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Text Chapter 1335 Arabian Storm (6)

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    What, you would actually offer such a condition?  "

    When the negotiations began, Mabond put forward his own conditions.

    Faced with the conditions proposed by Mabande, Prince Mustafa was stunned.

    The reason is very simple. Mabond¡¯s price is too high. Not to mention that he is just an heir and cannot agree to it. Even his father who is in power cannot agree to it.

    Therefore, Mustafa firmly refused the price offered by Mabande.

    Of course, Mabond didn¡¯t expect to get the other party to nod and agree. The negotiation was just like a business, it was nothing more than asking for a high price and paying back the money.

    However, Mabond forgot one thing, that is, his approach has a strong Eastern thinking.  This was something Prince Mustafa had never experienced before, so it was no surprise that it frightened him.

    Soon, Mabond realized this.

    Therefore, he corrected the mistake immediately.

    "Okay, Your Highness the Prince. Since this price is not suitable, I would like to hear the price you offer." Mabond quietly handed over this right to Mustafa, and he did  I want to hear what conditions the Ottomans can offer in order to obtain weapons, supplies and borrow money.

    Tens of millions of gold chesni is not a small number. This is basically equivalent to the Ottoman financial income for one and a half years.

    Since you want to obtain such a large amount of loan, it is impossible to offer such a stupid price.

    Not to mention that the Ottomans still need the empire to sell them 30,000 weapons and sets of armor.  This is also a huge amount of money.

    At the same time, they also need a huge batch of food supplies.

    Want to get these.  The Ottomans must have paid something of equal value anyway.

    "It is simply impossible to be a white wolf with nothing."

    ¡°And the empire isn¡¯t that stupid, is it?

    In this regard, Mabond also has a bottom line.

    Although he wants to take this opportunity to intervene in Arab affairs, the problem is that if the price offered by the Ottomans is too low, it is impossible for his Majesty to take advantage of the Ottomans.

    ¡°Anyway, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. At worst, after the Serbian rebels stir up the entire Ottoman Empire, he can take action, right?

    If that time comes.  The benefits that the empire can gain will be even greater.

    But, at that time, many things will become much more troublesome.

    First of all, if you sit back and ignore it, let the Ottoman Empire turmoil.  Then they will not be able to support Portugal and France in the Mediterranean and put pressure on the fleets of the coalition of vassal states.

    This is very bad for Portugal and France.

    After all, Portugal and France don¡¯t have cheats like the Song Empire.  Originally, it was very difficult for them to deal with the coalition forces of the church princes.  If the Ottoman Empire had not exerted pressure on them on the other side of the coalition of vassal states, then the coalition of church vassal states would be able to use all their strength to deal with Portugal and France.

    Therefore, Mabond must consider this possible problem and avoid letting it happen.

    In other words, ensure the stability of the Ottoman Empire during this period.  Good for the empire.

    Because the Ottoman Empire was stable, the coalition forces of the church states could not use their full strength to deal with Portugal and France, and at the same time, the war in Europe could continue.

    Furthermore, it allowed the Ottomans to be involved in the whirlpool of war in Europe, so that they could not be distracted from other things.

    Thus.  This gave us a long period of stable development.

    However, there is currently a Serbian uprising in the Ottoman Empire.  It also gave the empire a chance.

    Mabond would be very reluctant if he did not seize this opportunity.

    You know, the empire has long had a peek at the future oil-rich areas in the deserts of the Middle East.

    And these areas happened to be under the control of the Ottoman Empire.

    ¡°If through this negotiation and the opportunity for continued help from the Ottomans, we can control those areas.  When His Highness Zhao Hongyu improves his 'administrative level' in the future, oil can be mined in these places.

    And this oil will be turned into a large amount of cash to support the rapid development of the empire.

    By that time, it may only take a few decades for the empire to step directly into the modern information society from the era of such semi-cold weapons.

    Mabond¡¯s previous conditions were very high. After the Ottoman Empire suppressed the uprising, he could getSome lands in the northern part of the Ottoman Empire.

    In other words, if the Ottomans want to get what they need, they have to give the Song Empire a piece of territory.

    However, among the conditions offered by Mabande, those territories were very important to the Ottoman Empire.  Those are areas rich in grain, so how could they be given to the Song Empire?

    This is simply impossible.

    You know, the Ottoman Empire was very large, but a large part of it was desert.

    Those areas are not capable of producing food.

    Especially when people in this era have no idea what kind of wealth is contained in the desert, food is particularly important.

    As long as the Ottomans are not stupid, it is absolutely impossible to give such an important place to the empire.

    After all, in this era, food and iron are national strategic materials.

    Especially in areas rich in these materials.

    "We will expand the concession here in Cairo and extend the period of your use."

    Prince Mustafa offered his terms.

    However, after hearing this, Mabond showed a mocking look on his face.

    "Your Highness, are you kidding me? You know how big the loan amount is, and how many weapons and armors you need from us."

    Do you think that such a price might make progress in the negotiations between us?

    To be honest, Prince Mustafa also knew that the price he just offered was not appropriate.

