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Volume 2: Searching for Qin: The Wind Rises in Handan Chapter 28: The Beginning of the Gods

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    The saints of the Fengshen World, whether they are Hongjun at the Hedao level or other saints who are incarnations of the Heavenly Dao Yuanshen, their existence is attached to the Fengshen World, and they act on behalf of Heaven. They enjoy the authority of the Heavenly Dao and are also influenced by the whole world.  Constraints, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, they cannot act recklessly.

    At this time, the world of Conferred Gods was facing a calamity. The saints used killing to stop the calamity and caused the calamity. However, they could not personally destroy the world and kill randomly. Instead, they had to follow the rules of the world of Conferred Gods. This is how the matter of Conferred Gods came about.  .

    What exactly are the so-called calamities and killing calamities in the world of gods?

    On Earth, when the number of rats in an area reaches a certain level, the will of the entire rat population will set off a massacre. Countless rats will spontaneously destroy their own lives, so that the density of rats in the area reaches a balance.

    Because if you don¡¯t do this, all the mice will face insufficient food and die. Compared with the death of the entire population, the result of killing some mice and allowing the entire population to continue is obviously much better.

    For the rats in the entire area, the crisis that threatens the survival of the entire race is a calamity. Some rats commit suicide, which is a calamity. After the calamity, a new balance is reached, and the calamity of the entire race is overcome.

    Comparatively speaking, the calamity and calamity of the Fengshen World are essentially the same as the calamity and calamity of the rat, but they are more complex and at a higher level.

    For rats, rats themselves have no wisdom and will, only instinct. Together with calamities, they are hijacked by instincts. Under the decision of the collective will, there is no resistance. The world of gods is much more complicated. With killings and calamities, who wants to cultivate themselves?  What about becoming a god in order to return heaven and earth?  No one wants the answer.  Immortals are not mice.

    besides.  There are other factors.

    ?? Judging from Wang Li¡¯s tracing back to the past of the Fengshen World at this time.  The first calamity of the Fengshen World was the First Tribulation of the Dragon and Han Dynasties. The two major races of dragons and phoenixes, the first creatures in the world, fought for the space for reproduction and survival. They almost all destroyed themselves and caused huge damage to the world. Therefore, the instinct of heaven and earth is against  The existence of an attitude of hatred and destruction between two kinds of creatures is sin.

    Being remembered by the instinct of heaven and earth, the two races of dragon and phoenix that once dominated the world are gradually declining, and now there are only three or two chickens and ducks left.  The outcome will be even more tragic in the future. At this time, any immortal in the world of gods with sufficient cultivation can ask for anything from the Dragon Palace. Nezha casually ripped off the skin of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Later, even Wei Zheng, a mortal, had to go to the Immortal Platform to slay the dragon.  .

    All this is the result of the Dragon Clan's first calamity and being remembered by heaven and earth. The entire race has been labeled as sinful for eternity. The Dragon Clan's priesthood of making clouds and rain is actually atonement for sins. Compared with the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan is also stronger.  Not going anywhere.

    After the first calamity.  A large number of powerful beings died, and all the resources accumulated through practice were returned to heaven and earth.  After the destruction of the world, the world recovered again, and the whole world also received a lot of benefits. Calamity is a calamity, and after the calamity is over, there will be blessings.

    Having experienced the first calamity and massacre, the world instinctively began to give birth to new creatures and vitality.

    The Great God Nuwa, the first great god since the fall of Pangu's incarnation of heaven and earth, came into being. In the future, more equal beings will be born one after another. From then on, the calamities and killing calamities of heaven and earth are no longer like the calamity of Long Han.  It does so spontaneously, but is carried out under the control of the saints of heaven and earth. It can kill and measure calamities without causing great damage to heaven and earth.

    The protagonist of the killing calamity is also created and cultivated by the saints of heaven and earth, so as to exert influence and launch controllable killing calamities. Nuwa created human beings. Hongjun spread the law widely to spread the Dharma and enlighten all living beings to practice. Wang Li watched it through Wang Li's eyes.  This is actually raising pigs. Once the pigs are raised to a certain level, they can be killed. The killing process does not even require the intervention of a saint. As a creator, isn't it easy to exert influence secretly?  As living beings in the world, isn't it easy for the God-like world to have an instinctive influence on them?

    After so many killings and calamities, in the Age of Conferring Gods, all the shamans, gods and demons in the past have been killed one after another. The mainstream of the world's top practitioners has been replaced by disciples of the saints of the Three Purities. Among them  Among the Three Pure Ones, Taoist Taishang was almost a solitary person. Yuanshi Tianzun had no more than twelve disciples, while Master Tongtian had thousands of immortals coming to court.

    Who should be killed this time?  The past witch barbarians and witch gods want to be killed, and the powerful beings among humans also want to be killed. The larger subjects are the disciples of saints. Everyone is in the danger of killing, but no one wants to be killed, and the saints don't want their disciples to be killed.

    Among them, the world itself has instinctive will, and the saints are born in response to the instinctive will. They should follow the instinct of the world and exercise authority. During the killings and calamities, their disciples contributed to the world by committing themselves to the killings and calamities, and many of them were still infected by the instinct of the world.  Favor, that is to say, having a lot of merit. In this case, how will the murderous disaster unfold?  They are all people who do not deserve to die.

