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Text Chapter 429 The Austro-Hungarian Empire Conference

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    "Your Majesty, our brave soldiers have taken Novi Sad, and Russia has also reacted and put Romanian and Ukrainian troops on our side, giving us a fight-or-not-will attitude, even in northern Belarus  Poland and other places have also begun to recruit troops at a faster pace. It seems that Russia really doesn't want to see us profit anymore."

    Janos Hadik was one of the two prime ministers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was the prime minister of Hungary. This war was fought in southern Hungary, and the troops dispatched were also Hungarian, so he was the one who reported.  And not Austrian Prime Minister Heinrich Lamarche sitting on the other side.

    Franz Joseph I did not show any expression, but cast a somewhat indifferent gaze on his nephew, Archduke Ferdinand, the heir to the crown prince and emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

    People in the Austro-Hungarian Empire like to wear beards. Oh, it shouldn¡¯t be said that all Europeans are like this. Maybe it¡¯s because it makes them look more majestic. Under the leadership of the king, people in the Austro-Hungarian Empire are more  This is true, but Archduke Ferdinand only had a mustache.  Sometimes it seems a little different, but it is also more special. Some people even wonder whether, after one generation of emperors and one generation of subjects, a hundred years later, Archduke Ferdinand will start a craze for shaving and leaving only a mustache after he comes to power. Of course, this  It's just a funny topic in the market.

    As a royal man, Archduke Ferdinand¡¯s eyes inherited those of Joseph I, calm and indifferent.

    After pondering for a while, he said: "Now that Russia has put up such a formation, it is obvious that they do not want us to continue to expand our results, and they have always been our number one enemy. It is precisely because of this that Spain initially  When we were at odds with Tsarist Russia, after the German Empire always focused its attention on France and Britain, we chose to cooperate with Spain more than with Germany.

    His Majesty¡¯s choice at that time was naturally because in this way, the confrontation with the most powerful country, Britain, could be reduced, because Britain was also extremely afraid of Russia.  The second is that Germany has spent many years competing with Britain and France for hegemony in Western Europe.  But we are just waiting here without getting any benefits, and even the opposite is true. Germany dissuades us from turning a blind eye to the Balkans, where Russia is pressing harder and harder.  Finally we have Russia around us.  The Balkan Peninsula, where we originally had a greater advantage, actually attracted Romania.  Then they took Serbia away from us, and in the end they even almost occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    The world only thinks that we occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina.  However, do they know that in Bosnia and Herzegovina, proportionally speaking, more of them choose to join our Austro-Hungarian Empire instead of belonging to the poor Tsarist Russia.

    Your Majesty's third reason was that he saw the blood relationship between Spain and us. Among the Spanish royal family, the one with the strongest blood relationship is our Austrian royal family. Therefore, compared to Germany, Britain, etc., Spain is obviously more urgent and reliable.  Moreover, Christina, the mother of the current King of Spain, Alfonso XIII, is also the Grand Duke of our Kingdom of Austria and a member of our royal family. It is precisely based on this that the original idea of ????becoming friends with Spain was achieved.  "

    Now, Spain has chosen not to participate in the war casually. This may be a test for us. That is, compared with the German Empire, which did not make a move, but then got out of control, Spain's attitude is even more unclear.  Therefore, this time, the question of whether we are expanding our results should be based on a more expanded European or even global strategic pattern, rather than formulating an approach that only focuses on Russia.  "

    After finishing speaking, Archduke Ferdinand glanced at Joseph I, then picked up the tea sent from the Spanish royal family not long ago and drank it.  Speaking of which, because of Alfonso XIII, the Spanish royal family and even Spanish nobles now like to use tea as a drink to kill time during meetings, chats, etc. Unlike coffee, coffee is only used to wake up.  Tea obviously has a more leisurely charm, so now many royal families in Europe have followed suit, especially when the Spanish film world and newspapers can't wait to publish reports. Drinking tea has become a trend nowadays.  Fashion logo.

    Even more so, because Christina was a distant cousin of Archduke Ferdinand, she even reached out to the Mother of the King of Spain for tea many times despite having political purposes.  One of the methods of establishing contact between royal families in Spain and other countries.

