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Text Chapter 434 The International Sparks Sparked

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    Britain has always been a protectorate of Greece. This is something that many people in the world know. Therefore, the Ottoman Empire, Italy, Bulgaria, etc. are ambitious about Greece and want to overthrow Greece. However, it is  Because of the strong presence of the major bases of the British Mediterranean naval fleet in Cyprus, Egypt, Malta, and Gibraltar, other countries in the region dare not move, except for the Italian Mediterranean fleet, which is not much different from the French Mediterranean fleet, that is,  Spain has only developed a navy over the years. With the rise of Spain, the Mediterranean Sea has begun to look a little narrow in the eyes of the major empires. Not long ago, Bulgaria admitted the German navy to the Bulgarian seaport in the Aegean Sea. This has caused a stir  In addition to Britain's nervousness, France is also paying close attention.

    ??This has invisibly made the Mediterranean a place where the European powers struggled for their respective influence.  As long as anything happens in this area, as long as there is a slight disturbance, it will attract the attention of all countries.

    If you really want to talk about it, the biggest thing that has happened in the Mediterranean in recent years, and the one that has attracted the most attention from people in Europe and the world, is nothing more than the strong rise of Spain in the past ten years, which has changed the Mediterranean to a great extent.  A state of balance of power.  Needless to say, the main Spanish ports are now at a large scale, with more or less naval fleets stationed there. As for the African part, although Gibraltar is now under British control, the Strait of Gibraltar in Morocco to the south  That part of one side is from beginning to end.  All are firmly under Spanish control.

    In addition, after the previous reconciliation with the Ottoman Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they obtained the Montenegrin-Spanish Control Area of ??the Adriatic Sea, and obtained Libya from the Ottoman Empire.  This has allowed Spain to obtain a solid triangular defense base in the central and western Mediterranean and has become one of the symbols of Spanish influence in the Mediterranean.

    If you add the Ottoman Empire's coastal position in the Eastern Mediterranean, many people can see that in the Mediterranean, except for Britain, no other country can compete with Spain's influence.

    Britain is in Greece, in Cyprus, in Greece, Malta and Egypt.  These have created Britain's super powerful position in the Eastern Mediterranean.

    The place where the strength of the two powers coincides with each other is around Italy.  Therefore, the various influences of Britain and Spain often compete here. Italy should have been at odds with Spain.  I would probably choose the UK.  Or like it was before.  It is not confrontational with Britain and is close to Spain. However, over the years, Italy and Spain have been at odds with each other.  She gradually moved closer to the German Empire, but it made Italy become a less popular presence in both countries. This also followed Italy's strength, allowing Germany to gain Italian Mediterranean support after already existing in Bulgaria.

    Coupled with the fact that Germany, which has no territory in the Mediterranean and central Morocco, has become the third most influential country alongside France in its colonies of Tunisia and Algeria.

    The Balkan Peninsula is located in the central Mediterranean. It has been a battleground for influential military strategists from major kingdoms for thousands of years. Many people understand why Russia always deliberately attacks and dismantles the Ottoman Empire in battles.  , the reason why he did not hesitate to risk a war with the Ottoman Empire was actually because he hoped to open a channel directly from the Balkan Peninsula to find an outlet to the sea.

    Ukraine is not only the Black Sea, so they worked hard, and continued to chop the machete at the Ottoman Empire, the weakest among the powerful countries, so there was the independence of Romania. This country's love of independence largely made Russia  It is definitely so close to the Mediterranean Sea, and you can easily breathe the Mediterranean sea breeze.

    However, despite this, their goal was still not achieved, so Serbia became independent. This time, Russia also worked harder to provide money and effort for the purpose of exporting to the sea, and even requested the United Kingdom many times for this reason.  Support, exploiting Britain's dissatisfaction with the Ottoman Empire, and even inducing Britain to support Russia many times by agreeing to jointly deal with the German Empire as a child.

    In the end, Russia got its wish and obtained Serbia. However, it was a pity that at this time, at the seaport that was already about to be obtained, Bosnia and Herzegovia was suddenly intervened by the Austro-Hungarian Empire and with the independence of Serbia.  Whether he supported the threat or not, he finally obtained temporary agency management rights, but he turned around and quickly took over the company.

