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Text Chapter 1390 Arabian Storm (61)

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    Things between men and women are the most wonderful existence in the world.  .  .

    The magic of mutual attraction, no one can explain the reason.

    No one knows how the contact between Zhang Xiao and Farie will develop.

    ¡°Moreover, the contact between Zhang Xiao and Farie is also somewhat indescribably valuable in this era.

    If Zhang Xiao was also born in this era, it would be very difficult to come to the Arab world from America.

    This is like an Indian who came to the Arab world in the early seventeenth century and had some involvement with an Arab girl. It is so magical.

    After all, according to the means of transportation used by people in this era, it is still very difficult to achieve this.

    The means of transportation in this era are not as diverse and developed as in another world.

    However, after all, Zhang Xiao himself is not from this era. He is a genetic person cultivated by Zhao Hongyu through an ability in the virtual trading period, and then transported to this era.

    The Song Empire founded by Zhao Hongyu also developed very rapidly in the Americas, and with the help of virtual traders, it had much stronger means of transportation than this era, which suddenly shortened the 'distance' between the Americas and other continents in the world.  A lot.

    At this point, no country in this era can compare with the Song Empire.

    It is precisely for this reason that Zhang Xiaocai came to the Arab region and met the girl Fariya.

    "Compared with Zhang Xiao's inner throbbing, Farie was only curious about Zhang Xiao.

    Although Farie has not left the Cuman Desert, she has never seen the world outside the Cuman Desert.  But she had heard a lot about the outside world from merchants who traveled to the desert world.

    However, most of them are about European countries and North Africa.

    ¡°Farie is still very unfamiliar with America.

    Because it is unfamiliar, I am curious.

    Because of curiosity.  So it needs to be explored.

    Although Farie looks like a tomboy, she is still a girl after all.  Her gender prevents her from changing the nature some girls havecuriosity.

    To be honest, Farie has never seen anyone with black eyes.

    Although Arab men have some eyes, they are different from Europeans.  But their eyes were all brown or light amber, and she had never seen black eyes before.

    Even people from North Africa don¡¯t have eyes like this.

    At the same time, Farie was also fascinated by her hair that was as dark as day and night.

    Yes, it is obsessed.

    It¡¯s like if you see something too much, you won¡¯t be surprised.

    But.  When something very different from your usual stuff appears, you will definitely be attracted by this different stuff and be fascinated by it at the same time.

    This is a normal thing and has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women.

    "It's a very far away place. I can't imagine how painful it is to be drifting on the sea for several months." At this time, Farie had already begun to imagine that she was on a ship.  The ship is sailing across the ocean.

    The girl fantasized about it.  I think this is a very painful thing.

    Zhang Xiao nodded seriously and responded: "Yes, it is indeed difficult." His words confirmed Farie's fantasy.  The girl looked at Zhang Xiao with a hint of pity.

    Of course, this is not to pretend to be cute, but just to feel pity for Zhang Xiao.

    ??????? From Farie¡¯s point of view.  Zhang Xiao and the others arrived in Egypt in North Africa from the Americas. They must have suffered a lot along the way.

    Zhang Xiao felt the pity in Farie's eyes, and couldn't help but smile to himself.

    but.  He didn't intend to explain anything, after all, many things were not as Farie imagined.

    And Zhang Xiao¡¯s so-called hardship is not referring to people like himself, but to the people from overseas countries other than the Song Empire.

    However, seeing the pitiful look in Farie's eyes, Zhang Xiao felt that it was a bit funny, and he couldn't help but feel childish at the moment.

    ???????????????????????????? Since you are different, then just go on with what you mean.

    The reason why Zhang Xiao had such an idea, apart from not hating Farie, might be because he had a little bit of feeling in his heart that even he himself didn't know about.

    ? ???I also want to stay with Farie for a while and talk to her more.

    It¡¯s just that Zhang Xiao doesn¡¯t know that if this feeling goes deeper, it will be about the love between men and women.

    "I live in a desert world and am not that familiar with the ocean. However, when I was a child, accompanied by my father, I took a boat on the Kusuo Sea. Unfortunately, I became very dizzy after the merchant ship" Farie said sincerely.  I feel pity for Zhang Xiao and others who have traveled across the ocean.

    She thought that when she and her father came to visit Lamode as a child, they had worked on a boat on the beach.

    It¡¯s just that her reaction after taking the boat was truly horrific, so she can¡¯t forget it now.

    At the same time, Farie believes that everyone may have the same reaction as her.

    That¡¯s why she felt pity for people like Zhang Xiao.

