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Text Chapter 424 The snowballing war of words escalates

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    "Russia's appeal is really ridiculous. Its own country has already been divided. After defeating the separatists, it wants to withdraw. Such an argument is really difficult to win the approval of the nearly 40 million people of the Ottoman Empire.  , if Russia likes this method, then I suggest that the people of Finland, Ukraine, and Poland, who have been occupied by Russia after their invasion, should also respond to Russia¡¯s call, resist Russian rule, and respond to the Russian government¡¯s foreign policy  , when the time comes, we will also support you and this great policy of the Russian government.¡±

    In response to the Russian government¡¯s appeal, King Mohammed V of the Ottoman Empire responded with ridicule to Russia, hitting Russia¡¯s weakness, which made other countries look at St. Petersburg with pity.

    Finland and Sweden were originally allies against Denmark and Tsarist Russia. They were both former colonies of the Kingdom of Denmark and later became independent. However, Tsarist Russia's rapid expansionism aroused the alarm of the two countries, so they finally formed an alliance.  Allies, however, were eventually occupied by Russia in 1808 and became a grand duchy under its banner.

    Poland is more complicated. It was divided between Russia, Germany and other countries. However, Russia still holds the most land.

    And Ukraine was completely occupied by Russia, but it was originally under the weak rule of the king of the country. He was afraid of the emergence of mobs, so he invited the rule of the tsar.

    The remnants of these three countries have had many independent thoughts in recent years, especially with the clear support of Spain last time, which made the Russian government very busy.  The independence turmoil further expanded.  At this time, King Mohammed V of the Ottoman Empire gave such a counterattack, which was definitely an attempt to rub salt into the wounds of the Russian government. What kind of response will Russia have?  Many people are looking forward to it.

    Needless to say, Russia was naturally furious.  The response given was also very impressive.

    First, the 50,000 troops stationed in Romania were mobilized directly towards Serbia, and finally arrived in Nis on July 5. After that, another 50,000 troops were mobilized from Ukraine to follow up, and finally stationed in Craova, Romania.  .  A discerning person will take a look.  We know that this was to prevent Bulgaria, which had helped the Ottoman Empire go to Macedonia, from posing a threat.  Bulgaria certainly has something to say about this.  but.  before saying.  Bulgaria has launched a nationwide military mobilization.

    Since the news of Russia¡¯s deployment of Romanian troops to Serbia spread in the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman Empire has carried out a nationwide mobilization of troops until July 15, when Russia once again stationed 50,000 troops in Kraiowa, Romania.  In less than half a month, the Ottoman Empire was like an oil well explosion. It violently expanded from 400,000 troops to 760,000 troops, an increase of 90%.  Bulgaria was influenced by Russia and the Ottoman Empire. In order to protect itself, Bulgaria also increased its troops in large numbers, which was even greater than that of the Ottoman Empire.  Conscription exceeded 200%, from 150,000 to 350,000.

    Naturally, Serbia, Romania and Greece will not be indifferent as if they have not seen it. Greece's 200,000 has become 350,000. This is the idea of ??being protected by the UK, so they think that because the UK is there, their safety is guaranteed.  idea, so they did not really follow the Ottomans and Bulgarians. Of course, there was also the reason for the confidentiality of the two armies.

    Seville increased by 80,000 to 280,000. Including Russia's 50,000, the number in Seville exceeded 330,000. Romania's population increased from 20 to 20 due to the greater threat from the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.  Ten thousand people became 350,000, and with the kingdom's 50,000 garrison, there were 400,000 people in the territory.  The large-scale expansion of military conscription naturally aroused the pride of both the governments and the people of various countries, and in turn triggered the brewing of contempt for other countries. This naturally led to many conflicts, large and small, starting with Serbia and Bulgaria.

    Bulgaria allowed the Ottoman Empire to pass through Bulgaria, which naturally did not satisfy Serbia. Therefore, His Majesty King Peter I of Serbia publicly condemned King Ferdinand I of Bulgaria.

    "Indiscriminately giving way to the Ottoman Empire is a naked attempt to give the oppressive Kingdom of Serbia a big slap in the face. For this, we will never forgive Bulgaria for such a move, and we will never forgive him.  Giving our enemies such convenience and sponsoring banditry, our decision is to formally sever diplomatic relations with Bulgaria until Bulgaria declares its willingness to sever diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Empire."

    Nervous!  This is everyone's first thought. This is not a direct criticism of Bulgaria, is it? Everyone can guess without thinking that Bulgaria will naturally not make any compromises. If it does, it will be a real coward.  And the object of submission is no weaker than Bulgaria or even weaker.??Serbia, so Peter I spoke with an angry face on July 20 under the spotlight.

