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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 40 It¡¯s over before it begins

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    In the end, after a war of words, the more sober ruling faction slightly gained the upper hand.

    Ishihara Wanji added: "Your Majesty, the cabinet has agreed to conduct armistice negotiations first. Then secretly transport troops to the Great Wall Line and Shanghai to prepare for emergencies. If the situation is urgent, you can consider using 'No. 1'."

    "Number one?" Hirohito couldn't help but think of the handsome big brother from a foreign country whom he met under the cherry blossoms. The two met, fell in love, fell in love with each other, depended on each other, attacked each other, accepted each other, and protected each other.  In the end, due to the pressure of identity and worldly affairs, the two separated and went their separate ways. Many years later, Hirohito became the emperor, and the eldest brother, who was developed by the special high school as the "No. 1" spy, also became a highly respected minister.

    Recalling the two people¡¯s vows that they would not live in the same quilt and would die in the same hole, Hirohito nodded: ¡°Okay, I¡¯ll do as you say.¡±

    After Hirohito nodded, the cabinet immediately started to contact the ambassadors of the two countries.  The latest press releases were also sent to the two major newspapers, the Yomiuri Shimbun and the Asahi Shimbun.

    In order to ensure the smooth progress of the peace talks, the title of the news, which was released a few hours late, was changed to "Two brothers living in a strip of water, how could we forget this friendship". The content changed from the previous time when the emperor's military fortunes were long and his life was boundless. We started by talking about the history of the envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty and the journey to the East to prove the truth.  , being crowned king, etc., even the relief materials received from the Great Kanto Earthquake ten years ago were mentioned. It is even more clich¨¦ to say that they are of the same culture, the same species, and living in the same neighborhood.

    ? Then he changed his tone and said that the current environment of the two countries is very difficult. The Westerners are waiting for the opportunity. Only by uniting can we improve the status of the yellow people in the world.  If there is internal strife between the brothers at this time, the defense power of the yellow race will be lost.  Instead of doing this, it is better to establish an alliance, with the Zhongtian family as the eldest brother, Heguo as the second brother, and the Puppet Manchukuo as the third brother. Wouldn't it be beautiful to learn from Liu Guan and Zhang Taoyuan's sworn friendship and leave a name for the ages.

    An article was full of flowers, and Zhongtian¡¯s staff in Tokyo spent a lot of money on telegraph fees to transfer the full text to Nanjing. However, after taking one look at it, Principal Jiang only gave a three-word comment: "Niang Xipi."

    After the national scolding, Principal Jiang called the attendant's office: "Inform Zhang Wenbai that the bombardment of the Japanese Concession in Shanghai will begin at 12 noon. Inform Ziwen that the bombardment of the Japanese Concession in Tianjin will begin at 12 noon, and all units along the Great Wall will launch a full counterattack.  Notify the Hangzhou Security Brigade that all the Japs will be arrested when the concession is taken back to me at 12 noon. Notify Liu Xiang to arrest all the Japs from Chongqing, and Hankou will do the same. Tell Luo Wenqian that peace talks can only begin after He Yingqin returns.  "

    As expected, as the principal expected, not long after, the ambassadors of the Bald Eagle family and the John Bull family came to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Luo Wenqian with a dwarf, talking about peace and benevolence.

    Luo Wen said to himself, "Why can't I see you when I'm not in trouble? I went and you still avoided me."  Facing these two ambassadors from major powers, Luo Wenqian said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "The government has given full authority over the peace talks to Minister He Yingqinhe. The two of us should wait until Minister He Yingqinhe arrives in Nanjing to discuss this matter."

    The ambassador of the John family asked: "Then where is your Minister He? Hurry up and get him over."

    ¡°It¡¯s not that we didn¡¯t want him to come over. According to the news ten days ago, he was illegally detained by the Jiaobenji family when he went to the Japanese Concession in Tianjin to conduct peace negotiations with the Jiaobenji diplomats.¡±

    The ambassador of the Bald Eagle family cursed "Fake" and said to the ambassador of the John Bull family: "The chicken didn't tell us about this."

