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Text Chapter 1489 Stealing the Camp

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    After Daishan promised to use a piece of longevity ointment as a reward, the soldiers became even more motivated. At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the camp was set up and passed the inspection.

    I have to say, it¡¯s different when there are rewards.

    Of course Daishan gave out the reward, he would not break his promise.

    However, he also explained that after taking the Fushou Ointment, the people below must wake up within a short period of time, and then strengthen the defense and patrol of the camp.

    Because Daishan could guess that Dorgon, who was thirty miles away, would never let him lead the army to wait for the arrival of the main army.

    So, what Dorgon is most likely to do is steal the camp.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Tonight, let me tell you that you are still far behind in terms of using troops, Dorgon.

    Daishan sat in his tent and sneered.

    Although Daishan and Dorgon are half-brothers, in fact their relationship is not very good.

    This is also reflected in other brothers.

    After the death of Nurhachi, the brothers fought for the throne, and it can be said that there was a lot of trouble.

    "It's a pity that in the end Huang Taiji was superior in skills and won the big position that everyone hoped to ascend to.

    However, in the process of competing for the top position, gaps have arisen that are irreconcilable.

    Dorgon and Duoduo were young at the time, but they were also ambitious.

    It¡¯s just that they are not as outrageous as Daishan and Huang Taiji, but the two brothers are also a threat.

    Therefore, after Huang Taiji came to power, he sowed discord and suppressed these brothers, making the brothers' originally alienated feelings eventually become even more indifferent.

    Therefore, the relationship between the two brothers Daishan and Dorgon is actually not good.


    Back then, there were two brothers, Dorgon and Duduo.  Because they were young, they lost the opportunity to compete for the big position. As they grew up, they were suppressed by their brothers.

    Especially for Daishan, the leader of the army, there were many conflicts between Dorgon and him.

    To put it bluntly, it¡¯s just ¡®quan¡¯ that¡¯s causing trouble.

    Originally, Daishan had been suppressing Dorgon, and there was no chance for him to come forward.

    "It's a pity that Daishan met Zhao Hongyu, and then things became tragic.

    His self-confidence was shattered by Zhao Hongyu, and his whole person felt depressed.  And he was also addicted to Fu Shou Ointment.

    At the same time, he was controlled by Zhao Hongyu, and he completely surrendered to the Song Dynasty in private.

    Therefore, after Dai Shan returned to Houjin with a special mission, he found that his power had been taken away by Dorgon and he had become a marginalized person.

    Although I have been marginalized, to a certain extent, I have been able to live in safety and neglect, so that I can do some unknown things in private.

    But it is impossible for Daishan to say that he has no resentment in his heart.

    think about it.  He had only not returned to Houjin for a while, and his military power was actually taken away by others.

    Of course Daishan can¡¯t stand this kind of thing.

    Therefore, Daishan hated the Dorgon brothers in his heart.  In addition, the relationship between them is indifferent, so it is not difficult at all for Daishan to defeat or kill Dorgon.

    And now, Daishan feels.  This is an opportunity for you to take revenge.

    Although Hou Jin has been destroyed, the hatred between him and Dorgon will not disappear.

    Huang Taiji was already furious.  The hatred between Daishan and him cannot be discussed and investigated, so now only the Dorgon brothers are left.

    ¡°Besides, Zhao Hongyu had promised that after the war, he would allow the Manchus to return to their former tribal life, and Daishan could also become the leader of the tribe.

    ¡°As long as those who lay down their weapons and surrender, those with qualified status can receive this honor.

    Daishan didn¡¯t want the Dorgon brothers to surrender and then get such benefits in the future.

    You know, although it would be a step backward to go back to the tribal days in the past, you can still become a native emperor in the future.

    If given the right opportunity, it is not difficult to annex other tribes to strengthen oneself.

    Now that the Song people are at the peak of their military power, it is not a wise choice to fight against them.

    When his father was weak, he also surrendered to the Ming Dynasty.

    This is called forbearance. A man can bend and stretch, so this grievance is nothing.

      However, Dorgon will never let him get this opportunity, because Dorgon is also a strong enemy.

    Then, the safest way is to take this opportunity to deal with him.

    ??Besides, looking at Dorgon's attitude, it doesn't look like he is surrendering.  If you kill him yourself, you will be even more famous. If you want to come to the side of His Highness the Crown Prince of Song Dynasty, you will not blame yourself.

    Daishan thought a lot in his tent.

    From the outside, it seems that Daishan¡¯s camp guards are very lax, but in fact Daishan did this on purpose.  The reason was that Dorgon and the others came so that they could give him a fatal blow.

    In Daishan¡¯s camp, he had already arranged for thousands of elites from his direct lineage to hide, and those outside were only the old and weak.

    Although most of Dai Shan¡¯s subordinates are old and weak, he has held military power for so many years and is the leader of a banner. How could he not have die-hard loyalists under his command?

