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Text Chapter 421: Gunshots in the Balkans

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    On July 25, 1912, in the geographical center of southeastern Europe, Macedonia officially announced that they had gained autonomy from the Ottoman Empire but with the support of Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Greece, Serbia, Afghanistan and other countries supporting independence.  The Ottoman Empire became independent, opposed the rule of the Ottoman Empire, and expressed its gratitude to the above-mentioned countries for their support.

    This naturally did not satisfy the Ottoman Empire, so on the second day, the Ottoman King Mohammed V severely condemned Macedonia's independence policy and expressed dissatisfaction with other countries for helping Macedonia in the independence process.  .

    "We will retain the power to use force to counter insurgency. We will not make any compromises. We hope that other countries will not make any wrong decisions in order to maintain peace in Europe."

    Muhammad V's public speeches and appeals did not gain other countries' so-called positions. On the contrary, Muhammad V's threats to use force attracted the attention of these countries. However, because the Ottoman Empire now  Except for Montenegro, which nominally belongs to the Ottoman Empire, but its governance is in the hands of Spain, they have nothing to connect with Albania. Naturally, there is no Macedonian territory that can enter the inland area. Therefore,  , everyone just regarded this as the Ottoman Empire just uttering harsh words when it was helpless.

    They didn¡¯t take it to heart, and even the newly established Macedonia celebrated their independence success with singing and dancing.  However, because of the existence of Montenegro, many people have set their sights on Spain.  Because, if Spain transfers the control of Montenegro at this time or borrows the passage inside to the Ottoman Empire, or if Spain directly sends troops, then Macedonia will be in very danger.

    However, until July 31, there was indeed no change in Montenegro under Spanish jurisdiction, and the Spanish garrison fleet inside continued to operate as usual.  On the Spanish mainland, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defense also made it clear that Spain has no plans to participate in the Balkan Macedonian crisis and has no preparations for war.

    "We have never thought about fighting in Macedonia. Our soldiers have been fighting everywhere in the past few years. They are very tired for the glory of our great Spain, so the previous words of our king already represent the decision of our Ministry of National Defense.  We will continue to adhere to His Majesty's statement. Therefore, the Spanish Ministry of Defense will continue to pay attention to this incident and the impact of changes in Macedonia on us in Montenegro. We will depend on the situation. Of course, not participating in the war is our best option.  Desired results.¡±

    "Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also currently assessing the effects and impacts in the region. We will analyze the situation according to the situation before giving you a complete Spanish policy. Now, we call on the governments of Macedonia and the Ottoman Empire to sit down and engage in peace negotiations.  This is the best result, not who threatens whom. Of course, things are too complicated, and we don¡¯t seem to understand some things. Therefore, we should observe first and then hold a press conference to announce our decision.  Bar"

    The heads of Spain's two most important departments have issued such information one after another, letting many countries know that Spain is very likely to choose to sit on the sidelines this time. Such lukewarm remarks have surprised many countries and at the same time  I think it makes sense.

    Especially the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Italy, Greece, Seville, Southern Albania, etc., so they have also relaxed their vigilance.  It is believed that the Ottoman Empire will find it difficult to threaten Macedonia without Spain.

    "The Ottoman Empire is a paper tiger. In the desperate situation, they can only pretend to be like a tiger and roar twice to make its existence felt. They are just unwilling to become a declining empire and they are unwilling to admit it.  This is the inevitable reflection of such a result." This is a comment made by the Financial Times, the largest new media in the UK and now the second largest newspaper in the UK. The commentator of the comment is the British Deputy Foreign Minister.

    "Britain has been waiting for the death of the Ottoman Empire, but it has waited and waited for hundreds of years. However, this country seems to refuse to die. Now it is resisting tenaciously overseas. We should admire this,  However, the decadent system lets us know that they are not far from death. The independence of Macedonia is a good example. Therefore, we only need to continue to hold on to the key to the Ottoman Empire's treasury. As long as we continue to  Open it gently and this country will truly die. Congratulations to them for their early rebirth, God!"

    This is the opinion expressed by British Home Secretary Winston Churchill in the UK's largest newspaper "The Times". As soon as these words came out, it immediately caused the world to marvel. This Churchill is too direct. Everyone can't help but think that even if you want to  People's country??Destruction cannot be said like this. No matter how you say it, I feel that it will really arouse the indignation of everyone in the Ottoman Empire. Be careful of causing public outrage.

    However, everyone knows that even if the Ottoman Empire is angry about this, there is nothing they can do about it, because Britain is the world's largest country, and more importantly, Britain and the Ottoman Empire have already clashed many times in Egypt and the southern Arabian Peninsula.  It has long regarded the other party as a threat or even a real enemy. Churchill's words just showed the British attitude more clearly.  And he also knew that the Ottoman Empire was helpless to everyone.

