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Red Alert: The Republic of China Text Chapter 678 Finale

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    On the stage of war, which gathers the essence of all human materials and talents, the situation is like rapid water and endlessly changing.

    So far, there has never been a war like World War II that caused such huge havoc and disaster to mankind in terms of life and material.

    In this war, 61 countries were involved in the war. The war affected 80% of the world's population, a total of about 1.7 billion people. The battlefields spanned the three continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and the four oceans of the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, and Arctic Ocean.  There were as many as 110 million troops participating in the war, and direct military expenditures were US$1.352 billion, accounting for approximately 60 to 70% of the total national income of the warring countries at the time.

    In terms of life costs, more than 22.1 million troops died and more than 34.3 million civilians died. The total death toll was about 56 million, four times that of World War I.  Among them, China has experienced the longest war and has sacrificed the most people, about 30 million people; the Soviet Union was ravaged by Germany and sacrificed about 20 million people, accounting for about 12% of the country's population; Poland sacrificed about 6 million people  , accounting for about 22% of the population, about 600,000 people died in the war, and most of the others were Jews who died in concentration camps; Yugoslavia died in the war of 300,000 people and sacrificed 1.2 million civilians; France died in the war of 200,000 people and sacrificed 400,000 civilians  ; Greece suffered 20,000 war deaths and 140,000 civilian sacrifices; Britain experienced the horror of war on its own soil for the first time since modern times, with 326,000 battle deaths and 62,000 civilians killed by air strikes; the American continent was not damaged by war  , those who died were basically soldiers, and a total of 300,000 people died on the battlefields in Europe and Asia.

    Italy's death toll was approximately 310,000, half of whom were civilians; Germany's total death toll was 8 million, of which 4.4 million were soldiers killed in battle, 3/4 of whom died on the Eastern Front in Europe, and Germans who died in Allied air strikes  About 2 million people; 3 million people died in Japan, including 600,000 civilians.

    The material catastrophe suffered by the participating countries was also staggering.  According to incomplete statistics, the losses of various countries amount to more than 4 trillion US dollars.  In the Soviet Union, 1,710 towns were destroyed, 70,000 villages, 6 million houses, and 31,850 factories were destroyed.  Poland lost 1/3 of its national wealth, 80% of its industrial facilities were destroyed, 50% of its agricultural facilities and buildings were destroyed, and 620,000 acres of forest were destroyed.  In Yugoslavia, 20% of the houses were destroyed, 30% of the orchards were destroyed, and 50% of the livestock were lost.  All French ports were damaged, 23,000 miles of railways were destroyed, 1,900 railway bridges and tunnels were damaged, 4,000 road bridges were destroyed, and more than 1 million homes were destroyed, in addition to beaches, open spaces and fields across France.  Thirteen million landmines were laid.

    Wonderful narration: Isn¡¯t Hitler considered very powerful by people?  However, history has proven that he is a paper tiger.  The same is true for Mussolini, and the same is true for Japanese imperialism.  On the contrary, the power of the people who love sex is much stronger than people expected.

    The Second World War is over, but it left more problems than it solved.  Rebellion-ridden Asia is throwing off the shackles of Western rule.  The war has transformed from a global conflict into sporadic national liberation struggles.

    "Ironically, Japan's most desired war goal is gradually being realized.  Asia was finally starting to break free from white control.  Britain had lost Burma and was forced to relax its rule in India.  In the Dutch East Indies, Ahmed Sukarno and Mohamed Hatta, who had supported the Japanese in the conflict, were launching an irresistible reading movement.

    In China, the war resolved the struggle for supreme power between the Communist Party and the Western-controlled government.  The industry of the country came to a standstill due to the massive destruction of property and loss of capital.  Compared with the level of 1937, prices have increased more than 2,000 times; the international exchange value of China's currency fell by more than 70% in less than a month after Japan's surrender.  Inflation nearly wiped out the middle class and disillusioned the intellectuals.  Surrounded by such difficulties, the Communist Party can no longer meet the needs of the people. Unlike the Communist Party, they are unwilling to divide the land.  For better or worse¡ªand it can¡¯t get any worse for ordinary people¡ªChina¡¯s only hope is to **.

    In India**, land reform is also the cornerstone of the New Deal.  During the war, the Viet Minh under the leadership of the communist Ho Chi Minh received sympathy and support from the United Kingdom and the United States, fought against the French and the Japanese, and became the dominant nationalist movement in the country.  After peace came, the playboy emperor Bao Dai was deposed, and the Viet Minh issued the "Reading Declaration" copied from the United States, declaring the establishment of the Republic of Vietnam.  However, the United States, which had promised India independence during the war, has changed its policy.  On August 24, 1945, Truman informed General de Gaulle that he advocated returning India's independence to France.  In January 1946, in the first election of the Republic, the Viet Minh won a majority of seats in the new Congress. However, the French army in Vietnam, supported by American transport ships bringing French reinforcements, occupied Saigon.  Bao Da reset.  Puppet dynasties were also established in Cambodia and Laos, and these political axes were recognized by the United States.

