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Text Chapter 1405 Arabian Storm (Seventy-six)

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    Thirteen Bedouin tribes were scattered around the concession.  .  .

    According to Mabond¡¯s initial idea, these thirteen tribes can be regarded as thirteen villages living around the concession, and then the concession is the urban center that manages the villages.

    "But the concession that has purchased one million acres of wasteland will have no problem housing tens of thousands of people from the thirteen tribes.

    Furthermore, with the abundant food supply guaranteed, the Bedouins who migrated here do not have to worry about going hungry at all, which ensures that they can live safely.

    Although Mabond provided plenty of food, he didn¡¯t say anything.

    But the leaders of the thirteen tribes would not think that all the food was for free.

    There is simply no such thing as this in this world.

    Although they have surrendered to the Song Empire and reached an agreement with Mabond.

    Even so, it is impossible for the empire to provide so much food to the thirteen tribes in vain.

    Therefore, after settling the tribal people, the leaders of the thirteen tribes gathered together. After some discussion, they felt that they should have a good talk with Governor Mabond.

    ??Besides, eating someone else¡¯s mouth is short, and taking someone else¡¯s hand is short.

    Now, the land they live in, the food they eat, and the daily necessities they use are all provided by the concession.

    It can be said that he owes a lot of friendship to the concession and the empire.

    ??????????????????????????????????????? And now, they don¡¯t see any use or benefit to the empire for the time being.

    There is no problem in a short period of time, but we can¡¯t continue like this forever.

    It is obvious that the empire cannot support people like them for a long time.

    Although Mabond never mentioned this matter, if the tribal chiefs involved can't see this clearly, then they are really stupid.

    The subordinates below will not consider these issues. Anyway, they will eat as long as they have food and use whatever is useful.  I won't worry about this matter at all, and I will live a comfortable life.

    But as a tribal leader.  But we can't help but consider this matter.

    ??Besides, as a vassal, if you don't show any use, then your life will not be easy in the future if you are a vassal under such a powerful force as the empire.

    If you want to ensure and improve your living standards, you must let others see that you are valuable.

    Although the food and daily necessities of the empire are very cheap, they are not brought by strong winds.

    Temporarily provide some to the Bedouin people to ensure that they can live for a short period of time without any problem.  But it can't go on like this forever.  Feed them like pigs.

    Even if you are raising pigs, when the pigs are fat, you still have to kill those who eat the meat, right?

    ¡°Then, the Bedouin must prove their worth to the empire and Mabond.

    Only in this way, Mabond will represent the empire and provide them with greater and more abundant material guarantees in the future.

    So, the leaders of the thirteen tribes left the tribe¡¯s residence together and headed for the concession.  Come and meet Mabond and speak with him.

    There are still many young and strong women in the tribe, as well as clever and clever women.

    These people can all be put to some use and show some of their own value.

    ¡°Besides, after moving to Cairo.  The Harmonious Bedouins do need to find some new sources of income to protect themselves.

    Relying on Mabond¡¯s supplies makes people feel uneasy.

    Entering the clean and tidy concession, the leaders of the thirteen tribes.  I was immediately attracted by the European-style buildings.

    The streets paved with bluestones look very clean and tidy.

    The wide streets can even accommodate six wagons pulled by four horses side by side.

    And.  Coconut trees are planted both outside and inside the concession, and some green vegetation is also planted in the green belts of the streets.

    This has improved the environment of the concession a lot.

    For the Bedouins living in a monotonous desert environment like Cuman, the environment in the concession is very attractive.

    Did you come to heaven by yourself?

    The leaders of the thirteen tribes, walking on the streets of the concession, suddenly came up with this idea.

    Even Cairo, which is already very prosperous in their opinion, cannot be compared with the concession.

      If you don¡¯t feel the concession, then Cairo is indeed a prosperous and majestic city.

    But once you feel the environment of the concession, Cairo immediately seems like a city in the countryside.

    Of course, the environment of the concession is secondary. The main reason is that in North Africa, which is also a desert environment, the materials, energy and money required to build such a beautiful place will be very scary.

    From this, we can also see the economic strength of the American Song Empire.

    People are coming and going on the streets of the concession, and the liveliness is even better than that of Cairo.  But the pedestrians on these streets are coming and going, but they are not as crowded as Cairo.

    ¡° Moreover, speeding carriages would pass by in the middle of the street from time to time. The pedestrians on the street did not look panicked at all, which was very different from the people in Cairo who encountered speeding trucks.

    Why are they not afraid at all?