    This made Nicholas II, who was full of hope, greatly disappointed and at the same time full of anger.  So, this time Nicholas II ignored the Far East and directly sent troops to attack the management of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.  Of course, in fact, many people can also understand that the problem of Bosnia and Herzegovina would not be solved without the United Kingdom.Because they were worried that the super predators on this continent were too ambitious and would cause trouble in the Mediterranean and affect Britain's super status in the Mediterranean, they finally chose to support the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Russia would be in such an embarrassing situation.  .

    However, it is precisely because of the existence of many British interests that when everything happened in the Balkans, it caused dissatisfaction and warnings from Buckingham Palace and Downing Street.

    "I think all the wars that have happened in the Balkans are very irresponsible. We are all peace-loving people. We should choose to use peaceful means to solve many things, such as the many things and disputes happening there now.  , territorial issues, these are very difficult for people to understand, why this happened. This is killing people. Here we appeal, on behalf of the British government and people, I hope that everything that is happening there now can return quickly.  into peace.

    At the same time, I would like to say that we hope that our fleet can spend every weekend safely, as well as our allies, and hope that they can avoid being harassed by other countries. Finally, I feel that as an ally and partner of the UK  , including the UK's own nationals and interests, which should be protected and which are absolutely required to be observed by other countries. The UK has raised the topic of relations with the Cabinet led by His Majesty King George V and Prime Minister Asquith. Of course, I also think that,  I have enough confidence in our soldiers to safeguard our country's interests."

    Implicit warnings. Those who know how to read words have already understood that this is a warning issued by the British government, warning other countries not to interfere with British interests. I wonder if the UK has been silent for too long during this period.  Is it because other countries love to rise that the UK has lowered its national status to the point that other countries do not look down on them? As soon as the words of British Prime Minister Asquith fell, Germany heard the message from William II.  The shouting, and what shocked everyone was that he actually said it like this, which really made everyone feel a little incredible. Although this was just an informal interview, it was enough to show his dominance.  the position of the German Empire.

    "No country will look for war to allow itself to participate in the war, because even a three-year-old child knows that once the war starts, people will die. If the enemy loses one thousand, he will lose eight hundred. Everyone knows this truth, but there are  At that time, for many obsessions, they had to pay some price for their ideas. Bulgaria is a great country, and their citizens are very hardworking. And more importantly, the people in this country have the same ideas as the German Empire.  , so our relationship is very close. You said Bulgaria is now participating in the war. What should we Germany do?

    It's very simple. We will support our loyal friends. If possible, I think that our German Empire has too many guns and warships stored in the port. We should provide them with some help that quasi-allies should provide.  As for the Ottoman Empire, although our relationship has not been established for a long time, I think they are also a great country. I think we are still very enthusiastic about our partners. If they need it, we don¡¯t mind providing it.  Some special help, as for what the help is, we choose to keep it secret for the time being.¡±

    St. Petersburg, Summer Palace.

    Looking at the broken pieces of porcelain on the ground, Stolypin felt helpless in his heart. His character was still the same irritable, not enough. The only thing that comforted him was that compared to his arbitrary behavior back then, these  With the rise of Alfonso XIII in 2006, the pressure that Alfonso XIII brought to Nicholas II really changed him a lot. At least now he only smashed bottles and other things, but he could not move at all before.  Someone will lose his head.

    Seeing that several other people also chose to stay aside without responding, Stolypin still felt that it was better to remain silent than to be exposed to other people's cold faces at this time. He cursed in his heart the old fox of Donoschaif.  But he had forgotten that he was the same now.

    After a while, the expression on Nicholas II's face softened a little, just when everyone below breathed a sigh of relief and was about to call it a fluke.  However, Nicholas II did not speak. When he spoke, Stolypin's words that he thought could comfort him were really shocked to the point of shattering. As a result, he even became violently indifferent.  Regardless of Nicholas II's feelings, he insisted on going up against Nicholas II. This was definitely something he had never thought of before.  (To be continued ps: There will be another update before 24:00.
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