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Volume 1: The Arms Dealer¡¯s Feast Chapter 24: Shameless Remarks

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    PS: It is said that the better the score, the better the recommended position.  thank you

    After Duncan ran away five or six times, the two sides chatted with notes before they finally stopped.  Finally, Jin Batian wrote: Tomorrow morning at the same place, the goods will be paid upon delivery.

    Minister Song is also very satisfied. This order of more than two million can arm an infantry division for the Central Army, or a heavy equipment division with complete light and heavy firepower, including tanks, light and heavy howitzers, and anti-aircraft firepower. For this price, it is really nothing.  With the arrival of this batch of planes, the Peiping Military and Administrative Department can form an air fleet of twenty fighter jets to fight against the Japs' planes.  Minister Song has no pilots under his command, but the people at Northeast Aviation School have pilots but no planes.

    Of course, this is a blatant attempt to poach the Northeast Army.  But from Minister Song's point of view, the Northeastern Army lost the three northeastern provinces first and then Rehe Province. Whether the Northeastern Army's designation can be maintained is still a problem. Compared with this, poaching a few pilots without aircraft is really not a problem.  .  Didn't you see that Tang Yulin surrendered his military power in order to survive? The Northeast Army, which has lost the four northeastern provinces, is now just rootless duckweed, and it is only a matter of time before it is reorganized by the central government.

    The current Northeastern Army is the first-class running force in the eyes of the people. It is said that officials can run faster than soldiers, and soldiers can run faster than ordinary people.  According to Minister Song's consistent understanding of his brother-in-law, such a unit will not reap any good results even if it is reorganized.

    The Zhongtian Army on the Great Wall Defense Line severely damaged the Kwantung Army in Jiaobenji three times at Lengkou, Xifengkou, and Gubeikou. The Kwantung Army was defeated in three battles. In a few days, more than 10,000 people were killed, missing, seriously injured, and disabled.  The 50,000-strong Kwantung Army captured Rehe Province with very few casualties. The little Japanese who wanted to expand the results in one go was injured in the Great Wall and finally calmed down a little.

    At this time, the entire Kwantung Army only had five or six divisions with 100,000 troops and 40,000 to 50,000 unusable puppet troops. This time it was really hurt. After dragging out a few scapegoats, the Kwantung Army began to ask for help from the base camp.  Of course, the Jiaopanji family's request for help is different from that of other countries. The scientific name is called asking for tactical guidance or combat guidance.  Ishihara Wanji, who was far away in Tokyo, read the Kwantung Army's battle report and laughed at himself: "You can't draw a tiger to turn against a cat."

    Because there were reporters from various countries taking photos at the battlefield, the Takumi family could not keep their lids on. Its Foreign Ministry spokesman Okamura Neiji was forced to admit in Tianjin that the Kwantung Army troops were attacked by Zhongtian during the marching exercises to support Manchukuo's "peace operation".  The domestic troops suffered heavy casualties in the unprovoked attack.

    "The Zhongtian family held a press conference at the right time to list the atrocities committed by the Japs in Rehe, many of which were supported by photos recovered from the bodies of the Japs.  The little devil can't rely on him even if he wants to.

    When reporters from all over the world asked the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan how to deal with the atrocities committed by the Japanese army against civilians, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Okamura Neiji said confidently: "We have taken severe measures to deal with this matter.  After rectification, officers and soldiers will be prohibited from carrying cameras and other non-combat materials in the future."

    Hearing this, the media from various countries were in an uproar.  However, the Football League withdrew from the League of Nations last year, and the League of Nations has lost any binding force on it.  For countries where the war is thousands of miles away, this is just news and entertainment after dinner, and that¡¯s it.  Otherwise, Okamura Neiji would not dare to say this in front of the media. It was because he saw through the weak nature of the major countries in the League of Nations that Japan dared to withdraw from the League of Nations and launch a step-by-step invasion of China.

