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Text Chapter 51 The Wise Wolf and the Armor Merchant

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    "Liz, your grandpa's family is also in the armor business?" On the way, Li Xiang asked Liz about her uncle's situation.

    "My parents' family is actually an internal and external relationship. My father's side is in charge of manufacturing and the improvement of related alchemy, and my mother's side is in charge of the marketing of armors. The two families have been cooperating since the beginning, and now they have hundreds of  At 20 years old, my uncle is very talented in business. When my grandfather retired, he handed over all the family business to him. Cooperating with his uncle is actually cooperating with Berg." Liz explained with a smile.

    "So that's it!" Li Xiang thought this family structure was quite strange, and what surprised him was that it was really strange that the two families had not had any problems cooperating for so many years.

    Liz¡¯s uncle is surprisingly a very handsome human being. His silver hair and handsome but slightly aged face make him look charming.

    Liz's uncle was arguing with a woman. The woman was very beautiful. Her eyes were as red as those of the Vampires. She had long orange hair hanging down to her shoulder blades. She showed two sharp fangs from time to time when she spoke.  With a hint of innocence.  The most peculiar thing is that the woman has a pair of pointed ears on her head and a furry tail behind her, which proves that she is not human, and she makes no secret of it.

    "Uncle Lawrence, Sister Hero, I have brought the people you want to see." Liz shouted with a smile.

    When the two heard the sound, they immediately stopped arguing. Lawrence took the initiative to greet him, performed the aristocratic salute popular among the aristocracy of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, and said cordially: "See Your Highness Raymond."

    The woman named Hero then stepped forward, bowed, and said with an innocent smile, "I salute you, the liberator of Silesia."

    Li Xiang had a good first impression of Liz's uncle. After returning the gift, he smiled and asked, "Mr. Lawrence? I heard that you want to cooperate with me in selling armor?"

    "Your Highness, just call me Lawrence!" Lawrence said hurriedly, then nodded, showing a business smile, and without hesitation Hero replied, "Yes, Your Highness, I have seen the one you sold to Brother Berg.  The secondary armor may not be as powerful as many alchemy armors in terms of overall power, but the technology used is exquisite and simple, and it is intelligent and has the possibility of large-scale popularization, so I took the liberty to make a request and want to cooperate with His Highness."

    ¡°Since it is cooperation, then mutual benefit is the prerequisite. I wonder what benefits you can bring me?¡± Li Xiang asked with a scrutinizing gaze.

    Seeing that Li Xiang did not refuse, Lawrence's eyes flashed with joy, showing great gratitude, and replied seriously: "Your Highness, our Berg Armor Shop has a history of hundreds of years, and the inherited armor alchemy craftsmanship can be said to be the best in the whole of Europe.  Among the best, with complete equipment and sales channels, if we cooperate, not only can we occupy most of the market in the shortest time, but we can also rest assured that we will continue to improve the technology and occupy an absolute market share for a long time"

    Lawrence¡¯s eloquence is quite good. He clearly lists his advantages and makes people believe what he says.

    Li Xiang had previously had the intention to cooperate with Berg. After hearing about the relationship between Liz's parents, he also became interested in Lawrence. Now that Lawrence has taken the initiative, Li Xiang's thoughts have become even stronger.

    After thinking about it carefully, Li Xiang decided to temporarily agree and let Karl come to inspect it after returning.

    "Yes, I will send someone to negotiate with you specifically on how to cooperate. I hope we can cooperate successfully." Li Xiang stretched out his hand.

    Lawrence was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, he reached out and gave Li Xiang a high-five, and said excitedly, "I will certainly live up to His Highness's expectations."

    Hero had a panoramic view of the scene just now. When Li Xiang and Lawrence finished talking, she lowered her chin and said with a smile: "We also want to do a business with His Highness. I wonder if His Highness can give us a chance?"

    "Oh? I wonder what kind of business Miss Herro wants to do with me?" Li Xiang looked at this beautiful girl

    Hero's expression was full of confidence, as if he was convinced, and said: "It's food. Although His Highness captured Katowice and Krakow with lightning speed, I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money to stabilize this place."  Time, the Krakow area has the full support of the Jewish consortium, so the problem may not be big, but even the Freemasons cannot supply the material consumption of the two areas before the Silesia issue is completely resolved."

    What Hero said hit the nail on the head. Due to the impact of the war, the supply of many materials has been interrupted or reduced. It can be expected that if the material supply problem is not solved as soon as possible, prices near Katowice will rise to  It is so outrageous that German residents will certainly not express dissatisfaction, but residents of other ethnic groups will definitely complain about the soaring prices. Once instigated by someone with malicious intentions, political riots are likely to occur, which will be very detrimental to recent negotiations.  This is the main question that has deeply troubled Karl in the past two days.

    Li XiangHelian couldn't help but be impressed. This non-human girl actually had such a thorough understanding of the situation in Katowice. It was really not simple. From this, it was certain that she had a very accurate source of intelligence.

    "So, can Miss Hero provide enough food?" Li Xiang asked, looking into her eyes.

    Hero narrowed his reddish amber eyes, pointed at himself and proudly declared, "I am the president of the largest food processing group in France."

    "She is known as the Wise Wolf in the industry and controls most of the sales channels in the grain-producing areas of southern France. The strength of the entire group ranks among the top three in related fields in Europe." Lawrence added with a smile.

    Hero glared at Lawrence, as if he was dissatisfied with her rushing to answer.

    "Is Mademoiselle Herreau French?"

    Considering that he was already involved with the Jews, who made the entire Junker class very unhappy, Li Xiang did not want to be too involved with Germany's deep enemy, the French, otherwise he would be attacked by others and he would probably lose the Junkers.  Compared with foreign forces, the attitude of German local forces is undoubtedly more important. It is fundamental and cannot be lost.  If Hero were French, he would have to regretfully refuse.

    "Of course not. We are out-and-out Norwegian citizens. We were born in the vast forests of Norway. Everyone in the industry knows this, otherwise we wouldn't be asking for trouble." After Hero finished speaking, he showed a proud smile.

    "That's no problem. You can discuss the specific matters in detail with the person I sent." No longer worried, Li Xiang agreed.

    "With a wise master like His Highness, I think the future development of Silesia will attract worldwide attention. It seems that we have to seize the opportunity and occupy a place first. I wonder if His Highness can give me some discounts?" Hero winked at Li Xiang.  Blinked.

    "Miss Herro is willing to settle in Katowice, so I would like to give you a warm welcome. As for the discount, you will not be disappointed."

    Li Xiang chatted happily with Hero and Lawrence for a while, and Hua De asked someone to let him go.

    The meeting with Huade was far less pleasant than when he had just gotten along with Lawrence and Hero. Although the scene was warm, it was full of formality. Huade expressed his gratitude to Li Xiang on behalf of the city of Coranto and awarded Li Xiang an honorary citizen.  At the same time, he proposed to strengthen cooperation with Katowice City. Li Xiang accepted Huade's award and agreed to strengthen cooperation between the two parties.

    I didn¡¯t even listen to the mention of the battle the night before, and it was downplayed very deliberately.

    The two parties spent a whole night together in a warm and friendly atmosphere. At the end of the banquet, Hua De and Li Xiang chatted alone for a while.  When walking out of Huade's official residence, Li Xiang couldn't help but turn around and raise his middle finger and cursed, "Fuck you, you're wasting my time."

    {Piaotia Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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