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Text Chapter 510 Surprising France and Spain

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    Brian and Hughes felt unfocused. However, on the other hand, what they had said just now had invisibly found common recognition for the two of them. At the same time, their thoughts also followed.  The conversation just now had to be far away. Some of them even thought about Spain. With the rise of the United States, the status of the United States will soon surpass Spain's body and become another Spanish existence in the world.  They even thought that they might be able to defeat Spain and become a world power as famous as Britain.

    However, these imaginations still failed to prevent them from falling into sleep.


    To be honest, Asquith doesn't really have a good impression of Spain. After all, during the years he was in power, his tenure as prime minister was the time when Spain's rapid rise to become a powerful country was most conspicuous, and this was inevitable.  , has given him the impression in front of the British people that his ability to govern the country is not as good as that of the two Spanish ones. With the rise of Spain step by step, Britain has now even fallen to the fourth place in terms of economy. What kind of person is this?  What a concept. In less than 30 years, it has turned from the world's largest economic country to the fourth largest economic country in the blink of an eye. This makes him, as a leader, feel very uncomfortable.  The majesty and glory of the British Empire overwhelmed him.

    In addition, Spain has repeatedly encountered various difficulties for Britain in diplomacy and other issues over the years. What impressed him most was that Spain actually teamed up with Germany and Japan to forcibly impose sovereignty on Dutch Indonesia.  The practice of taking colonies made him unable to hold his head high in front of his ally the Netherlands.

    ¡°Even for this reason, he had to personally send a telegram to comfort the Queen of the Netherlands.  These are all insults given to him by Spain.  As for the issues of Thailand, Laos and Cambodia, Spain's interference also made him dissatisfied. Although he understood that the current result would not be a disadvantage for Britain, however.  Spain's way of interfering with each other made him angry.

    The same is true on the Arabian Peninsula. The Assa region was originally planned to be included in the British sphere of influence after Bahrain, Qatar, and Kuwait. It had even prepared to park the British Empire's fleet in the excellent port of Dammam there, but  Also worried about the Ottoman Empire's counterattack.  So he was still a little hesitant, but the result he got made him a little crazy. Spain actually secretly negotiated an agreement with the Ottoman Empire, and then in exchange for Palau Island and the Assa region, it became the territory of Spain.  Know if this is okay.  It didn't matter that Britain could even exchange a few islands with the Ottoman Empire, but thinking about the Ottoman Empire's wariness against Britain gave him a headache.

    There was also the continuous siege of the German Empire with Tsarist Russia and France. It was also because Spain annoyed Tsarist Russia time and time again and divided itself and other countries. In the end, the German Empire was able to escape from the prison and even dragged Italy into it. This is  .  Everyone knows how high the composition of Spain is, and even now he regrets not stopping Queen Victoria from cooperating with Spain and replacing these two fertile lands with Spain.

    "Without these two remote pieces of land, Spain would not have the time and territory to recuperate, and Spain would not have achieved what it has achieved now."

    But obviously, he also understood that this was self-deception. Spain¡¯s Alfonso XIII had already become famous in Europe before he was ten years old. Audi cars had become popular in Spain and southern Europe, and he later took over Spain.  It makes Spain's development trajectory move forward at such a speed. Therefore, under the leadership of Alfonso XIII, Spain has such achievements.  The individualism here has already destined the success of this country.  It is a pity that Buckingham Palace has no real opponent. It seems that his apprentice should really be pushed forward quickly and carry out a greater power transfer. As for the royal family, let them continue.  Let¡¯s talk about it after we slowly create such a powerful character.

    Asquith didn¡¯t know that because of his thoughts, he would end up in prison in his later years. Unfortunately, even though he was so prosperous now, he never thought he would go to prison.

    However, unlike Asquith, who had no dealings with Spain in his heart, Gaston Dumelo was surprisingly surprised. He actually greeted Spanish Prime Minister Ch¨¢vez outside his courtyard. This made many people,  Especially the people who have been paying attention here, such as the United States, the United Kingdom and other delegations were very surprised, and at the same time they also felt the uneasiness spreading in their hearts.

    But what is surprising is that Stolypin, the Prime Minister of Tsarist Russia who was in charge of leading the team this time, paid a courtesy visit to Asquith on the first day and then chose to go into seclusion as if to practice as early as the 19th.He stayed in the small courtyard all afternoon and never appeared again.  Even for this reason, Katsura Taro, who originally thought that Stolypin would visit him, was quite disappointed.

    In fact, the two people brought not many people this time, they were only deputy ministers from various departments. This meeting was also conducted in a semi-public and semi-private manner. Therefore, where the two of them are now, there are only two people.  It's just a conference room for people.

    Gaston-Dumergue's hometown is in the south. The south of France is naturally closely related to the north of Spain. Therefore, his Spanish is still very fluent, and French and English are still the most popular in Africa.  One of the languages, many people even think that French is the language of the aristocracy in Europe, and the same is true for Spanish and Austrian languages. As for English and German (that is, Prussian), they are now just chosen to deal with this country.  Just items.  Therefore, in terms of willingness, languages ??such as French, Spanish, and Austrian are truly European languages.

    Therefore, translation for both of them can be dispensed with.

    "I remember we haven't seen each other for a long time. Before we came to Plymouth this time, our Majesty asked me to send the invitation to you, inviting you and the president of your country to visit Spain."

    "Thank you very much. Madrid and Barcelona are both places I like to visit very much. When I was young, the freedom and leisure life there were deeply buried in my childhood memories. I can't look back for a long time."

    Chavez said quietly to himself: Forget it!

    After the two chatted for a while, Chavez saw that the other party did not get into the topic. He knew that the other party wanted the initiative, and he obviously also knew that he had lost the right to fight for the initiative. He simply said generously: "For the current British initiative,  I don¡¯t know what the Prime Minister thinks about the Six Nations Conference.¡±

    PS: The third update is here.
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