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Text Chapter 478 Encirclement and Annihilation of Japanese Pigs

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    Just like the current atmosphere of the entire Japanese people, the entire Japan is in excitement. Masaki Terauchi wants this kind of atmosphere. As a veteran who has been fighting for many years, he has already passed that impulse.  However, this is a truth that most veterans understand from the battlefield. However, this time he had to let his army continue to be excited.

    Because, he understood that the last time the veteran of the Japanese Army, Nogi Nogi Nogi, was knocked down from the altar of the Japanese Army by the Russian army, and finally turned into a suicide by seppuku, the entire Japanese army has evolved to be very cautious.  Attitudes, although everyone was under control at the top, still inevitably affected the mood of the people. Even during that period, because of Nogi Nogi's matter, the emperor had to personally come forward to appease the people, and this continued to change the mood of the people.  Because of this, how important this mission was, even Masaki Terauchi had to think, maybe if it weren't for this, it would be impossible for him, a Japanese general, to go into battle in person and pay to participate in such a war.

    Originally, there were reports of preparations for formal direct colonization of North Korea some time ago, but because the war has now reached a critical juncture, this has been put on hold.  Otherwise, he would have become the first governor-general after Japan colonized Korea.

    Forget it, after going back this time, I may be able to officially take a back seat, and then I can return to the political arena. There seems to be more space waiting for me there, which I am not very interested in now.  war front.

    After several hours of fast action.  Soon we arrived five kilometers away from the Zeya Reservoir.

    ¡°That¡¯s the target this time, the Jieya Reservoir?¡±

    "Yes, General", the current director of the Military Investigation Bureau, Tanaka Yiichi.  .

    After Tanaka Giichi was also a soldier, his father was a low-level officer. Step by step, he became the Chollima that Ito Hirobumi liked. After getting the appreciation of Yamada Aritomo and Katsura Taro, he stepped up step by step.  Prosperous official career.  He became the current major general-level figure, one of the few well-known young military figures in Japan, and became the heir to the Choshu clan faction that now controls most of Japan's military and political circles.

    "Very good!" Terauchi Masaki nodded with a slight smile.  I don¡¯t know if I¡¯m talking about how good this detective is, or if I¡¯m talking about something else.  Temple Masaki is also a member of the Choshu clan faction.  This time he understood.  The reason why Tanaka Yiichi came here was actually to give Duo Fang more opportunities to experience.  In recent years, after the Russo-Japanese War, many Japanese troops have been living at home.  When it comes to combat effectiveness, it is definitely very unflattering, especially after the Tsarist Russian army in the Far East some time ago. This broke the proud achievement of 1905, becoming the first time in history for yellow-skinned people to defeat white people, and even  This embarrassed the royal family.

    It is just like this. If this war is successful, the achievements of the generals who followed this time will naturally be there. Moreover, Tanaka Yiichi will further consolidate his position in the Choshu clan faction.

    Terauchi Masaki gritted his teeth, and then Suzuki Sadat next to him asked: "Suzuki-kun, what do you think?"

    Suzuki Sada is the major general who will accompany the army this time and is also one of the people who experienced this time. This time Japan sent two rare levels, and they are also two future figures of the Japanese army. This puts even more pressure on Masaki Terauchi.  .

    In the distance, many Japanese troops were discussing this war in detail.

    "Suzuki-kun, your father is also here this time. Aren't you afraid of being raped by your father?"

    "What am I afraid of? I can give anything for the Empire of Japan, not to mention the inevitable victory now. It's a pity that the commanding generals this time are not us. It would be great if we were the ones to command. I believe in this battle  He is definitely our good general who is famous in Japan." Suzuki Teiichi had a pair of eyes, but he who was supposed to be gentle turned into a fanatical expression, as if he had been washed with [drugs].

    "By the way, Tojo-kun, what about you? Why are you here this time? It is said that several other people are here this time. It seems that our one-night meeting will really make the red star popular in Japan."  Get up, if we all become big shots in the future, we must do something big, not only in Japan, but also in the entire East Asia, the Far East, and even the entire Asia. The footsteps of our Ichiyokai members should exist."

    Tojo Hideki responded in silence. He was also a fanatic, but what he was thinking about now was more other things, that is, he always seemed to feel that something was wrong, but he also felt a little unclear about this.  Where is this feeling?

    But with Suzuki Teiichi's words, he temporarily put aside his confused mood, and then got involved in this topic.

    "We, join"Seishiro Itashiro, Kanji Ishihara and the others, we will definitely surprise everyone in Japan"

    Later, everyone was shocked, because these later people became the main fascist representatives in the Far East during World War II and one of the important war criminals. Unfortunately, except for Tojo Hideki, the others  Several people lived well, especially Suzuki Teiichi, who was said to have lived until 1989, at the age of 100, making him the longest-living person among World War II war criminals.