    Therefore, under the command of Daishan, when he was temporarily appointed by Huang Taiji to take charge of the army, he immediately summoned his direct descendants from the past and formed an elite force of more than 4,000 people.

    It can be said that these four thousand troops are his real strength.

    In Daishan¡¯s eyes, the more than 60,000 old and weak people who surrendered with him were nothing more than cannon fodder, mere ants that could be exploited.

    He wouldn't care at all.

    Therefore, at this time, Daishan did not hesitate to let them serve as bait on the periphery.

    And he himself hid with four thousand elites, waiting in secret for Dorgon and the others to take the bait.

    According to Daishan¡¯s judgment, although Dorgon had an army of 150,000, it was impossible for him to send them all out to deal with him.  At most, they would just lead thousands of men and horses to steal the camp.

    After all, it is a secret camp. If there are too many people, it is easy to expose yourself.

    Therefore, it is impossible for too many troops to steal the camp.

    Of course, although there will not be many troops, Daishan can be sure that those coming from Dorgon are definitely elite soldiers.  Therefore, although there are many old and weak people in the periphery.  But it is absolutely impossible to be an opponent.

    ¡° Then, these four thousand elites of my own are the Dinghai Shenzhen.

    I have to say that Daishan¡¯s thinking was very accurate.

    Dorgon and the others did indeed do this. In the evening, he selected an elite force of 5,000 from the three flags of Zhenghuang, Xianghuang, and Zhengbai in his hands, and formed an army to go out at night.  The troops who stole the camp.

    And Dorgon decided to personally lead the team at night to encourage his soldiers to develop stronger combat effectiveness.

    Thirty miles is not a long journey.  It's not too short to say the least.

    Dorgon and the others set out in the evening. At around two o'clock in the night, Dorgon and his five thousand troops arrived at the outskirts of the Daishan camp.

    After Dorgon's observation, he found that the patrols in the Daishan camp were indeed old and weak soldiers. These soldiers were old and weak, or they were young and had no actual combat experience.

    To deal with the army composed of these people, only one charge is enough.

    Basically, I just need to lead five thousand elites to rush over.  It can scare these people to pieces.

    Strong self-confidence has arisen in Dorgon's heart.

    "Let everyone take a rest, we will start attacking in half an hour."

    Dorgon gave the order in a low voice.

    What must be mentioned here is that the five thousand soldiers brought by Dorgon are indeed elite.

    They followed Dorgon.  He was quietly lurking in the grass a few hundred meters away from the Daishan camp, and no one made any strange noise.

    Only the elite soldiers can achieve this.

    It is precisely because of this that Dorgon has such strong self-confidence.

    ??In fact.  The old and weak people under Daishan's command are indeed unable to compare with the five thousand elites. This is a very realistic thing.

    only.  Dorgon also didn't expect that Daishan also had an elite force of 4,000 people, and he had already made a judgment about Dorgon coming to steal the camp at night.


    With Dorgon¡¯s order, five thousand elite soldiers rushed out of the grass and began to attack the camp that was unprepared or even very lightly guarded.

    Although the camp was very solidly built, due to some intentional or unintentional lax defenses, it was still very easy to be captured by Dorgon and the others.

    As the gate on the east side of the camp fell, Dorgon led 5,000 elite soldiers.They drove straight in and headed straight towards the Chinese army camp.

    Dorgon is not stupid. He knows that to capture the thief first, capture the king first, so of course his first goal is to kill Daishan first. After the leaderless group, these tens of thousands of troops will of course collapse.

    Those old and weak soldiers were simply unable to withstand Dorgon's elite troops charging and killing them, and because they were completely unprepared for this, they were killed all at once and were caught off guard.

    Many soldiers were killed and were running around, making it impossible to organize effective resistance.

    In this way, Dorgon and the others fought their way to the vicinity of the Chinese army's camp, and saw that there was still some distance before they could reach Daishan's camp.

    At this time, Dorgon felt a burning sensation in his heart. He licked his dry lips, and his eyes shone with a beast-like luster, as if he wanted to swallow everything.

    "Charge me, crush the Chinese army!"

    Dorgon raised his right hand high, waved the steel knife in his hand, and shouted hoarsely.

    Like a torrent of five thousand elites, they rushed to the Chinese army camp in a short time. The scattered teams that blocked the way were all mercilessly swallowed up by their torrent.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Today is your death sacrifice, you traitor to Houjin!

    No, we were fooled, there is no one here at all in the Chinese Army!

    Just when Dorgon was arrogant and ordered people to open the Chinese army's tent first and find Daishan, some generals who were searching around suddenly sent back news that made Dorgon's heart skip a beat.


    "Dorgon, if you want me to die on behalf of Shan, you are obviously not qualified!"

    Just when Dorgon's heart trembled and he realized something was wrong, thousands of soldiers and horses holding torches suddenly appeared around them, and at the same time, a familiar and disgusting voice to Dorgon said from the crowd: "Let's go."  Dorgon's heart sank.  (To be continued)
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