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Zhu Chongba at the end of Ming Dynasty Volume 1 May 17, Zhang Ling's attack

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    Ma Xianglin couldn't help but ask: "This kind of archery skillsyou are from the army, and you are also a general among the officers and soldiers? Why are you masked? Who is it?"

    Of course Cao Wenzhao would not tell him. Although the two had met at the Battle of Hunhe and admired each other, they could not be said to be close friends. Cao Wenzhao could not risk exposing his identity and killing the entire Cao family.  Come and show your face.

    What's more, at the swearing-in ceremony of the Battle of Hunhe, three high-spirited and like-minded generals sat together to drink and vowed to kill the Tartars. However, Qi Jin died in the battle, Ma Xianglin lost an eye, and Cao Wenzhao was killed because of a high-ranking official of the Han army.  The sons took the lead in retreating, and he was forced to retreat with the Han army and failed to play a role in the Battle of Hunhe River. He deeply regretted this matter. When Cao Wenzhao faced Ma Xianglin, he felt a sense of guilt in his heart, which made him shameless.  Inherit identity.

    He could only say calmly: "I am a dead person."

    Hearing his heavy tone, Ma Xianglin felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if they had met somewhere before, but no matter what Ma Xianglin thought, he would never think of a drinking buddy at the swearing-in ceremony of the Hunhe War in Liaodong 17 years ago.

    His face changed several times, but in the end he still found nothing. He had to put aside those old things and consider the current things. It was fine not to think about it. When he thought about it carefully, Ma Xianglin couldn't help but exclaimed in shock: "You shot those scouts and just let go  I sent a scout back to report the newsto plot against Zhang Ling?"

    Cao Wenzhao nodded: "Zhang Ling is an experienced veteran, but he does not have clairvoyance or ears. He also needs scouts to grasp the situation on the battlefield. When the intelligence provided by the scouts is wrong. Even if he is mature and prudent,  , will also capsize in the sewer. Therefore, we only need to hide it from his scouts and lead him into the urn"

    Zhang Ling moved three thousand Sichuan soldiers to a small hill that was easy to defend but difficult to attack. While moving, he closely watched the movements of the Yingshan Hongbu. Sixty-nine years old was not in vain. He would never underestimate his opponents easily.  .  With the military situation unclear, Zhang Ling did not worry about victory but defeat first.  It is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to attack.

    He strongly suspected that these two thousand thieves were just bait.  There may be a large army ambushing in the ravine behind these two thousand people. Maybe all the 8,000 bandits attacking Mianyang are here.

    But he was not sure about this, because according to the intelligence he had received previously, the rebels planned to attack Chengdu after capturing Mianyang.  It was hard for him to believe that the rebels had such high political wisdom.  Use a feint to attack Chengdu.  Forcing the civil servants in Chengdu to issue wrong orders.  To intercept him on the way If the thief could really pull off such a plan, it would be too scary.  Zhang Ling didn't think the rebels could think of such a plan, but he still waited carefully for the news from the scouts.

    After a long time.  A scout ran back excitedly and prostrated himself in front of Zhang Ling: "General, I have already investigated clearly. Far to the south of the mountain, there is an army of about a thousand people, slowly approaching the thieves.  , their clothes are very confusing, their weapons are not uniform, and their movement speed is very slow"

    "A chaotic army of thousands of people?" A staff officer accompanying the army was immediately overjoyed: "It's Zi Lu's rural warriors who are here, it must be."

    ????????? In fact, it didn¡¯t need to be said by this staff officer, the generals in the army all had the same expression on their faces.  Because they all know that Zhu Jun's soldiers always wear purple uniforms, and their weapons and equipment are very uniform, even more like officers and soldiers than officers and soldiers.  Then this chaotic army of thousands of people will definitely not be Zhu Jun's soldiers, the only possibility is Xiang Yong.

    The staff officer was overjoyed and said: "General, what are you waiting for? Since there are rural warriors coming behind the rebel army, it means there is no ambush behind the rebel army. These rural warriors are walking slowly, because they don't want to take the lead and want to wait for us to occupy  If we have the upper hand, they will come together to get some benefits We should take advantage of this moment to attack the rebel army fiercely, and the rural brave army on the other side will naturally come up to attack from both sides, and the rebel army can be defeated in one fell swoop."