    "What the Crown Prince said is very good," Austrian Prime Minister Heinrich Lamash praised. After looking at Janos Hadik, Lamash said; "Although Russia also regards us as one of the opponents of their 1.6 million-strong army.  One, but obviously, they are now more willing to set their sights on Germany and Spain.This time, we have regained some of Russia's attention, but it is only temporary. Russia still has its eyes fixed on Germany, the biggest threat in Europe.  , after all, even after we expand our army now, with the current army of only 750,000, compared with the millions of elites in the German Empire, the power of the world's number one army is not fake.

    Therefore, Russia now has only a short 800,000 troops in Europe. Now it has continuously broadcast 150,000 troops to Romania, Serbia and Ukraine, which only have a few 50,000 troops. The other large areas of land only have 650,000 troops.  , In fact, at this time, even if we really attack, whether it is to the east or south, I think the Russian army will not dare to act rashly. Of course, the premise is that we mobilize all the troops and make a move.  He looks like he is not afraid of death. When we meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. I think that if Nicholas II has a timid mentality and worries about the rear, he will definitely not be able to withstand it."

    "A good one can't stand it, but a brave man wins when faced with a narrow road. That's a good saying." Although Joseph I was not very good at diplomacy and politics, he was not too bad either. However, his strengths were definitely the same as Nicholas II's.  , there is still a comparison in history, and the military strategy will definitely not be much worse. However, over the years, after losing to Germany, there has been a shadow in his heart, but he does not want to think about the reason why he lost to Germany in the first place.  There are the British, French, Russians and even Danish Nordics. The whole of Europe is fighting against them. Can we not lose?

    After that, Germany quickly developed and became stronger with the help of these countries, surpassing Austria. After that, even if they united with Hungary, they were suppressed by Germany and could only continue to be the second child. They were frustrated.  Joseph I could only become less ambitious.  Otherwise, with his decades of experience as a king in Europe and his not bad many cooperation experiences with the United Kingdom, how could he end up with the country being so divided after his death? But when I think about it in 1916  It seems understandable that he died of natural causes at the age of 86 after being the king for 68 years.

    Joseph I said with golden eyes: "Since Germany has also participated, they obviously have something to follow. So, let's see what the Germans think. When the time comes, we will take the opportunity to do our thing.  , this time, we can actually create some of our breeze, otherwise, even a small Serbia, a small country that has only been independent for such a short time, is actually prepared to confront us without overestimating its capabilities.

    ??Also, to express our attitude, we clearly support the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.  And by recognizing their dominion over the area now, we might as well gain some national recognition, right?  "

    "Your Majesty, I have a better idea. I think this time I have realized Spain's true intention." Suddenly, Archduke Ferdinand said with some surprise.

    "What do you mean?" Joseph I said disapprovingly.

    Lamash and Hardik didn¡¯t take it seriously either, but naturally they didn¡¯t dare to be presumptuous about the prince, so when they looked at Archduke Ferdinand, they looked very serious.

    Archduke Ferdinand ignored this, and said excitedly: "Since Spain has issued a statement to support the interaction between allies, can we communicate more frequently with other countries, such as the Lu Xun regime in East Asia?  As well as Thailand, those countries in South America, etc., we can ask our diplomatic agencies to immediately sign agreements with other countries similar to the Lu Xun regime in Thailand. Of course, it is in the nature of simple diplomatic assistance. For example, we hope that they  Diplomatic support for us, take this time we won Novi Sad as an example. As long as these countries clearly support us, then we can get strong support in the world. Think about it, the seven countries in South America and the two countries in East Asia  , the Rashid Kingdom of the Arabian Peninsula, Portugal, etc., as well as Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire, Germany, etc., and half of the independent countries in the world will recognize us. You say, by then, the nationals of other worlds will  What would you think.

    From this, I also understood why Spain said it would focus on developing closer relations with its allies in the next few years, and would not even launch military tools against other countries for this purpose. Imagine that these allies combined have  How much energy it has is absolutely amazing in the world.  "

    The more he talked, the more frightened Archduke Ferdinand became, and the more he felt the horror of Spain.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Joseph I and the three others became more and more solemn, and in the end their faces were even a little embarrassed, but they recovered quickly.  (To be continued)
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