    Even if the John Bull ambassador is naive, he still knows the consequences of detaining diplomats. The diplomats represent the country. It is not unusual for this to cause a war. This can already be regarded as a declaration of war. The John Bull ambassador also scolded  Said: "Damn little dwarf, despicable He clan."

    The two ambassadors discussed it and decided that it would be better to notify the Jiaobaji family and ask them to release him. Anyway, it was not that the two countries did not help, but that the Jiabaji family did not do it properly.  More importantly, the order has already been received, right? Even if Tiaobaji breaks the contract, it will have to bear sky-high liquidated damages and the wrath of the two superpowers.

    The diplomats who accompanied him looked innocent and expressed that they had no knowledge. The people in Tianjin must have made their own decisions. In order to express his apology, the master almost committed hara-kiri.

    A harshly worded telegram was sent to the Tianjin Concession of Jiaobajijia.  Kenji Doihara and Neji Okamura panicked and put He Yingqin, Huang Qi and others who had been under house arrest for more than ten days into a car and took them to the public concession. From the public concession they were transferred to Tianjin Airport and loaded into the waiting white-headed vehicles.  Eagle transport plane.  Along the way, Kenji Doihara and Neji Okamura apologized and filled out checks, finally calming the anger of a group of people.

    On the way back from the airport, Okamura Neji and Doihara Kenji, the two of them were thinking about whether it was seppuku this time or whether it was seppuku. When the Japanese Concession in Tianjin fell into a sea of ??fire, the one who performed the bombardment mission was Ku Da Qiu Shen.  ofThe 51st Army of the Northeastern Army was under Xuezhong's department. The 51st Army was stationed outside Tianjin to prevent the Japanese from landing in Tianjin and heading towards Huanglong.

    He was naturally overjoyed when he heard the order from the Peking Military and Political Department. He concentrated all the artillery and artillery shells in the army and bombarded the Japanese concession with all his strength.  Minister Song has already agreed. One cannon shell will be fired to make up for two rounds, and one cannon barrel will be broken to make a new cannon.  What else is there to say? Let¡¯s just fight.  At this time, when we were cooking at noon, this shelling did not kill many people, but it knocked over many stoves. The raging fire quickly ignited the wooden house of the little devil's family, and then the flames and poisonous smoke began.  Devour life.

    If there is a fire on weekdays, firefighters or neighbors can get some water, sand, etc. to put it out. But now there is shelling outside, and the army, firefighters, and reservists are all out to prepare.  Meet the enemy.  The remaining old, weak, sick and disabled people were unable to put out the fire and began to flee to the public concession.

    Doihara Kenji caught a fleeing woman and shouted loudly: "What on earth is going on?"

    The woman holding the child cried: "I don't know, first a shell fell and the ground shook, and then someone shouted that a fight started. Many houses were on fire, so we fled this way."

    Doihara Kenji fell to the ground without lifting a breath, and said: "It's over, the peace talks are over."

    Shanghai suffered even more violent bombardment. After all, there were eight 400mm naval guns joining the bombardment here. At twelve o'clock at noon, the eight main guns fired a salvo at the Hongkou Naval Club in seconds.

    The little devil built the Navy Club to be fairly solid, but this level of solidity was torn to pieces as easily as a piece of tissue paper when faced with the bombardment of a battleship's main gun.  The Naval Club and its vicinity were no longer valuable targets for bombardment after the main battery attack.

    Rear Admiral Seisaburo Mitsui, Chief of Staff of the Third Fleet, who was waiting for news of the peace talks in the Hongkou Naval Club, was shelled and turned into ashes. Along with him, the entire staff and more than 800 Marines stationed in and around the club were also raised.  people.

    Two 10,000-ton heavy cruisers also began to use 204 mm naval guns to clear valuable military targets in Hongkou.

    When the news came, Wang Zhaoming, the executive director of the Nanjing government, was extremely anxious. No one could bear the sudden appearance when he was talking about the importance of peace.  Wang Zhaoming jumped up and down anxiously, cursing the principal at all costs, ruining the country and destroying peace, causing devastation and unrest for the country. However, after most of the Chinese people first declared war on the Zhongtian family and bombarded the concession, an inexplicable sense of belonging to a great country arose in his heart.  Except for a few hardcore traitors, everyone went to inquire about the Japanese casualties.

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