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Text Chapter 497: Thirty Years in Hedong, Thirty Years in Hexi

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    Although William II already knew something about Spain's intelligence agencies.  He was also familiar with some practical operations. For this reason, he even established the Prussian Intelligence Agency, the intelligence agency of the current German Empire.

    However, when he suddenly understood that there were so many intertwined institutions in Spain, his heart immediately fell from his previous arrogance and became a little cold-hearted.

    Spain actually collects intelligence. What is being mapped here is definitely not a trivial matter, but the opposite. It should be enough to attract the attention of the world. Otherwise, Spain will never do this and conduct it again and again.  The management must be strict.

    In fact, he didn¡¯t think about it. If you understand that a kind of management makes it easier for you to grasp what others are doing, who would like such an intelligence agency, especially when enemies are still flying everywhere.

    "Since the Berlin Conference in the summer of 1878, the Berlin Conference has laid the foundation for the situation in Europe and the world. Although everyone knows that here, Britain and Austria requested modifications to the previously signed agreement "The Treaty of San Stefano"  and the requirements to limit Tsarist Russia¡¯s ambitions.¡±

    But what everyone has to admit is that this meeting gave Berlin the official title of one of the most powerful countries on the European continent.  This grand memory was also the last time that all European powers came together to resolve their differences on an equal footing. Bismarck, the great prime minister of the German Empire, also became "Europe's true honest middleman" and became the middleman of Europe. It was Britain.  Add a balance beam between Austria and Tsarist Russia.  Our Prime Minister also became the chairman of the conference, this one.  It also marked the rise of the German Empire's prestige in Europe. This meeting also loosened the war strings in Europe."

    Little Maoqi looked at William II who was a little moved. From his words, he understood the pain of remembering His Majesty the King.  However, he also had to remind:

    "Your Majesty, we have no choice now. The current situation has forced us to fight for our future based on our strength for the last time."

    "That's right," Ludendorff nodded in agreement: "The Berlin Conference has exposed Europe in many aspects, the most unscrupulous aspects of the game of the European powers."

    Seeing that everyone else was attracted, Ludendorff continued: "There are no effective representatives from the Balkans attending this meeting. The major powers decided everything without thinking. Will Bosnia and Herzegovina be occupied by Austria? Bulgaria will be divided into two parts.  , the Aegean Sea was occupied by Greece. This was the British idea. Various countries also confirmed the independence of the Ottoman Empire of Serbia, and the independence of Montenegro and Romania. However, they rejected clear territorial boundaries between the three countries, which left many uncertainties.  This can be regarded as an excuse for various countries to continue to put pressure on the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans. We have to admit that the powerful countries at that time were such outstanding leaders"

    Ludendorff¡¯s ¡°history¡± is spoken one by one, so that everyone present can read it.  They couldn't help but want to start corresponding with their own thoughts.  They found that it seems that this time in history, many people may have different views, especially on some issues.  However, they are also thinking about their own thoughts. After all, these thoughts are prompted by their stance.

    "In the end, our countries gave up on establishing principles and began to establish bilateral agreements and alliances to determine the security situation of their own countries. This approach contributed to the final situation that is now developing, and it will also happen before the disaster takes shape. Countries are still  pursue their own national security interests first.

    The Army is still the political key to dominating the European continent. It is not difficult to find that as long as this remains unchanged at that time, Germany and Tsarist Russia will fully dominate the main role in the European continent. This is something that even the United Kingdom will find difficult to match.  Among the five major powers, three have such major military deficiencies. The United Kingdom has a major navy, but does not have an army with a conscription system. France's population fertility rate has dropped rapidly and catastrophically, leaving France with no time to take care of itself and seriously threatening the problem of military resources.  .  The Austro-Hungarian Empire relied heavily on Germany, both in terms of soldiers and psychology.

    Over the past thirty years, two major factions have gradually formed in Europe. The two major factions are opposed by diplomatic and military groups.

