  As for the coast, it is very safe. Although this old man also has a Far East fleet in the Far East, he does not have a single main battleship. Now Nanjing has six Zhongshan-class super battleships.  (Zhongshan, Qingling, Lushan, Taishan, Huashan, Huangshan) Most of these battleships are named after the word mountain. This is also true. Super battleships with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons look like mountains on the sea.  Same.

    After sending away the tsarist Russian consul who spoke unclearly, the principal also urgently met with the German ambassador. As allies, although they have been playing soy sauce in this war in Asia, if Tsarist Russia really declares war on the Nanjing central government, it is also equivalent to declaring war on Germany. These two  Although the two countries are not bordering each other, they are both European countries. However, they were not fighting during the First World War.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Now the German head of state, Mustache, is actively seeking to merge with Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia to form a greater German Empire to fight against the European powers.

    Relatively speaking, the German ambassador spoke much more clearly, telling the principal that he had sent the news back to Berlin.  Regardless of whether this news is true or not, Berlin will react as soon as Tsarist Russia declares war.  As for what the reaction was, he, as an ambassador, cannot know now.  Probably even the mustache himself doesn¡¯t know it now.

    Although Lao Maozi was unhappy that the little devil reported the news of his declaration of war against the central government in Nanjing in advance, it was only a day or two early.

    On the day when Tsarist Russian troops marched into Heilongjiang from the Far East, Moscow coyly declared war on the central government in Nanjing.  This is the domineering nature of imperialism. I can hit whoever I want.  The Nanjing government wants to attack, but there are a bunch of warlords and little devils standing in the way.  Even the European giant Napoleon fell into disgrace on the territory of the empire. How can you, a Nanjing warlord and Chiang Kai-shek, be more powerful than Napoleon?

    Fighting one and two is also a war. You can't say that if you don't declare war on others, they will let you go. After receiving the news from the Tsarist Russian consul, Nanjing made the decision to expel Tsarist Russian diplomats and at the same time declare war on Tsarist Russia - anyway, the General Staff also analyzed  After that, Tsarist Russia sent troops just for show and would not really sacrifice its life for the little devils. Besides, Tsarist Russia¡¯s economic conditions did not allow it to send too many troops to Asia, especially East Asia.  At that time, everyone thought it was not a good thing for Tsarist Russia to join the Three Emperors Alliance, but this time it only verified this prophecy.

    However, there are still some benefits in front of the principal. As a member of the great powers, Tsarist Russia has been operating in China for a long time. Although there are not as many factories and mines in other places as the three eastern provinces, there are still some.  The two countries declared war. Unfortunately, these businessmen, industrial and mining owners who invested in China were ordered by the central government of Nanjing to confiscate all their property and send them to the public concession.

    The busiest person at this time is Mustache. After receiving the report from Ambassador Tao Deman, Mustache convened a think tank in Berlin for discussion.

    A group of heads and tongues discussed for two days but failed to come up with a result. Instead, they made the mustache¡¯s head grow bigger.  In short, the think tank concluded the following points.

    First, the ambition of the Tsarist Russian Empire to expand its territory will not be reduced by occupying the largest country in Asia.disappear, Europe is their focus.

    Second, Germany is really not ready to resist Tsarist Russia.

    Third, considering that Tsarist Russia is not ready in Asia at this time, our allies should be able to handle it for the time being.  Even if there is no leeway, the chance of Germany sending troops to Asia is almost zero.

    Fourth, this military action by Tsarist Russia will definitely cause uneasiness in some countries, especially the small countries in Eastern Europe. Regardless of whether they declare war or not, there is no better opportunity than negotiating mergers with Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia to form a Greater German Empire at this time.

    Fifth, if we lose our current largest market and source of raw materials, Germany's economy will stagnate.

    When Tsarist Russia actually declared war, Mustache blasted away all the think tanks, leaving only Bauer. He asked: "You said that if we declare war on Tsarist Russia but don't send troops, what do you think will happen? You see, after all, our two countries have no border.  right?"