    ¡°But, he also does it for his own country, doesn¡¯t he?

    therefore.  It is best to achieve the purpose of this trip without damaging the interests of the country as much as possible.

    From this point of view.  Prince Mustafa is not a useless person.

    Time passed by, and the negotiations progressed slowly and arduously.

    MaBangde did not rush to tell what he really wanted, because he knew very well that if he said what he wanted too quickly, he would no longer have the initiative.

    Therefore, he had to argue with Prince Mustafa.

    Those desert areas were not important to the Ottomans at this time.

    If Mabond proposes it.  Then there is a 99% chance that the Ottomans will agree.

    But the problem is that the Ottomans are not stupid or idiots.

    The Song Empire wanted desert areas for no reason. The reason was likely to arouse the vigilance of the Ottomans, which would lead to some unpredictable troubles.

    Years old, Mabond patiently kept arguing with Prince Mustafa.

    ¡°I just hope that Mustafa¡¯s side won¡¯t worry too much when he comes up with real conditions.

    have to say.  Mabond is really careful.

    At the same time, it can be seen that he is a cautious person.

    When the negotiations lasted for more than three hours, Mabond saw that the time was almost up and finally said to Prince Mustafa: "Your Highness, we have been discussing for a long time, but I think we both have some differences on certain issues.  There are too many differences. If this continues, we will not be able to reach a consensus at all. In this case, it is better for us to take a step back, and you can just hand over a desert area near Persia to us. "

    A desert area near Persia?

    Prince Mustafa¡¯s eyes lit up.

    Compared to the grain-producing north, the desert area with nothing seems to be a really good choice.

    Besides.  The land that has been given away to people is not very big, so use these deserts with nothing in exchange for tens of millions of gold cheney.  There are also 30,000 weapons and armors which are pretty good too.

    "If it's a desert area, I think it won't be a big problem. But we are in a large desert area near Persia. I wonder where you want it?"

    Prince Mustafa pretended to ponder for a moment, then responded with a look of embarrassment on his face.

    Too fake!

    Mabond looked at Prince Mustafa¡¯s reaction, sneered in his heart, and then complained secretly.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? When you heard the conditions I proposed, you almost died laughing.

    "But you still pretend to be so embarrassed. Do you really think I'm a fool?"

    Those deserts are simply dispensable in the eyes of you Ottomans. Now you can use those dispensable deserts in exchange for tens of millions of gold coins, sophisticated weapons, armors, and food supplies. I want you to comeI will wake up laughing from my dreams.

    However, even though Mabond was complaining in his heart, he still wanted to accompany Prince Mustafa to continue acting.

    ¡°In fact, it¡¯s not just Prince Mustafa who is acting, so is Bond.

    In the end, Mustafa and Mabon reached an agreement amidst a series of false claims.

    The Ottoman Empire will hand over a small desert area near Persia, that is, the border of Iraq, to ??the Song Empire after the Song Empire meets the above conditions.

    From now on, it will be regarded as the territory of the Song Empire.

    It can be said that the Song Empire had another enclave outside the American continent.

    ¡° Moreover, there is terrifying wealth hidden under this enclave.

    The desert area chosen by Mabande is the Kuwait area that will occupy 25% of the world's oil reserves in the future.

    It can be said that the wealth contained under the desert in this area is really staggering.

    But, in this era, no one knows this.

    Today, for the Ottomans who control the desert areas, the desert is not a valuable thing.

    However, Prince Mustafa is still a little curious.

    He didn¡¯t understand or understand why, after all the negotiations, Mabond chose such a worthless desert?

    Therefore, after the two parties signed the agreement, Mustafa asked.

    In this regard, Mabond has already thought of an excuse.

    "Your Highness, the place we have chosen can be used to build a port. Although it is all desert and worthless, it can allow our fleet to arrive here from the east and have a place to rest on the way  .¡±

    But even this excuse is full of holes.

    Fortunately, Prince Mustafa really doesn¡¯t see the value of the desert, so he doesn¡¯t bother to delve into it.

    Is it possible that people from the Song Empire can still turn stones into gold in a world of yellow sand?

    Anyway, Prince Mustafa didn¡¯t believe that such a thing would happen.

    Moreover, the worthless desert can be exchanged for what Ottoman needs.  It seems that this negotiation of mine was quite successful.

    It can even be said that the Ottoman Empire did not pay anything at all.

    Hehe, when I go back, my father will be very happy.

    ¡°After all, I completed this mission very well, didn¡¯t I?

    ¡°Well, maybe the people of the Song Empire can reach such an agreement with themselves.  It's entirely because of my persistence, so I can definitely be considered a hero.

    Prince Mustafa was complacent in his heart.

    He believed that people in the Song Empire were all idiots.

    And he himself is a hero.

    However, the poor prince had no idea what kind of land he had handed over.

    Of course, even if it is not given to the Song Empire, that place will not be the land of the Ottoman Empire in the future.

    Now that the main thing has been done, Mustafa turned his head and glanced at his sister, Princess Nikita, who had been sitting in the corner, very quiet, and thought of the second thing he wanted to accomplish during this trip
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