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Text Chapter 1359 Arabian Storm (Thirty)

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    Hearing the report from his men that the white flag had been raised at Yafei Castle, Siwex's eyes lit up with excitement.

    The attack on Yafei Fort has lasted for three days. During these three days, the rebel army also lost a lot of troops.

    You must know that wars in the West are no better than wars in the East.

    Usually, when the strength of both sides in a war reaches 10,000, it is considered a war.

    Therefore, this time, hundreds of thousands of rebels marched to the vicinity of Yafei Fort. This was already a big scene.

    Of course, the war scenes breaking out in Europe today are not small, and they can be regarded as wars that can be recorded in history.

    But it is precisely for this reason that the loss of thousands of people in such a scene of war is not small.

    The rebels had already suffered thousands of casualties in the three-day offensive.

    Although Yafei Castle will eventually fall, this loss is unbearable.

    Therefore, if Yafeibao does not surrender and continues to persist, the losses of the rebel army will continue to increase.

    This is what Westwicks doesn¡¯t want to see.

    But now he is stuck and has no other choice, so he can only continue to attack.

    But now the defenders of Yafei Fort are willing to surrender, which is a very good thing for him.

    Flying a white flag shows that the defenders are no longer willing to continue fighting, and can avoid losing more troops on their side.

    As a commander, how could something like this make him unhappy and excited?

    "Oh, really? Take me to see it!"

    Siwicks didn't even care about the food problem, and immediately asked his subordinates who came to report to take him to the Yafei Fort position.

    Sure enough, when West Wicks arrived at the offensive front, he saw at a glance the white flag flying in the head of Yafei Castle dancing in the wind.

    At this moment, Siweix felt as comfortable as drinking a glass of ice water.

    It seems that the battle here in Yafei Castle has come to an end.

    Thinking about it, it won¡¯t be long before the garrison of Fort Yafei will send someone to contact him and discuss matters after the surrender.

    For the war rules of European countries.  Siwicks knew it very well.

    Although they, the Serbs, live under the rule of the Ottomans, they know more or less about the rules of war in Europe and are not so ignorant.

    Moreover, accepting the other party's surrender can also reduce our losses and enable us to march towards the Hungarian capital this morning.

    Otherwise, the longer you spend in Yafei Castle, the more variables will arise.

    I have led my army to fight here in Yafei Fort for three days.  Maybe the news of the siege in Yafei Fort in the past three days has already spread.

    So, will the Hungarian Archduke, who is leading an elite army fighting outside, lead his army back after hearing the news?

    No one can say for sure on this issue.

    After all, the Principality of Hungary is an important territory for the other party, if it is occupied by people like ourselves.  This Hungarian Grand Duke was completely tragic.

    A Duke who has lost his territory, no matter how high it is, is still a lost dog.

    And the officers and soldiers who follow him to fight outside will also begin to have turmoil and flee.

    ¡°Whether it¡¯s for himself or for the officers and soldiers under his command, he will never sit idly by.

    Then, the rebel army can conquer the entire Principality of Hungary one day earlier.  In this way, we can prepare to deal with the unlucky Grand Duke's return reinforcements one day earlier.

    This is the best situation for the rebels.

    But if the situation does not develop like this, the environment for the rebels will become worse.

    First of all, the worst case scenario is that the rebel army captures half of Hungary. At this time, the unlucky Archduke returns to help and the rebel army begins to be in a stalemate.

    Then, both sides will definitely fall into an endless war, and the rebel army will be relatively disadvantaged.

    At the same time, if the Hungarian Archduke makes some compromises with the Ottomans and allows the Ottomans to attack the rebels from the south.  The rebel army has no way to survive.

    This situation is not impossible.

    Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, the rebels must conquer the entire territory of Hungary as soon as possible, and then defeat the Hungarian Archduke who returns to help, so as to gain enough time to slowly digest and consolidate the territory.

    By then, the Archduke of Hungary was defeatedAfter that, the vassal states belonging to the church will definitely divide all the military power of the Archduke of Hungary.  At that time, you don¡¯t have to worry about the other party¡¯s threats.

    Although they will make the church military group hate them, as the situation between Portugal and France has not yet been resolved, it is not possible for the church military group to launch a war against the rebel army that has occupied the Principality of Hungary.

    after all.  Now Portugal, France and the Ottomans have left the church and military groups to take care of themselves.

