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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 117: The Fall of Baotou

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    PS: It¡¯s a little late again¡­

    "Originally there was a problem." Ishihara Wanji changed his voice and released the latest news: "But the Russians have agreed to use the Far East Railway to help us transport soldiers and logistical supplies. After entering Shaanxi, we can support war with war.  From west to east, from south to north, Genghis Khan also took this path to conquer the entire land of China."

    It turns out that after the polar bear secretly controlled Outer Mongolia and Xinjiang through agents, it also planned to further expand its territory southward, but this meant an all-out war between China and Russia.  The water is too deep, and the polar bear has been hesitating. After all, the country's focus is still on Europe or Eastern Europe.

    At this time, the Japs suffered a loss in Rehe when they went south. The polar bear who came to borrow the passage was naturally very welcome. Let the little Japs try out how deep the water is, so that when they pass by in the future, they will feel confident that if the army there  If it is as useless as the rumors say, the polar bears will send out their own troops.  As for the little devil's thoughts, the polar bear doesn't care at all. If we don't lend them a road and send troops to cut off their escape route and supplies, the hundreds of thousands of Japanese who have passed away will starve to death.

    The Japs withdrew from Rehe, and the two capitals began to restore the orderly era of singing and dancing. If the Japs want to go south, they must pass through Rehe or Chahar. Now the defense line is as stable as Mount Tai, and the Navy's Zhongshan-class battleships are like a defense line on the sea. What's the point?  What are you afraid of?  Officers and soldiers with meritorious service on the front line should be promoted and rewarded.  According to Nanjing's thinking, the Japanese navy and army have suffered such a big loss, and they are probably going to come to ask for a truce. They are probably looking for lobbyists at this time.  By then we will be able to regain Northeast China and Taiwan without a single blow.

    But the legendary lobbyist principal will not come even if you wait for him.  On the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, only a few conspiratorial powers from the League of Nations kept inciting Nanjing to join the treaty countries and only retain treaty ships. Of course, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was playing Tai Chi with them.  Just kidding, if you join the treaty countries, what will happen to the thousands of miles of coastal defense?  Pointing at the piece of paper, whether it can prevent the little devils or provide food for the people.

    Europe and the United States are just making a last-ditch effort to avoid an arms race. This thing is too wasteful of people and money.  Think about the fate of those battleships and ironclads in World War I. What a shame.  But you can't let others build it while you don't. In this way, control of the sea will fall into other people's hands.  Therefore, while various countries were persuading Nanjing to join the treaty countries, they were also secretly designing and manufacturing new battleships.

    For example, the Sun Never Sets Empire, after seeing that the Mikado-class battleships sold to the Little Devils at a high price were still not enough to defeat the Zhongshan-class battleships, they began to develop and design new battleships. However, because no one paid the bill for the time being, this new battleship only remained on the drawing board.  superior.  The American emperor on the other side of the ocean also began to secretly build two North Carolina-class battleships to deal with the new situation in the Pacific.  At the same time, the Iowa-class battleships with faster speed and higher tonnage are also on the paper.  Even the little devil has two Yamatos laying down their keels.

    Jin Batian also knew that the little Japanese might not surrender so quickly, but now hundreds of thousands of troops gathered inside and outside the national defense lines, and the millions of little Japanese from Guandong were not afraid of him.  If the little devil can't take Rehe Chahar, it's a sure thing that he won't be able to enter Zhili and Shanxi.  Jin Batian himself was promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel because of his meritorious service in building the national defense line. Of course, his position was still the munitions staff of the Peking Military and Political Department and he was also responsible for the munitions of the 29th Army.

    The casualties in this defense line battle were much smaller than those of the Japs. However, according to data from the Ministry of Military Affairs in Peking, nearly one billion rounds of machine gun bullets were consumed. The Japs had little to surrender. In order to kill more than 200,000 and nearly 300,000  The Japanese fired more than 3,000 bullets at each enemy.  Compared with this consumption, the tens of millions of bullets given by Jin Batian before the war were not enough.