    Originally, Britain and France were alienated from each other at the beginning because of the competition for colonies in Africa and Asia. Secondly, Britain and Tsarist Russia repeatedly clashed with each other on the issues in the Middle East and Central Asia, which made the conflicts between these countries

    ??Continue to receive severe pressure from both countries, allowing the two countries to continue to compete.  And France and Tsarist Russia have become very hostile to each other because of the tsarist system and the French republic. However, success or failure is also his, because the German Empire is facing Tsarist Russia.At that time, after wanting to overwhelm Tsarist Russia, they could expand their development eastward to get rid of the blockade of Britain and France in the west and south. Therefore, Germany had to formally form an alliance with Austria. However, it never occurred to them that this was originally to fight against Tsarist Russia.  But it suddenly became the target of hostility from others, especially Britain, France, Italy and other countries. Britain and France began to get closer, which stimulated the alliance between Germany, Austria, Tsarist Russia, and became the "Three Emperors Alliance".

    In the end, these all stimulated Britain and France, so without Germany paying attention, Tsarist Russia defected to each other in their own interests, and Britain, France, and Russia fought against Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, Austria-Hungary later defected to Spain, but when we found another  After arriving in Italy as an ally, the Austro-Hungarian Empire came back. All these have allowed us to see one thing, that is, there are many differences in the attitude of the Austro-Hungarian Empire."

    "I understand," William II said pleasantly: "I understand what you are going to say, but now is the most important moment for Austria and us to maintain friendly relations, not a time to lose track. Therefore, we will still pay attention to these in the future.  For a moment, don't hurt your allies, that would be bad, after all, our allies are still very hard to find."

    To be honest, when William II thought about Austria, he couldn't help but cursed. In the past, he suddenly turned to Spain for a small profit, but now when he came back, he hadn't settled down yet, and he even took it with him  When the disabled body comes back, Deutschland needs to clean up the mess. If Deutschland didn't have enough leverage to fight against those countries, he would have published an announcement in the newspaper and scolded the other country, which made him feel very aggrieved now.  Make people laugh.

    'Your Majesty, I think, in fact, Austria's problem may not give us an opportunity. "Pilov has always been known as the leader of William II's think tank, and he is the most trusted by William II.  One of the few people. Although Tirpitz may be more recognized by him on some issues, he is also one of William II's confidants. It is precisely this way that, with his cooperation over the years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  He has always followed his words. It can be said that in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, his words are indeed true to his words. However, in other departments, it is difficult to say, such as the Army. This little Moltke family member has already  The place that has been in control for many years is still led by the Moltke family. In fact, this makes William II feel a little uneasy. After all, although Germany has developed rapidly in the navy in recent years, it still continues to occupy a position in the army.  He holds the title of No. 1 in the world. In this way, the German Army allows people to have continuous control of a family. Even though it is his confidant, it still makes him suspicious.

    However, just like Austria, these degrees are things that he has to put aside before his eyes. He must do this because dealing with the current situation in Europe is the most important thing.

    "How do you say, opportunity? What I see is one side is dark and the other side is bright, please explain to me?"

    Pilov's mind turned quickly, and then he said: "The situation in these years has made people feel that the situation in Europe seems to be fixed, just like that, Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Austria, Italy, this has made people feel that the same old tune has been repeated.  However, repeating such old tunes can indeed alleviate the nervousness of many people. In this case, the German Empire can actually follow this dead end, and then there will be another one. That is, why were Britain and Tsarist Russia able to conquer the Balkans in the past?  As well as disputes over colonies in Central Asia and other issues, the German Empire can choose to act as a middleman."

    "Of course it's because the German Empire is in Europe and France is the enemy of all powerful countries, so the German Empire has good relations with both countries."

    Deputy Prime Minister Georg Mies continued: "Their fight has allowed us to gain the advantage of being a fisherman and gain the status of a common friend of all countries. Even because of this, everyone's balance between the German Empire and France has shifted to Germany.  around."

    Tirpitz, Little Maoqi and others suddenly saw their eyes light up. They also discovered the situation of several people, and then motioned to Pilov Jiangxi to continue speaking.

    Pilov said without any politeness: After decades of development, the world today is no longer what we learned in history textbooks. Those old guys should have been eliminated and recycled. "

    This old guy's theory made many people present frown, but also felt that it made sense. These textbooks were formulated more than ten years ago, and the current German Empire had already begun to follow Spain's implementation of the Nine  Years of compulsory education have been implemented for 10 years. Therefore, the German Empire already had a more complete educational system than Spain. This time it also absorbed nine years of compulsory education. The German Empire even followed the footsteps of Spain and adopted the practice of junior college.  .

    PS: First update, please vote for support.  There are two more updates coming soon!
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