    The U.S. support for French colonialism demonstrated that U.S. leaders intended to adopt Britain¡¯s outdated ¡°east of Suez¡± strategy.The policy is to give national self-determination to European countries, not to Asia.  American leaders believe that Asians do not understand what is best for themselves and for world security.  The United States still does not know that the blood and treasure it spent helped win two different wars: one against fascism in Europe and another against the aspirations of Asians.  But the course of world history in the next twenty, thirty, maybe forty years has been irrevocably determined by this.

    A few months after the war, a wrinkled old woodcutter stopped in front of the First Building, MacArthur¡¯s new headquarters.  He carried a large bundle of firewood on his back.  He first bowed deeply towards MacArthur's military flag, then turned around and bowed deeply towards the palace on the other side of the square.  The Americans who were watching were both amused and did not understand what it meant, as if he was a vivid embodiment of the incredible oriental contradiction.  However, the Japanese who saw him understood him.  He unreservedly acknowledges the temporary power of today's "generals" while honoring the eternal presence on the other side of the street.

    But in this time and space, everything is different.

    In the summer of the 17th year of ZTE, Eisenhower, who was promoted to the altar, walked onto the red carpet of Hanking Airport with the United States' surrender letter.

    In the eyes of the "new president" of the United States, the red carpet under his feet is as dazzling as blood. It is an indelible mark left by millions of Americans.

    Today, perhaps the day of true peace has arrived, but the civilians who died in battle and in vain yesterday are all vividly remembered.

    Led by Chinese diplomats, we arrived at the Zhongnan Foreign Guest Reception Office.  Here, Eisenhower saw many acquaintances, including Churchill, who had lost a lot of weight, and Stalin, who had half-white hair.  The high-spirited Mussolini and Hitler, as well as many European royal families who are almost forgotten.

    "A talk about the future world situation and the fate of countless countries begins immediately when all participating countries in the world come together.

    During the half-month meeting, Chen Shao undoubtedly dominated the entire meeting.

    The main points of the meeting:

    1: All countries recognize China¡¯s sovereignty over all existing occupied areas.

    2: With Moscow as the center line, extending 200 kilometers from east to west, from the outlet of the Arctic Ocean in the north to the central Caucasus in the south, this is the territory of the Soviet Union.  Attachment 1, the Soviet Union does not enjoy the right to form an army, and is strictly prohibited from developing, purchasing, and using active offensive and mass destruction weapons.  Attachment 2, the defense of the Soviet Union, is shared by the German Federation and the Chinese Empire.

    3: The German federal government properly arranged the original European royal family and enjoyed sovereignty from the Black Sea to the southern Caucasus.  Attachment 1: During non-war periods, Germany must ensure the smooth flow of Black Sea routes.

    4: Countries shall not interfere in the internal affairs of the signatory countries.

    5: China owns half of the shares of the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal and the right to garrison troops.

    6: Abolish all colonies before the signing of this contract, and all countries must unconditionally support the original inhabitants of the current colonies to form their own organizations.

    7: After China bans nuclear weapons, all countries are strictly prohibited from developing and producing nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons projects already under development must be stopped, uranium enrichment plants and other supporting nuclear physics laboratories must be blown up, and all data must be destroyed.  Annex 1: Uranium enrichment for nuclear energy used for peaceful purposes must not exceed 20%.

    8: With the consent of all signatory countries, form a world United Nations.  United Nations Permanent Station, Shanghai.


    During the half-month talks, each country signed a total of no less than 100 agreements.

    The things Chen Shao wanted to obtain were obtained one by one within this half month.  In fact, when Eisenhower signed the surrender document, China's interests were already maximized.

    During the talks, no one raised the issue of sovereignty over the Chinese-occupied areas.  When Chen Shao told the first content of the meeting, basically everything was passed.

    The approach to the Soviet Union was the result of discussions between Chen Shao and Hitler.  Today's Soviet Union is a thing of the past, but Germany and China need a buffer zone, which requires the existence of the Soviet Union.  A country without its own army, a country without the right to develop and produce weapons, can never be better than this.

    Stalin didn¡¯t care at this time, at least Yugoslavia was not destroyed.

    The Black Sea is beyond the reach of China. It is like Germany¡¯s back garden. The third point is actually to give Germany a better excuse.

    Chen Shao didn¡¯t say anything about the Mediterranean issue, nor did Hitler or Mussolini. The world always needs some places where people can compete, otherwise it will be too dangerous.

    Chen Shao insisted on obtaining half of the shares of the two canals, mainly to increase his presence in that place, and to have a certain amount of garrison power to ensure his own interests.

    As forIn building the United Nations, Chen Shao also followed the trend.

    Regarding nuclear weapons, Chen Shao did not really think that this contract could stop everyone, but the main purpose was to stop some ambitious small countries.  After all, nuclear weapons are more of a deterrent. In the hands of big countries, they are definitely much safer than those of small countries.

    After half a month of talks, Chen Shao invited everyone to observe China's first prime minister election and formally determine the path of China's future constitutional monarchy.

    PS: Actually, Hua Li still has a lot to explain, and this chapter has also been rewritten and rewritten.  Finally, I end the book with this ending.

    Many people say that the imperial system is a major failure of this book. It is also from the beginning of the imperial system that the performance of this book has dropped a lot.  In fact, the constitutional monarchy has always been Hua Hua's favorite system.

    "The United States is not independent. In Huali's eyes, the only country that is truly independent is Australia.

    The release date of the new book will be included in the final remarks.  (To be continued.
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