    Okamura Neiji knows that the strength of countries such as Bald Eagle, John Bull, Gallic Chicken, Big Bear, etc. is stronger than that of Foot Pot Chicken, but this is the overall strength. In Asia, the combined strength of their several countries is not as good as that of Foot Pot Chicken.  Well, who would go all the way to mobilize the whole country to fight to the death with a chicken for love and justice? I'm afraid not.  Even the Hanscat family, an ally of the Zhongtian family, had an irreconcilable attitude. Anyway, the two sides were fighting without declaring war, so Hanscat was happy to be in peace.

    Putting aside boring love and justice, the bald eagle and John Bull that Okamura Neji despises in his heart are not selling strategic materials to the warring countries under the banner of peace. As Nakatendo, Okamura Neiji feels that this situation is different from what is written in the book.  It is written that "Every bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit." It is simply too consistent.

    However, when the news came back to Japan, the whole country was shocked. In their opinion, how could His Majesty the Emperor's army be defeated by our invincible army?  This is impossible. Our Emperor's army is an army that defeated the white people (the big bear with a gun). How could it be defeated at the hands of a decadent and backward country?  For a time, soldiers in the hometown petitioned to enlist in the army - the reason is simple, because being a soldier can give them enough to eat.

    At this time, most of the land and factories of the Takpoji family were owned by private chaebols, and the meager wages earned by the workers' hard work all day long were difficult to support their families. To deal with the hunger of the people, the Takpoji family practiced spiritual therapy, and whenever there was domestic turmoil, they went out to fight to obtain benefits.  Victory after victory paralyzes the people by making them feel that better days are not far away.  At the same time, a large number of foreignA nutritional food expert who came back from school claimed that 70% fullness is the right amount, and that eating glutinous rice is good for physical and mental health.  Of course, as turtles who have returned from studying abroad, these nutrition experts are all about meat.

    Since September 18, the base camp of the Takumiji Family has been on the side that is being pushed, which is to recognize the fait accompli. A victory will naturally mean that His Majesty the Emperor¡¯s military fortunes will be long-lived and his longevity will be boundless. The Emperor¡¯s army should be invincible. If he is defeated, of course he will be invincible.  I want the base camp to come out and wipe my butt.

    Regarding this operation of the Kwantung Army, the base camp reported to the Emperor: "Most of the strategic intentions have been achieved."

    Although Emperor Hirohito was mostly a decoration, he also choked the Minister of War: "It turns out that more than 10,000 imperial troops were killed, missing, and disabled in battle, which was also one of our planned strategic intentions."

    The cross-border general Hayashi J¨±juro was choked and continued to say shamelessly: "This is because the Nakaten family troops carried out an unreasonable and despicable sneak attack on our Imperial Army. (Here, Hayashi J¨±juro is extremely grateful to Okamura Nei.  The shameless remarks), you must know that the people of Beiping City have long been waiting with menstrual flags and flowers for the imperial army of my feet to enter the city. (In fact, secretly Kenji Doihara really prepared an army composed of local ruffians and scoundrels.  The hard-core farmers who lost their power and the people¡¯s army that welcomed the imperial army into the city were unfortunately useless)¡±

    "What are we going to do next at the base camp?" Hirohito knew that he had nothing to do in this matter. Besides, one-tenth of the spoils belonged to the royal family, and foreign wars were still beneficial to the royal family.

    This time we finally got to the point. Hayashi Jurojuro said: "We are preparing to deploy three to four divisions and more than 20,000 Mongolian and Manchu troops from the mainland and North Korea to strengthen the Kwantung Army's offensive under the Great Wall. Defeat it on the battlefield.  The main force of the Zhongtian family, and then use war to force and achieve all our strategic intentions."

    At this time, the Zhongtian Family is not ready for a full-scale war with the Zhongtian Family, because the Zhongtian Family is too big, and the Zhongtian Family's strategy is to eat away at the Zhongtian Family bit by bit through local wars.  Just like a pack of wolves encountering a herd of sheep, if you catch a lamb today and eat a sick sheep tomorrow, the wolves will become stronger and stronger through nourishment with blood and flesh, while the sheep will become weaker and weaker.

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