    As for other countries, it is different. For example, second- and third-rate countries such as Seville and Greece would definitely not dare to do so because they are too close for fear of attracting the influence of the Ottoman Empire under Islamic rule.  revenge.

    "Has Mohammed V really sent their men to Sofia and Berlin secretly?"

    "Yes, according to the news from our people there, the one in the south of the German Empire is the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs who has been lurking there for a long time, and the one in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, is the Deputy of a certain department of the Ottoman Empire's General Staff.  chief of staff."

    "Very good, in that case. Have they reached a consensus?"

    "Not yet on the Bulgarian side, but on the German side, it is said that the deputy foreign minister has become more leisurely now. Apparently, they have achieved their goal. Our people are under the strict protection of the German military and it is difficult to eavesdrop on them.  Agreement between the two countries, so their conditions are not very clear. On the Bulgarian side, it is because they still have considerable differences on the Macedonian issue, mainly on what benefits Bulgaria will gain after acquiring Macedonia. Mainly  This is the partition of Macedonia. Bulgaria wants the Strumica area, the Stip area and the Prilep area. But the Ottoman Empire only intends to give Bulgaria the Strumica area."

    "These guys, they haven't seen victory yet, but they are fighting for carving up." Alfonso couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

    "Yes, they really think they are us. They think they are in the Russian Far East like us, Germany, Britain and Japan. They think they are really fat." Chirac also laughed.  "But Your Majesty, if they continue like this, will it affect us? You know, this next step is our time."

    "What's our time?" Alfonso couldn't react at first, but it was only after he finished speaking that he remembered and became serious, "That's true, but that's okay, we can still make some adjustments.  We have something to do during our time, so war is the biggest thing, isn¡¯t it?¡±

    "But, if this happens, will the people be disappointed, and what will other countries in the world think?"

    "Huh, they think it's their business. Although I want to make Spain strong enough to be more recognized by the citizens of other countries, but now is not the time, and some countries are under the control of other powerful countries. Their governments  We will also stop them. Other countries will not be as open as we are here. Many of their places are closed, so it is difficult for the news to spread. Without the support of the government, it is difficult for us to influence backward areas.  In this case, it is also a good thing to slow down for a while, but if we don¡¯t mention this, we still have to look at the extent of the progress of the matter and the development trend at that time.¡±

    Chirac thought it made sense and nodded.

    "By the way, there was news from the Portuguese Palace some time ago that Princess Teresa is pregnant. Please pay attention and ask our people in Lisbon to monitor the situation in Portugal there to see if there is anything detrimental to Princess Teresa.  If there are any hidden dangers, they should be exposed as soon as possible or be eliminated." Alfonso slashed his hand horizontally and said fiercely: "Get rid of it."

    "Yes" Chirac said firmly, hesitating for a while.  , Chirac said: "But Your Majesty, our manpower in Portugal seems to be a little too active now. Will this cause His Majesty Manuel II to be dissatisfied? I think he should also know that we have a lot of people."  Should those who conduct intelligence activities in Portugal avoid misunderstandings? Should we?¡±

    "No." Alfonso looked at Chirac with gleaming eyes. After 5 seconds, he said: "You also said that he knows that there are many of us there. Since he knows that we have people there, no matter whether it is people  He can't let go whether there are more or fewer people, and more importantly, he will never believe us when we tell him the number of our manpower, and will also doubt our other manpower. In this case, why bother?

    ¡°Besides, no country in the world can truly confess its intelligence agencies to other countries. We announced our personnel in Portugal, and then later announced our intelligence agencies in Angola and Mozambique.Zambique and even Far East intelligence agencies such as Macau and East Timor, and then immediately released our global intelligence network at their request?

    This actually turns our people into their tools in disguise, and even puts our people in danger when an accident occurs.  So, do your thing and I'll take care of the rest, you know?  "

    "Yes" Chirac lowered his head in shame.

    "Okay, let's go down. I hope you can reflect on it after you go down, and then write me a self-examination report. Let's go down."

    After saluting, Chirac walked out of the secret room.

    "It seems that people really understand emotions too well. I just don't know how the imperial guards in the Ming Dynasty were made. If there is a way, I really hope to get some ruthless guys to play with." Al Fang  Suo said jokingly.

    On August 1, 1912, in Macedonia, suddenly after a gunshot, there was the rumbling sound of a huge cannon.  This gunshot caused a huge shock in the world.  (To be continued)
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