    This consumption was unimaginable in the past. The Taiyuan Arsenal produces about 4 million rounds of bullets per month. This consumption is equivalent to the output of the Taiyuan Arsenal in 20 years.  Even if Jin Batian sells bullets at a reasonable price, the price has reached a terrifying 50 million yuan.  It is not wrong at all to say that the little devil was killed by bullets and oceans, and his death was not unfair at all.

    We are not very worried about the consumption from Peking to Nanjing. There are twice as many bullets stored near Nanjing alone, because the defeated country should pay for it.  It's just that the government's purse is temporarily a little tight.

    Suiyuan Baotou, Suiyuan Province was divided into two during the warlord period. Baotou was managed by Yang Hucheng of the Northwest Army, and the other part was the territory of Yan Laoxi of Shanxi.  In order to prevent Yan Laoxi from peeking into Baotou, Yang Hucheng posted a full security brigade here.  You must know that the Northwest Army is only two reorganized divisions (Yang Hucheng learned from Nanjing and reorganized himself without going to Nanjing or Peiping), three security brigades and some directly affiliated troops, a total of 28 regiments with more than 60,000 people. Here are three  It is already very safe for a regiment (together with the troops directly under the security brigade) to guard against Yan Laoxi or the horse thieves.

    What they didn¡¯t know was that King De of Hohhot had been surrendered by the Japanese two days ago and formed the Manchu and Mongolian Empire.  He also sent an army to march westward to prepare to cross the Yellow River.

      This time, the Japanese relied on the powerful transportation capacity of the Eastern Railway to deliver twelve divisions in advance, three of which had already arrived in Hohhot. The leader of the Western Expedition was none other than Seishiro Itagaki who had just gone into battle. As for Hisao Taniyanagawa,  Although Heisuke and others were not dead, they were temporarily refrigerated.

    Seishiro Itagaki, who was in charge of intelligence work in the past, had already studied various warlords. Facing Shanxi in the east, Seishiro Itagaki chose the weaker Northwest Army as his opponent.

    Because the intelligence work of the Leapfrog plan was very good, it was almost until Seishiro Itagaki led the 18th Division army to Baotou City that the garrison in the city reacted and closed the city gate.  As for the positions outside the city, there was no rush to set up the Chengguan position. Now the only thing we can rely on is the Baotou city wall that has gone through hundreds of years of vicissitudes.  History has proven that this city wall has a very good defensive effect against horse thieves and others.

    The garrison brigade in the city was in chaos. The brigade commander was invited by his concubine to the top of the city to observe the Japanese. The garrison brigade confirmed again and again with a telescope, slapped his thigh and said angrily: "Why are the little Japanese here?"

    A regimental leader asked: "What should I do with my seat?"

    "What should we do? Notify Marshal Yang first and ask for reinforcements."

    The first regiment leader said: "It's not me, Brigadier. Now only half of the brothers come to report. How long can this stop the Japanese?"

    The guard brigade commander sighed: "Let's take it one step at a time."

    While talking, a row of Japanese grenades launched a bombardment, and the Type 92 heavy machine gun also fired.  The crowd watching the excitement on the top of the city and the security brigade watching the Japanese immediately suffered more than a hundred casualties.

    After fighting for five minutes, the Japs began to shout: "The defenders in the city surrender. As long as you join the Manchu and Mongolian Empire, you will get a lot of golden tickets."

    Standing on the top of the city, the commander of the second regiment also shouted: "I will not be a traitor"

    Before he finished speaking, there was a "snap" sound, and then he saw that there was a blood hole on the forehead of the second regiment leader, and he slowly fell down.

    With the fall of the second regiment commander, everyone in the security brigade began to feel insecure and lay on the top of the city, no longer daring to show their faces. The Japs' marksmanship was so good that no one could stand up and shoot them one by one. There were still four to five hundred meters away from the Japs' position.  It's rice.  Fortunately, we just used machine guns and small cannons to shoot randomly.

    After the second regiment leader fell, the Japanese continued to shout.  The garrison brigade commander discussed with several officers and found that no one wanted to defend Baotou, so he immediately decided to open the city and surrender.  Ten days after the Battle of Rehe, on August 1, Baotou fell.

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