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Text Chapter 1280 American Anecdotes (8)

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    It¡¯s different from Manhattan, Ontario, or even distant Quebec City.

    Because Jinshan City (San Francisco) on the east coast was built relatively late, many infrastructure constructions have not been completed. Therefore, at this time, the surrounding area of ??Jinshan is still in the midst of a booming construction boom.

    Because he knew Zhao Hongyu¡¯s plan, Wang Shan, who was appointed governor of Jinshan City, started building Jinshan¡¯s port and terminal facilities early in the initial planning.

    Therefore, when the first wave of immigrants from Daming landed, they set foot on a very solid port cement road.

    The entire Jinshan Port Terminal covers an area of ??approximately 30,000 acres.

    This is completely built according to the super port of later generations.

    Of course, due to time and technology reasons, the port¡¯s 30,000 acres of planned land have not been fully constructed.  But this does not mean that it will not be built in the future. At least it should be planned and occupied first.

    When the province wants to expand in the future, it will be troublesome if the land is not enough.

    The ragged immigrants from the Ming Dynasty walked out of the cabin and stepped onto the American soil from the deck.

    Each of their faces and eyes showed confusion and fear about the future.

    Thinking about it, according to Eastern thinking, people are cheap when they leave their hometown.

    Especially since they are so far away from Ming Dynasty, it is normal for them to feel uncertain about the future when they come to America.

    There was no welcome, no ceremony, only an imperial army of thousands of people greeted these Ming immigrants.

    Wang Shan also took advantage of his busy schedule and brought his guards to the port.

    He also wanted to see and experience what the people of Ming Dynasty were like in this era.

    However, after seeing these Ming immigrants, Wang Shan was very disappointed.

    You can¡¯t see any confidence from their faces. Apart from nervousness, there is fear of the unknown.

    This is completely different from the Chinese people in the empire.

    At the same time, the clothes of these immigrants from Ming Dynasty were in tatters.  No matter how you look at it, he looks like a beggar, not a serious immigrant.

    "Don't say it yet.  Wang Shan's idea is really correct.

    The contract signed by Zhao Hongyu and Zhu Shangwu at that time was for Zhu Shangwu to gather together the bankrupt people in the Ming Dynasty and the refugees affected by drought and floods, and then the government would come forward to integrate and package them and sell them to the empire.

    Because these people lost their homes and the environment they relied on to make a living, they had to flee to big cities in order to survive.

    However, because these people have no source of income, they will become a very unstable factor once they enter the surrounding areas of big cities.

    Often, these people will take desperate risks or even resist the government in order to survive.  Even gathering people together.  Pull up the pole and attack the town to become a bandit.

    Therefore, Zhu Shangwu and the big bosses of the Ming Dynasty would certainly not refuse a deal that could eliminate these unstable factors and make a profit at the same time.

    Therefore, as soon as Zhu Shangwu issued the imperial edict, he immediately started from the capital and went to various cities in the south.  The beggars, refugees, and even the prisoners were all sold to the empire.

    And it is precisely for this reason that how can these immigrants wear gorgeous clothes?

    after all.  They are all people at the bottom of society.

    "Anyone with some wealth will never come to America.

    The common people of the Ming Dynasty in this era had only a vague understanding of America and knew nothing about it.

    not to mention.  After the integration of Ming Dynasty, these people will be sent to Kyushu.  Then board the ship from Kyushu, and it takes almost four months of sailing to reach Jinshan.

    During this process, God knows whether we will encounter wind and waves on the sea.  And lost his life.

    Therefore, the people of Ming Dynasty can be said to be very secretive about America.

    Of course.  Those people sent to America by the imperial court were all groups with unsettling factors about stability.  Therefore, this matter was not resisted by the squires and officials, but they were very supportive.

    The reason is simple. If the prisoners, beggars and refugees are all dealt with, then they will become safer.

    It¡¯s just the pitiful Ming people who were forced to board the ship by the Ming army¡¯s swords and guns, sent to Kyushu, and then boarded the ship to America under the control of the Kyushu army.

    When we left Mingdi, the people on the shore were crying miserably, as if they were going to hell.

    Of course, for them, going to America is basically no different from sending death.

      And many people also know that they have been sold to the Song Empire by the Ming Dynasty. It can be said that they have become slaves of others since they set foot on the ship to Kyushu.

    Zhao Hongyu also declared this to the outside world.

    ¡° Miserable and miserable, this is the portrayal of the attitude of the Ming people who immigrated to America.

    Looking at the immigrants who were trembling like quails, with their heads lowered and not daring to look around, Wang Shan sighed in his heart.

    However, when he turned around and thought about it, Wang Shan was very happy again.

    The immigrants are honest and good, and at least they are easy to manage.

    "My Lord Governor, the escort officer wants to see you!"

    "Bring him here."

    On dozens of ships, immigrants are still landing one after another, and it will take a while before they can all be disembarked.

    Wang Shan is not in a hurry, and he doesn¡¯t care about the time anyway.