    "We don't need other countries to preach to us. We are an independent country. We have the dignity of our great Bulgarians. We will decide our choices. We are an independent entity with interests. Therefore, other countries should  Do we have a choice in our preaching? Of course not. Once again, we and the Ottoman Empire are trustworthy friends of each other. We have a long history. Even before, we were the same country, although there were some troubles later.  Unpleasant things, but we still overcame these, and one thing I want to tell you is that we have been recognized by the Ottoman Empire, we will get the Strumica region, and there will be Bulgarians there  Of course, this new paradise is based on the friendship between the Ottoman Empire and us. While we cherish this land, we also cherish our friendship with the Ottoman Empire even more."

    Land exchange for access!  This is everyone's summary of the final Peter I. This is the deal between the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.  After everyone understood this, they also understood.  At this time, Bulgaria will never choose to retreat, because this has gone beyond the general alliance and has reached a question of interests. Therefore, Serbia¡¯s statement has only one effect, and that is to make the relationship between Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire  The transaction became apparent.

    For Greece, which originally hoped to obtain land, this is naturally unforgivable, especially since the land obtained by Bulgaria is still an emperor at the junction of Bulgaria and Greece.  It's an enclave.  If you get her, you can pose a threat to the east and southwest.  Therefore, the Greek government also joined the Serbian team and condemned Bulgaria.

    And Greece and the Ottoman Empire had a war because of Crete, although in the end both countries used Britain, France, Russia and other countries to maintain peace.  Supervision of Crete.  So an independent Greek prince was placed on top.  An independent Crete was formed, but in the last year, due to the tough British approach, there were other reasons for the closeness.  So in the end, it was because most of the people in Crete were Greeks. The target of their appeal was naturally Greece, so in the end, the Kingdom of Greece fell.

    The Ottoman Empire has always been resentful about this, so Greece¡¯s condemnation of Bulgaria naturally became the Ottoman Empire¡¯s vent.  The two countries began to stubbornly start a war of words.

    "We continue to believe that Crete is the territory of the Ottoman Empire. This cannot be explained. Although some countries were biased and finally chose to give it to Greece, we have no reason to think that.  These big countries are the real just ones, and they represent the just God in their minds. Of course, we do not object to their religious beliefs, just as we hope they will not object to our belief in our prophet pig.

    Therefore, for Greece, we adhere to the word of peace, and we will continue to seek the principles for Greece to negotiate with us to solve the issue of sovereignty of Crete. Our sincerity means that our door will continue to open for them.  "

    This is what Muhammad V said, but Greece simply refused the Ottoman Empire's "good intentions" without taking the initiative.

    "Once again, Crete is our real territory, and we are now ruling it, and the international community generally supports our right to rule and territorial rights there, so we are happy to advise the Ottoman Empire  One sentence: Your territorial dispute statement is not recognized by society, so I hope you will stop making unnecessary struggles."

    The Ottoman Empire did not respond diplomatically again, but directly militarily.

    Originally, the Ottoman Empire only had 40,000 people in Macedonia. However, with the increase of troops from Russia and other countries, the Ottoman Empire actually deployed more than 80,000 people in Macedonia, which covers an area of ??more than 20,000 square kilometers. This is absolutely extraordinary.  A huge army, and as the relationship with Greece deteriorated, the Ottoman Empire once again increased its troops by 100,000 in Izmir, a city across the Aegean Sea that used to be the seat of Athens, the capital of Greece.  100,000 people turned into 200,000 people. For Greece, this definitely created a situation where the army was pressing down on the country.

    This caused terror in Greece, especially if Bulgaria was also exposed by newspapers in the Greek-Bulgarian border area. In addition to the 10,000 troops in the Strumica area that it took over, Bulgaria will have a total of 50,000 people on the Greek border.  region, that is to say, from Izmir in the east to Macedonia in the north, the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Bulgaria had more than 350,000 troops threatening them. Therefore, at this time, they woke up and  Despite British help, the?, It seems that the size of your army is still a bit small, right?  (To be continued)

    ps: I finished writing this book today and it¡¯s about 1.35 million words. The lack of subscriptions made me a little hesitant about whether I should continue, so I didn¡¯t have the desire to continue writing during this period. I was going to start a new book, and I sighed in my heart. Sure enough,  As those seniors said, there is still not a big market for foreign historical novels!

    However, every time I open this book, I feel a little reluctant to give up, so the reason why it is constantly updated is due to my performance in the past period of time.

    ¡°I gritted my teeth and decided to update for one month in October, and let¡¯s see the results this month.  The new book has been submitted for internal approval. The name should be called "The King of Taiwan Entertainment". It focuses on Taiwan entertainment and then the politics of the old industry. If you are interested, you should take a look when the time comes. It is a bit fresh and refreshing.  The theme is: forming the vanguard of Taiwan's entertainment trends, combating Korean entertainment, and expanding the bishop's self-existence. The female protagonists include Alyssa Chia, Lin Chi-ling, Chen Derong, Gigi Lai, Kelly Chen, and Zhao Wei.

    Remember, it is under review by the editor!
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