    Several other young generals also shouted: "That's rightGeneral, let's go."

    Everyone was gearing up for a while, ready to make a move.

    Zhang Ling frowned and said to the scout, "Can you see clearly?"

    In fact, the scout may not have seen very clearly, but creatures like humans often cannot handle things calmly at such times, and this scout is no exception. He said: "I can see very clearly."

    Zhang Ling frowned and thought deeply.

    The scout added: "When I came back, my group stayed on the top of the cliff and continued to monitor the situation on the other side of the mountain. They haven't turned back yet, which means they haven't discovered anything new."

    Of course he didn¡¯t know that just a short while after he turned and left, the entire scout team was wiped out and died under Cao Wenzhao¡¯s throat-piercing arrow.  But what he said finally made Zhang Ling make up his mind.Zhang Ling knew that the scouts might report back some untrue news, but a team of scouts was still on the cliff for reconnaissance. Since they did not report any new news, it meant that things had not changed.

    Zhang Ling finally made up his mind. He waved his hand forward and said decisively: "The whole army attacks Yingshan Hongbu, eat her as quickly as possible, and rush back to Chengdu."

    Three thousand Sichuan soldiers left the hill and attacked the hill where Azalea is located. The slope of this hill is not very steep, about 20 to 30 degrees, and it is a little bit higher from the bottom of the mountain.  It was strenuous, but in front of the powerful Sichuan soldiers, this slope seemed like there was no slope at all.

    Looking at the Sichuan soldiers attacking the mountain, Yingshan Hongbu visibly flinched. Scattered arrows poured down from the top of the hill, but when they flew into the air, they were blocked by the messy trees on the hillside. There were only a few arrows.  The arrows could fall into the formation of the Sichuan soldiers, but these arrows were also caught by the Sichuan soldiers with their shields, causing almost no damage and not even being able to shake their morale at all.

    The Sichuan soldiers laughed, and some agile Sichuan soldiers climbed to the top of the tree. Looking from the top of the tree to the top of the hill, they saw that the Yingshan Red Army obviously wanted to retreat. Both wings of their army collapsed slightly, and some rebel troops  Disobeying the squad leader's orders, he was running away into the ravines on both sides.  A bandit captain held a servant's sword and chased and chopped down the deserters

    The Sichuan soldiers were becoming more and more confident. It was obvious that the rebel army showed its cowardice before they even opened up, since they were smaller in number than their own troops and were not good at mountain warfare.

    "We heard that Zhu Ba's army was much stronger than Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong, but we didn't expectit was also a silver-like wax gun tip, which looks good but is useless, hahahaha."

    Soon, the Sichuan soldiers at the forefront were already fighting with the Yingshan Hong tribe.  On a sloping hillside.  The Zhu army soldiers fought together with the Sichuan soldiers. Just like all the battles in the mountains of central Sichuan, the battle here could not form a formation. The battle had just begun.  The rugged front lines of the two armies' formations.  They are intertwined like canine teeth.  And they got into a mess You can only tell who they are by their military uniforms.

    The generals of the Sichuan Army were convinced. There were three thousand of them and only two thousand of the rebels.  Moreover, they were native Sichuan soldiers, and they were unparalleled in fighting in the mountains. They were not worried that they would not be able to defeat these two thousand bandits.

    Many generals led their own servants to advance suddenly, just wanting to win glory.

    However, Zhang Ling, the divine crossbow general who was standing behind the formation and guarding the formation, noticed something was wrong Why did these two thousand Zhu troops seem to be very good at mountain warfare?  That's not right When they settled on the sloping hill, their feet were not empty at all.  The rocks and weeds seemed to have no impact on their jumping and tumbling, and every soldier seemed confident.

    "Nothis is not a Shaanxi soldier!" Zhang Ling was slightly shocked.

    Zhang Ling was right. These were really not Shaanxi soldiers. The two thousand men were actually black-pole soldiers armed with ordinary weapons.  They did not carry the signature black-barred guns, but ordinary spears, broadswords, shields and other items. However, even if they used ordinary weapons, their combat effectiveness in mountain warfare was not inferior to that of the Sichuan soldiers.  It's just that it's a little difficult for two thousand people to fight against three thousand people, so their position is slowly shrinking, gathering at the top of the mountain to form a large, tight circle.