    A young man wearing a black imperial uniform came to Wang Shan under the guidance of the guards.

    Wang Shan sat on his horse and did not move. He just glanced at the young man.

    The young man stood still in front of Wang Shan, saluted a modern military salute, then straightened his body and said loudly: "Luo Cheng, the escort officer of the Kyushu Temporary Immigration Bureau, has met the Governor. This time, his subordinates transported a total of four Ming immigrants from Kyushu.  One thousand three hundred and sixty-two people, actually 4,213 people"

    After the four-month voyage, more than a hundred people were lost.

    Such losses are a lot for Wang Shan.

    ¡°After all, that¡¯s more than a hundred lives.

    However, for people of this era, it is a miracle that only more than a hundred people were lost on the ocean voyage.

    You know, ocean sailing in this era is not as comfortable as it is in modern times.

    Various diseases, hunger, and wind and waves can be fatal during the voyage.

    "How could so many people be lost?"

    Wang Shan asked coldly.

    The escort officer quickly replied: "Thirty-two of them were sick and could not be treated. The remaining people started riots during the voyage and were suppressed and killed"

    As soon as Wang Shan heard this.  His brows wrinkled slightly.

    What, there are still people who dare to riot!

    This is damn cool, just now I was thinking that these Mingren were honest and easy to manage.

    ¡°Is it possible that these Mingren are the kind of uneasy people?

    "What's going on? Why did they riot?"

    Regarding this question, Wang Shan quickly pursued the question.

    He must understand clearly what these Mingren are like.

    In this way, it will be easier for you to manage them.

    Wang Shan doesn¡¯t want these immigrants to have any impact on the stability of the Jinshan area after they come to America.

    Even if these people are of Chinese origin, that won¡¯t work.

    In short, the stability of the empire is above all else.  No one can make an impact.

    Wang Shan also doesn¡¯t mind using thunderous means to suppress hidden dangers that will have destructive effects.

    You must know that if the empire is unstable, there will be no way to develop.  And if the empire does not develop, the safety of people like them will not be guaranteed.

    Immediately afterwards, the escort officer talked about this incident during the voyage.

    The escort officer¡¯s narration was very concise and not too verbose.

    Within fifteen minutes, Wang Shan understood everything.

    "If the suppression is good, these people are a source of instability. Letting them live here will also have an impact on us. It seems that we need to carefully screen these immigrants."

    Wang Shan nodded towards the escort officer.

    "For your information, Your Majesty the Governor, we have screened these immigrants during the voyage and compiled them into a book."

    The young escort stretched out his hand into his arms.  He took out a notebook.

    The guard took the notebook, then walked up to Wang Shan and handed it to Wang Shan.

    Wang Shan opened the note and took a quick look at it, then closed it and held it in his hand.

    "Okay, you did a good job. I will put it in the record for you. But you also need to write a report on this matter and then return to Jiuzhou to submit it so that the Immigration Bureau will take this issue seriously. Daming  They even sold prisoners to us. We have to be careful."

    The young escort stood quietly, listening to Wang Shan's words.

    "Okay, you go and take a rest first. When will you return?"

      After Wang Shan finished speaking, he asked.

    The escort officer replied: "In three days."

    Nodding, Wang Shan said: "There is a large wine list at the port, which is under the jurisdiction of the Governor's Mansion. You can live there. I will send someone there. If there is anything missing, you can talk to the person I sent.  He will sort it out for you."

    The escort officer saluted, then turned and left.

    After more than four months of sea voyage, I really need to take a rest.

    However, three days of rest is definitely not enough, but what can he do.

    Wang Shan has no intention of paying attention to these Jiuzhou Immigration Bureau staff.

    He turned over and handed the roster in his hand to his adjutant. At the same time, he ordered: "Immediately screen according to the records on the roster. The refugees and bankrupts who have fled famine will be gathered together. Let them live in the immigration camp in the north of the city first.  If there are no problems after half a month, we will allocate land to them."

    The adjutant looked at the roster in his hand and asked, "Where are the beggars and prisoners?"

    Wang Shan sneered: "The beggar is a bit lazy, so he should be looked after alone. At the same time, he sent people to carry out propaganda and brainwashing. I think it shouldn't be a big problem to transform. But the prisoners couldn't do it. I heard that during the voyage, these people actually treated ordinary people.  I don¡¯t want them to become the overlords of Jinshan City in the future.¡±

    His adjutant understood what Wang Shan said.

    "Detain them in isolation, and let the urban management team manage them. I don't believe that we can't deal with them, and I don't even look at where this place is. Those who come here and want to play tricks are short-sighted.", the adjutant said with a sinister smile.  Made his own plan.

    Wang Shan heard this and smiled encouragingly.

    After receiving Wang Shan¡¯s order, the imperial soldiers surrounded the immigrants.

    The immigrants from the Ming Dynasty, who were already panic-stricken, became even more panicked when they saw this formation.




    Dad!  father!

    My son!

    For a moment, all kinds of noisy sounds started to sound.  (To be continued)
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