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Text Chapter 1275 American Anecdotes (3)

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    When Zhao Hongyu was still in America, the plan to build a railway between Manhattan and Ontario City had already been started and put into effect.

    At the same time, because of the agreement with Portugal and France in Europe, the Americas received many criminals from Portugal and France.  These criminals were sold to the empire for twenty silver coins, and the empire paid a one-time payment to both countries after receiving them.

    It can be said that this is legal human trafficking.

    The arrival of these criminals also eased the labor pressure on the empire.

    Furthermore, these criminals were used by the empire in high-intensity railway construction.

    It is precisely because of this labor force that the Empire was able to complete the construction of the railway from Ontario City to Manhattan in just three years.

    Of course, there must be some dark history of blood and tears of criminal workers.

    But, the empire doesn¡¯t care so much.

    After the completion of the railway between Ontario and Manhattan, the construction of the railway connecting the two cities of Ontario and Manhattan to Quebec City in the north began immediately.

    Therefore, those Portuguese and French criminal laborers who had been tortured into human form once again began their journey of blood and tears.

    For Portugal and France, these criminals, bankrupts and vagrants are completely uneasy factors in their country's rule.

    ¡°Many of these people have committed violent incidents against the rulers in power.

    Therefore, for these uneasy factors, if you lock them in a cell, you have to take care of their food.  Even a piece of moldy black bread a day is a loss.

    Under such considerations, Portugal and France have no reason not to accept the olive branch extended by the empire.

    In their eyes, these guys are a waste of food.  Rather than doing this, it would be better to sell it to the Song Empire.

    ¡° Moreover, the Song Empire¡¯s offer was not low.

    At the same time, it can also help them solve some economic pressures and uneasy factors in their own countries, so why would they not do such a thing.

    The Portuguese had just overthrown the Spanish rule, although they had restored Portugal's sovereignty and independence.  But the economy of conquest was a mess.

    If there is no large amount of economic support, then the outcome of the newly restored Portuguese will definitely not be good.

    Therefore, the population sale agreement between the Portuguese and the Song Empire was signed very smoothly.

    There is no way, who makes the Portuguese poor?

    ??Besides, the reason behind the success of Portugal's restoration was also because of the support of the Song Empire.

    Therefore, the relationship between Portugal and the Song Empire is now in the honeymoon period and is very good.

    Although France is not like Portugal, France also has a large economic deficit that needs to be filled.  Therefore, when the Song Empire appeared, the French immediately followed it.

    At the same time, there are also many unemployed vagrants and bankrupts in France. These people also pose great hidden dangers to the rule of the French royal family.

    In addition, the French royal family has not provided sufficient support in recent years, so many civil riots have broken out in the country.

    "If we kill all these people, we might as well sell them to the Song Empire to make some extra money."

    Therefore, the Song Empire and the criminal sale agreement obtained a large number of people from the two countries.

    For the Song Empire, what they lacked was labor force.

    If you can buy it with money.  Then the empire will not give up.

    ¡°At least, this is easier than war.

    In three years, Portugal and France alone sent approximately 700,000 criminals to the empire.

    It can be said.  These 700,000 criminals from Portugal and France made great contributions to the empire's railway construction.

    At the same time, in addition to criminals from the Prussian and French countries, there were also a large number of black slaves sold in the empire by Portuguese and French merchants who controlled the corridors from the Mediterranean to Africa.

    These black slaves were captured from Xi'an, Africa by businessmen from both countries.  Then sold to America.

    Its number is approximately 2 million.

    It¡¯s only been three years.

    Unexpectedly, Portuguese and French businessmen actually bought 2 million African slaves.

    This number is much more powerful than in another time and space.

    I don¡¯t know if it¡¯s because Zhao Hongyu appeared in this time and space.  Maybe it caused some butterfly effect.

    But in any case, with these 2 million black slaves, the labor pressure within the empire was relieved.

    In those farms set up by ethnic Chinese, you can see large numbers ofblack slaves working in the fields.

    ¡°These black slaves are hard-working and very honest, so they are very popular among Chinese farmers.

    You know, these people are slaves and don¡¯t need to be paid at all.  As long as you can give him enough food and a few clothes for a residence, it will be enough.

    Therefore, buying a black slave is a very cost-effective thing.

    Even Zhao Hongyu¡¯s father-in-law, Emma¡¯s father, the former leader of the Mohican tribe, now purchased more than 10,000 black slaves to work in the Black Bear Farm of the Mohican tribe in the Song Empire.

    Because the land in America is vast, as long as it is cultivated, there will be two large fields.

    Therefore, many farmers of Chinese origin appeared in the empire.

    It can be said that all Chinese people in the empire are rich and powerful.

    This can be regarded as a benefit that Zhao Hongyu gave to his Chinese descendants.