    "This is what Bauer understands. Mustache wants to play soy sauce again, but Tsarist Russia is not a traditional soy sauce party member.  Bauer replied: "If we declare war on Russia, it is very likely that Russia will invade Poland when the time is right to achieve the purpose of bordering us. After all, their expansion focus has always been in Europe, and the Tsarist Empire has done this countless times.  In order to plan to attack Poland, a two-front war of this degree is nothing to the Tsarist Russian Empire."

    This time, even the mustache was angry. He slapped the table with his beard and said, "The Slavs have gone too far. Poland has been a sacred and inseparable part of our Greater German Empire since ancient times."

    "That's what they say, but in fact, whoever has the biggest fist belongs to him."

    Mustache thought for a moment and asked: "If Russia invades Poland, how will France and Britain react?"

    Ball thought for a moment: "Probably just reprimands and sanctions. Eastern Europe is not the focus of the work of these two countries."

    Mustache asked again: "What if we invade Poland early? How will they react?"

    "They will probably declare war on us. Neither France nor Britain wants to see a great German Empire rise in central Europe."

    "Could it be that they have the same people but different fates, so they are not afraid of the rise of the Russian Empire to occupy the entire Europe and Central and Western Asia?"

    "I think they will take action when we can no longer hold on. The Russian Empire has already risen in Eastern Europe, but it also has its own difficulties." The difficulties Bauer mentioned are also real. For example, the Russian Empire was vast and sparsely populated.  , the economy was underdeveloped, and the tsar and the cabinet were always short of money in their pockets.  This is destined that they can only rise in Europe through cannibalization, rather than defeating Europe in one battle.

    Mustache thought for a long time and said: "Then declare war. Since we will fight sooner or later, it is better to fight while I am alive, so that we can be more certain. Now the focus of work must shift, and the merger with Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia must be accelerated. At least.  We must be prepared before Tsarist Russia sends troops to Poland."

    After the news of the declaration of war against Russia came out from Berlin, the happiest person was not the Nanjing government but the Paris and London governments.

    France and Britain have long been looking forward to someone standing up to curb Tsarist Russia's expansion in Eurasia.  But France and Britain themselves do not want to suffer losses because of this. Now it is very good for Germany to have a strong force to jump out.

    France and Britain also want to be the oriole here. If Germany is defeated, Tsarist Russia will be defeated by half of its health. At this moment, the two countries can stand up to clean up the mess and gain the greatest benefits.  On the contrary, if Tsarist Russia were defeated, Germany would not have much blood left. France and Britain could take Germany's retreat from behind and force it to surrender unconditionally.  These two are really good at calculating.

    The interests of France and Britain are not exactly the same here. Britain's idea is that we are an island country outside of Europe.  No matter who is stronger on the European continent, it will be of no benefit to me. However, Britain's army is weak and it is impossible to dominate the European continent, so I will attack whoever takes the lead.  France, on the other hand, wanted to take advantage of the fact that these guys were almost exhausted, stand up and dominate the European continent, and then become the world hegemon. There was a chance, but it was defeated by Britain that time. Although Britain  In the end, I didn't get much benefit, but the European shit-troublemaker wasn't called that for nothing.

    Chiang Kai-shek himself was also very moved by the fact that Germany immediately declared war on Tsarist Russia. The declaration of war on the old Maozi was different from the declaration of war on the little devils. One was thousands of miles away, and the other was not far away.

    The two countries have a feud. This time the secret message from Berlin Mustache also came. It said that the current German army was not ready to fight Tsarist Russia, but the navy could still intercept Tsarist Russian merchant ships and cargo ships to attack Tsarist Russia's economy.

    Although Tsarist Russia also had severalThe fleets are the Baltic Fleet, the Far East Pacific Fleet, the Caspian Fleet, the Black Sea Fleet, and the Northern Fleet. But the disadvantage is that they are too dispersed-even if the combat effectiveness of the Russian fleet and aging ships are not dispersed, it will be difficult to fight against the German Navy.

    ?????????????????? But Tsarist Russia is notorious for being incapable of doing anything about the economy. The treasury to maintain these fleets and a huge army as well as domestic administrative expenses is almost starving to death. How can there be so much spare money to build new ships.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and reward (this site). Your support is my biggest motivation.)
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