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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 46: Killing Prisoners

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    PS: Shoot at me!

    When Wang Changhai's regiment rushed up and only picked up the tail, the 29th Army's attitude towards the surrendering bandits was to kill them all (Song Zheyuan lay down with his gun), let alone the puppet troops. Although those who raised their guns and surrendered had no time to take action, but  If you resist to the end, you don't have to ask, it's just a shot.

    The 37th Division troops who came up from behind were responsible for the collection and custody of the prisoners' guns. Jin Batian was too lazy to clean the battlefield. He leaned in the trench and lit a cigarette with trembling fingers and took a deep breath.  Spit it out.  At this time, Feng Zhi'an also came and sat next to Jin Batian.

    After Jinbatian¡¯s Parkinson¡¯s syndrome was relieved, he asked: ¡°Do you smoke?¡±

    Feng Zhian took a camel cigarette and lit it himself: "Why are you running so fast? I would be surprised if they didn't tear you up if something happened to you."

    Jin Batian ignored the remark and said: "I smoke. When I smoked in Peiping, I always felt that the smell was almost the same. It was obviously the same cigarette. But I just felt that it was something different. I just remembered that it was the smell of gunpowder and smoke that was different.  The smell of blood mixed with blood excites me. It makes me feel that my life is not just eating and waiting to die, but that it has meaning."

    Feng Zhi'an didn't say anything. Many veterans are like this. If you ask him to put down his weapons and go home to farm, he will be at a loss.  A person who has seen blood and is used to it seems unable to return to a normal life.  This guy said that smoking is just an excuse. If you don¡¯t smoke, you will die. That¡¯s definitely not the case.  So even if you smoke it and it has no taste, it won't kill you.

    This kind of people just look forward to the exciting battlefield, where smoke and bullets are flying, blood and flesh are flowing, and corpses are everywhere.  Even if he dies on the battlefield, he will have no regrets But this man's identity means that he cannot die, otherwise, not to mention the 37th Division, the 29th Army will have to be killed.  How did I catch up with this nonsense, Feng Zhian thought.

    The Thirty-seventh Division even broke through the two lines of defense of the puppet army. More than 300 meters ahead was the Japanese position.  The little Japs are now sharpening their guns before the battle. Once the bombardment stops, they are digging deeper trenches and bomb shelters to consolidate their positions. Wang Changhai shouted: "Shelling, where are the mortars, don't let the Japs live in peace. Fight me."

    As the lightest infantry support direct-fire artillery in the country, it weighs 36 kilograms and can be carried by two people when running. The number of nine guns in each company also makes the 29th Army very satisfied. But the artillery shells are offensive.  At that time, two people could not carry too much, and each soldier in the infantry squad (except the machine gunner) had to carry one 60 mortar shell.

    A 60 mortar shell weighs two and a half kilograms. It doesn¡¯t feel heavy, right?  However, every soldier of the 29th Army attacking must carry a rifle with one hundred rounds of rifle ammunition (the submachine gun carries three hundred rounds of ammunition, and the machine gunner has an ammunition hand), two grenades, two rifle grenades, and a bayonet (without a bayonet)  He must be carrying a heavier sword), a kettle, and a first aid kit (containing gauze and the Qu Huanzhang Baibao Dan suggested by someone). Now the little devils have not yet developed the use of poison gas on a large scale, otherwise each person has to wear a gas mask.  (The initial records of the little devils using poison gas were 9 times in 1937, 105 times in 1938, and 455 times in 1939)

    After the artillery set up a mortar position in the trench, they began to test-fire at the Japanese position. Of course, the Japanese were not willing to be beaten passively. From a distance of 300 meters, grenade launchers could barely reach it.

    Once the fighting started, it became a battle between mortars and grenade launchers.  Mortars and grenades are both insidious weapons that can hit the opponent's trenches from one's own trenches. Originally, according to the assignment of the Little Devils Regiment, they could be on par with Wang Changhai Regiment, but the 29th Army is not so particular.  , artillery, that is, they are good at bullying the few. In a short time, the mortars of the entire Thirty-seventh Division were showing off their power.

    The mountain howitzer was very successful as a lightweight infantry support artillery. The division's mountain howitzer and the army's mountain howitzer also joined the support ranks not long after the artillery fire. Although the mountain howitzer was used as a direct-aiming artillery shell, it was  The chance of getting into a trench is very small, but it's still no problem to hit the firepower point.

    The requirement for a firepower point is to have a wide field of vision and a clean shooting range, so the high ground of the position must be arranged as a firepower point.  The little devils did not prepare any fortifications. They just packed earth and rocks in sacks and set up machine gun fire points on the high ground.  Now they are being cleared one by one by artillery.

    The Japanese commander Izhi Xiangxi found to his dismay that the number of grenade launchers hitting him in this unequal confrontation was getting smaller and smaller.  It seems that the artillery on the opposite side is firing more and more.  Captain Yi Zhi cursed Xiangxi: "Damn Liu Heiqi."

    "If Liu Hei's Seventh Division hadn't been defeated so happily, support from the Japanese Army would have arrived.  The troops from both sides were strangled in close combat, and the artillery was rendered mute.  Of course, this is Izhixiang Xiangxi's idea. If the Japanese can support Liu Hei's seven troops as soon as the artillery fire is extended, they can still seize the second defense.

    Now we can¡¯t even retreat.  At eight o'clock in the morning, the entire Zhongtian Great Wall began to counterattack. If you want to retreat, you will have to wait until night.?Even if it is early spring, there are still eight hours to hold the position.