    As a group at the top of the empire¡¯s pyramid, Chinese descendants will certainly enjoy very generous welfare benefits.

    Under the Chinese people, there are the native American Indians.

    When the empire rose, they were shocked by the power of the Song Empire. Many Indian tribes, led by the Mohican tribe, joined the Song Empire and became imperial citizens.

    They gave up their original tribal names and became citizens of the Mohican tribe of the Song Empire.

    For a time, the power in Black Bear's hands swelled.

    However, despite the expansion of power, Black Bear is not very keen on power.

    And because the Mohicans felt the friendliness of the Song Empire, they all felt that their lives in the Song Empire were much easier than before, so after a few years, these Indians became loyal to the empire.

    Think about the life they lived before, and then look at the life they live now.

    As long as you are not a fool, you can easily make a choice.

    Because the Indians returned home, they became the backbone of the empire, and it can also be said that they became the stable cornerstone of the empire during this period.

    Huaxia descent is mostly distributed on the senior management of government departments, or the essence of real power.  It can be said that some policies of the empire must be decided by Chinese people.

    At the same time, military groups are mostly controlled by ethnic Chinese.

    The Indians inside the Empire are mostly grass -roots officials, or grass -roots military officers, and they are the Indians who have produced Huaxia people in the military.

    Although the empire has begun to slowly accept some Europeans, due to certain reasons and the special relationship with the current environment, only a few Europeans in the empire have such good luck.

    ¡° Moreover, most of them are just petty officials with bigger farts.  At the same time, they still manage things in the European-inhabited areas.

    The most important point is that Europeans who can become petty officials are absolutely brainwashed into being idiots for the empire.  If this were not the case, the empire would not accommodate Europeans as officials.

    Not even a petty official with a bigger fart can do it.

    Excluding the Chinese and Indians, the immigrants who came to the Americas from Europe, they basically worked at the bottom of the empire.

    For example, small traders collect manure, clean sewers, and work as lumberjacks.  Sweep the streets and so on.

    Especially at the docks of Manhattan Port, all the laborers are Europeans.

    ¡°Walking on the streets of Manhattan, those pulling rickshaws are also Europeans.

    It can be said that these European groups.  Bringing some energy to life in Manhattan.

    ??????????????????????? As long as these Europeans have a job, it¡¯s fine. They don¡¯t care whether the job is high or low.

    ?You know, even if it¡¯s taking a shit in Manhattan.  There is also an income of ** silver dollars a month.  This kind of income can keep the family fed and not hungry.

    The same goes for sewer cleaners.

    If you have some skills, be it a blacksmith or a carpenter or something.  Then your income will be more.

    People living in the Song Empire had a lot of money.

    No matter what, after those Europeans came to America, they immediately found that living here was much better than in Europe.

    At this time, wars broke out frequently in Europe. The nobles annexed the wealth and land of the lower class people, and the oppressed people could not survive at all.

    At the same time, the church men also used various excuses to exploit them.

    If the church master is dissatisfied, he can just find an excuse to close you to the Inquisition and make your life worse than death.

    ¡°And the economic situation in Europe is not good, and people can¡¯t find jobs at all.

    But if you don¡¯t have a job, then?There is a way to make money to support the family.

    Therefore, in order to survive, countless Europeans began to try their best to flee to America.

    The living environment in America is relatively relaxed. As long as you abide by the law, no one will come to trouble you.

    Looking at it horizontally and vertically, it is much stronger than Europe.

    Although organizations similar to churches have appeared in the Americas, this organization is not as dark as the church.

    ??Jiejiao never allows anyone to donate money, but instead provides subsidies to those whose families are in difficulty.

    Externally, the preachers of Jiejiao claimed that this was the mercy of the gods.

    However, because Europeans have been brainwashed and oppressed by the church for centuries, it is not easy to change them in a short time.

    Of course, interception is not without special means, but it also requires a process and time.

    It can be said that everything in the Song Empire established by Zhao Hongyu in America was developing in an orderly manner.

    It can be predicted that in the near future, the Song Empire will no longer have to worry about anything.

    Manhattan Railway Station is a three-story all-wooden structure building covering an area of ??1,000 acres.  On the outer walls of the building, some concrete was used for reinforcement.

    The Baroque-style train station is now a scene in Manhattan.

    In front of the train station, there is a large open-air square.

    The open-air square is paved with stone slabs, and there is also a medium-sized fountain.

    Zhang Tie arrived at the train station in a black carriage, escorted by more than a hundred guards.

    After the carriage stopped, Zhang Tieshi got out of the carriage calmly.

    Looking up at the words 'Manhattan Train Station', Zhang Tieguo smiled and walked up the marble steps.

    "Notify the stationmaster and ask him to send people to unload the goods immediately." Zhang Tie, who was about to enter the railway station hall, called out a guard and told him (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster  !
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