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Text Chapter 486 The King¡¯s Speech?  National situation consultation

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    "What's wrong, why is everyone silent? Could it be that this little change now has caused everyone a real setback?"

    In the Spanish Royal Palace, Alfonso said to his ministers calmly.  Things happened so fast during this period, so fast that he could not find any trace of history, which made him fall into panic during this period. You know, there is no historical correspondence, how can he deal with those things?  What a world power.  However, with the rise of Spain, this moment has finally come. It has come, and it will always come.

    Fortunately, last night, I had figured everything out. In the past, it was indeed because of historical reasons that everything went so smoothly. From the backward state of a country, step by step, it became the current world level.  As a superpower, Alfonso actually asked himself that more than 90% of this was based on history.

    Of course, some historical changes are the reason why these roads can be successful. However, the risks involved have finally begun to show up. For example, this time, although Spain is as close as possible to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it is as close as possible.  After all, in many aspects, Spain still chose to go beyond many allies to assist the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, such help was still unable to hold the opponent firmly, which made Alfonso finally reflect.

    Yes, this is not the 21st world. The 21st century is about peaceful games in a peaceful state. However, the world now uses force to determine victory or defeat. Therefore, Spain is now.  In this era when the world is raging with war, it actually chooses to close the war assistance of its allies. Although this is done because the allies take the initiative, this undoubtedly makes Spain become significantly worse in front of its allies around the world.  Uncertainty arises.

    Because, sometimes, there is just a thin line between active and passive. If someone deliberately pretends to be Thailand to attack Laos.  Then France can use this as a reason to attack Thailand.  Spain, its most important ally in Asia, will be under Spain's nose, which may really put Spain in an embarrassing situation.

    It is precisely this way that Spain can no longer continue to implement the previous policy.  therefore.  Now this time.  Spain will continue its next policy discussion, and this time, everyone knows it.  Spain, it¡¯s time to really get tough this time.

    Yes, Spain is really getting hard.

    On the same day, Spain not only announced that Prime Minister Ch¨¢vez would attend the Six Nations Conference in Plymouth, England, but the King of Spain, Alfonso XIII, who had not appeared for a long time and was almost forgotten by people, would  The annual meeting will be held on the morning of April 20, and this annual meeting will be held in the Plaza de Espa?a. Just like last year in the Spanish Congress, this time it will also be held as the annual State of the Union address.

    National conditions consultation!

    Spain is conducting its annual national consultation at this time, which is very surprising to many people, because at this time, Spain is definitely one of the focuses of the world's attention, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire is just like  Just like a wife who abandoned her husband, she abandoned Spain and fell into the arms of her old lover, the German Empire.

    For Spain, the whole of Spain is already in an uproar. Of course, the Austro-Hungarian Empire is also in a storm, and it is precisely because of this that what will happen to Spain in the UK this time?  Whether to take revenge on the Aoji Empire or not, these are all things that everyone is very interested in, and these are what attract the most attention in Spain.

    However, at this time, Spain actually experienced such a situation, and it was directly conducted by Alfonso XIII. You must know that the annual State of the Nation Consultation is conducted by the Prime Minister, while the five-year State of the Nation Consultation is conducted by the King.  Last year it was Eugene, and this time everyone thought it would be the same as before. It was the first time that the new Prime Minister Chavez took office. However, now he has become the king. Is there any major change in this?  , but since Prime Minister Chavez continues his trip to the UK, this has shown that Spanish politics is normal, but what is going on?

    Is it really because the Austro-Hungarian Empire has broken away from Spanish control this time and has reached an intolerable level?  Is Spain really going to attack the Austro-Hungarian Empire, or is it getting angry and starting a national liquidation?

    But if Spain does this, it will likely cause a huge turmoil internationally, especially the German Empire, a big country that is almost the same as Spain. Can it allow its younger brother to be bullied by other countries?

    The German Empire will obviously not be silent, but if it is not silent, how will Spain be accurate??What about a showdown with the German Empire?  Will this cause a war between the two countries?  However, how can two countries that are not bordering on each other fight against each other? What about the navy?

    These things make everyone think deeply and wait and see.

    April 20, 1913, Plaza de Espa?a.  Today, after a long time, Alfonso XIII will once again hold a consultation on the state of the country, and this time it will be for the citizens, not like last time, which was just a live broadcast and only for the top and bottom.  Members of both Houses.  press conference.

    Everyone was deeply attracted to the majestic figure slowly walking towards the center of the stage. Everyone was watching. That face, after many years of ups and downs, has finally become more mature and charming.  , this is the impression that all the women secretly have in their hearts, while the men feel that His Majesty, now wearing a mustache, is even more imposing.

    At the scene, in addition to the citizens of Madrid, Spain, who came from all directions, there were also many citizens from other places who deliberately came from far away, as well as envoys to Spain from all over the world, as well as reporters from major media.  It can be said that Spain has become the focus of most attention in the world today.  Whether it is private or official.

    "Hello everyone, compatriots, friends, hello!"

    "Hello, King!" The loud voice shook the entire Plaza de Espa?a, which shocked everyone around, especially those who came from states and provinces outside Madrid. They had never seen such a big scene and were knocked down all of a sudden.  , Le was speechless.

    ¡°The King of Spain is so handsome, he is simply the most handsome man I have ever seen,¡± said one of the British women who was traveling in Spain.  (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

    PS: The third update, and there are more updates, will be updated before 24:00 in the morning.
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