    "Measurement of calamity requires the completion of the calamity of killing gods and immortals. The main subjects of the calamity of killing gods and immortals are the disciples of saints. These disciples have made contributions to heaven in the past.The earth is a person who does not deserve to die. This creates various contradictory causes and effects. In addition, there is also a great cause and effect that includes all the saints of heaven. Under such circumstances, it is really unusual to confer gods and measure tribulations.

    Conferring gods to measure calamity and intertwining cause and effect have become extremely complicated. The instinctive logic of the world is no longer self-consistent. No matter whether it is advancing or retreating, it is a dilemma. If it continues to develop, the world itself will collapse. It is under this situation that there are three  The church discusses the matter of canonizing gods.

    The most important problem that the three churches need to solve is how to deal with this group of saint disciples who commit murder and robbery but have made contributions to heaven and earth, and solve the logical self-consistency problem of the world of gods. In this way, Hongjun initiated the three churches to compile the list of gods.  This is a contingency plan within the rules of the world's managers.

    The result of this solution is that you still have to kill, but you don¡¯t kill. After your death, your cultivation is returned to heaven and earth, and your soul returns to the list of gods. From then on, you become a saint. In the heaven system, you do not have your own cultivation, but only hold the authority of heaven and earth.  God, such conflicts can be satisfactorily resolved.

    There is another question here. If you are not a good free-spirited immortal, who wants to be a god?  If everyone is unwilling, then we can only follow the rules. If we follow the rules, no one can say anything. As for the problem that one has merit and does not deserve death, and killing has sinful karma, it can also be solved through the rules of heaven.

    At this time, the concept of the protagonist of calamity is introduced. The so-called protagonist of calamity is the entanglement of the two major causes and consequences of the world, the gathering point of the combined forces of merit and sin to kill calamity. Each has great destiny, usually two people in the world.  Creatures.

    In the era of savagery, the protagonists were Zhu Rong and Gonggong. In the era of the Three Emperors, the protagonists were Huang Di and Chi You. In the era of the gods, it was Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao. Although they are inconspicuous, they are two of the world's great fortunes.  The protagonist, during the calamity, the whole world will revolve around them, even the saints are no exception. This is the era of Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao.

    Among them, Jiang Ziya is the protagonist of merit and virtue, and Shen Gongbao is the protagonist of killing and calamity. Countless immortals are implicated by the two. Merit and killing and calamity compete with each other to eliminate cause and effect. The merits of the immortals who participated in it are consumed by the killing and calamity. In this way,  It can be killed.

    So, as long as you invest in Jiang Ziya, the protagonist of meritorious deeds, you will not be on the list of gods, but if you invest in Shen Gongbao, you will definitely die?  That's not the case. The answer is that anyone who participates in it may die on the list of gods. These two people are the eye of the storm in the world. If they are involved, there is a high probability that they will be on the list of gods. Whether they are assisting Jiang Ziya or being killed by Shen Gongbao, "Fellow Taoist, stay behind."  "Pull it in, there is no essential difference.

    But here, the immortals who explain the teaching are smarter. They use the method of causal transfer, recruiting disciples to die for them, and completing the tribulation for themselves and being listed on the list of gods. This is true for Guangchengzi, Chi Jingjie, and other twelve immortals.  The three generations of disciples of Kunlun and Yin Hong and Yin Jiao who died in the Ten Jue Formation were all on the list of gods for their masters.

    Taiyi Zhenren took in Nezha, and Nezha died once, but it changed his life form. This was not enough, so he used Nezha as a design to kill Shi Ji to complete the killing.

    These are all opportunistic methods, but they also have sequelae. Therefore, the twelve golden immortals were eventually taken into the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation and lost their cultivation. In this way, the killings and karma were all over. Although they lost their cultivation, they were not on the list of gods.  , with past realms, the Kunlun Sect is not short of cultivation resources, and it is easy to rebuild.

    The above is how Wang Li traced the past of the world and analyzed the cause and effect from the perspective of heaven and earth to determine the calamity of the Gods. It is completely different from the perspective seen by the barbarian clones and the remaining wizard gods in the game.

    Wang Li's eyes were fixed on the two protagonists of massive tribulations in the Age of Conferring Gods. When he thought of this, Demon Saint Qitian naturally thought of Jiang Ziya, who was in charge of Conferring Gods, and the power of the Blood Sea Shura that was lurking between heaven and earth began to partially flow.  Shen Gongbao gathered and left, but he went to join the protagonist of the robbery and thought it was a robbery.

    As the protagonist of the calamity, they have the characteristics of immortality in the calamity, and have great luck and great influence. As long as the calamity period, their importance is even higher than that of the saints, and the saints are unable to deal with them.  .

    What Wang Li wants is this period of time that the saints cannot defeat them. With this period of time, it is enough for him to establish a stage in the world of gods to compete with the saints of Pangu world.

    In this round of conferring gods, all the saints in this world have their own plans, but he is going to personally preside over it.  (To be continued)
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