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Text Chapter 508: Pressure increases suddenly

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    "The intention of the United States to unite with Britain and France is very obvious. To suppress us, the United States completely wants to have a big showdown with us in the Pacific. The most important thing is that they want to directly provoke us.  This can be seen from the purchase of the Philippines by the United States. The Philippines was sold from me. The reason why it was sold to the United Kingdom must be understood by everyone. I was afraid that Huaibi would be guilty, so I changed hands to the United Kingdom.  In exchange, we returned to Western Australia and New Zealand. Fortunately, we finally achieved successful development results. The development of the two places has now almost caught up with our economic development momentum. The United States is now wooing countries such as Britain and France and using their money to buy them off.  Although it is despicable, it is a very effective method that makes us a little passive. The ambition of the United States is also exposed because of this. They want to be on an equal footing with us."

    In Alfonso¡¯s conference room, Foreign Minister Trini said to Alfonso.

    Alfonso smiled slightly, and then asked: "They have a great idea. Why should we give them such an opportunity?"

    "Their financial attacks have hit the hearts of those in the British House of Lords, and even the members of the House of Commons. Because most of the upper echelons of the United States such as the White House are controlled by the British, so this blood link will make many  The British pointed out cooperation with the United States."

    "who is it?"

    Trini said: "Churchill, his grandfather is one of the richest men in the United States."

    Churchill, this guy is indeed one of the representatives of American interests in the UK, if you really want to describe it.  Well, this guy is the most pro-American being in the UK. His many years of wandering around the world have made his experience in the United States richer and more colorful. In short, this guy is one of the pro-American factions that the United States is cultivating in Europe.

    "What do Britain and France say now?"

    "The UK has already consulted members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, and most MPs have approved this plan. The reason is that with US$1.5 billion in funds, the UK's financial problems can be greatly solved. After all, in recent years, due to the military and military operations in South Africa,  Too much money was used in politics. In the end, they even owed the Morgan consortium hundreds of millions of dollars in war payments, which made them very uncomfortable. The high British finances could not operate, and some national officials did not have enough salaries. So. This  A fund of US$1.5 billion can indeed allow the UK to truly solve its financial pressure."

    "1.5 billion U.S. dollars!" Alfonso was a little confused when he talked about this figure. "This is Spain's fiscal revenue for about eight months. For the Philippines, the United States is willing to give it up. For many people, this is  , this amount of money is definitely a sky-high quotation, so it¡¯s strange that those guys in the UK are willing to give up such a piece of fat. Even I have to think twice before I believe it. After all, if I miss this village, there won¡¯t be this shop.  Therefore, the United Kingdom will agree, after all, this allows the United Kingdom to solve the immediate financial problem and shorten the status of economic powers such as Spain, Germany, and the United States."

    Trinima Shan nodded and said: "When it comes to the total economic volume, they are indeed far away from us, but they dare not compare with us. Even in terms of per capita income, the British are still far behind us. So,  It is impossible for them to be willing to be suppressed by me and have their glory of the empire on which the sun never sets be destroyed.  ,"

    Historically, as the United States gradually squeezed its economic space, the United Kingdom began to be wary of the United States. However, with the United States' desperate efforts in the Monroe Doctrine in South America and the Caribbean, the United Kingdom was forced to stop  The continued expansion of America has even led to the footsteps of other European countries.  Britain doesn't dare to move. If France goes in, it will be crossing the border and seems to be slapping Britain in the face. While it is afraid that Britain will be unhappy, it is also afraid that the United States will really go crazy and start a fight with France. After that, Britain and Germany will wait.  After picking up a bargain, and so on, the United States finally gained the reason to cultivate itself and expand its presence in South America.

    But the most important thing is the rise of Germany's navy, which completely dispelled the idea of ??Britain preparing to teach the United States a lesson in America, and then resorted to wooing methods. After that, let alone France, the giant Germany nearby,  It was difficult for France to sleep, so France used a lot of the United States' coaxing methods, but in the end it still didn't really enter the process.

    ¡°I just don¡¯t know, this time, will France be greatly affected by the stimulation from the United Kingdom, making them rush to the road, eager to nod immediately?

    Alfonso pondered for a moment, then stood up, looking at the Philippines on the simple map, and the protrusion of a continent on that empty ocean, which made Spain take a look, and especially pressed it seriously.  Western Australia in the far west, and then his fingers came to New Zealand in the south to the east. After a long time, he looked up and looked at a lot of little dots, each with a strange name?There are also the codes of countries such as Britain, France, and Spain in parentheses after each name. These islands represent islands belonging to various countries. Among them, Spain¡¯s Kermadec Islands, Cook Islands, and Northern Cook Islands are Spain¡¯s islands in the south.  Islands in the Pacific Ocean.

    To the east of the Cook Islands is the Tuamos Islands, an overseas territory of France. It is the center of the South Pacific, the central route for exchanges between Southeast Asia and Oceania and South America, and the central point from Oceania to the Caribbean and North America.  In terms of status, perhaps Fiji Island is far behind.

    To the east of the Northern Cook Islands are the Polynian Islands, which are also an overseas territory of France and one of the island groups that the United States wants to purchase. Although it is not as convenient for transportation as the Tuamos Islands, it is  This is the base closest to the U.S. Pacific Fleet, which is the military port of Pearl Harbor. If these islands fall into the hands of the United States, they will be able to prevent other countries from attacking the military port. The strategic location is absolutely very important. Even,  If this archipelago falls into the hands of the United States, the United States can use it as a springboard to go south to Oceania and participate in the affairs of Oceania. This will directly cause the balance of the three countries of Britain, France and Spain to become unbalanced.  This would greatly compromise Alfonso's plans.

    Therefore, the intervention of the United States has actually caused Alfonso, who has always been extremely calm, to instantly lose his confidence and start to worry. At the same time, they are also trying to find ways to prevent the transaction between the United States and France.

    Paul Dume, Paul Dume, will you let me down?  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

    PS: The first update, there are two more updates.
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