    Zhang Ling felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if there was some danger waiting for him ahead. He almost ordered a withdrawal, but he also knew that when the two armies were fighting together like canine teeth,  , if he orders a withdrawal, it will affect the entire army of soldiers. It may lead to a collapse of the soldiers, a complete collapse of the army, and a battle that was obviously winnable will become a defeat.  An army that can be completely withdrawn under such circumstances must undergo years of training, must have very strong discipline, and must have strong morale. Soldiers must fully communicate with their generals before they can cooperate well.  His three thousand Sichuan soldiers couldn't do it.

    While Zhang Ling was hesitating, there was a loud commotion from behind the rebel army. It seemed that someone behind the rebel army was fighting with them.  Zhang Ling perked up and thought of Qian Xiangyong whom the scout had just reported.

    It was obvious that the commotion behind the rebel army was caused by the Xiangyong Army rushing up. They attacked from behind the rebel army and formed a pincer attack with the existing army.

    Zhang Ling was overjoyed. Although the two thousand thieves in front of him were so powerful that he felt a little confused, these confusions were no longer a problem. As long as he could seize this opportunity and flank the Xiangyong Army, even if the two thousand  The people have mountain warfare capabilities that are comparable to those of the Sichuan soldiers, but they can only be destroyed.

    Zhang Ling stretched out his big hand to the side and said loudly: "Bring me my big bow!"

    The servant bowed and handed over a two-stone bow and a tube of wolf-hair iron arrows.  Zhang Ling held the bow in his hand and took his twoHundreds of soldiers also pressed onto the battlefield.

    In Chinese history, every distinctive military commander would often train a unique servant.  For example, the Qi Family Army created by Qi Jiguang used a very unique mandarin duck formation.  Yue Fei's Beiwei Army is a famous cavalry.  Zhang Ling is also a very distinctive military commander. As a famous general in central Sichuan, he is not good at riding a horse or commanding an army formation, but he has extremely beautiful bow skills. His servants also inherited the general's preferences and all use bows.  A good hand with the bow.

    The two hundred people pressed towards the battlefield, but no one paid attention to them at first, because the woods here were dense and the power of bows and arrows could not be exerted at all.

    However, these crisscrossing trees seemed to have no effect on Zhang Ling. He opened his bow at will and aimed at a Zhu Army squad leader who was fighting hard with the Sichuan soldiers. This squad leader was very brave and led his hundred men.  The team moved up and down the battlefield and had already killed several Sichuan soldiers.

    As if he felt someone was peering at him, the team leader raised his head.  He casually glanced at Zhang Ling's position. He didn't take Zhang Ling into his heart, because Zhang Ling and his servants were still very far away from him, just one arrow away. Ordinary bows and arrows couldn't shoot that far.  , not to mention that there are many trees between the two of them, and there are even soldiers from the two armies fighting If the arrow can be shot like this, it will really be a ghost.

    It¡¯s a pityhe really saw a ghost!

    Zhang Ling loosened his right hand, the bow string vibrated, and a powerful arrow shot out from the string.

    This powerful arrow seems to have eyes.  Passed by the trunk of a big tree.  Then he passed through the top of a big tree, drilled out another leaf, and even brought that leaf to the arrow, crossing the long space.  He even swished through the middle of two fighting soldiers.  The two soldiers didn't even react.

    This arrow passed through the complicated woods like this.  After passing through the battlefield where the two armies were fighting, there was a sudden sound, and he was shot on the shoulder of Captain Zhu Jun a stream of blood spurted out.  The squad leader was horrified.  This arrow has flown so far, but it still has such power?  When an ordinary arrow hits the body, it is nothing more than a bloody hole. You can fight again after pulling out the arrow.  But this arrow carried huge power, and the impact alone made the captain feel sore and numb, and he fell to the ground.

    It turns out that the powerful arrow shot by the two-stone bow carries a force of more than two hundred kilograms. How can a mortal body bear it?  The squad leader rolled twice, and the officers and soldiers next to him chopped him down with swords. Thanks to his soldiers' desperate efforts to save him, they dragged him to a safe place.