    When Shandi Liu began to count the firepower points on the high ground, Yi Zhixiangxi felt a chill in his heart. In addition to most of the regiment's Type 92 heavy machine guns on the high ground, six Type 92 infantry guns, which were regarded as special weapons, were also deployed.  On the high ground, Yi Nao listened to the sound and counted the number of mountain pomegranates for several days to the west. There were at least more than twenty gates.  Izhi Xiangxi knew that his cannon brigade was finished.

    Yi Zhixiang used the radio to ask for reinforcements, or tactical guidance. The news he received was that there were no reinforcements and all defense lines were requesting tactical guidance. However, Chengde did not have so much tactical guidance power, and the tactical guidance power was still halfway there.

    The forty-two planes directed by Jaap Luhang encountered the 50 planes from Peiping that were preparing to go to Chengde for a fight. The two sides fought each other. Because of the poor performance of the planes, the Japs suffered a big loss in the air.  .  (The P26 fighter jet is a monoplane with a semi-aluminum alloy structure, and the little devils are still using biplanes with a wooden structure. I have already said that those who fall behind will be beaten.)

    Jin Batian is speechless in the artillery battle. This matter needs to be solved by professionals.  I opened the system and looked at my experience. It turned out that I had already reached the fifty-second military rank and had reached the rank of major. I didn't even know it.

    This time the battle has been upgraded by three levels. The demolition engineers were also very powerful some time ago, especially the time in Xingcheng. However, it is foreseeable that it is becoming more and more difficult to upgrade.  The new unit opened at the Major level is the limited edition Night Killer (female).

    Jin Batian's heart sank when he saw this. It's a limited edition again. I wasted a skill point on the limited edition female field doctor last time. Now it's still in 0/1 status. Could it be that it's difficult to seek medical treatment?  Isn¡¯t this limited edition Night Killer Sister also a scam?

    Ignoring him for now, after the military rank is upgraded, assault infantry and snipers can reach level 8.  With two clicks, the assault infantry changed from 54/64 to 128/128 employment status, and the sniper changed from 53/64 to 128/128 employment status.

    As for the demolition engineers, Jin Batian thinks that the sixty-odd people at level seven are still enough for now. However, who thinks there are too few soldiers? The sniper skill is replaced by an automatic weapon to be used as an assaulter.  Demolition engineers can also use automatic rifles as soldiers. Of course, the premise is that there are gold coins.  After raising the demolition engineer to level eight, the employment status becomes 128/128.

    Thinking of experience and gold coins, Jin Batian asked: "How many prisoners have we captured?"

    Feng Zhi'an didn't count: "There are not even a thousand, but there are eight hundred. But according to Lao Song's wishes, being a traitor is still a clean death. Now let's put it in the back. What's wrong?"

    "How about leaving it to my people to kill?"

    "That's not good, I need to ask the military commander for instructions."

    "What about one hundred thousand oceans?"

    "What do you mean? Bribery me?"

    "Three hundred thousand. Otherwise, I'll buy it from the army commander." Jin Batian knew that these people were extremely poor a few days ago.  Hundreds of thousands of oceans is a huge sum, and the young marshal only received half a million votes when he recruited the 29th Army.

    "What I mean is that this is what I'm going to do. Three hundred thousand is three hundred thousand." After Feng Zhi'an finished speaking, he took out a pen and paper and wrote a note.  The prisoners will be handed over to the military's ** company for processing.

    There is really nothing that money can¡¯t solve, right?

    The next attack on the Japanese positions was carried out by the 38th Division. At the beginning of the Great Wall War of Resistance, the 38th Division was mostly used as a reserve force.  There are people down here singing "The Thirty-seventh Division fights, the Thirty-eighth Division watches", but they don't know that there is an army that does not leave a reserve force.  Although the Thirty-Eighth Division also fought several battles later, they always failed to win.

    This time the army assigned the task of attacking the puppet positions to the 37th Division, and the task of attacking the Japanese positions to the 38th Division. This time Liu Ruming's temporary second division served as the reserve force.

    As for Jin Batian¡¯s ** Company, according to Feng Zhian, this is naturally the ** Company of our 37th Division.  However, according to the military department, it is the ** company directly under the military headquarters. Of course, Jin Batian thinks this is his ** company.  But now it was called the *** camp. Jin Batian waved, and more than a hundred people followed Jin Batian to withdraw from the position.  By the time they reached the rear where the prisoners were being guarded, the team had grown to more than three hundred people.

    The people at the back still took good care of these prisoners. On a cold morning, each prisoner had his hands and feet tied with wires and knelt on the ground facing the direction of Beiping City. Whether it was the cold or fear, they all knelt there panting and sweating.  Shivering.

    Jin Batian showed the note to the platoon leader who was guarding the prisoners. The platoon leader said, "I'll leave it to you to execute. There are a total of 1,227 prisoners. We will come back later to count their heads."

    After the guard platoon guarding the prisoners left, Jin Batian took out a box cannon and said: "Everyone, take a good look. In front of you is the city of Beiping you are going to attack. When you go back, tell your master that you will come back in the next life."  ah."

    After saying that, there was a ¡®pop¡¯ sound, and Jin Batian pulled the trigger.  FirstThe prisoner's head was half blown off and he fell to the ground.  Jin Batian put away his pistol and said: "There are four newcomers and two old people. Solve it yourself."

    The soldiers of the ** battalion each took out their pistols and fired at them randomly to take out their share.  More than 1,200 prisoners fell, and more than 1,000 fell in a short time.

    Jin Batian was thinking about whether he still had 15 skill points left and only used 12 skill points to build a whole set of factories. Can he still be extravagant? It would be nothing to waste one or two points.

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