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Text Chapter 1343 Arabian Storm (14)

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    The time and space of the seventeenth century was not as quiet and peaceful as the future.

    Even in the future 21st century, there will be large and small regional and local military conflicts in the world, as well as tribal wars.

    Therefore, in the time and space that Zhao Hongyu lives in, how could such a thing not happen?

    Although the rule of the Ottoman Empire is relatively stable now, there are also many small riots and tribal conflicts in the country.

    This problem will not be solved by any country in the future, let alone in such an era of ignorance.

    At the same time, the population ruled by the Ottoman Empire included dozens of ethnic groups and tribes.

    They have different customs, cultures, and ideologies.

    Therefore, in daily life, it is normal for some friction to occur.

    Especially among the tribes in the Arab region, fighting between feuding tribes is a normal event that often occurs.

    For these things, the Ottoman Empire was unable to effectively control, and in the end it could only turn a blind eye and let them kill each other.

    Of course, as long as this matter is not a big deal and is within a controllable range, it will be fine.

    There is no problem in a fight involving hundreds of people or a small group fight involving dozens of people.

    ¡°As for this kind of confrontation and hostility between various tribes, the Ottoman Empire was very happy to see it.

    Because this is very conducive to Ottoman rule in Arabia and allows Osman to act as a mediator.

    The reason is simple. As a result, the various tribes in conflict will be unable to do without the Ottoman Empire when necessary.

    Look, what a transcendent status.

    have to say.  The Ottomans were also very smart in their calculations.

    For example, among the tribes in Arabia, this kind of killing will continue to spread because of the vendetta between beliefs and tribes.

    Children learn from an early age who their enemies are and are taught what to do if they encounter a hostile tribe.

    In addition, some of their relatives will die from this kind of tribal vendetta.  Therefore, coupled with this hatred, it is completely impossible for peace to come to the Arab region.

    In other words, the Arab region within the territory of the Ottoman Empire seems to be very stable on the surface.

    But privately, it is full of undercurrents.

    However, this undercurrent cannot affect the rule of the Ottoman Empire.  So the Ottoman Empire allowed it to develop.

    But it¡¯s normal to think about it, why should the Ottomans have a headache over this.

    "Anyway, the people who are killing and killing are not Ottomans.

    ¡°Moreover, the Ottomans simply couldn¡¯t control the vendettas between these tribes.

    If they could take care of it, the Ottomans would have taken care of it long ago.

    Because of those stubborn tribal leaders and the people they manage.  Don't listen to the Ottomans at all.

    ¡°In addition to obeying the Ottoman Empire on the general trend and recognizing the Ottomans as the rulers, the Ottoman side could not persuade the hatred between tribes at all.

    Therefore, it is not surprising that small battles often break out between various Arab tribes in the Persian Gulf and near Iraq and Persia.

    ?Compared to wars between countries.  The vendettas between these tribes were no less brutal, if not more brutal.

    As for the Ottoman Empire, the two areas mentioned above can be said to be places where "unruly people come out of poor mountains and rivers", which are what later generations will call places with a chaotic public security environment.

    Killings between tribes are common here. As long as people from tribes do not encounter each other, fights will break out once they do.

    Unless you are his alliance friendly tribe.

    And these people that Mabond met were from a medium-sized tribal leader in this chaotic area.

    This tribe was located in an area near the Persian Gulf in later generations, not far from the land that the Ottomans drew and handed over to the empire. It was a tribe with a population of about 5,000 people.

    ??If the empire takes over the desert that the Ottomans painted.  It¡¯s hard to imagine that I would still be neighbors with these people.

    For the Arab tribes during this period, they still lived a nomadic way of life.

    The residence of the entire tribe is not the kind of fortified city that people think of.

    Rather, just put up a few tents and be done with it.

      Of course, being a nomadic tribe in the desert is not like being on the grassland.

    Because there is nothing in the desert.  So their life is very difficult.

    Furthermore, these tribes must find places with fresh water sources in order for the tribes to survive.

    It would be even more wonderful if you could find an oasis with fresh water in the desert.

    It is precisely for this reason that there are so many conflicts breaking out in the desert.