    Masaki Terauchi led the team one step at a time and moved forward step by step. As the target got closer and closer, his mood seemed to become more and more intense. Not only him, he looked back at his soldiers and found that everyone was  Well, because April has arrived around the Suzi River, the rain has slowly begun to melt, and many trees have even grown new branches. This makes many people feel much better, especially the one that has appeared not far away.  It is a green area. It is said that this reservoir is a natural type. Tsarist Russia built a reservoir downstream of this place, which increased the reservoir capacity and provided power to several other places in the Far East because the reservoir does not freeze here all year round.  The reason is that the trees like this grow faster than those around them.

    There were 150,000 people walking on the ice-covered ground, and the thumping sound was so sweet.  Can.  As it got closer and closer, it felt so harsh again.

    It¡¯s so easy to get it.  Five hundred meters away, a huge lake appeared. From a distance, it seemed that there were still unmelted soldiers under the white water. The experience seemed to be unforgettable at a glance. According to the visual inspection of the temple, the width of the reservoir was  At least more than 5 kilometers away, that is.  In the end, if you want to protect this stronghold.  Then, we can only divide our troops.

    But, the consequences of this are.

    "Terauchi-kun, it's not good. Hashimoto-kun's 50,000 troops were attacked over there. Now we are asking for our support." Resisting the cold weather, Tojo Hideki came quickly and said in a panic.  .

    "What. Masaki Terauchi, who was just about to send a telegram to Tokyo in person, was so shocked that he pushed the printer away with one hand, and then looked at Tojo Hideki with a pale expression. At this moment, he felt that the weather was so cold that it even reached his bones.  , he couldn't help but wonder whether he would repeat Nogi Nogi's footsteps and become the second person of another famous Japanese general to fall to the undefeated detective.

    "No, gather everyone quickly. Tojo, you leave 30,000 people to garrison the camp here. The remaining 70,000 people will immediately follow me to the west bank to support Hashimoto."

    Absolutely not, I cannot be the laughing stock of everyone. When I think of people around the world laughing at me, and the Japanese military government and even the emperor being ashamed of me, Masaki Terauchi has reached the point of neurosis.

    Tojo Hideki was about to express his thoughts, but when he saw Masaki Terauchi who already looked determined, he knew that unnecessary words at this time would only arouse the other party's resentment, and the consequence of this would be that he would be offended  This is a powerful figure in the military. This army is definitely not cost-effective for him. Therefore, he finally moved his lips and could only pray to the god in his heart to bless the other party's safety.

    It is a pity that his belief is not God or Buddha, but his Majesty the Emperor. Can such a person realize his wish?

    The answer was soon revealed.

    It was 5 a.m. in Tokyo in April 1913. This was a time when many people were asleep, especially in the Far East.

    However, such a good time is destined to wake up many people, or in other words, some unintentional people are finally woken up.

    Yuan Shikai¡¯s government in northern China, inside the presidential palace.

    "What's going on? It's so late at night, and you're talking about fighting. Are those guys in the south so brave that they dare to challenge us?" Yuan Shikai was having a sweet dream, but he was damned.  Wake up, you know, what he is doing now is the big thing that he has planned all along. If he can truly achieve his wish in life, then he will be willing to die, but this damn guard, he is about to die.  The realization of his dream was interrupted, which for him was no less than attracting a swarm of wasps just after he smelled the fragrance of honey, and he had to flee for his life and discard the honey.

    Zhao Bingjun looked at his big brother with some confusion, although he didn't understand what the other person was thinking.  , but still told the truth.

    "There's a war in the north"

    "A war in the north?" Yuan Shikai was stunned and looked at Zhao Bingjun with a somewhat puzzled expression.

    The latter said: "Tsarist Russia and Japan are already fighting outside the Daxingan Mountains. Our spies who stayed there to supervise them have just sent back the news."

    "Oh" Yuan Shikai responded nonchalantly, beforeIt's not like they have never made a big fuss for a few days or a small fuss. Yuan Shikai, even Bishan and his eyes can imagine that those guys are just holding a gun and firing a few shots casually.  Is it because of this that I can't sleep peacefully?  Yuan Shikai's old eyes looked at his beloved general with some dissatisfaction.

    "More than 300,000 Japanese and Russian troops are fighting." Zhao Bingjun knew that he didn't care. He secretly sighed that the other party was losing the vigor of the past because he was getting older. He couldn't help but explain: "It is said that there are many Japanese  At 150,000, and the same is true for Tsarist Russia. According to the current situation, Japan seems to be at a disadvantage. So, President, do you think we will participate in the encirclement and annihilation of Japanese pigs to retaliate against the other side for humiliating us over the years?" (To be completed.)  Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

    PS: First update, Mouse continues to ask for support.
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