    The team leader was very worried and shouted quickly: "Leave me alone, go to someone quickly and remind the leader Yingshan Hong to be careful of this guy's cold arrows"

    At this time, not only Zhang Ling was shooting arrows, but the two hundred servants under his command also drew their big bows. These two hundred servants were all sharp archers, although they were not as perverted as Zhang Ling, who could draw two stones.  A big bow, but it can also draw a stone bow.  At this time, ordinary archers in the Ming Army, Zhu Army, and even the Qing Army could usually only draw seven bows, and only a few could draw a one-stone bow. Unexpectedly, these two hundred people could all draw a one-stone bow. Seriously  A little bit changed.

    When Zhang Ling chose these two hundred people to be his personal soldiers, they were specially selected from the army to be good at archery. After joining his servants, they practiced archery day and night. Once these two hundred people went to the battlefield, they were like a  The big hedgehogs that could fly out at any time with spikes pressed forward, and arrows kept flying out from among them. Every arrow was so accurate. Many Zhu Jun soldiers were hit by arrows. Fortunately, the bows and arrows of this era were not very powerful.  Well, although many people were shot, they were only injured and their lives were not affected. The biggest trouble was that the morale of the soldiers was severely damaged.

    Faced with an opponent who can injure you at just a stone's throw away, whether you are hiding behind a tree or hiding behind a rock, you will be hit by an arrow as long as you peek your head out. The key is, these archers will not come close yet.  , there were Sichuan soldiers in front of them entangled with Zhu Jun. Zhu Jun soldiers were often fighting to the death with a Sichuan soldier, and suddenly a cold arrow flew into their arms The Zhu Jun soldiers simply didn't know how to fight this battle, and they felt helpless.  Fortunately, these sharp archers only have two hundred. If there were two thousand, there would be no need to fight this battle.

    Seeing that the soldiers at the forefront of Zhu Jun were showing signs of collapse, Zhang Ling felt reassured. At this time, the noise behind Zhu Jun became louder and louder. It was obvious that the Xiang Yong who came from behind also took advantage of the situation.  , maybe the officers and soldiers and the Xiangyong will be able to penetrate Zhu Jun immediately, and the two armies will form a confluence.

    Zhang Ling breathed a sigh of relief. The rebel army in front of him always gave him a weird feeling. Now he was finally going to meet up with the Xiang Yong Army. Once the Xiang Yong Army came through from the other side, the morale of the officers and soldiers and the Xiang Yong Army would be greatly affected.  The situation will become even higher, and the bandit army will surely fall into a doomsday panic, and this battle will come to a perfect end.

    Zhang Ling drew his big bow and aimed at a chimpanzee-like creature.He only took one look at the woman and combined the woman with the information. He knew almost without thinking that this person was Ying Shanhong, the leader of Zhu Junzhong.  She was swinging the iron rod and beating a hundred Sichuan soldiers rolling on the ground.

    ¡°With such martial arts skills and such looks, I really can¡¯t find another woman in the world.

    "Shoot her down, and Zhu Jun's morale will collapse faster." Zhang Ling, the crossbow general, bent his bow and nocked an arrow, aiming at Azalea For such a powerful woman with a strange physique, he did not intend to shoot her shoulders, chest, or abdomen.  Because of the opponent's strong physique, it is useless to shoot arrows into these fleshy places. Moreover, the opponent is also a general. His shoulders, chest, abdomen, etc., must be covered with soft armor under his clothes. Even if the arrow is  It can penetrate soft armor, but don't expect to cause substantial damage. At most, it will scratch a little oily skin.

    So he aimed his arrow at Yingshanhong's throat. Only by shooting there could he be sure of killing her with one hit.

    But it is also very difficult to shoot the throat of this female orangutan. This woman is fighting with others, so she jumps up and down without stopping for a moment. She should be using the stick technique of Shaanxi Red Fist, leaping lightly  , ever-changing, even with Zhang Ling's ability, it is not that easy to guess her next move and shoot her throat with an arrow.

    In addition, there is only one chance. Once the hidden arrow misses, the opponent will definitely retreat behind the guard's shield and will not give him a second chance to shoot the hidden arrow. Zhang Ling did not dare to shoot this arrow rashly.

    At this time, there was a strange roar from the rear of the rebel army, and the Xiangyong Army finally broke through. At the head of the group, a big man like an iron tower, holding a hoe in his hand, appeared behind Azalea.  Zhang Ling was overjoyed: "Is there such a strong man among the local braves? Go and attack Yingshanhong. As long as she is restrained, my arrow will definitely hitGod help me!"
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