    It can be said that the current church military group has launched a two-front battle.  Its military strength has declined somewhat, and it can only compete with the Portuguese, French and Ottomans.

    So, under such circumstances, as long as the people on the church side are not mentally retarded, they will never open a third front.

    ??Besides, even if the people of the church military group want to do this, their troops and materials are not enough to support them in opening such a front.

    Then, the rebel army can have a relatively long period of time to develop itself.

    After everything is consolidated, the rebels only need to be careful about the Ottomans.

    At least, it is impossible to attack the rebels until the outcome is decided between the church and Portugal and France.

    Of course, we cannot relax our vigilance against the church military group, but it is just a precaution.  For the rebels, the Ottomans were the biggest enemy.

    Now the Ottomans are fighting against church military groups in the Mediterranean and Greece.

    However, the Ottomans did not invest all their military power, only a small part.

    The Ottomans were not stupid, and their intentions were obvious.

    That is to say, we hope that Portugal and France will fight to the death with the church military group. When both sides are exhausted, they will devote their entire elite to obtain maximum benefits.

    However, the Serbian uprising disrupted the Ottoman deployment and plans.

    Although they have now left the land of the Ottomans, the existence of the Serbs still poses a great threat to the Ottomans.

    Especially after conquering Hungary, it became a serious problem for the Ottomans.

    You know, just the rebels are not terrible.

    The terrible thing is that the rebel army conquered the Principality of Hungary and had a piece of land where they could recuperate and collect taxes.

    Because the Serbians hate the Ottomans, the capital they established must be quite hostile to the Ottomans.

    The Ottomans will also worry about whether the Serbs will be bribed by the church and then fight against the Ottomans.

    If there are sensible people in the church military group, they will definitely take advantage of this.

    Although the Principality of Hungary has been destroyed, the church will definitely be unhappy.

    But if you can let the enemies who occupy the Principality of Hungary come to fight their enemies, the result will still be the same.

    After the Portuguese and French countries are resolved, the church can turn around and deal with the Serbian rebels.

    ??As long as you are a smart person, you can basically imagine this.

    ¡°However, if these things are going to happen, it¡¯s still in the future.

    The most important thing now is to capture the entire Principality of Hungary before the Grand Duke of Hungary can lead his troops to return for reinforcements.

    ???????????????? The current situation is still very favorable to the rebels.

    After all, the Grand Duke of Hungary was fighting Portugal and France on the front line, and it was not easy to lead his troops back to support him.

    If they are brought back from the front line, the defense line needs to be supported by others.

    If the church cannot solve this problem, it will not let the Hungarians leave.

    However, the church cannot be merciless.

    After all, the Hungarian country has been invaded and is in danger.

    ¡°Then if they want to lead their troops back, you can¡¯t stop them.

    However, if the Hungarians want to come back smoothly for reinforcements, it will not be possible in a short time.

    There are too many troubles that need to be solved here.

    Therefore, the rebel army took advantage of it and had a considerable advantage.

    In an instant, Siwicks thought of many possibilities in his mind.

    "Chief, look, the gate of the castle is open, and several people are walking this way."

    A guard raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Yafei Castle and shouted excitedly.

    Looking in the direction of the guard's finger, Siwicks saw the solid city gate of Yafei Castle slowly opening and walking out.Five people came.

    One of the leaders was holding a white flag.

    "Don't be nervous. Let our people stay still and let them come over. These may be the people Yafei came to negotiate with. If the negotiation goes well, then we won't have to continue fighting."

    Siwicks knew the purpose of these people in an instant.

    Yes, in this case, what else can a person who comes with a white flag do?

    It¡¯s nothing more than coming to talk to myself about some matters related to their interests after surrender.

    At this moment, Baron Stoke, who walked out of Yaffe Castle holding a white flag, was filled with anxiety. He didn't know whether he would successfully negotiate the surrender this time.

    ¡°If these guys who look like beggars suddenly attack, then you will be out of luck.

    ¡°Moreover, he was worried that these people did not know the rules and would not abide by the rules of war.  Once a few of them were detained or simply killed, he would not be able to close his eyes until he died.

    This kind of thing has happened before.

    The riots of common people often do not follow the rules. When encountering nobles, they will basically be tortured and killed, which makes no sense at all.

    I hope I won¡¯t be so unlucky this time.

    Stoker prayed secretly in his heart, and began to whisper the Virgin, the Holy Spirit, the Son, and the Father
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