    You know, at the beginning she was just sitting in a small sailboat, not far from the coast.

    ¡° Moreover, after getting off the boat, I vomited all over the place and felt uncomfortable for several days.

    But Zhang Xiao and the others have to go to Cairo, Egypt, but they have to cross a vast ocean to do so, wouldn't they be even more unlucky than themselves?

    It must be said that the girl who is seasick has a very rich imagination. She thinks that Zhang Xiao and others will be seasick like herself. She also thinks that they will travel farther in the ocean than she does by boat, so they will suffer more.

    Zhang Xiao also felt a bit dumbfounded about this kind of ¡®landlubber¡¯.

    When it comes to understanding the desert, Zhang Xiao is definitely not as good as Farie, but when it comes to understanding and cognition of the ocean, then Farie is not as good as Zhang Xiao.

    In fact, the Song Empire¡¯s ocean-going ships were more than a century ahead of their contemporaries.

    Because they were built with technology that was ahead of the times, the ships of the Song Empire allowed crews and passengers to avoid various symptoms during ocean voyages like ships of the same era.

    Not to mention that the Song Empire¡¯s ocean-going ships shortened the time from the Americas to Europe and the port of Ceuta in North Africa to more than twenty days, so even those with symptoms of seasickness were reduced.  But it's nothing serious.

    Moreover, the structure of the cabins of the Song Empire was very scientific and reasonable. They were not as crowded and dirty as the European ships. When people rested in the clean and tidy cabins, they were in a good mood and felt less uncomfortable.  Some.

    Not to mention that the ships of the Song Empire were well prepared with plenty of food, whether it was fresh water, vegetables, meat, or salt.

    A bad voyage like the one Farie fantasized about is absolutely impossible.

    The little girl has some knowledge about ocean navigation, which she heard from businessmen coming and going.

    These merchants all have experience in sea voyages.  So know some of the distress and troubles in sea voyage.

    Because they are all indigenous humans of this era, the ships they have access to are all sea ships of this era's level.

    So, what they experienced and had in their impressions was, of course, that kind of bad experience.

    When these people tell Farie their experiences, Farie will definitely regard their words as golden rules.

    The swaying ship, the small cabin, and dozens of bare-chested, foot-picking men.  Staying in the cabin together Farie felt uncomfortable all over when she thought about what she had heard.

    But what happened was that some of the experiences she heard from the merchants about sea voyages were all true.

    However, these are nothing.  There is something more terrifying than this.

    Turbid and smelly fresh water, food that has become moldy and spoiled, due to the technology of the times, at this time in the early seventeenth century.  When people go on an ocean voyage, they will definitely not carry enough supplies.

    After all, in addition to carrying the supplies everyone needs, the ship carries.  Also leave room for storage of cargo and weapons and shells.

    Space for the crew, food, fresh water, cargo, shells and weapons.

    "The normal number of crew members on an ocean-going ship is about 80 to 120 people. After all, some casualties that will occur during the voyage must be taken into account, so there must be enough sailors.

    ??Then calculate how much food a hundred people need to eat in a day, and then calculate the voyage time and the amount of cargo How much supplies can a ship of this era carry?

    It is normal for the above situation to occur.

    Sometimes if you encounter a storm or pirates, you may lose most of your supplies.

    Once you encounter this kind of situationIn this case, everyone from the captain to the sailors will start to get hungry.

    It can be seen that although oceangoing is a very lucrative career in this era, it also carries great risks, and there is a 50% chance of losing one's life.

    This is much higher than the safety factor on land.

    So, Farie believes that Zhang Xiao also experienced some torture in this inhuman environment at sea before arriving in Cairo.  It was precisely for this reason that she felt pity for Zhang Xiao.

    ¡°Maybe he guessed some of Farie¡¯s age, so Zhang Xiao found it very funny.

    However, he still felt that he should respond to Farie according to her wishes.

    Looking back at the big tent not far away, no one inside noticed that he had left. Obviously no one would come to him in a short time to disturb his conversation with Farie.

    Therefore, Zhang Xiao was happy to continue teasing the little girl.

    "Yeah, the voyage at sea was really torture. We even encountered a storm, and the ship almost disintegrated" Zhang Xiao looked at Farie exaggeratedly and talked about his journey from America.  Voyage to Cairo 'Story'

    The little girl was very interested in things about the ocean. She was completely attracted by Zhang Xiao¡¯s exaggerated language and body movements, as well as the ¡®story¡¯ of the ¡®dangerous¡¯ voyage he told.  (To be continued)
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