    Aren¡¯t you worried about being hit by these carriages?

    You know, there are many such accidents in Cairo every day, and it is not surprising that a lot of people died because of this.

    Regarding this issue, the tribal chiefs who were walking on the street to look around privately and heading towards the Governor's Mansion in the central area of ??the concession were all very curious.

    In the end, Omar couldn¡¯t help but ask the imperial clerk who was leading the way.

    The Chinese people who led the way for the Bedouin tribal leaders like the Omar chiefs and accompanied them to visit the concession and experience the environment of the concession were employees of the "External Affairs Department" of the concession.

    Because the Cairo Concession is based on Cairo and targets trade with various Arab tribes and central and eastern Africa, it is inevitable to deal with merchants from Africa and Arab merchants.

    As the governor-general, it is impossible for Mabond to do everything personally. This is simply impossible.

    At the same time, due to the popularity of the empire¡¯s commodities and the shortage of food, demand exceeded supply.  Therefore, there were a large number of businessmen from all over the concession, so Mabond set up a special department called the "Department of External Affairs".  Its members specialize in dealing with out-of-towners.

    Originally, it was not the responsibility of the Ministry of External Affairs to entertain Bedouins like Omar.  However, Mabande still asked his department to come forward to receive Omar and his party.

    This time, the Ministry of External Affairs sent five clerks to receive Omar and the others.

    It was one of the five clerks that Omar asked.

    The young clerk kept a smile on his face after hearing this, and said to Omar when he looked confused: "There are rules in the concession. As long as people abide by these rules, there is no need to worry about being hit by a carriage  ¡­" Then the clerk explained the traffic rules to Omar and the others.

    After figuring out this problem, Omar and his team suddenly realized.

    No wonder, it turns out there is such a rule.

    If everyone abides by this rule, there really will be no need to worry or be afraid.

    From time to time, soldiers wearing imperial uniforms and carrying muskets were patrolling in the streets. People did not pay much attention to these soldiers.

    This is different from Cairo.

    In Cairo, both Egyptian soldiers.  Or the garrison soldiers stationed in Cairo by the Ottomans.  When they walk on the street, they cause quite a commotion.

    When people see them, they tend to avoid them.

    But here in the concession, there is no such thing.

    even.  A tribal leader also saw that when the patrolling soldiers passed by the entrance of a store facing the street, a little girl with some food in her hand ran out. This little girl obviously knew the patrolling soldiers.  one of them.

    ??In full view of everyone.  The little girl put the food she had prepared and put in the food box into the hands of the patrolling soldier, and kissed him on the cheek with a blushing face.

    The people you see next to you.  They all just laughed in good faith and did not do anything else.

    However, these are not important. The most important thing is that this little girl has dark skin and is obviously from Africa.

    The young soldier he kissed had black hair and black eyes, and was a typical Chinese descendant of the Song Empire.

    Although there is no such thing as racial discrimination in this era, the status of black people in this era is also not very high.

    ¡°Like the black girl just now, if she were placed in Cairo, it would be impossible to do this to the Ottomans or local Egyptians.

    Because for them, that is for them??Insult.

    This will cost the girl her life.

    However, here in the Song Empire Concession, Miss Hei can actually do this.

    This completely shocked the leaders of the thirteen tribes.

    "Is there really no problem?"

    One of the leaders stared ahead with wide eyes, and after a while he said this.

    The Chinese clerk who accompanied them smiled and didn't care at all.

    ¡°In our eyes, all people are created equal and no one is inferior. This may be unacceptable to people in Cairo, but it is nothing here.¡±

    "Actually, the girl and the young soldier are lovers. We Song people don't care about identity, status or race. As long as the girl and the young man are truly in love, that's fine."

    According to this young man, the Song people¡¯s concept of ¡®everyone is equal¡¯ is really good.

    After hearing this, the Omar chiefs exchanged eye contact with their companions one after another. Everyone felt that the Song people's concept was really good.

    "It's a pity that this clerk still has some words that he hasn't said, and Chief Omar and the others cannot have access to the core of the empire after all, so it is impossible to know the core concepts of the Chinese people in the empire.

    ? ? ? ? ?Otherwise, they wouldn¡¯t think so.

    There is nothing wrong with everyone being equal, but this is just an example.

    To put it bluntly, it is just a means to deceive people. It is impossible for the empire to do this and will not do it.

    For the Song Empire, the interests of Chinese descendants are fundamental, so just say 'everyone is equal', how can it be taken seriously But it is undeniable that the Omar chiefs believed it (To be completed  Continued.)
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