    Although they have the same doctrine, they are divided into two factions, but the main reason is the competition for fresh water sources.

    Yes, for these people living in the desert, fresh water is more precious than gold.

    ? Here, the price of fresh water is much more valuable than gold.

    Camels and fresh water are all things that various tribes in desert areas rely on for survival. Even for these tribes, a healthy camel can be exchanged for several very beautiful female slaves.

    It is very easy and understandable for people to fight over fresh water and kill people.

    However, Mabond doesn¡¯t know why these people want to see him today.

    ¡°Obviously, the other party shouldn¡¯t be doing it for some trivial matter.

    Although Mabond has not seen the other party yet and heard the other party tell them their purpose.

    But now, such a thought flashed through Mabond's mind for no reason at all.

    Soon, the sound of footsteps outside the office interrupted Mabond¡¯s meditation.

    The secretary outside walked in first and reported to Ma Bond.

    "My Lord Governor, the people you want to meet have arrived."

    Mabond heard the words and gestured: "Let them come in."

    Afterwards, Mabond straightened his back to make himself look more energetic.

    One is wearing a white robe typical of the Arab region.  An elderly man wearing a black robe and a big bun tied with a black cloth came in.

    Behind him were several Arab warriors with scimitars at their waists.

    ¡°Obviously, those warriors were the old man¡¯s guards.

    However, the old man asked the guards to stay outside.  He alone walked in.


    "Dear elder, I wonder why you keep asking me to see me? My time is precious, and I believe yours is too. Therefore, it is better for us to go straight to the topic, so as not to waste everyone's precious time."

    Mabond spoke after the old man sat down.

    This old Arab man has a thin face, a long white beard, and many wrinkles on his face.  But he has a pair of shining eyes, so his first impression is very deep.

    After hearing Mabond¡¯s words, the old man did not show any surprise or other reactions.  Instead, there was still a simple and kind smile on his face.

    "I am Aziz from the Bajir tribe. The main reason for this presumptuous visit is because we heard that the Ottomans have ceded the Cuman region to you."

    Oh I got it.

    So, it seems that the tribe of the old man opposite should be the tribe living in that area.

    Some time ago, Ottoman prince Mustafa came to him as an envoy.  In order to obtain aid and loans from the empire.  Prince Mustafa had already made the decision, handing over future Kuwait to the empire and turning it into an imperial enclave.

    This deal has made Mabond privately excited for a long time.

    You know, in another time and space, Kuwait was a region rich in oil.

    But for the Ottomans, especially the Ottomans of this era, the current area is not a place of wealth, because there is nothing surprising except sand there.

    It is precisely for this reason.  Prince Mustafa would hand over that area so easily to use it to reach a loan agreement with the empire.

    Of course, this does not rule out the idea that the Ottomans want to throw away the baggage over there.

    After all, the tribal conflicts in this area are getting more and more intense and are getting out of hand.

    And the Ottoman Empire now has no time to care.  Therefore it is not as good asJust let the empire have a headache.

    It¡¯s not a good place anyway, is it?

    ¡°Moreover, the Kuwait area is not big, so it would be nothing if given to the Song Empire.

    At this time, it has been quite a while since Prince Mustafa left. I guess the news has already spread over there.

    You must know that the Ottomans will definitely notify the local tribes of this matter before the empire takes over.

    There is an attitude of wanting these local tribes to make a choice.

    So, for these tribes, there are two roads before them.

    One option is to stay and continue living here, or to follow the orders of the Ottomans and move to other places.

    There is a lot more meaning in it.

    One of the points is that the Ottomans did not intend for these tribes to become subjects of the empire after they were taken over by the empire.

    It¡¯s just that this kind of thing cannot be put on the surface.

    Some of the meaning inside depends on how much the tribal leaders can comprehend on their own.

    Of course, maybe the Ottomans would secretly reveal some information to these tribes.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? out may be a false message for them to dominate and bully the outsiders who have not yet come to take over this place.

    As for whether it means this, only God knows.

    However, Mabond guessed that based on the urine of the Ottomans, something like this should happen.

    Withdrawing his thoughts, Mabond nodded solemnly: "Yes! Now the desert you call Cuman belongs to our Song Empire."
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